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  1. #1
    Newbie Xgamerider's Avatar
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    pheronoobR glad you enjoyed the experience as well.

    I can only say that I'm in no way a pua or any of that stuff, it's not my style and to me is like're

    being something unnatural and people can pick this up very fast. Connecting with women is about confidence plain and

    simple...they are just as nervous as we are, maybe even more. I say this because most of my friends are girls and

    hear their perspective on things all the time.

  2. #2
    Newbie Xgamerider's Avatar
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    I guess it may have been, didn't

    really think about it that way....I was just there for a drink and to hang out...whatever happened that night was

    fine by me. I certainly wasn't going to turn down that offer though
    Last edited by Xgamerider; 11-05-2010 at 03:16 PM. Reason: bad grammar

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Hey Xgamerider,

    Sounds like

    an awsome mix!

    Do you plan on giving more details about your mix?

    Sounds like one I'd like to try!

  4. #4
    Newbie Xgamerider's Avatar
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    I will most likely post the

    mix up on here as long everyone promises only to use it for good and never for evil.....hee hee hee. I think it is

    posted somewhere in the middle of my week long adventure and if not in the story I can always pull it off my list of


  5. #5
    Newbie Xgamerider's Avatar
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    Day 2

    The next morning I

    grab my stuff and head out. I said goodbye and head for the door, as I'm closing the door I get "is it ok for us to

    call you later?" I'm like sure it will probably take a while for me to get back to you though as I spend most of

    the day on the phone with my work.

    I drive home and hop in the shower, they lived like 15 mins from my house. I

    don't normally hook up with people that live that close as I'm not a fan of unannounced visits and random stop


    I get out of the shower and hear my voice mail tone, the voicemail is full and have 30 some texts in

    there. The 3 ladies had managed to fill up my phone in like a 30-45 min span.

    I go through all the texts and

    vm's all of which are asking "what I'm doing tonight" and "would I like to meet up later?". I'm like I just left,

    talk about short span to try and make plans to meet up again. I go to work and go about my day,but can't get last

    night out of my mind.

    I was tired as hell and am still reeling from last nights adventure. Work is finally over

    and I can't wait to get out of here. I get home walk in the door and have this question that was driving me nuts

    all day.

    I go to my laptop and have to know.....what exactly did I mix last night? I was glad I took the time to

    document the mix as this was one of the few times I had a hard time remembering what the mix was, I could get close

    from memory but probably never would have got the exact mix.

    I can only say as some advice......DOCUMENT YOUR

    This was one I didn't want to lose for sure and without having it written down I doubt I would have been

    able to make it again.

    I cook something to eat and pass out on the couch while catching the news. I feel like

    I'm 90, I mean who passes out to the 6 pm news hee hee hee. I can only say I had a long night and day so that's my

    defense and I'm sticking to it.

    I wake to my phone ringing and guess who? "We had a really good time last night

    and wanted to know if you would meet us for drinks at XXXX (names removed to protect the innocent) again ?" I said

    well I need to get a shower I haven't been home but an hour let me think about it and call you back, last night was

    a pretty late night and after working today I'm really shot.

    "OK, you call us back and let us know either

    One would think I had brains, but lack of sleep leads to stupidity. Yup ya know what this bone head did...I

    hopped in the shower and called them back to meet up. I arrive at XXXX and am greeted very warmly by my new friends

    with hugs and kisses everywhere.

    They already have a table and lead me to it, I sit down and not a minute later

    the waitress brings me a drink to the table. I look at her and say thanks , but I didn't order anything yet. She

    looks me dead in the eyes and with a big smile says " I know what you're drinking from you being here last night" I

    was like thanks and she said "pretty sure you were drinking such and such". I was like good memory and she says "

    Let me know if ya need anything before 9". I said is the place closing early or something? She says"No, I get off at

    9 and I won't be the serving you drinks after that, I'll be next next to you having one" with a big smile and wink

    she walks away.

    The 3 asian ladies were either too busy was too loud or just didn't care what she

    was saying but I was sitting there thinking oh it's gonna get ugly, but it never did. We had a couple of drinks,

    hit the dance floor and then went back to the table for more drinks. A random guy approaches our table and tries to

    strike up a convo...for the most part they are ignoring him. I feel for the guy I do, I mean getting a no isn't any

    fun but to be ignored is far worse.

    They finally start to pay attention to this guy and he asks if anyone would

    like to dance? Then the girls stop and just look at him and one of them pops out with " We just got off the dance

    floor and we're with him" pointing in my direction. He just looks at me and says " all of you are here with him?"

    They just look at him and at the same time all respond with a resounding "yes, all of us".

    I excuse myself from

    the table to use the restroom, I make my way through the crowd all the while every one is like "hey how you doing"

    and stuff being all friendly. I take care of the call of nature and when I come out I think well this place is busy

    maybe I will get another drink while I'm near the bar so I won't have a long wait at the table when I need a


    I look down and reach into my pocket to get my wallet out and get scared to death as one of the

    bartenders blurts out " I already have your drink ready" Huh? "Well yyyy saw ya standing there and put in the order

    already" I'm like thanks, I turn around and there's yyyy smiling ear to ear. I was like thank you for putting that

    order in for me, she's like "No problem cutie, 10 more mins and I'll grab that drink with you, are still at the

    same table?" I'm like still at the same table, she says " Good I'll be over in a few mins to get that drink with

    you" while her hand was on my arm and staring me in the eyes.

    I get back to the table and sit down, talk with my

    company for a moment and just kind of settle back in. They decide they want to hit the dance floor again so I sit it

    out and enjoy my drink. I watch my friends dance it up out and the floor only to be joined by yyyy a moment or 2

    later. I begin talking with yyyy and try to keep my eye on the dance floor as this may go south in a hurry.


    it didn't take long for the song to end and the ladies to notice yyyy at the table with me. I sit there thinking oh

    crap the scene aint gonna be pretty at all. They walk up and assume she is just taking my drink order so all is good

    for now. They soon realize she isn't there taking an order and can only imagine how bad this is going to


    They speak some asian amongst themselves quickly and then (I'll refer to her as Tourette,she was the

    one who blurted out to the random guy earlier.So we know how subtle she can be she can be) she just calmly looks at

    yyyy and says " You can drink with him and talk all you wan't, but you're waisting your time. He will be going

    home with us of that you can be sure" Polite and to the point, I was actually impressed by the response no yelling

    but certainly didn't mince any words.

    We start getting our things together to leave and yyyy comes over and

    gives me a hug and whispers in my ear " give me a call when you get the chance" while she's sticking her number in

    my back pocket. I give her a wink and she makes her exit to the other end of the place.

    They hop in their car and

    tell me to get in..I say I will drive my own car as I don't want to leave it at the bar. The most shy and youngest

    of the group says she'll ride with me to make sure I don't get lost and that sitting in the back seat makes her

    car sick. The car pulls out and I start following, out nowhere shy girl is not only licking all over my neck but

    rubbing well you know. I'm like you're usually so quiet and reserved, what's up?

    She says I don't know

    what's got into me tonight...but when I see something I like I take it. The next thing I know she was face down in

    my lap, I'm starting to like this just "take what ya want" theory. We finally arrive at their house and before

    exiting the car shy girl says "after we finish playing, you come sleep in my room". I go in the house with her and

    the friends and pretty much had repeat of yesterday. I did sleep in shy girl's room later that night and we had a

    convo about dating with her that she brought up. I think I need to slow down these women are killing me, not that

    it's a bad way to go out but an hour or 2 of sleep each night is not good for staying awake the next day when you

    have work. Tomorrow I will be taking a break from the clubs and craziness.

  6. #6
    Stranger pheronoobR's Avatar
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    Now THAT sounds like an

    awesome story! Could you tell us your mix please? (for future reference and experimenting with)

    STIFFLER doesent need pheromones, he is a living jambat #1 mix

  7. #7
    Newbie Xgamerider's Avatar
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    Sorry for the long last post

    I guess I will try to edit these things down a little.

    Day 3

    So no mones or dates for the next couple of

    days, I need a break and really need to focus on work with the projects we have going on. I decided to hit the mall

    to check out some cologne's and maybe find some new scents to wear. I went to the perfume section of a couple of

    the bigger department stores as the selection does vary a bit from store to store.

    Store #1
    I was casually

    checking out the testers on display. The woman behind the counter is about mid 30's about a 7 and pretty friendly.

    I say I'm just kind of sniffing my way around the counter to see what appeals to me.

    She leans over and says let

    me have a smell of what you're wearing now and I can give you some suggestions. I lean and let her take a sniff and

    she is kind of stuck there. I wait about a minute then ask her what she would suggest. She finally stands back up

    and says "huh? I'm sorry I just got lost there for a second" I was like what do you suggest? She says

    "suggest about what?" I'm like the colognes you think I might like.

    So she looks in the display case after

    finally coming back to reality and pulls a few different things for me to try and see which I like. I am just about

    to put a spray on my wrist and she snatches the bottle out my hands. I was like I'm sorry is this not a tester to

    try? She just looks at me and says "I will get some cards for you to spray and smell, you don't want to put this

    over whatever you have on right's smells too good to ruin."

    I'm like is what I have on that bad? She

    says "no just the opposite, what you have on works very well for you, this would likely change the scent you have on

    now...Don't do it!" I smell and say it seems like a scent that I would like, put the card down and get ready to try

    it on my wrist and she snatches the bottle again. I just stand there looking at her and she says " Weren't you

    listening to what I just said?" I'm like yes I was but how it smells on the card and how it smells on someone's

    body can be very different and I don't want to find out it doesn't work well on my body.

    She looks at me smiles

    and says "My body on yours would smell good" I just look at her totally shocked. She says "I'm so sorry, I was

    just thinking it and it came out." I was like no problem and wink at her going about my business.

    I finish

    smelling everything and say thanks I have a couple other places to hit and will pick out what I think is best so I

    may be back. She asks me to wait a second " there is one more I want to try before you leave." She heads to the back

    and comes back a second later with a card already sprayed and says "try this and tell me what you think." I smell

    and say it smells like a woman's perfume to me a really scent but not for me...who makes this?

    She says " I

    have that info on the other side of the card." I turn it over to find her name, number, the perfume and when she

    gets off work that night. I give her a smile and say thanks I am really interested in that perfume and may be back

    after my other shopping. I saw a manager standing there so I guess she was trying to keep things discreet.


    other 2 stores had similar outcomes with names and numbers and I head home smiling after a great day at the mall. I

    guess I must have had some build up even though I had showered, but had skipped the sea salt exfoliating I normally

    do to prevent build up.

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