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  1. #1

    Default I\'m Looking for some help.

    I\'m new to Pheromoes and I\'m looking for a little advice. At the moment things are a little shaky with my girlfriend and I and I\'m looking to try some pheromones to try to spice things up a bit. The only problem is I have no idea what might be the best kind to start with. I have read different posts and it really seems that everyone has a different opinion about each brand. Is there one that anyone might suggest that might help me out a bit.

    If not one is there a good combination mix that someone might suggest ?

  2. #2

    Default Re: I\'m Looking for some help.

    My advice is when you’re with someone and close to them all the time, don’t overdo it with a ‘heavy-weight’ like The Edge or Primal Instinct. Try sticking to one of the lighter products, APC (Andro.. Pheromone Concentrate) seems to work extremely well in a dating situation. It’s oil based and can also be used as a cologne, I’m sure you’re going to ask what it smells like so here goes. When you put it on, it has a very strong soapy smell for the first 10-20 minutes. After that it smells extremely pleasant, but I can’t exactly explain what it’s like, I can only tell you that everyone seems to love it.

    Since APC doesn’t have that much of a kick, I’d have to suggest mixing it with something like NPA (New Pheromone Additive). This way you can adjust the mix(strength) based on whether you’re going out with your girl friend, or if you want a little extra kick to impress the guys when you head out hunting for women.

    Let us know how it goes and what you decide on.


  3. #3

    Default Re: I\'m Looking for some help.

    I think I may already know the answer to the question that is rolling around in my head, but I will ask anyway. Before I had a chance to get any Phero\'s, my girfriend and I broke up. I\'m still a bit unclear exactly what went wrong, but I know for sure it was not because of another guy. I have talked with her, but have never been able to get a definate answer out of her. I have a good idea what caused the break and that is that she became a bit spooked in our relationship.

    We have been together for 2 years and she is a bit younger than me and still is unsure of what she want\'s. I believe that she was afraid that if she stayed in this relationship that she knew that it would probably lead to us getting married and that scared her a bit.

    I truly love this girl and that is why I am looking for advice. We have agreed to stay friends and we are in contact with eachother. I have yet to see her since our break, but we still talk. That is where the hard part comes in. We have not got together and probably will not anytime soon because she is afraid that she is not ready for us to see eachother again so soon.

    I have her birthday coming up soon and here is where my question comes in. I plan on trying to get together to take her out for her birthday, but if that does not happen I have things that I already had bought for her birthday that I plan to send to her. Would it be possible to spray Phero\'s on some of the things that I ship along with some of my cologne. Would this have any effect at all ? If we do go out and I do wear Phero\'s could this help at all. It\'s not that she has developed bad feeling towards me as much as it is that she has been spooked a bit by the possability of the future..

    As you can probably tell I still love this girl very much and want to try whatever I can. It would be easier if we still ran into eachother regularly, but unfortunatley that will not be the case..

    Any suggestions or help would be very appreciated..

  4. #4
    Administrator Bruce's Avatar
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    Default Re: I\'m Looking for some help.

    I noticed you live in NH. It is so beautiful up there in the summer and fall, isn\'t it? I used to spend every summer there (little town called Mason on the MA border) while I was going to school in Boston. I worked as a carpenter and used to go to the contra dances in the small towns a couple nights a week. It is the best place to meet women that has ever existed. If I were you, I would:
    1. Spend a LOT of free time outdoors this Fall and get your head cleared out. Let the past die with the colored leaves, and get ready for the new you.
    2. Learn how to contra dance, and start going to the dances. You will meet dozens of single women of any age you want.

    It is possible your problems with your present gf are chemical, since it sounds like you are getting along OK, but there is not enough fire. So, I would give the pheros a try (don\'t be afraid of adding some Edge or NPA to that APC, just keep it light at first), but I would get out and meet some new women too (dancing) as that will give you more confidence and natural pheros at the same time.

    Good Luck,

  5. #5
    PheroWizard oscar's Avatar
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    Default Re: I\'m Looking for some help.


    You used the words \"scared\",\"spooked\" and \"afraid\" in reference to your girlfriend. IF what she\'s afraid of is your dominance,whether natural,phero-induced, or a combination of both,the LAST thing you want to do is send heavy Androstenone messages her way.(You may not BE a dominating guy per se, but the fact that she\'s younger she MAY SEE you as such.)

    On the contrary,I would recommend a subtle,stealth-like, Androstenol approach.Go for the friendly, giddiness Phero.Find a way of spritzing some PF on her card or gift,and wear some Lure (A-noL only),or Attraction (some A-None,but heavier on the A-noL).

    The same part of the brain that gets Phero signals also triggers the \"Flight or Fight\" response.(I always forget how to spell hyperthalamus.)

    Dude,if she\'s ALREADY flying, DON\'T put \"High-Test\" in her tank!

    That would be my Rx.

    Good Luck,
    Oscar [img]images/icons/wink.gif[/img]

  6. #6

    Default Re: I\'m Looking for some help.

    It can help but won\'t solve anything. I haven\'t tested this mix but people like TE and Alter Ego or TE and Attraction. I\'m a big NPA fan so I\'d say try NPA and Attraction or NPA and APC which is my favorite. I know this one works. This may re-activate some attraction to you but you\'ll have to do the rest.

    My advice, don\'t tell her you want to get back together. Just start going out with her and keep in touch. Don\'t pressure her or any of that (as much as I know you want to) just treat her well and treat her like you treated her originally. Also don\'t be a victim of the friends with benefits thing. If she\'s a friend and you go out treat her like a friend go dutch (unless you\'re feeling real nice that day). Sometimes girls will play on that confusion of are we together or not the familiarity point. Don\'t go that route, but don\'t be mean either. Be her friend but do let her know you love her.

  7. #7

    Default Re: I\'m Looking for some help.

    Thanks for the great advice guys.. Bruce the season change is just about in bloom up here and it is gorgeous.

    About my situation I have a little more info.. Last night my girlfriend and I went out for the first time since we broke up. Up until this point I was not completely sure what had happened. I only knew that I had just lost a 2 year relationship with the girl that I love very much. Well we discussed a lot towards the end of the night and this is what I found out.

    At the beginning of our relationship we did a lot together.. We talked and went out quite often. Well I guess you can say after awhile we fell into a rut and we were not communicating enough and didn\'t do as much. I found out that she is still very much attracted to me and that the reason she ended things is that she feels the spark is gone.

    Well I guess you could say it may be a little late, but I have really put my but in gear.. I would give anything to get this girl back and show her how much she means to me. After talking for awhile we decided to stay friends, not just the typical lets be friends and then never hear from eachother again. We decided that we would keep in touch and that we would do things together.

    We are not together, we are just friends right now, but she agreed to keep an open mind as we go along and I vowed to show her that things can be different between us. Obviously I know what I have to do on my part to get her back, but I was looking to get some advice from any of you on if you think the use of Phermones might help ??

    Is there any combination that might help as I attempt to gain back the woman I love ?? I know there were a few mentioned previously, but now I have more info that she is still attracted to me.. I guess what I\'m looking for is something that is going to really highten her senses when we go out.. Any suggestions ??

    I don\'t want to walk away from this without a fight. I was stupid for letting things get to this point and now I want to try to gain her back..

  8. #8

    Default Re: I\'m Looking for some help.

    Thanks for the advice Jambat. I just placed an order this morning for NPA & APC as you suggested. It sounds like you really know what you are talking about judging from the past posts and I believe the mix is a 30% - 70% combo. I hope to get it soon and try it out.

    I know it will not cure my problem with her, but any advantage to help me along would be great. It\'s good to get advice from some of the experts on Pheromones. Thanks again and I will keep you posted with any results that I may get.

  9. #9

    Default Re: I\'m Looking for some help.

    Well I got my NPA & APC on Friday and I went to work mixing it up.. The problem is that I do not have a spray bottle.. I do have a small bottle with a roll on top which is what I used. I mixed the combo as mentioned a 70 - 30 mix.. My first night out was not a big hit for me as I expected. Not sure if I put on to much or to little. It\'s a bit hard to determine the amount with a roll on.. I put a small amount on my wrist and then pressed it against my other wrist and then put some behind my ear. I would say I used about a quarter sized circle on the wrist and a dab behind the ear.

    Well that was my first attempt.. I will keep plugging away because I\'m sure that this stuff works, I just need to find the right amount.. I\'ll keep you posted..

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