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  1. #1
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    Default pheromones not working?

    hey everyone, just wondering if i can get a question answered-- what am i doing wrong?

    i've been wearing NPA (unscented) and Chikara spray a couple days a week for probably a month now, to absolutely no effect. i've been wearing them out to clubs, bars, restaurants, or even to college classes or the gym and have gotten no reactions. a girl friend told me i smelled really good once, but that's it. i can't smell the pheromones, so i started low and kept working my way up until i was wearing 3 dabs of NPA and 3 sprays of Chikara, and still no OD or anything.

    BTW im a white, skinny male, 21, and probably a 6 or 6.5/10.

    i've tried all the different combinations--NPA mixed with cologne, by itself on the neck or chest, or covered with another scent. Chikara on the neck, wrists, etc. but i also noticed the smell of the Chikara fades pretty quickly, so does anyone know anything about skin absorption rates? maybe mine just absorbs the pheros really fast.

    anyways guys, thanks for the help if you can give it.


  2. #2
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    At your age yes you may have a OD going on. Try one or two dabs of NPA at the most. I also think SOE would be a good choice to wear with NPA at your age. Don't give up. Also it's also a good idea to take a few days off each week from wearing mones. Good luck
    Motivation is what gets you started habit is what keeps you going.

  3. #3
    Phero Dude Surreal's Avatar
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    Yes, there is a 'less is more' thing going on with -mones. Two much and the receptors, in a sense, shut down. I think the term 'ghosting' comes with this. As in, because of the shut down, you are no longer visible to the other person. Which is a subset of ODing.

    The amount of -mones you are using is too much. For me, 2 sprays of C7 is golden. Anything more is counterproductive.

    Take a few days break to come down to normal levels and start up only using small amounts. It's painful to start slow, but it is a necessity. One spray C7, then two, back down to one, etc...

    Also, hits are mostly subtle. For example, the girl next to me in class (in a tech lab at computer stations) when talking I looked something on the web about the topic of conversation and she leaned in real close to read the screen. Knowing her for two months now this is not normal (she was kissing close). That particular day I was wearing a super mix (tons of SoE, AE, A314). It's up to you to notice those subtle changes in people. Sometimes it's a door opening wide with a friendly person greeting you and other times it's a window cracked gently open.

    "The whole world must learn of our peaceful ways, by force!"

  4. #4
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    thanks for the thoughts, ontimenow and surreal--makes sense, impatience usually gets the better of me

    i'll post if i see any hits after taking a few days off then starting slow

  5. #5
    Journeyman Crash's Avatar
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    I'll give you some advice.Take the NPA and put it away for a good 10 years before you start experimenting with that powerful stuff.It's probably worked once for me and I'm 24.Not only that but you are stacking mones here.Don't do that either until you establish a mone signature with one product first.Try a spray of chikara a day.Watch for reactions no matter how suttle they are.Listen, go pick up some Soe and start using that.I can guarantee great success with you and soon you might be talking to woman regularly.So stop stacking mones for now and start taking notes day by day.See what works and see what doesn't.A lot of people don't think the mones are working and add more later on to which they have an OD effect.Be careful and have fun.

  6. #6
    Phero Dude
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    That's some good advice Crash. Remember me? It's been a while since I posted my logs. I would also like to add that he should be approaching women. If you don't show confidence and take the lead no mones will work their magic. At most they'll get you smiles and looks if you look at a woman. But to get anywhere you have to have a game plan. There are plenty of books on this subject. Mones only enhance what you put out. I'll like to know what he is saying to these women as well as what mone combos he is wearing.


  7. #7
    Journeyman Crash's Avatar
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    Wow HornyMan you're back.Haven't heard from that familiar name in awhile.Blohan if anything he is right.Go to Barnes & Noble or whatever book store you have and lurk around the relationship/self-help section.I've purchased many books on picking up woman and also recommend joining with a local group of guys that go sarging for woman.I've learned a lot from them.I digress . . . Nice to see you're back HM.Keep us posted on some new logs will ya!

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by HornyMan View Post
    That's some good advice Crash. Remember me? It's been a while since I posted my logs. I would also like to add that he should be approaching women. If you don't show confidence and take the lead no mones will work their magic. At most they'll get you smiles and looks if you look at a woman. But to get anywhere you have to have a game plan. There are plenty of books on this subject. Mones only enhance what you put out. I'll like to know what he is saying to these women as well as what mone combos he is wearing.

    Thanks again for the advice, guys. Yeah HM, i've read books like The Game, so I hear where youre coming from with that. And yes, I've been interacting with the women around me when I'm out--I was actually going to wait longer to reply so I'd have more to report, but I saw a lot of hits when I went bar-hopping last week with only one spray of Chikara and 1 dab of NPA. I was definitely ghost-OD'ing up until that night--all the girls were suddenly giving me looks and touching me any moment they could. It was also ladies' night, and they were ALL offering me their drinks the entire was the cheapest night out I've ever had. Probably had three or four girls I could have chosen from that night, but I was chasing after one in particular and didn't see any action from her. AWESOME night though...can't wait to go out and try the mones again.

    Per Crash's advice, I'll try out Chikara just by itself for a couple days and see how it works. I suppose I REALLY underestimated how powerful these products are...

  9. #9
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    Also try SoE and A7 combo that's only thing its working on me. I am 22. I have been using that combo from over yr now. I was shy before, I Google lot of stuff and research and I ended up this forum and got me different spray from here and tried lot for like 5 months, in process I ended up making some mad girls also got rejected because of strong smell more like complains. But I found my balance of perfect lvl 2 SoE gel pack and no more then 4 drops of A7. using it from last 6 to 7 months. Now suddenly shy guy like me got popular in girls at my collage :P
    Just smell it self does not work. You need little user input. Make them smile laugh and have your self some self confidence. I am pretty happy with this stuff. Even though I am in relationship now with one of hottest girls from my class I used SoE and A7 to get her lol. I did got rejected few time because lack of balance in my A7, but i tried again and now I am happy. I still use SoE and A7 in random times to get stuff out of her. Remember this using same combo for long time it seems to does not work so once in full moon do change around stuff for some times and try new stuff, and after few try go back to old combo. Hopefully stuff works for u.

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