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  1. #1
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    Default OOT:Weight Training Advice

    Forgive me if this has already been discussed,but I was wondering what are the best exercises to do? And I was wondering if there are any exercises that work almost the entire body? I would especially like to hear from Proteus,Watcher,and anyone that lifts weights if that\'s possible.Thanks.

  2. #2

    Default Re: OOT:Weight Training Advice

    Squats, Dead Lifts, and Bench Press build the foundation. Everything else works a specific muscle group. Build a good foundation and the rest will follow. Buy the book \"Brawn\". It will tell you everything you need to know. If you want only one exercise then I would recommend the squat. Be safe and always use a spotter!


  3. #3
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: OOT:Weight Training Advice

    Well I\'ll give what input I can but you really should check out as that is a really indepth weight training/exercise site with tons of info for newbies/pros such as training routines, nutrition, supplementation etc. - for someone starting out it\'s a good place to get some really high quality advice.

    Having said that, Sigipa is right that the bench press, squats and deadlifts are fundamental and just doing those alone will generally work most muscle groups. However, you will need to isolate specific groups and the basics I use for each of the following muscle groups are:

    Arms: barbell or dumbell curls for biceps
    tricep kickbacks (using dumbells) for triceps

    Back: Lat pulldowns

    Shoulders: behind-the-neck press

    Abs: Lower abs - leg raises
    Upper abs - crunches

    Calves: calve raises

    these are the fundamentals I do including the already mentioned squats, bench press and deadlifts but then there are so many exercises/routines etc and additional stuff like cardio,nutrition etc that I haven\'t mentioned as this post would turn into a book :-) . I always aim for 10-12 reps and 4 sets for each exercise. Also, for a beginner it\'s important to watch out for overtraining so start out slow, use relatively light weight (IOW somewhat heavy but not so heavy that you are really straining - you can\'t start out bench pressing 300 lbs) , working out maybe 3 times per week doing each of the basics and then as you make progress you could advance to splitting bodyparts and working out somewhat more regularly e.g. two day splits - two days on and one day off each work per week. As I said, check out as it will describe all of the above in much greater detail and check out the link immediately below as it is the beginners area at

    Hope this helps.

  4. #4
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    Default Re: OOT:Weight Training Advice

    i bench more than anything elsei started last year near the end of school and now my chest is huge [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img] i look buff... heh...anyway yeah bench squat and deadlift they are the most important

  5. #5

    Default Re: OOT:Weight Training Advice

    Ok this is the question for me, as im a fitness instructor!!!
    If your looking for a complete workout, i strongly suggest a cross country skier, this will get your whole body burning, and give you a really good toned body!!
    If your looking for a muscular body, followed proteus\'s suggestion, as it sounds pretty good [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  6. #6

    Default Re: OOT:Weight Training Advice


    Sorry, I didn\'t have the time to do this justice before. Body building, like pheros, is very specific to the individual. You can\'t just go to a web site and get a routine from someone else that will work for you. The advice from most of the professional body builders will NOT work for most people. These guys are among a very small percentage of genetically gifted individuals. Before you get into buying supplements and various other stuff, PLEASE get the book I recommended. This book is the best one I\'ve seen for the avarage guy. It will probably cost you less than your first supplement purchase. I\'m not trying to sell copies of this book. I have no interest or connection to the thing. I just hate to see someone put forth a lot of effort and spend a lot of money for nothing.

    You can find it at

    Good Luck,

  7. #7
    Phero Pro
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    Default Re: OOT:Weight Training Advice

    Lots of free weight (machines are good too but not a replacement) compound movements (movements where you bend at more than one joint) so the above mentioned squats, deads, and benchs. Throw in some type of row also. And get someone to show you how to do them properly, for safety sake and the effectivness of the movement.

  8. #8
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    Default Re: OOT:Weight Training Advice

    Hi Guys,Thanks for all the information.I greatly appreciate it.I will definitely buy that book you suggested Sigipa.One more question \"The Clean and Jerk\" or \"the Snatch\" a good exercise to do? Once again,Thanks Guys.

  9. #9

    Default Re: OOT:Weight Training Advice

    I dunno but they sure sound like fun!

  10. #10
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    Default Re: OOT:Weight Training Advice

    <sigh> [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/tongue.gif[/img]

  11. #11

    Default Re: OOT:Weight Training Advice

    damn with that attitude full i don\'t think you need pheromones just something to clean and jerk

  12. #12

    Default Re: OOT:Weight Training Advice


    I don\'t recommend those two personally, because your much more likely to get injured. The straight or bent legged dead lift is much better. You want to make your lift slow and deliberate with good form to get the maximum benefit. All of this info is in that book I recommended.

    Actually, there is another book in that series that is devoted to performing all of the lifts properly with good form. It also goes into descriptions of each with the various muscle groups worked.


  13. #13
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    Default Re: OOT:Weight Training Advice

    Thanks sigipa,I\'ll stick to the basic 3 and buy the book.

  14. #14
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    Default Re: OOT:Weight Training Advice

    Listen, lol...Doing curls, isn\'t going to make you grow, if it DID, than, why are all them small dudes who are doing curls have small arms? It\'s when you release the most testosterone that you grow, Ie, the BIG 3.....And, plus, you\'ll be in better proportion. I mean, you can add a BIT of size on the biceps doing curls, but, I mean, you\'re not going to get BIGGER than you already are unless you somehow release more tesosterone....And, get the big muscles up...


  15. #15
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    Default Re: OOT:Weight Training Advice

    Hmm,you\'re right about that Marv.Tell me,what exercises do you perform to get you all bulked up?(even though I\'m sticking to the Big 3 right now).

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