It's bad, of course. But

before we all panic, it's worth noting:

* It's only one study.

* Throat cancer is a very small percentage

of all cancers, even though the vast majority of Americans engage in oral sex.

* Most exposures to HPV are

handled by the immune system, and infection never occurs.

* For the same reason, most cases of HPV go away by


* The most serious known strains of HPV -- the ones that are known to cause cancer -- are easily

avoided; through taking the new vaccine, intended to be given to children before they become sexually active. This

is good.

* HPV caused cervical cancer claims 4000 women's lives every year; or at least that's what I read

recently. Throat cancer is looking to be caused twenty times more often by HPV than by smoking, and affects both

sexes. Yet religious conservatives have fought against the vaccine, on the grounds that it makes sex less dangerous,

and therefore interferes with (useless) abstinence only "education programs". Morons.

This wouldn't be a bad

thing to write your representative about.