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  1. #1

    Default ~ The Great Virgin Test ~ ver. 1.1

    All of what I post here is true, I have no reason to lie.
    I never slept with my sister in law, I know I could have and for the preservation of may things I did not. My wife never found out about any of it.
    As for the virgin, I have not lied to her and do not plan on it. She knows my age and that I am married. I only have hopes of sleeping with her during the time of this next meeting with her, however I know the odds are aginst me, just as my Karma might also be. Over time I do hope to become her \"first\" and so I figure why not come up with a good high class Pheromone to use as an anchor in her mind, as for her to always connect this rare smell with her first time.
    So back to my question, what would be the best Pheromone for such an \"event\" ?

  2. #2
    Phero Pro
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    Default Re: ~ The Great Virgin Test ~ ver. 1.1

    \"Essence of Weasel\"

  3. #3

    Default Re: ~ The Great Virgin Test ~ ver. 1.1


    I think we already gave you some hints in the other thread...

  4. #4

    Default Re: ~ The Great Virgin Test ~ ver. 1.1

    Eau de la Porcine

  5. #5
    Banned User Elana's Avatar
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    Default Re: ~ The Great Virgin Test ~ ver. 1.1

    fragrance de la oink

  6. #6

    Default Re: ~ The Great Virgin Test ~ ver. 1.1


    I call you that because that\'s what you are. I read the thread back in February of this year. I thought you were a bull shitter then, and nothing has changed now. I am not attacking you as a person! I am attacking you as a man. I am tired of being catorgorized as someone who thinks with his small head. A real man doesn\'t think like you do. You are 37 years old and you think, and lie, like I did when I was 15 years old. Do you think that is normal? You started a new thread today after how many months??? What\'s the matter clown, not enough attention lately??? Now you start a new thread because you feel really ignored! Not enough attacks from the first thread, ha? Ghostclown, are you a man, or a boy? Tell everyone who you really are, they will like you a lot better than what you are trying to make yourself to be now. To all those who encouraged ghostclown in the February thread, you should be ashamed of yourselves.


  7. #7

    Default Re: ~ The Great Virgin Test ~ ver. 1.1

    \"Knee to the Groin\"

  8. #8

    Default Re: ~ The Great Virgin Test ~ ver. 1.1

    No! A smack upside the head....

  9. #9
    Phero Pharaoh
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    Default Re: ~ The Great Virgin Test ~ ver. 1.1

    No, a slap with a 5,000 page phero manual! *grin*

    - Krish

  10. #10

    Default Re: ~ The Great Virgin Test ~ ver. 1.1

    In most cases the more one feels the need to make judgments on others the more likely it is the judger lives in a small,restricted box of rules and feels all people see life as he, or should.
    The things we see in others that we do not like, tend to also tell us much about ourselfs.
    I was most sure that the bulk of the posters here could not deal with the simple question without making judgements.

  11. #11

    Default Re: ~ The Great Virgin Test ~ ver. 1.1


    This is what you want! I won\'t lower myself to your level. You won\'t get any attention here. Stop, quoting others. DO YOU HAVE A MIND OF YOUR OWN????

  12. #12

    Default Re: ~ The Great Virgin Test ~ ver. 1.1

    Bye the way ghostcown, I have a million short comings, but not even close to yours....

  13. #13
    Phero Dude xxxPantero's Avatar
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    Default Re: ~ The Great Virgin Test ~ ver. 1.1


    well, people will live their own lives, and we might not agree with their actions - that\'s our right, i guess
    and if you guys don\'t want to give him any help, that\'s your right too (it\'s a double-edged sword, ghost-clown, this whole free speech thing)

    anyway, i\'m not an expert at pheros or anything - maybe PI/m or PAN might work... who know? try the cookbook.

  14. #14

    Default Re: ~ The Great Virgin Test ~ ver. 1.1

    I\'m not too concerned one way or the other, with what type of person you are. One thing I suggest is to read through as many messages as you can to find your answers, even if you have to do search. Other peoples questions may be similar to yours so the answer would be close too. Ok, people on here are against you at this point so the continued use of that ID to ask questions will probably do you little good. With that said, apc while supposedly weak seems to do good on younger women gets them flustered and, or confused at times as well as friendly. Now I can\'t tell you the exact ratio of this mix because I mixed this one to smell but it seems to do fairly well. First I started with Joop! for Men perfume oil, the stuff without alcohol or water so it is very strong, and mixed it with APC (men\'s) got it smelling pretty good, it had good results too. Ok so then I got in my newbie kit, took the atomizer and added to it the Joop!/APC mix, to that I added fairly equal amounts of musk oil and The Edge, got all 4 products to quantities that smelled pretty good. What I do with that mix is to spray a few sprays on the put part of a pack of SOE gel on. This seems to work pretty well, haven\'t used it to target anyone specific though. Seems like SOE gel and some PCC might work well for a known female that you want to get to know better. You might do a search on SOE and PCC separately on here to get a good idea of how they were succesful for people and the sitsuations were they used them in.

  15. #15
    Phero Pharaoh BassMan's Avatar
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    Default Re: ~ The Great Virgin Test ~ ver. 1.1

    <blockquote><font class=\"small\">In reply to:</font><hr>

    In most cases the more one feels the need to make judgments on others the more likely it is the judger lives in a small,restricted box of rules and feels all people see life as he, or should.
    The things we see in others that we do not like, tend to also tell us much about ourselfs.
    I was most sure that the bulk of the posters here could not deal with the simple question without making judgements.

    <hr></blockquote>Your posts indicate that you are a master of philosophic rationalization. Fine. If that\'s what turns you on, have fun. Keep that right hand happy. Yo?

    If you are _really_ asleep enough to think that you can send out the sort of disingenious crap that you do without provoking polarizations on the part of your audience (which you, through your own lack of vocabularic sophistication, choose to label as \"judgments\"), well there is just no real response on our end that could break thorough your illusion. Enjoy yourself. Be happy. Have fun. But do be aware that those of us who can see through you, do.

    You needn\'t bother with yet another rationalization. Unless you simply want us to laugh. Clown.

    If, of course, I have _completely_ overestimated you, and you are simply trolling, feel free to reply with some sort of argumentative nonsense. I\'m sure you can suck _somebody_ in...

  16. #16

    Default Re: ~ The Great Virgin Test ~ ver. 1.1

    \"The things we see in others that we do not like, tend to also tell us much about ourselfs.\" [sic]Yeah, you\'re SO revealing. What would we do without you to hold up the mirror for us? ... I guess you\'re right - we wouldn\'t like it in ourselves if we found ourselves wanting to screw our inlaws or travel to another town to deflower a virgin and then abandon her. Dunno, maybe it\'s just me, but I\'m not sure any of us should feel our lives are too very constricted because we make the judgment that your aspirations to sexual behavior go beyond the pale. I say \"aspirations\" because, as far as I know, you haven\'t been able to close on these escapades you fantasize. Karma working against you? More like you\'ve got a guardian angel that kept you from wreaking the total havoc on your wife\'s life and heart that you would have wrought to serve your own ego.Making judgments is part of being a thinking, responsible human being.However, if you think we\'re so narrow minded, why do you post? And what do you do with yourself when you\'re not spouting cant?

  17. #17
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    Default Re: ~ The Great Virgin Test ~ ver. 1.1

    Hi GC,

    Last time around I jumped on your case regarding your sis-in-law but I have since come to see the error of my ways; I\'m going to help you out here.

    I personally know of 8 virgin women who were \"deflowered\" just this past week. Every one of the guys was wearing this new phero (available exclusively right here at Love-Scent). It\'s called EW....stands for Essence of Woman. The trick to using this stuff for virgins is you wait until you\'re together...then excuse yourself to use the bathroom. EW has been carefully measured out for ONE application only. You MUST use the entire bottle!! Spread it all over your body....even in your hair and especially the pubic area.

    Try it and let us know how it works out for you.


  18. #18
    Banned User Elana's Avatar
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    Default Re: ~ The Great Virgin Test ~ ver. 1.1

    I would 2nd the EW undiluted idea. That is how to get a woman into bed. We looooove EW. It\'s smells really strong at first, but the smell fades quickly and makes a man look like a piece of meat. Yummy!

  19. #19
    Bodhi Satva CptKipling's Avatar
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    Default Re: ~ The Great Virgin Test ~ ver. 1.1

    GC, your a mess.

    A fool even, a dilusional fool.

    I would like to see if you could come up with a responce to my arguments that were actually accurate and even slightly scathing, because so far your counter-arguments have just made me laugh.

    You have real issues, I\'m surprised you got so far in life to actually get a wife (all my sympathy to her), or even be capable of mustering the intelligence to post here. Credit to you. Must have been hard.

    I cant tell from your posts, but if you are even slightly surpirsed that help isn\'t forthcoming, then I have also overestimated you. The people actually giving you advice I take issue with.

    However, I suspect that you are just another sad troll, with no life, and no balls.

  20. #20

    Default Re: ~ The Great Virgin Test ~ ver. 1.1

    ditto, to that!

  21. #21
    Phero Pharaoh BassMan's Avatar
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    Default Re: ~ The Great Virgin Test ~ ver. 1.1

    <blockquote><font class=\"small\">In reply to:</font><hr>

    However, I suspect that you are just another sad troll, with no life, and no balls.

    <hr></blockquote>You really think he\'s just trolling?

  22. #22

    Default Re: ~ The Great Virgin Test ~ ver. 1.1

    Bassman, there\'s something very odd about this guy. Late last night he spent I-don\'t-know-how-long studying his two \"Great Virgin Test\" posts. Whether the details of his stories are true or not, he\'s definitely jerking our chains and getting off on it.

  23. #23
    Phero Pharaoh BassMan's Avatar
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    Default Re: ~ The Great Virgin Test ~ ver. 1.1

    <blockquote><font class=\"small\">In reply to:</font><hr>

    Bassman, there\'s something very odd about this guy. Late last night he spent I-don\'t-know-how-long studying his two \"Great Virgin Test\" posts. Whether the details of his stories are true or not, he\'s definitely jerking our chains and getting off on it.

    <hr></blockquote>Maybe he\'s a perv who\'s into humiliation? [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  24. #24
    Bodhi Satva CptKipling's Avatar
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    Default Re: ~ The Great Virgin Test ~ ver. 1.1

    Exactly, I mean he cant seriously expect help for his cause.

  25. #25

    Default Re: ~ The Great Virgin Test ~ ver. 1.1

    Well, you notice he laid low for a long time and didn\'t surface again until he was accidentally mentioned re the sister in law thing, and then up he pops with another fantastic story and a pseudo question.

    I think he\'s a wanker and a psycho.

  26. #26

    Default Re: ~ The Great Virgin Test ~ ver. 1.1

    Whether the details of his stories are true or not, he\'s definitely jerking our chains and getting off on it.

    I agree. I told him as much last night when I replied to his post. He\'s doing it for attention, nothing else.

  27. #27

    Default Re: ~ The Great Virgin Test ~ ver. 1.1

    Maybe he\'s a perv who\'s into humiliation?

    I think he\'s a child looking for attention. He\'ll take any attention he can get. Even if it\'s negative.

  28. #28

    Default Re: ~ The Great Virgin Test ~ ver. 1.1

    ok people now all yall seem to think you have ghostclown figured out but yet you stupidly fall into his trap. Thats if your even right abouth him. I just don\'t see how the [censored] any one in this forum can judge anybody that nobody has ever actually met in real life. If he wants to deflower a virgin thats his choice and all choices have consequences. We shouldn\'t devote so much time on this forum to judging others , it just brings us alll down to a lower level of ethics. I am addressing everyone generally and not judging just staing we need to spend less time doing it, but those who are so quick to judge are getting off on judging. the wisest person to ever walk the earth said let he who has not sinned cast the first stone. So if you want to help ghostclown help him, if not thats your choice and should be respected. i think i speak for the majority of pheromone users we come here to imprve our knowledge and use of pheromones not to be judges and lawyers!!!!! Thats all i have to say i know those who want to judge will want to judge me but lets just try not to for the better meant of the forum. Lets keep from throing so many stones.

  29. #29
    Bodhi Satva CptKipling's Avatar
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    Default Re: ~ The Great Virgin Test ~ ver. 1.1

    Good points ND, your right.

    I\'m officially no longer wasting my time on this topic, energies better spent else where.

  30. #30
    King of the coupons!
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    Default Re: ~ The Great Virgin Test ~ ver. 1.1

    I\'m on your team Nate Dogg, let Chester the Malester come to his doom on his own terms. This forum has become something else. Help, hits, and good ideas people!!! If the Clown wants to deflower a!!! If it was my daughter Clown, you\'d get deflowered. Since it\'s not...May the God have mercy on you. Geeeez!!! I got on the bus too!! Hits anyone!!?

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