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  1. #1
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    Default Have they found the pheromone that makes girls think you have a (deleted)?

    Naw just kidding.

    Seriously though guys I got some questions for


    Im relatively experienced with pheromones. Ive tried all sorts of products. The none products that seem

    to work best for me are Alter ego and edge (a good cover for edge is axe kilo sprays by the way)

    I am a

    blood type O and have an intimidating look to me and tend to dress in dark colors. Wearing a bit of none is good for

    me but I have to be careful.

    Much more important to me when I go out to meet people is making the

    conversation flow as easily as I can.

    Im currently training in the art of conversations and keeping them

    going but I need help. What often will happen is I will start a conversation, the girls will gladly talk with me,

    but then things will stall out. I will end up feeling like I am pushing too hard to continue the conversation

    because I have contributed the bulk of it -- and they are not helping the conversation along -- so I will usually

    end up leaving -- even though I know they wish I hadn't.

    Now I have tried the gelpacks of SOE and found it

    to be moderately helpful. I have also tried Instant openess and instant honesty and find them to be slightly LESS

    moderately helpful but still helpful.

    So my question is 2fold:

    1) What is the best product for ease

    of conversation with strangers? When I ask this I not only mean something that will help others to be more talkative

    and less nervous but also to help me as well. I think I have a slight social anxiety condition that makes me say

    some weird stuff in the beginning because I feel pressure in a conversation with a new person.

    2) Do the gel

    packs work as effectively as the product? In other words is there the same concentration and ease of effect coming

    from applying gel -- as there is with a spray bottle?

    Thanks for the insight guys. I know there are some new

    products out like Wagg and liquid trust so dont feel you must stick with plugging SOE unless that really is what you

    feel is the best product.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    SOE is great, but liquid trust

    will make anyone tell their whole life story pretty much,, gotta be careful not to do the same..
    and liquid trust

    will only last about 30min.

  3. #3
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    yap SOE is great ... but it

    can make you a little toooo funny one....for me works best chikara ... liquid trust as well.
    concerning the gel

    packs ...
    in my opinion the work better then the sprays but they don´t last that long ..
    they are easy to

    applicate and to dose ... but they are a little bit more expensive...
    i´m going to try out EST and A1 in August

    and we will see how the work.... the should be great at social situations..

    Best Pago

  4. #4
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    Nol heavy products would be the

    way to go - the only two I have experience with are SOE and Perception - both worked great for getting people

    chatty, especially girls.

    They can, as stated above though, get you a bit giggly as well... I normally wear a

    little close to my face to keep me sociable, but the bulk of it I wear on my forearms/wrists to stop me babbling

    The gel packs are just as good I've found, especially if you want to apply on the run, but I always get a

    little paranoid about the accuracy of my dose... but then I'm anal

  5. #5
    Moderator idesign's Avatar
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    Agree with the above posts, SoE

    or C7 are your best bet with friendly reactions. LT is short-lived from reports here. I'll try it out my next

    order, when Pheros is ready.

    There's no reason for the gel packs to work less effectively than the liquid forms,

    you just have to figure out the dosages. Many here prefer gel packs. I've used Edge Wipes when out in a crowd,

    good for now, some for later.

  6. #6
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Beta-nol, alpha-nol seem to ease

    conversation. I get results with A1 too, but more so after the girl already knows me. A1 makes them seem more

    interested in what I have to say.

    Having some questions ready is a good bet for when conversation dies down.

    Women tend to be great conversationalists, but their style is different than men. Men tend to just throw out

    statements. But listen to women talk in a group of other women. They tend to let each other fully have their say,

    they wait for a question or their turn before they chime in, or even say “Can I say something?”. They tend to go

    around in turn more than men would. So if your conversation dies out with a woman, adopt a more female style that

    she’ll be comfortable with: ask her a question and let her talk.

    If it’s casual talk or talk with a stranger,

    just ask her about something most women might be interested in. Clothing or cosmetics, or something about travel or

    favorite places. For instance, something like “That blouse looks great on you! Do you pick that color often?” Then

    let her talk. You just got in a compliment, and then she gets to talk about a subject she is knowledgeable and

    confident about. Ask a follow-up question depending on what she says. Maybe she said something about skin tones to

    answer the above example, so ask her more details about why or how that works. Genuinely listen intently to her –

    you can learn something! She’ll begin to ask you questions when she’s had her say. Talk a bit, then ask her what she

    thinks, or throw in another compliment/question to change the subject. Give a little feedback here and there to let

    her know she is being understood.

    Women like to talk about relationships (general questions, not about

    personal experience if you don’t know her well yet), how they would act in given scenarios, what would an ideal

    date/vacation/boyfriend etc. be like, or a zillion other topics. Ask her opinion about things! If you know her

    somewhat already you can ask how she felt about this or that episode she described, does it still bother her, that

    sort of thing. But in general positive topics and feelings are better for discussion, ask her questions that let her

    comfortably show off her knowledge and expertise.

    In my experience women really appreciate being asked for

    their opinion, and being truly listened to and heard out. You don’t have to agree with everything she says, but

    demonstrate that you are listening and understand her viewpoint. Stay away from controversial topics until you know

    her well – make the conversation a pleasant experience for her! The less you say the words “I” and “me” the better

    you are doing. Ask questions, listen, and compliment (always followed by question, so she’s immediately talking

    again, and not standing there awkwardly wondering what to say after your compliment)

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