Ok, what about this, which is what I comfort myself with and could be complete bull....but when has that ever stopped me ... doesn\'t our planet go through changes on its own, didn\'t it way before us, like, isn\'t it perfectly normal for us to go in and out of ice ages, with varying degrees of climate changes as part of the natural order of things? There are powerful anti-environmentalist lobbies working against any acknowledgement of our role, whatever it may be, in damage to the ozone layer (they swear it\'s a hoax) and saying that these ideas are scare tactics put forth for subversive political reasons, also such things as protesting the US government\'s buying up private property to hold as protected environment, because the government now owns more land than the citizens....see, e.g., www.americanpolicy.org (I met this guy once and went out with him a couple of times before I realized he was nuts imo)It\'s hard to know what the truth is.