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Thread: Ron Paul

  1. #1
    Phero Guru
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    Default Ron Paul

    does anyone else feel like I

    do, that he's just about the only hope we have left for the USA to get back to normal? He is doing extremely well

    in on-line polls but the mainstream media shuffles him off to "nobody" status. I'm a lifelong Democrat but feel

    they have also sold us out.
    There is a cure for electile dysfuntion!!!!

  2. #2
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    You surprise me but I think he

    is one of the best possible choices announced so far. Does he have a chance against so many better known names? I

    doubt it. It seems the better choices rarely do.

    The sold out part is true across the board, democrat and

    republican alike.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

  3. #3
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    Default well, geez

    he's doing

    extremely well in the online polls and I'd have to think that he does, in fact, have a chance. It seems like all

    the "name" candidates have to make a sorta compulsory trip to Israel (Fred Thompson's on his way there as well) -

    why is that?
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  4. #4
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    With his record and attitude

    I'd support him. Perhaps the American people have finally got sick of the business as usual crap and are willing to

    vote for something new. I certainly wouldn't mind being wrong about his chances of winning. I'm just having a

    cynical period right now. It started about 20 years ago but will wane eventually.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

  5. #5
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    Default well, it's probably

    about time

    I did something to help and have joined the campaign for Ron Paul, I'm also going to contribute finanacially.

    Interestingly, here in NH, interest in member groups show Guilianni with 6 members, Clinton with 8 members, draft Al

    Gore with with 16, other notables with less but then the kicker Ron Paul with 165.
    There is a cure for electile dysfuntion!!!!

  6. #6
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    Default now, nationally

    here's the


    Popular Topics in Candidates
    Ron Paul 2008
    235 Meetup Groups
    Draft Al Gore
    105 Meetup

    Barack Obama
    67 Meetup Groups
    John Kerry
    46 Meetup Groups
    John Edwards / One America

    42 Meetup Groups
    Dennis Kucinich
    41 Meetup Groups
    Hillary Rodham Clinton
    30 Meetup Groups

    Wesley Clark
    7 Meetup Groups
    Draft Mark Warner
    6 Meetup Groups
    George W. Bush
    4 Meetup

    Draft Fred Thompson for President
    2 Meetup Groups
    Ralph Nader
    2 Meetup Groups
    Draft Russ

    2 Meetup Groups
    John McCain
    2 Meetup Groups
    David Gereighty for Congress
    2 Meetup


    Looks promising.
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  7. #7
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    It does look promising. We can

    all hope he can win and get started on setting things right.

    Anybody trying to put us back on the right path is

    going to have one hell of a fight from the rest of the government though. Twenty some years ago there was a movement

    in California that I felt was worthwhile but it died of apathy. It was called DRIP for Don't Return Incumbant

    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

  8. #8
    Administrator Bruce's Avatar
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    For those (like myself) who

    don't/didn't know much about the guy, click here for some quick background


    I'm a lifelong democrat myself, but I think I might vote

    for this guy in the primary at least. Then we either get Paul or a dem. The republicans should back this guy, it

    is their only hope this time around. Yeah, and maybe the countries only hope; who knows.
    To enjoy good health, to bring true happiness to one's family, to bring peace to all, one must first discipline and control one's own mind. If a man can control his mind he can find the way to Enlightenment, and all wisdom and virtue will naturally come to him.

    - Buddha

    Yoga in Eugene
    Fair Trade crafts from Peru

  9. #9
    Phero Guru
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    Default from


    Presidential candidate and Congressman Ron Paul (R-Tex) win the Republican national primary in New Hampshire? If he

    did so, the momentum would be significant – and the press coverage massive - as New Hampshire may be the first state

    to hold a formal election, even beating out the Iowa caucus.

    “Ron Paul could win in New Hampshire,” says a

    source close to the campaign. “It would be an explosive political act – one that would devastate the common wisdom.

    The mainstream media hasn't realized it yet, but folks in New Hampshire take him seriously.”


    Paul could use a win in New Hampshire to provide momentum in other states – especially if New Hampshire positions

    itself as the nation's first primary again. The state actually has considerable flexibility in terms of setting a

    primary. The system allows state officials to wait right up to the last minute before they commit to a date. It's

    possible that the primary could be held in the second week of January, or even earlier, in December 07. This may

    explain why the Ron Paul campaign is not putting a lot of emphasis on Iowa but has just hired a campaign manager in

    New Hampshire with considerable professional experience.

    While the Ron Paul campaign isn't commenting on

    any moves, New Hampsher-ites likely sat up and took notice recently when James "The Primary Source" Pindell reported

    that "Former New Hampshire state Representative Barbara Hagan of Manchester endorsed Texas Congressman Ron Paul's

    presidential campaign and will organize outreach to the state's pro-life community."

    Hagan is a powerful figure in New Hampshire politics, and

    her backing means that Ron Paul has made substantial inroads into the conservative wing of the GOP in New Hampshire.

    However, even the conservative wing of the GOP in New Hampshire is more liberal than most in the classical sense. In

    fact, both GOP-ers and the state's huge independent group of votes tend, opinion-wise toward small government, low

    taxes and free-market solutions.

    That's why Ron Paul's message has appeal – and why he could gain

    momentum. In fact, the maverick conservative-populist Patrick Buchanan won the state's Republican nomination in

    1996, defeating Senator Bob Dole by about 3,000 votes. Wikipedia describes it this way:

    At a rally in

    Nashua, he said, "We shocked them in Alaska. Stunned them in Louisiana. Stunned them in Iowa. They are in a terminal

    panic. They hear the shouts of the peasants from over the hill. All the knights and barons will be riding into the

    castle pulling up the drawbridge in a minute. All the peasants are coming with pitchforks. We're going to take this

    over the top." While campaigning, Buchanan energized his supporters with the slogan "The peasants are coming with

    pitchforks", occasionally appearing with a prop pitchfork, thus earning him the nickname "Pitchfork Pat."

    Ultimately, as the above excerpt shows,

    Buchanan chose to run in the American “populist” tradition. Ron Paul, a true political throwback, is doing no such

    thing. He is, instead, grounded in the timeless tenets of Thomas Jefferson's agrarian republicanism. He is a

    constitutional scholar, an admirable polemicist and principled politician. His fundamental beliefs are actually

    those upon which the country was founded - and from which he believes it has grievously and dangerously strayed.

    People who actually get to hear his message about small government, lower taxes and free markets often

    appreciate the fundamental moral conviction of his message. It is quickly clear that Dr. Paul is no normal

    politician. He is known, for instance, as “Dr. No” in Congress because he will not vote for any measure that he

    believes is unconstitutional.

    As heir to Thomas Jefferson's thought, Ron Paul is far more dangerous to the

    political elite than Buchanan ever was. Buchanan could not take his message from the fringe to the mainstream. He

    marginalized himself consciously or unconsciously.

    Ron Paul is no marginal figure. Should he get beyond New

    Hampshire – and likely long before that - his message may command considerable resonance in the public arena. It

    already does on the Internet, and for good reason."
    There is a cure for electile dysfuntion!!!!

  10. #10
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    You might be interested in

    this. The campaign's profit isn't much but "Spreading the Word" could be a help.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

  11. #11
    Phero Guru
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    Default things are looking up.....


    Ron Paul - Five Million Dollar Man?
    Thursday, June 07, 2007 -

    Congressman Ron

    Paul’s donations have moved up - not by hundreds of thousands - but by millions as a result of his debate

    performances and groundswell of support on the Internet and in New Hampshire, observers close to the campaign say.

    The move is especially impressive since as of March 31, 2007, he had perhaps $500,000 on hand (see candidate

    estimates below).

    FMNN had previously reported – after the GOP presidential debate in South Carolina - that

    candidate Ron Paul’s (R-Tex) donations, large and small, had nearly


    Now observers close to the

    campaign are revealing – with some astonishment – that donations to the campaign in recent weeks have pushed the

    total up to perhaps $4 or $5 million.

    “That’s a huge number at this stage,” says one observer. “That starts

    to put him in a position where he can compete – state by state, anyway – with the major candidates.”


    this source added, “Of course, it’s hard to tell because the numbers keep changing – and thus nobody at the campaign

    has a firm count, at least not hour to hour. But the numbers are big. It’s definitely over three, probably over

    four, and if it hasn’t hit five yet, it will soon.”

    At this rate, say observers, Ron Paul could have

    something like $10 million in his coffers inside of several months, and the total could keep growing – so long as he

    continues to hit on themes that Americans support – how to return the country to a true, small government,

    constitutional republic and how to end the war in Iraq.

    To be sure such amounts are somewhat speculative.

    But to put the amount of money Ron Paul is said to have raised recently in perspective, here are the figures of cash

    on hand for GOP candidates as of March 31,


    Sam Brownback


    Jim Gilmore
    cash-on-hand: $90,107

    Rudy Giuliani
    cash-on-hand: $11,949,735


    cash-on-hand: $373,918

    Duncan Hunter
    cash-on-hand: $272,552


    cash-on-hand: $5,180,799

    Ron Paul
    cash-on-hand: $524,919

    Mitt Romney


    Tom Tancredo
    cash-on-hand: $575,078

    Tommy Thompson


    Source: CNN

    Staff Reports - Free-Market News Network"
    There is a cure for electile dysfuntion!!!!

  12. #12
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    keeps pretty good track on whats happening with ron

    pauls campaign, also the movie found here:
    is a must see for all americans,

    they also have a short interview with ron paul in it.


    the blog seams to be down.
    Last edited by rollercoaster; 06-13-2007 at 05:52 AM.

  13. #13
    Moderator idesign's Avatar
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    RP seems to be a classic

    Libertarian with some Populist notes. Much of what he has to say is spot-on, and nobody would disagree with most of

    it but, unfortunately, his total message and presentation puts him on the fringe. I don't think he's electable,

    but he'd be a good protest vote.

    Its too bad, these issues should be debated meaningfully among candidates, but

    the media holds the real debate captive, and encourages the sickening "moderate" view which, to me, is a euphemism

    for lack of vision and leadership.

    But we do know that Hillary wants to rule the world. Blech!!

  14. #14
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Great to see some Ron

    Paul support on here!

    Ron Paul is my hero, honestly. He's a real American hero and should win a Nobel

    Prize if he doesn't win the US Presidency.

    I was never interested in politics - he cured my apathy, and it's

    probably because he isn't much of a traditional "politician" like the others.

    I've even donated to his

    campaign and spent entire days walking my precinct to spread the word, wave signs...things I would have never done,


    The Revolution is catching on everyday, and the message is growing stronger. With Rudy out of the race,

    Huckabee soon to be gone, and McCain losing money, Ron not only has a chance, he can win this thing.

    I think lame

    stream media does not cover him because he is such a threat. They know he can whoop everyone if they give him

    balanced coverage. They are afraid of him, it's so obvious.

    Nevada is proof of this, where he and Romney were

    the only 2 candidates to advertise on TV. Now, just think if they showed Dr. Paul's face on TV like they do for

    all the other candidates...he would be winning by a landslide.

    Yet, they have to resort to ignoring him, and

    every mention of him has to include "long shot" or some other term to slander his clearly growing support.


    week there are more new donors, etc. He pretty much had won LA if they hadn't changed the rules 2 days before the


    There is no clear frontrunner in the GOP, and I seriously think Paul can win it because of that.

    Whatever you guys do, please spread the word. Tell as many people as you can about him.

    Freedom is


  15. #15
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    Default Ron Paul

    whats the first thing

    that comes to mind?

  16. #16
    Phero Guru
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    Default none

    There is a cure for electile dysfuntion!!!!

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