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  1. #1
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    Default Need Help with the dosage PLZ...

    Hello! I've been buying chikara and SOE.. I also have NPA but rarely use it.. any way..i'm 23 hispanic and i

    love the scent of chikara.. I first started off just using C7.. then i bought SOE unscented.. I want to continue

    to use this combo, but i'm not sure on the dosage.. So far I use:
    6in. on each side of neck and 6 in on

    wrist and rub together of SOE...
    3 sprays of C7. 1 on each side of neck and one on wrist and rub together...

    I think it makes somewhat of A difference.. I used to get good compliments from just C7 alone, but i've read that

    soe unscented and C7 were good combos.. I know they are cuz this chick at work smells me all the times and cant let

    go of my neck.. Thats what i'm looking for.. but i cant get that same experience at the club.. I'm not shy or

    nothing like that..
    I just want other girls to say the same thing too.. or atleast allow me to "hone in" on

    "symptoms" of a potential target.. anyway.. u guys think im putting too much on? or too little..


  2. #2
    Phero Master terry0400-40's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by STEEL-RESERVE View Post
    Hello! I've been buying chikara and SOE.. I also have NPA but rarely use it.. any

    way..i'm 23 hispanic and i love the scent of chikara.. I first started off just using C7.. then i bought SOE

    unscented.. I want to continue to use this combo, but i'm not sure on the dosage.. So far I use:
    6in. on each side

    of neck and 6 in on wrist and rub together of SOE...
    3 sprays of C7. 1 on each side of neck and one on wrist and

    rub together... I think it makes somewhat of A difference.. I used to get good compliments from just C7 alone, but

    i've read that soe unscented and C7 were good combos.. I know they are cuz this chick at work smells me all the

    times and cant let go of my neck.. Thats what i'm looking for.. but i cant get that same experience at the club..

    I'm not shy or nothing like that..
    I just want other girls to say the same thing too.. or atleast allow me to

    "hone in" on "symptoms" of a potential target.. anyway.. u guys think im putting too much on? or too little..

    help. thanx!
    Hey Steel, nice going with the Chikara, it seems to

    grow on one somewhat over time.

    For daytime mix i would use

    • SOE x 24" + NPA x 2 dabs + C7 x 1 spray.
    And for club


    • SOE x 40" + NPA x 1 drop + C7 x

    Not everyones cup of tea, but it works for me.

    I AM. Out of my mind .... .... ....

  3. #3
    Phero Dude
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    Try just 2 sprays of chikara

    with the same amount of SOE , that works well for me. It's not a "sexual mix" but is good for getting females

    around your age (24) chatty and friendly towards you. As terry suggested , 1 or 2 dabs of NPA to start with will

    give it a good kick. Just be carefull and start off light with NPA , at your age you are putting out a fair amont of

    none anyway. You'll know when you have too much on as everyone will ignore you or even worse , get bitchy and start

    arguements. Also remember to take every 2nd or 3rd day off the NPA as it's strong stuff and can stick around for a

    while on your skin.
    early 40's white male or or

  4. #4
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    Cool.. Thanx U guys for

    all the help.. So bTW.. Which would be a good combo for a "sexual hit" like "GAF" said earlier? Can I still use

    chikara with a sexual hit or will I have to use a diff mone? Thanx again for the help earlier guys!

  5. #5
    Phero Dude
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    I probably wasn't very clear but

    meant to say just add NPA to spice up the C7/SOE mix. It Will work just as well with either as well, just in case

    you prefer one over the other.
    early 40's white male or or

  6. #6
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    Cool. Thanx alot GAF.

    Appreciate the help.

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