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  1. #1
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    Default New comvert requesting for advice from pros

    Hi all,

    I am new to the pheromone scene and I would like some

    advice on the dosage of the products. I have been taking a look in the forums and I am relatively

    familiar with the terms used.

    Here are some of my details:

    27 years



    6’1” (1.83m)


    Primarily my target group is ladies within the 20 – 27 range, objective is sexual

    hits + friendliness (I will elaborate more on this later).

    Currently the products that I have


    • SOE (roll

    • NPA
    • The Edge
    • Alpha –

    • Super Primal (the big bottle)

    Here is what I understand

    from my situation (here is where I need a little help):


    am an Asian in an Asian community. Generally the ladies are not as blatant in expressing their desires, thus there

    tends to be a need to temper the nones with SOE to encourage more friendliness. Another thing I gathered is that

    Asians tend to prefer a ‘clean’ smell (I actually find the smell of mones quite nice) and to not put too much mones.

    Finally, being 27 years old, I am supposed to be producing a substantial amount of none (apparently not in my

    opinion, but maybe my lack exercise has something to do with it).

    Here is what I have been

    using so far:

    SOE about 30” on inner forearms, 12” from back of ears to throat (since its harder

    to OD with nol I went all out)

    Alpha – 7 2 drops from

    back of ears to throat

    Gradually started to add NPA 2 drops

    from back of ears to throat

    Cover with Pherlure (yes I was a

    fool once, but it smells nice!)

    Result is I get no response whatsoever (in my opinion)

    I am aware that pheromones

    are not a miracle potion, and that it has a lot to do with the user himself. Essentially I just want to tap on the

    expertise of the experts in this forum to use the products effectively. I look forward to the helpful


  2. #2
    Moderator idesign's Avatar
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    Hi fedup, welcome to the


    First, I would back way off on using so much in one application. Just because you CAN do it doesn't mean

    its the best way. Start with one product, I suggest SoE, and use maybe 15-20" overall, spread around. Then pay

    close attention to your surroundings. Look for signs like second glances, people standing too close and/or crowding

    your space, lingering conversation from strangers etc. They reactions will be there, you just have to learn to pick

    them up and use them.

    Use SoE for at least a week or two on its own. I know I know, you want to dive in with

    -None and get your booty bumped, but learn how to walk first.

    When starting with -None, use only one -None

    product at a time, don't mix A7 and NPA for example. Its redundant and you'll OD for sure, in fact that may be

    what is happening already. Start with ONE drop, or a couple of dabs, layered with your SoE. This might be enough

    at your age and in your environment.

    Cover with a nice cologne or other fragrance, not too heavy but enough to

    mask the Mone smell. Sell your Pherlure on ebay, or throw it away.

    Hope this helps and good luck!

  3. #3
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    Hi idesign, thanks for the

    advice, i will try it out and update.

  4. #4
    Phero Guru Rbt's Avatar
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    I agree you may have done an OD.

    Even too much androsterone, androtenol, etc can throw things off, and certainly too much andrstenone can spell

    disaster. Not necessarily in terms of getting your block knocked off, but in getting totally ignored. An even worse

    disaster to some...

    The one at a time route is usually the best, starting small and working up.

    And despite

    some people's opinion's on Pherlure, sometimes it seems to do well for some folks. May depend on the batch. I've

    never had a chance to try it. But many agree that if nothing else, it makes a good cologne/cover. Use whatever tools

    you have (and have already paid for). If something doesn't work out you can sometimes return to vendor, or you can

    pass it on to somone else who may find themselves eternally in your debt if it works for them...

    Nothing like

    having some IOU's in your favor out there...
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  5. #5
    Phero Master terry0400-40's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fedup View Post
    Hi all,

    I am new to the pheromone scene and I would like some advice on the dosage

    of the products
    . I have been taking a look in the forums and I am relatively familiar with the terms


    Here are some of my details:

    27 years


    6’1” (1.83m)
    200lbs (90kg)

    Primarily my target group is ladies within the 20 – 27 range, objective is sexual

    hits + friendliness (I will elaborate more on this later).

    Currently the products that I have


    • SOE (roll

    • NPA
    • The Edge
    • Alpha –

    • Super Primal (the big

    Here is what I understand from my situation (here

    is where I need a little help):

    I am an Asian in an Asian

    community. Generally the ladies are not as blatant in expressing their desires, thus there tends to be a need to

    temper the nones with SOE to encourage more friendliness. Another thing I gathered is that Asians tend to prefer a

    ‘clean’ smell (I actually find the smell of mones quite nice) and to not put too much mones. Finally, being 27 years

    old, I am supposed to be producing a substantial amount of none (apparently not in my opinion, but maybe my lack

    exercise has something to do with it).

    Here is what I have

    been using so far:

    SOE about 30” on inner forearms, 12” from

    back of ears to throat
    (since its harder to OD with nol I went all


    Alpha – 7 2

    drops from back of ears to throat

    Gradually started to add NPA

    2 drops from back of ears to


    Cover with Pherlure (yes I

    was a fool once, but it smells nice!)

    Result is I get no

    response whatsoever (in my opinion)

    I am aware that

    pheromones are not a miracle potion, and that it has a lot to do with the user himself. Essentially I just want to

    tap on the expertise of the experts in this forum to use the products effectively. I look forward to

    the helpful advice.
    I also agree with Rbt and

    Idesign and would certainly advise you on cuttin back on the pheromones application amounts.

    Better start out for awhile with 1/2 drop Alpha 7 with 15 or 25 inches SOE


    i have found this combination works very well in

    gaining the eyes of attraction from Asian girls once it has settled down for over one hour on the skin, snd i make

    my application of A7+SOE on top of a quality fragrance applied to my neck area.

    Next time also try a couple dabs NPA and similar amount of SOE as mentioned


    At sleeptime or next day have a good clean

    up of the pheromone application site especially before a fresh new application.
    I AM. Out of my mind .... .... ....

  6. #6
    Phero Guru Rbt's Avatar
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    As a note in regards to applyng

    small amounts like "a half drop" (which can be rather hard to do).

    I sometimes will use a small "wand" like

    those that come with some perfume samples (usually as part of the plastic cap). Some high-end full bottles of

    perfume also come with a glass wand top. Dip wand into liquid and just wipe on skin. I have some essential-oil based

    "potions" for example where even that small bit can almost be too much fregrance.
    The opposite of love isn't hate.
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  7. #7
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    Great advice all. I am gonna try

    Terry's recommended dosage and see if there are any positive reactions.

    I don't think i have ever received

    any DIHL before... I wonder what its like...

  8. #8
    Phero Master terry0400-40's Avatar
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    advice all.
    I am gonna try Terry's recommended dosage and see if there are any positive reactions.
    Better start out for awhile with 1/2 drop Alpha 7 with 15 or 25 inches

    SOE .

    When i first used the A7+SOE combo in Chinatown

    it was with a large full drop A7 and one SOE gel/ pkt and for the first hour great results from everyone except the

    Asian girls who were ignoring me and i was wondering


    During the third hour my g/f told me that i

    was smelling sexy and then we seperated and i proceeded to go hang in the mall and this is where everything seemed

    to change and i was getting swamped with Asian attraction.

    So thereafter i realized that a smaller amount of A7

    was better suited to the SOE for Asian attraction results.

    I don't think i have

    ever received any DIHL before... I wonder what its like...[/quote] I have

    received several and in some cases the girl is completly vunerable to your suggestions and her pupils could be

    dilated and she could have an unusual vacant look on her face which sometimes is tinged with a red


    Other times they will appear as if you have caught

    them off balance, which i suppose in a sense they may be.

    Good luck and do enjoy the fun of the pheromones....

    I AM. Out of my mind .... .... ....

  9. #9
    Phero Guru Rbt's Avatar
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    As for a DIHL, in my case I didn't

    dawn on me it had happened until about 15 minutes afterwards.

    I was talking to the owner of a Chinese restaurant

    while waiting for a take-out order. I was wearing AE I think. She seemed a lot more attentive than usual (she was

    about 40-ish, I'm about 50-ish).

    However there was a younger 20-ish counter clerk (hispanic) standing nearby,

    essentially just staring blankly into space. She had been there about 5 minutes before I noticed. I was kinda

    thinking "what's up with that?" It was as I was driving home with my order it dawned on me she had probably gone

    into DIHL mode.
    The opposite of love isn't hate.
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  10. #10
    Phero Master terry0400-40's Avatar
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    Default (((((((( D I H L ))))))))

    The very time i first noticed a DIHL i had entered a fancy and very

    large pharmacy dept store wearing an Androstenone product that i had been about to give up on because no results

    after a weeks testing.

    The young 19 ish girl who was

    serving me just started to look very flushed with a vacant look on her face and started running back and forth from

    the counter where we were standing and just opening anything and everything up that was in a sealed package for my

    inspection..... OH goodness i was getting somewhat embarrased with this huge mountain of opened stock on the counter

    in front of me and she was going full steam ahead and opening up and pouring more stuff in front of me yes she was

    going all out to try and please me but it was just so weird to see the way she was acting.

    I AM. Out of my mind .... .... ....

  11. #11
    Phero Enthusiast chas's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by terry0400-40
    the girl is completly vunerable to your suggestions and her pupils could

    be dilated and she could have an unusual vacant look on her face which sometimes is tinged with a red

    Terry - is this the opening paragraph of your best selling novel ?@#%$$!

    (I read

    about red chest flushes when I was in puberty & I haven't been the same since... )

    I know about DIHL's as I

    gave one myself ! Never happened before or since - but on a work course I sat opposite, just across the other side

    of a desk, from an attractive girl.

    She was attractive in a 'stunning' way - must be facial proportions or

    something - (but, interestingly, talking to her I got a bit bored after a while ...). I had already sat next to her

    for a couple of days & spoken to her perfectly normally.

    This time she looked directly at me across the desk & I

    felt like a DIHL. Flushed, couldn't think straight, had problems forming intelligible sentences. Bizarre. I felt

    'taken over' & not entirely comfortable with it. Maybe she was wearing pheromones or did a hypnotic trick with her

    great big eyes but the 'boot was on the other foot'.

  12. #12
    Moderator idesign's Avatar
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    Chas, in Sicily its called the

    "The Thunderbolt"

    There's no accounting for the power which exists when certain men meet certain women. In

    French, "vive le difference" means so much more than its literal translation.

    With pheromones, we're trying to

    push the edge of what comes naturally in human relations, but comes all too seldom in one way of thinking.


    some, we seem to be trying for an instant threshold, where natural behaviors are pushed, and social and sexual goals

    are achieved in a matter of hours rather than more traditional methods of seduction, in which delayed satisfaction

    heightens the element of desire, and requires more on the part of both parties. Its a lost art.

    This is not to

    say that pheromones are'nt a useful tool, they are. But any tool is only good as a complement to other tools in

    the box.

    Just my opinion.

  13. #13
    Phero Master terry0400-40's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by chas View Post
    Terry - is this the opening paragraph of your best selling novel ?@#%$$!
    Originally Posted by terry0400-40
    the girl is completly vunerable to your

    suggestions and her pupils could be dilated and she could have an unusual vacant look on her face which sometimes is

    tinged with a red flush.

    I quickly came to the conclusion

    that she may have been breathless when i had noticed the rapid movement of her protruding and large breasts as they

    strained against the thin fabric of her flimsy red blouse.

    I really had no choice but to offer her my hospitality and afford her the use

    of my very own bed untill it became evident thet she had recovered and could resume her normal activities.

    (I read about red chest flushes when I was in puberty & I haven't been the same since...


    I know about DIHL's as I gave one myself ! Never happened before or since - but on a work course I sat

    opposite, just across the other side of a desk, from an attractive girl.

    She was attractive in a 'stunning'

    way - must be facial proportions or something - (but, interestingly, talking to her I got a bit bored after a while

    ...). I had already sat next to her for a couple of days & spoken to her perfectly normally.

    This time she

    looked directly at me across the desk & I felt like a DIHL. Flushed, couldn't think straight, had problems forming

    intelligible sentences. Bizarre. I felt 'taken over' & not entirely comfortable with it. Maybe she was wearing

    pheromones or did a hypnotic trick with her great big eyes but the 'boot was on the other foot'.
    Oh what a feeling can sorta make a man go weak at the


    Betta be good now....

    I AM. Out of my mind .... .... ....

  14. #14
    Phero Enthusiast chas's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by terry0400-40 View Post
    I quickly came to the conclusion that she may have

    been breathless when i had noticed the rapid movement of her protruding and large breasts as they strained against

    the thin fabric of her flimsy red blouse.

    I really had no choice but to offer

    her my hospitality and afford her the use of my very own bed untill it became evident thet she had recovered and

    could resume her normal activities.
    Oooo Terry !

    You're good at this - my pulse is racing. Write the novel & call it something like 'Thrust ...' !

  15. #15
    Phero Enthusiast chas's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by idesign View Post
    Chas, in

    Sicily its called the "The Thunderbolt"
    There's no accounting for the power which exists when certain men meet

    certain women.
    That's interesting ID, I hadn't heard of the 'Thunderbolt' before (apart from being a

    WW2 fighter ...) Do you have links with Sicily ?

    My DIHL caught me unawares as I had already sat next to this

    woman for a couple of days & spoken to her quite normally.

    (I did take the opportunity for a sneaky sideways

    peek at her figure - she smiled to herself so her peripheral vision might be good ).

    But when she sat

    opposite me & her full gaze looked at me I felt powerless & like a small 'rabbit in the headlights'. It took me

    some will power to regain control. May be she was a 'white witch' - or perhaps she was using a powerful L-S Edge

    for Women 'mone ??

  16. #16
    Phero Master terry0400-40's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by chas View Post

    Terry ! You're good at this - my pulse is racing. Write the novel &
    call it something like 'Thrust

    Ok then "Trust in the


    Maby not, as i am trying rise above the

    seductions of my carnal nature
    I AM. Out of my mind .... .... ....

  17. #17
    Phero Guru Rbt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by chas View Post
    (I did take

    the opportunity for a sneaky sideways peek at her figure - she smiled to herself so her peripheral vision might be

    good ).

    Women seem to have a natural inborn talent/ability to read men's minds that


    They KNOW when you are checking them out.

    That ability can work against them though as I think some

    naturally assume men can do the same to them, when in fact we can't, so we guys have a tendency to miss some of the

    subtle sexual cues women give. Unfortunately we have to work to train ourselves to detect them. I still kick myself

    for realizing too long after the fact that a woman was sending out Indicators of Interest (IoI's).

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  18. #18
    Phero Enthusiast chas's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rbt View Post
    we guys have a

    tendency to miss some of the subtle sexual cues women give. Unfortunately we have to work to train ourselves to

    detect them.
    You wouldn't care to share these clues with less experienced folk - plz, plz ?


    IoI's - I've missed two sets sigh - can I go back in time ??

  19. #19
    Phero Guru Rbt's Avatar
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    ^ I'm pretty sure that there are a

    number of threads here already on the subject. Do a search for IOI (or similar) and see what comes up.
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    I work in an asian community as

    well. Also all of my co-workers are female.

    one drop of a314 is enough for a day.
    Only 10" of SoE is doing fine

    for me.

    But if I use them together, there is no reaction at all.

    overdosing on anything isn't a good idea

    since they have a "certain" smell on it.

    If the smell is too strong, no matter how good that is, it's a big turn


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    Quote Originally Posted by kevio View Post
    I work in an

    asian community as well. Also all of my co-workers are female.

    one drop of a314 is enough for a day.
    Only 10" of

    SoE is doing fine for me.

    But if I use them together, there is no reaction at all.

    overdosing on anything

    isn't a good idea since they have a "certain" smell on it.

    If the smell is too strong, no matter how good that

    is, it's a big turn off.
    I totally agree. This is why I am seeking help from the experienced forumers on

    how to use these products effectively, hopefully to be able to obtain a mix that is close to my target group instead

    of months of experimenting with potentially no positive results. Unfortunately pheromones are more “hit and

    miss” rather than “the more the merrier”. It is really fortunate that there is such an active

    forum here.

    Some additional questions though.

    Can I add any of the other products I have currently

    to make my mix more potent?

    Any recommended products I should buy to make a more potent mix?

    I am

    looking to make a spray-on mix. I understand there are oil based ones that do not mix well withalcohol-based

    products. Any recommended mixes based on my situation?

    Are pheromones supposed to be applied on top of cover

    scents or under (‘mones first then cover scent on top) it?

    Thanks in advance for all the help


  22. #22
    Phero Guru Rbt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fedup View Post
    I totally agree.

    This is why I am seeking help from the experienced forumers on how to use these products effectively, hopefully to

    be able to obtain a mix that is close to my target group instead of months of experimenting with potentially no

    positive results. Unfortunately pheromones are more “hit and miss” rather than “the more the merrier”. It is really

    fortunate that there is such an active forum here.

    Some additional questions though.

    Can I add any of the

    other products I have currently to make my mix more potent?

    "Potency" depends on too many factors.

    What you want is "effectiveness," which is also dependent on many factors, and that is quite a different thing.

    Honestly, you are probably just going to have to expect to spend the time, however long it takes, to find the "sweet

    spot" that works for you.

    Any recommended products I should buy to make a more potent mix?

    What you list above in OP is already a pretty strong bunch of stuff. The only thing I might add

    would be androsedienone (A1).

    I am looking to make a spray-on mix. I understand there are oil based

    ones that do not mix well withalcohol-based products. Any recommended mixes based on my situation?


    pheromones supposed to be applied on top of cover scents or under (‘mones first then cover scent on top) it?

    There have been discussions on this in the past, and apparently no one is really sure. Arguments

    both ways. *Generally* the vote seems to be for fragrance on top. The one exception that comes to mind is if you use

    Perception, as it's
    extened release" formula only works if it's applied on top of anything else.

    Thanks in advance for all the help provided.

    Just my personal opinions.
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  23. #23
    Moderator idesign's Avatar
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    "Potency" is not the issue with

    synthetic pheromones like we're using. Think more of an "appropriate" application or mix. Subtlety is what you

    want to shoot for, since these products are many times what your body produces, thus many times what your "target"

    is used to dealing with.

    I strongly advise against "mixing" as opposed to "layering", unless you want to spend a

    huge amount of time mixing very small batches that may or may not work for you. Layering allows you experiment

    infinitely until you get what you think might be your sweet spot. Others may disagree and have other methods, but 2

    years into my pheromone usage I'm still tweaking my applications to meet whatever function I'm headed for. I do

    have a couple of standard blends, but still I vary the amounts depending on my mood and the expected venue.


    and effectiveness are separate issues. You want to wear the least amount of pheromones that work in your

    circumstances, and the least amount of cover scent necessary, to keep from smelling like a lounge lizard.


    have to experiment and choose wisely in both cases, and there is no substitute for experience, sorry.

    The upside

    is that the whole process of learning is a HUGE amount of fun. You get to learn a lot about social dynamics,

    attraction, scent and, most importantly, yourself, if you pay attention.

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    I first started improving my

    posture and confidence. The importance is how to portray your "alpha"s side.

    Please read PUA guide. It


    When I finished those books, I used pheromone to help me on the "edge".

  25. #25
    Phero Master terry0400-40's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kevio View Post
    I first

    started improving my posture and confidence.
    The importance is how to portray your "alpha"s

    Yes very true, as people really do notice how one holds one self in

    relation to distinguishing characteristics.

    Please read PUA guide. It helps.


    I finished those books, I used pheromone to help me on the

    Yep with a little work put in and some polish added to

    the presentation then the correct pheromone application sure can give one a most wicked

    I AM. Out of my mind .... .... ....

  26. #26
    Phero Enthusiast chas's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rbt View Post
    ^ I'm pretty

    sure that there are a number of threads here already on the subject. Do a search for IOI (or similar) and see what

    comes up.
    There is also a good summary of IOIs at 'the other place' - 'The Master "Indicators of

    Interest List" '.

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    After reading some of the posts

    in this forum, i have decided to tone down the 'rone, settling on 2 dabs of TE and about 18" or SOE. Still no

    positive results yet... will experiment further and report back.

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    Let me apologise first for the

    multiple posts, longer posts do seem to take much longer to upload than short posts, especially here in the office,

    thus i am breaking up my posts into shorter ones.

    From what i have experienced so far, females with more

    dominant personalities seem to be affected more by pheromones. Is it true or are they just less shy to act on their


  29. #29
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    I think they are just less shy.

    In my experience almost all women are going to be affected by the more self confident ones are going to show it more

    often. Watch for silent clues in body language. Hair flipping is a classic but I don't rely on that much. Eye

    contact, flushing, frequent glances, position and posture are more certain clues.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

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    Last few questions.. Which

    product is most likely to consistently produce DIHLs?

    Are DIHLs the most obvious IOI's?

    From what i

    understand pheromones should not be able to affect targets from a distance, and in a short span of time (this i am

    not sure). In this case, will passing by a potential target cause them to be attracted to you instantly?

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