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  1. #31
    Phero Master terry0400-40's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gmoney View Post

    back to the white women question. Use more or less mones? I'm still having trouble getting the desired hits with

    mid twenties white girls. I've had some awesome hits when I slather it on, from women in their late 30s to 40s, and

    some great hits from 19 year olds with moderate amounts, but can't seem to get it right with my target age range.

    Been using about 12 inches soe with 1 drop of A7. Tempted to try two drops on that target audience, any

    What about 30" SOE and 1 drop Alpha 7 ?
    This is a very consistant mix for me once it has settled down works


    I,also get excellent results with Alpha 314 x 2 drops and 1 drop Alpha 7, Soon after i instigate

    conversation they are as good as hooked.

    The reason i begun

    instigating conversation in the first place was because with the Alpha mixes applied i was getting a lot of

    lingering looks from chicks who were looking for something to do.
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  2. #32
    Phero Enthusiast Gmoney's Avatar
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    30 inches? really? that sounds

    awefully high. Although I guess it's not easy to OD on SOE, so it's worth giving a shot.

  3. #33
    Moderator idesign's Avatar
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    Do give it a shot, but I'd

    increase in increments of maybe a few inches at a time. If its a social situation, try an extra dab of A7, and make

    sure its on exposed skin, spread around as much as you can.

  4. #34
    Phero Enthusiast Gmoney's Avatar
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    A little more specifics. I've

    joined a kickball league with several cuties on it that I'd like to date(one, all, or any mix thereof, lol). Beer

    drinking is an integral part of the game, as is bbq and more drinking after the games. However, it's not close

    quarters like at a bar, and it's open air, so there might be more dilution of the mones in the air.

    Next game

    is tomorrow, I'll give 20 inches a try with a dab and a half of A7.

    Thanks guys, this probably deserves it's

    own topic, as it's quite a digression from the one listed.

  5. #35
    Moderator idesign's Avatar
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    Don't worry about the

    digression. While its not encouraged, most threads go off on tangents after the first few posts. If the original

    poster desires he can bring it back to topic.

    That info helps Gm. Open air disperses and sweating increases the

    rate. I hope you're covering.

    I would try to casually be near your target(s), say standing around

    drinking or eating. Sit next to her or just hang around.

    OTOH, you could just pick your favorite and ask her

    out! Then you can dial in the -mones better.

  6. #36
    Phero Enthusiast Gmoney's Avatar
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    Already got numbers

    for the two favorites. Kind of want to get to know them a little before I ask em out though, hate to have to ditch

    em and then play kickball with em for 6 weeks, lol.

  7. #37
    Moderator idesign's Avatar
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    You dawg! Good strategy though.

    You'd hate to piss one of them off and have them re-invent the game "kick ball". I assume you might like to have

    children some day.

    Once you get 'em alone let us know how things work... wait, no, that's not what I meant.

    Let us know how your -mone strategy goes. Whew! that was a close one.

  8. #38
    Phero Master terry0400-40's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gmoney View Post

    inches? really? that sounds awefully high. Although I guess it's not easy to OD on SOE, so it's worth giving a

    Yeah it sound a lot does 30" but in fact it contains the same amount

    of pheromone as does one SOE gel/pkt.

    And while 1/2 a gel pkt may be Ok for an intimate dinner date or as a pre bed

    application, I would strongly suggest either 30" or a full SOE g/p at least, for outdoor activities, nightclubs, and

    social settings that cover large areas, Also you can be confident that you will get a really good 5 hour window of

    effective action .
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  9. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by stuttgart-man View Post
    What is

    the reason, that LT works no longer than 20 or 30 minutes? Is LT absorbed by skin or has it a high evaporation rate?

    Can you extend the time when applining on clothes?
    Verolabs recommend 1-2 sprays on your shirt. They also

    mention the spray has a time release effect? Suggesting that it'll last "approximately 2-4 hours however result may

    vary". Not sure what mechanism the time release effect uses, but the only stated ingredients are Purified water, SD

    Alcohol and Oxytocin. Unless refering to the rate at which the SD Alcohol evaporates? Verolab do state LT uses an

    "odorless atmosphere enhancing spray". Notice they offer a 1oz bottle for $49.99 now too.

    Is there any worth

    in keeping LT refrigerated or is it stable at room temperature? For example, one reference suggests the injectable

    Oxytocin is only good for 30 days, unless refrigerated. While another reference states nasal Oxytocin can be stored

    at room tempetature.

    Edit: there is a

    PPT file which


    30°C - 10-12% degradation over 12 months
    21°C - 3-5% over 24 months
    5°C -

    stable for 60 months.

    Includes some Pharmaceutical company storage guidelines, recommending 2-8°C for

    2-3yrs, 30 days at 15-25°C. Another suggested also 2-8°C, but allows 30°C for 3 months. Also

    mentioned is the biological half-life of Oxytocin is five minutes, which would suggest the effects wear off quickly

    when exposure stops. Which might be a double-edged sword. Bad if LT doesn't last that long on the wearer, but good

    that the benefits will be more localized to only the wearer and not carry over to someone else?
    Last edited by Teak; 06-08-2008 at 01:55 PM.

  10. #40
    Moderator idesign's Avatar
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    Nice research info Teak,


    I wonder about the discrepancy between their claim of lasting 2-4 hours and the "biological half-life of

    five minutes". Several reports here seem to indicated that the effects are short lived. Not to worry. If we know

    a product's qualities we can adapt a strategy to accommodate.

    I think you're right to use LT with a very

    specific target in mind, and plan your application timing carefully.

    I store my pheromones and fragrances both in

    a generally cool (ambient) room, out of direct sunlight. Its my understanding that sunlight is worse than heat.

    The Int'l Perfume Museum stores their collection at 10C. I'm not that careful, or think I need to be.

  11. #41
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    I would guess that even with it's

    very short biological half-life, as long as there is still some Oxytocin being released it doesn't matter as it

    will be continually renewed. Just that once there is no more Oxytocin, the effects will not linger for very long.

    The 2-4hrs quoted might refer to how long it takes for all of the Oxytocin on the wearer to be dispersed into the

    surrounding air via alcohol evaporation? Maybe after 30min the concentration is just too weak for real-world

    situations or loses it's efficiency in dispersing the Oxytocin into the air?

  12. #42
    Phero Enthusiast Gmoney's Avatar
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    Alcohol certainly doesn't last

    2 - 4 hours, maybe 2 minutes. It would have to be how quickly it disperses after the alcohol evaporates and leaves

    the oxytocin on the application area. My guess is that it's just not a very stable pheromone to begin with, hence

    not a very long lasting product.

  13. #43
    Phero Master terry0400-40's Avatar
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    With being up close and personal then 4 sprays workes like a charm for me for the first 1/2 an hour

    after application then seems to drop off at a very fast rate,


    got the 30 mL size and it has been stored in the refrigerator for over a year but it still works as effective as

    when first tested.

    I found 4 sprays to the shirt front at chest

    level worked best, and i usually spray it on immediatelly before the important meeting ect,

    Due to the fact that it fast becomes useless. But in the first

    1/2 an hour it produces some amazing results.
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  14. #44
    Full Member Pendragon's Avatar
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    Here's a thought. Has anyone

    tried covering LT with a gel like Perception or SOE to see if that would slow the alcohol evaporation of the LT?
    If I'm the rubber and your the glue..then I'd probably get some, and you'd just be sticky

  15. #45
    Phero Master terry0400-40's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pendragon View Post
    Here's a thought. Has anyone tried covering LT with a gel like Perception or SOE to see if

    that would slow the alcohol evaporation of the LT?
    That would be a good idea

    for when it is used in a close contact situation.

    And i would

    suggesr that when used in a larger area, the rate of dispersion of the LT could be inhibited to a degree by the

    Perception application so as not to obtain the maximum possable effects of the LT.
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  16. #46
    Moderator idesign's Avatar
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    That may or may not be true

    Terry, I'm not sure.

    The active -mone ingredient (molecule) may have a very low molecular weight, thus

    disbursing very quickly when exposed to the environment, irrespective of the carrier.

    I reserve the right to be

    wrong, and would love to hear from someone who's versed in chemistry on this point.

    The question of "fixing"

    pheromones came up in another thread, and I don't remember any replies.

  17. #47
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    Perception was designed with

    the idea of reducing dispersion and when I tested it seemed to do the trick. Since I couldn't really tell if the

    pheromones were still there I used a cover scent as a proxy and it seemed to make the scent last up to twice as


    When I apply mones now I always apply the heavy oil cover scents over the mones in the hope that the oils

    will slow dispersion. No solid evidence if it works or not.
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  18. #48
    Phero Master terry0400-40's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by idesign View Post

    may or may not be true Terry, I'm not sure.

    The active -mone ingredient (molecule) may have a very low

    molecular weight, thus disbursing very quickly when exposed to the environment, irrespective of the carrier.


    reserve the right to be wrong, and would love to hear from someone who's versed in chemistry on this point.


    question of "fixing" pheromones came up in another thread, and I don't remember any replies.
    Many forum members here probably recall that i did not have much luck when using up 80mL of

    3rd generation Pheromone product.

    I have about 40 mL of this AQ

    varient left and have never been able to notice any perceivable results either pos or neg regardless of the

    application amounts tested.

    The product has to be shaken up

    before use as there is some separation of the substance evident as that is just the nature and structure of the


    The one positive aspect i can attribute to the AQ 3rd

    generation product is that it has a very unique ability to enhanse and to slow down as well as amplify any fragrance

    or pheromone mix that it is mixed with and it really gets mixes working well.

    But as a product used alone i have not seen any effects after all this time that has passed, i am

    sorry to say.

    Perception i find actually does work to a

    degree and also enhances other mones,

    When used alone i have

    noticed it get a tad stinky after sevaral hours.

    But as Greg has pointed out the subject of fixitives and

    dispersants used in pheromone products,

    This is interesting,and i

    find that they probably play just as an important role as the pheromones themselves, and would probably hold the

    keys of success or failure of a products viability in many respects.

    So a worthy project to immerse one self in the study thereof i would suggest, erum time

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  19. #49
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    That's a great example of the

    difference between people. The 3G works very well for me and and a few others. I get constant hits from it. But if I

    wore the amount of -none you wear it would end up in people running away screaming or people wanting to start fights

    with me. I can only wear very small amounts of -none and even then have to buffer it well with nol.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

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  20. #50
    Moderator idesign's Avatar
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    Bel, its amazing how these

    products work. Not only do different products work with different people, but some products will provide great

    results but then no results at other times. I have a handfull of products that I can count on, and the ones I use

    the most are AQ/3G, A7 and SoE. Others products are good, but these have given consistent results. I still use C7,

    TE, etc, but only as a diversion.

    Terry, I noticed the same thing about 3G amplifying other -mones. In fact,

    I've worn it alone with only moderate success. When I mix it with A7 its amazing. Mixed with SoE I seem to

    attract the world.

  21. #51
    Phero Enthusiast Gmoney's Avatar
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    What's 3g? I don't see it on

    the product list.

  22. #52
    Phero Master terry0400-40's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by idesign View Post

    its amazing how these products work. Not only do different products work with different people, but some products

    will provide great results but then no results at other times. I have a handfull of products that I can count on,

    and the ones I use the most are AQ/3G, A7 and SoE. Others products are good, but these have given consistent

    results. I still use C7, TE, etc, but only as a diversion.

    Terry, I noticed the same thing about 3G amplifying

    other -mones. In fact, I've worn it alone with only moderate success. When I mix it with A7 its amazing. Mixed with

    SoE I seem to attract the world.
    Hey thanks for the A7 and 3g info


    I have

    been doing some exclusive one product applications since the last week in May, using an Androstenone product that is

    proving its self in an excellent manner as far as gaining respect from males and attraction from the fairer


    Once i have become more familiar with the dispersion timing

    of the product in mention, i will actually try it with several drops of the 3G to for awhile to see what differences

    i may notice.

    I have been under the impression that what i am testing is an Androstenone product, and the box

    says pheromone base additive, and also there is not the slightest doubt in my mind that the aNONE is not very

    concentrated because even i can smell it and the G/F now tells me i stink bad when i have it on



    the crux of the matter as i am now thinking what else could it contain, ?

    Because with it applied ( and covered ) and i approach a female woman or girl it does not take

    more than a minute and they are giving me a very real and big smile and it stays on their faces as they are

    interacting with me,

    Well even so it would be interesting to see what character it could take on with a little 3g



    at the moment i am enjoying my one product testing too much to desire any other effects.

    I have taken note of your favourites and

    they have checked out ok in lab tests here in Australia that have been brought to my attention by a friend, Also

    another one that did check out as excellent was Alter Ego, with Xcite wipes coming in strong as an Androstenol

    product and also Pherofragrance cleared the bar with ease.

    I AM. Out of my mind .... .... ....

  23. #53
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gmoney View Post
    What's 3g?

    I don't see it on the product list.
    Its the "3rd Generation" formulation of AQ, not currently available

    here. I can't give you a link but its easy enough to find.

  24. #54
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    Quote Originally Posted by idesign View Post
    Its the "3rd

    Generation" formulation of AQ, not currently available here. I can't give you a link but its easy enough to

    Not clear on how you can tell one gen of AQ from another...

    Can anyone elaborate?
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  25. #55
    Phero Master terry0400-40's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gmoney View Post
    What's 3g? I don't see it on the product list.

    Google in the full name of "AQ" and "PHEROMONE" and hit the enter button and there you have it.

    Last edited by terry0400-40; 06-18-2008 at 10:54 AM. Reason: the name of the product i posted would not display
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  26. #56
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rbt View Post
    Not clear

    on how you can tell one gen of AQ from another...

    Can anyone elaborate?
    The site that the product is available on is only selling the standard AQ version for retail

    customers but the 3rd generation is available to wholesale buyers.

    So as to qualify as a commercial buyer you will probably have to purchase the 3 fl oz ( 84 mL )


    Or you could speak to the general manager and you could be

    lucky enough to receive a smaller quantity of 3g, that is if there is a residual amount left over from the making up

    of the commercial lot sizes.
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  27. #57
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rbt View Post
    Not clear on

    how you can tell one gen of AQ from another...

    Can anyone elaborate?
    Rbt, you might remember a few

    months ago when the manufacturer posted here announcing the new AQ/3G. I think he even posted a graphic of a new

    molecule he apparently "invented". A lot of bickering in that thread if you recall.

    Anyway, one bicker lead to

    another and he's no longer here, but some of us got some 3G. As Terry said, its only available in bulk.

  28. #58
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    Quote Originally Posted by idesign View Post
    Rbt, you might

    remember a few months ago when the manufacturer posted here announcing the new AQ/3G. I think he even posted a

    graphic of a new molecule he apparently "invented". A lot of bickering in that thread if you recall.

    Anyway, one

    bicker lead to another and he's no longer here, but some of us got some 3G. As Terry said, its only available in

    I recall that wonderful bit of "discussion..."

    I bought some AQ on an order earlier this year

    (from L-S) but unsure of what "version/generation" it was. All I can say about it is that I'm not fond of the cover

    scent. Nothing to report hit wise. Yet.
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    Default Job Interviews

    Will "Liquid

    Trust" work well in an interview with men and women?
    I have an interview coming up in two weeks and maybe it would

    give me an edge!
    What do you guys think?
    Thanks Jeff

  30. #60
    Phero Master terry0400-40's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jeffkal View Post

    "Liquid Trust" work well in an interview with men and women?
    I have an interview coming up in two weeks and maybe

    it would give me an edge!
    What do you guys think?
    Thanks Jeff
    I have had

    excellent results with LT when used in an interveiw situation.

    But this stuff is short lived once sprayed on and therefore at least 4 sprays should be sprayed

    across ur shirt front at pec level.

    Try and spray it immediatelly

    before the sit down interveiw time if you can because it seems to only work well for about 1/2 an hour and then

    dissapate very fast.

    Also would recommend getting as close as

    possable to them doing the interveiw.

    It works well with the addidition of some alpha/betanol products, or may use

    some Scent of Eros or some WAGG.

    Pherofragrance is also a top

    notch nol product.
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