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  1. #1
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    Sep 2007
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    Default Salute and report from yesterday - today - night - day

    Hi. I´m from Czech republic. I´m 25 years old average guy. After a long time (maybe 2 years) I found old pheros in my drawer. I said to myself : Let´s go out and try if it still works. So I looked at forum here, read some posts (to refresh my mind) largely by old experienced users and after some time I decided to use 1 drop Alpha 7 and 4 drops SOE + 5 drops woody scent perfume. I mixed that and painted myself with that . It was applied to neck and small amount to wrists. And fun began. I didn´t expect almost nothing. My first experience. Barmaid was chatty, flirty, smiled a lot . Second, I approached a table with 4 milfs if there is a free place to sit down. I didn´t even finish the sentence and one of them said yes. They looked one on another for a while then one of them started whispering to others ear and they smiled on me. I just chat. After a while my attention captured 3 hot girls entering club. So I turned my sight in their direction. After like minute or two, milf next to me started to try to have something with me. She started knocking with her leg on my chair and accidentally touching my arm, playing with her hair. First it was lightly and then she wanted me so badly, so she then knocked so hard I had to turn back. I laugh inside. Chatted with her, then dancing, kissing , phone number. My confidence was sky high . Next club. I heard somewhere that alpha males moves and talk slow . With that in my mind I entered next club. I just moved almost like in a slow motion movie to the bar. I felt everyone eyes on me . I said to myself, that, you are just trying something new. I sit and lean against the bar. Big amount of girls ordering next to me. Two girls approaching me. One of them sit on my lap. I didn´t do anything I just sited and had a drink. I pushed her back. I didn´t like her. So I took her friend. I just grab her neck and started whispering in her ear . I have never done anything like that in my life. I felt so dominant and powerful, it was unbelievable. Like in first scenario. Bla, bla, bla, kissing, phone number. Third and last stop. Floor is packed as hell. I ordered some water and leaned against the wall. In like 2-4 minutes two hot blondes shakes their butts against my Kissing, lots of touching. Than I was tired so I went home. That is end of my report. It was not too good because I didn´t I would like to have a game like some PUA . I had some bad responses too, like bitchy behavior etc. I don´t care about that . But that was because I have no game. I´m not boss playa. I still missing some moves or something to close the deal same night. Next time I´m going to use the same but instead of Alpha 7 I´m going to try NPA one and half drop. Hey guys if you find your miracle mix don´ forget it´s composition. Bye. We can´t overplay them all

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
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    By the way F.UCK my english

  3. #3
    Phero Master terry0400-40's Avatar
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    Jul 2006
    Where Velvet Darkness is Kissed by Golden Starlight
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mescalin View Post
    Hi. I´m from Czech republic. I´m 25 years old average guy. After a long time (maybe 2 years) I found old pheros in my drawer. I said to myself : Let´s go out and try if it still works. So I looked at forum here, read some posts (to refresh my mind) largely by old experienced users and after some time I decided to use 1 drop Alpha 7 and 4 drops SOE + 5 drops woody scent perfume. I mixed that and painted myself with that . It was applied to neck and small amount to wrists. And fun began. I didn´t expect almost nothing. My first experience. Barmaid was chatty, flirty, smiled a lot . Second, I approached a table with 4 milfs if there is a free place to sit down. I didn´t even finish the sentence and one of them said yes. They looked one on another for a while then one of them started whispering to others ear and they smiled on me. I just chat. After a while my attention captured 3 hot girls entering club. So I turned my sight in their direction. After like minute or two, milf next to me started to try to have something with me. She started knocking with her leg on my chair and accidentally touching my arm, playing with her hair. First it was lightly and then she wanted me so badly, so she then knocked so hard I had to turn back. I laugh inside. Chatted with her, then dancing, kissing , phone number. My confidence was sky high . Next club. I heard somewhere that alpha males moves and talk slow . With that in my mind I entered next club. I just moved almost like in a slow motion movie to the bar. I felt everyone eyes on me . I said to myself, that, you are just trying something new. I sit and lean against the bar. Big amount of girls ordering next to me. Two girls approaching me. One of them sit on my lap. I didn´t do anything I just sited and had a drink. I pushed her back. I didn´t like her. So I took her friend. I just grab her neck and started whispering in her ear . I have never done anything like that in my life. I felt so dominant and powerful, it was unbelievable. Like in first scenario. Bla, bla, bla, kissing, phone number. Third and last stop. Floor is packed as hell. I ordered some water and leaned against the wall. In like 2-4 minutes two hot blondes shakes their butts against my Kissing, lots of touching. Than I was tired so I went home. That is end of my report. It was not too good because I didn´t I would like to have a game like some PUA . I had some bad responses too, like bitchy behavior etc. I don´t care about that . But that was because I have no game. I´m not boss playa. I still missing some moves or something to close the deal same night. Next time I´m going to use the same but instead of Alpha 7 I´m going to try NPA one and half drop. Hey guys if you find your miracle mix don´ forget it´s composition. Bye. We can´t overplay them all
    Great report i cant wait to hear your luck with NPA and Scent of Eros cheers
    I AM. Out of my mind .... .... ....

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