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Thread: Natual mones?

  1. #1
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    Default Natual mones?

    Hey guys,

    I dont

    know about you, but every day, there are oils excreting out of my face and body everday. I am 24 years old, even

    though i do not put on mones that i brought from love scent, it seems that i am getting no results or bad looks from

    people, my personality is great and outgoing. So i dont know. It sux because i would wipe my face all the time, and

    it the oil would come back. And the smell, to me its overwhemlining, but i dont know.

    Can this have to do

    anything with diet? I am eating alot of frozen pizza and organic chips from target, since work is hindering my time

    to cook. I am trying to cut out meat in my diet, and i am in shape, helathy and asian.

    Is it possible to change

    the effects of body mones from just willing it? You know, the brain is a powerful thing, a reflex, that can be


    Trying to make natural mones that makes you more attractive, is that possible? Hehe, i guess it might

    take hard work from me because of my natural mones.. that seems to not be good in my opinion.

    - J

  2. #2
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    Are you saying that since you

    started using mones you get the oily skin?

    I would say that definitely your diet has something to do with oily

    skin. Pizza and Chips have a lot of oil in them. For example--We used to add oil to our golden retriever's food

    to give it shinier fur.

    It could also be that you are naturally oily--is there any acne associated with this?

    A lot of the heavy duty prescriptions that dermatologists can prescribe will actually dry up your skin if you


  3. #3
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    I only use mones once in a

    while, but not often, but the source of oil is not the mones.

    It can be my diet, i havent been drinking alot of

    water lately, and as for the chips and pizza, the chips are not those crazy Lay chips, because i only eat organic

    chips that are not oily, Like Tortia, the one from target, cheap and really good stuff. I havent been eating much

    meat, chicken mostly. And as for veggies, try to eat as much as possible on a limited income. Pizza is frozen, thin

    crust, not much oil.

    So it can be my diet, but can it also be psychological? Hmmm? Since i believe that the

    mind can direct the body and its fuctions, not scientific at all, so this might be a good belief for me on trying to

    change myself, which can be directly related to mones and chemical changes in the body. Is that possible? Or am i

    rambling too much?

    I dont have any pimples, not much really. Just natural oil, very icky!! Can this be

    attractive to some women? I doubt that, since it has yet to give me success in the past, hehe ^_^. Time to change.

    Well, i guess i have to expierenment. BTW, this smell of my natural mones is not good for me... I am use to it,

    but i have never found the source of it, oww well, cant have everything explained to me, and this is not BO, big

    difference in smells.

    - J

  4. #4
    Phero Master terry0400-40's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hunter101 View Post

    only use mones once in a while, but not often, but the source of oil is not the mones.

    It can be my diet, i

    havent been drinking alot of water lately, and as for the chips and pizza, the chips are not those crazy Lay chips,

    because i only eat organic chips that are not oily, Like Tortia, the one from target, cheap and really good stuff. I

    havent been eating much meat, chicken mostly. And as for veggies, try to eat as much as possible on a limited

    income. Pizza is frozen, thin crust, not much oil.

    So it can be my diet, but can it also be psychological?

    Hmmm? Since i believe that the mind can direct the body and its fuctions, not scientific at all, so this might be a

    good belief for me on trying to change myself, which can be directly related to mones and chemical changes in the

    body. Is that possible? Or am i rambling too much?

    I dont have any pimples, not much really. Just natural oil,

    very icky!! Can this be attractive to some women? I doubt that, since it has yet to give me success in the past,

    hehe ^_^. Time to change.

    Well, i guess i have to expierenment. BTW, this smell of my natural mones is not good

    for me... I am use to it, but i have never found the source of it, oww well, cant have everything explained to me,

    and this is not BO, big difference in smells.

    - J
    sometimes even a small

    amount of trans fatty oils and also hydrodgenated vegetable oils can be detremental to the digestive processes as

    these types of oils tend to not be digested completly in the normal process and the body attempts to rid its self of

    these toxic substances through the skin, i also had oily skin when i was a young man, sometimes this can be grown

    out of, and sometimes green vegetables and additional vitamin A, plus a sufficient quantity of water can help.

    Sometimes i find the oil build up on my forhead very usefull as i use it to rub on sticking door jambs and other

    items that may need lubrication, sometimes i have some oil available on my forhead and i get a little annoyed if i

    need a swipe and it comes up dry. And as you say, visualisation and the practice of Positive visualisation can be a

    very powerfull and moving force, even so over the years i have had associations with oily skinned girls, sometimes

    with acne and sometimes without, but i never found them any less attractive because of this condition, Sometimes the

    price of vegetables are excessively high, but what i do is eat high fibre foods with vitamins such as dried apricots

    and dates, and i go to Chinatown and buy sheets of dry sea weed which is loaded in nutrients and a small amount of

    this is good for the body, there also is another way you can balance the PH of you body acidity or alcalinity and

    that is to include a level teaspoon of organic apple cyder vinegar mixed in 1/2 glass of water and sipped with your

    meals, this preparation can work wonders with your constitution, Nevertheless do your best and then just put the oil

    out of your mind and dont make it an issue, because at the end of the day it is really going to be the dynamics of

    your personality that will have the most influence upon any potential partners you interact with in your life, and

    of course the mental pictures that you project every day. just make sure you drink enough water ie Drink 1/2 of your

    body weight of water in ounces, daily. Example 180 LB = 90 oz. of water daily. divide that into 8 or 10 oz glasses

    and that is the daily amount you will need to drink.
    I AM. Out of my mind .... .... ....

  5. #5
    Phero Dude
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    Quote Originally Posted by hunter101 View Post
    Can this

    have to do anything with diet? I am eating alot of frozen pizza and organic chips from target, since work is

    hindering my time to cook. I am trying to cut out meat in my diet, and i am in shape, helathy and asian.

    Um, I'd say it has everything to do with diet.
    Like you I"m busy and live on my own so that means I

    have to prepare most of my food. The easiest thing to do is to make bigger meals and freeze them in individual

    portions. That way when I get home after a long day I have a "fresh" meal waiting for me and all I have to do is to

    pop it in the microwave.
    It's a myth that fast food is cheaper , think about the consequenses on your body in the

    long term. At the moment being 24 (?) you can eat that rubbish but it will come back and haunt you later in life!

    Eat whole grains , snack on fresh fruit for a sugar hit , drink water for energy , organic meat if possible (as

    it's no more expensive then supermarket meat in my neighbourhood)
    It will take a few weeks to see results but you

    will have more energy and your skin may clear up.
    you don't mention what mones you are

    early 40's white male or or

  6. #6
    Full Member Superman's Avatar
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    Don't always eat pizza - it

    isn't good for your health. I'd be concerned about increasing risk of various things - such as diabetes for one...

    take care.

  7. #7
    Kodachrome Forever! Gegogi's Avatar
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    Not all pizzas are created equal.

    Traditional pizzas are simply brickoven baked bread with tomato sauce, spices and a wee bit of grated goat cheese.

    Some even lack cheese. But, yeah, typical American pizzas are pure poison.
    "I'm just a dirty hornytoad" -Gegogi

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gegogi View Post
    Not all

    pizzas are created equal. Traditional pizzas are simply brickoven baked bread with tomato sauce, spices and a wee

    bit of grated goat cheese. Some even lack cheese. But, yeah, typical American pizzas are pure poison.

    Agree with you except I think eating too much bread/pasta every day is bad for your system unless you exercise quite

    a bit every day.

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    just make sure you drink enough water ie Drink 1/2 of your body weight of water in ounces,

    daily. Example 180 LB = 90 oz. of water daily. divide that into 8 or 10 oz glasses and that is the daily amount you

    will need to drink.

    I can't agree more with Terry on that one. I recently changed my

    diet and bit the bullet regarding the water issue that you ALWAYS hear talked about but practically no one follows.

    I cut out sugared sodas, (Drink Coke Zero when I have the urge) Drink small 4oz cups of water throughout the day,

    drink only water with my lunch, and usually a glass of skim milk at dinner time (Unless I'm out, then it's booze

    or wine). Along with watching what I eat (Bye bye french fries and the like) and not overeating (Just stop when

    you're full, portions are so large!). I've managed to lose about 12 pounds in the past 2 months and I feel great

    -- and I haven't changed my exercise/activity levels at all.

    Last edited by Zlo5; 05-03-2007 at 07:54 AM. Reason: Additional info added

  10. #10
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    It may be the food i am

    eating, but i am eating healthy (brick oven pizza, none of that pork food). H2O all the way, but how about stress?

    It is known that stress can hinder many things in the body, hibit hormones, learning, thinking.. Can stress

    have an affect on mones? hmmmmmm....

    Well, i think i am creating these bad mones due to stress, less

    likely than the food. Can someone back me up on stress creates shitty mones?

    Just to give you guys a heads up,

    even though i dont look stressed, but i feel stressed... And that stress people 'feel' it around me... It can be

    in body language, but i think its more deeply rooted, psychological that transmit into mones? Just a thought.



  11. #11
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    Apart from the excellent

    information above, I would like to add a couple of more points.

    Hormones can influence the amount of facial

    oil you produce; excessive oil production may be a result of underlying hormonal imbalance.

    Give the above

    suggestions a good go. If the situation does not improve, visiting your GP or dermatologist may be an option. In the

    meantime and if your budget allows, you may also want to try some over the counter facial products which have low

    levels of alpha, beta or gamma hydroxyl acids. These acids help remove dead skin cells and excess oil.

  12. #12
    Phero Master terry0400-40's Avatar
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    I seem to also agree with hunter101 on the stress affecting the pheromones, because they, that is the

    pheromones tend to amplify the way we are feeling, i have noticed that a good hit mix loses a lot of its potential

    if i am tired, stressed out or even fasting sometimes. It really is not good for the long term health to have an

    accumulation of bad stress, sometimes a lack of good quality sleep can contribute towards that state, and another

    very real weapon in the arsenal for dealing with stress is the consumption of a very good Vitamin B complex

    supplement and also a balanced Zinc complex tablet containing magnesium and manganese. But getting back towards the

    subject of good quality sleep, As one who has had stress problems i found that meditation practice is truily an

    amazing tool that can be used to great effect in the management and elimination of a mountain of unhealthy stress, i

    have found over the years that meditation and visualisation can actually contribute in a major way to keeping a

    person balanced and receptive to positive decision making in all areas, its a very healthy path to follow and even

    as little as 10 mins a day can reap major benefits as the practice has an accumulative effect that will actually

    stay with an individual after the conscious practice has ceased. I find that our thoughts beliefs visualisations and

    faith eg power of the mind is the dynamic power and catalyst that can create our life experience, and during the

    deep relaxed phase of meditation we can utilise these facalties to great and major benefit.
    I AM. Out of my mind .... .... ....

  13. #13
    Phero Dude
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    Glad to hear you had a good

    experience with cutting out the crap.
    It just goes to show that we usually eat far more then we need to operate , I

    eat well and not much junk food but do like beer. When ever I give up "the ale of the gods" I lose a lot of weight

    , about a kilo per week (2.6 pounds ? ) just by doing nothing more!
    early 40's white male or or

  14. #14
    Kodachrome Forever! Gegogi's Avatar
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    It may be the food i am

    eating, but i am eating healthy (brick oven pizza, none of that pork food). H2O all the way, but how about stress?
    If you really wanta eat healthy, that brick oven pizza should be the exception and not the rule. Lots of

    raw organic fruits, veggies and nuts, go easy on the carbs (use organic flour and other ingredients), toss most junk

    food including your organic chips and be very frugal with meat and dairy products if you must eat them (organic of


    About 5 years ago I stopped eating store bought veggies and fruits and, instead, grew my own using

    organic methods (growing season is year round in Hawaii). Not only do they taste much better but I experienced a

    major boost to my physical and mental health. I have no aches and rarely get sick. My waist size went from 35 to 29

    inches. I also stopped eating and drinking processed and junk foods, especially chips, candy and soft drinks. Most

    of my friends think I'm a vegetarian, but I still eat amall amounts of organic meat, fish and poultry as nuts and

    beans don't provide enough protein (I ain't touchin' that powered crap at GNC). I also only drink filter high

    alkaline water (using a water ionizer) and workout an hour daily. The workout pretty much nixes the stress. My one

    weakness is still love drinking beer and maybe a wee bit of herb on a bluemoon...
    "I'm just a dirty hornytoad" -Gegogi

  15. #15
    Phero Master terry0400-40's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gegogi View Post
    If you

    really wanta eat healthy, that brick oven pizza should be the exception and not the rule. Lots of raw organic

    fruits, veggies and nuts, go easy on the carbs (use organic flour and other ingredients), toss most junk food

    including your organic chips and be very frugal with meat and dairy products if you must eat them (organic of


    About 5 years ago I stopped eating store bought veggies and fruits and, instead, grew my own using

    organic methods (growing season is year round in Hawaii). Not only do they taste much better but I experienced a

    major boost to my physical and mental health. I have no aches and rarely get sick. My waist size went from 35 to 29

    inches. I also stopped eating and drinking processed and junk foods, especially chips, candy and soft drinks. Most

    of my friends think I'm a vegetarian, but I still eat amall amounts of organic meat, fish and poultry as nuts and

    beans don't provide enough protein (I ain't touchin' that powered crap at GNC). I also only drink filter high

    alkaline water (using a water ionizer) and workout an hour daily. The workout pretty much nixes the stress. My one

    weakness is still love drinking beer and maybe a wee bit of herb on a bluemoon...
    Oh yes 4 sure what would life be without an ossasional blue moon, very theraputic as well as

    when the necessity arises for a good natural remedy presents its self. and quality is of the essence, gold is

    I AM. Out of my mind .... .... ....

  16. #16
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    Yeah, i had alot of stresses

    lately... Memories of hte past creeping up on me, which is the main cause of my stress...

    I been trying to

    meditate, but the mind is tough and it runs rampant. Meditating works, even just 3 minutes helps calm the running

    mind. Trying to put meditation into my daily routine, it has helped me calm me down.

    As for food, i am

    definitly chaning my eating habits after i get my next paycheck.. living paycheck by paycheck is really hard. And

    working out... Yeah, my stress has really killed my mojo, so working out has not happen for about 2 weeks... I am

    very athletic, a martial artist, yet i am unalbe to do what i love, due to my past and how the mind messes me up...

    Dont worry, its just a girl, hehe, that kills my mentality

    So yeah, i think i will visualize and do some

    affirmations that will hlep me create some strong/sexual/alpha natural mones. That is not to say that i am not using

    the products, i spent some good hard money on them, and will start using them soon.

    - J

  17. #17
    Phero Master terry0400-40's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hunter101 View Post
    Yeah, i had alot of stresses lately... Memories of hte past creeping up on me, which is the

    main cause of my stress...

    I been trying to meditate, but the mind is tough and it runs rampant. Meditating

    works, even just 3 minutes helps calm the running mind. Trying to put meditation into my daily routine, it has

    helped me calm me down.

    As for food, i am definitly chaning my eating habits after i get my next paycheck..

    living paycheck by paycheck is really hard. And working out... Yeah, my stress has really killed my mojo, so working

    out has not happen for about 2 weeks... I am very athletic, a martial artist, yet i am unalbe to do what i love, due

    to my past and how the mind messes me up... Dont worry, its just a girl, hehe, that kills my mentality


    yeah, i think i will visualize and do some affirmations that will hlep me create some strong/sexual/alpha natural

    mones. That is not to say that i am not using the products, i spent some good hard money on them, and will start

    using them soon.

    - J
    OH yeaar, allowing the image of a certain girl to

    enter the visual perception of the minds eye can cause untold explosive rampant damage as well as just about any

    condition to come to the forefront, when its sweet it is the mother of all heaven and when it is bitter then hell

    knows no bounds, oh the commotion and eartshattering effects the image of a girl can project into our lives, it can

    bring the best man amoungst us undone thats for sure, there "just aint nothing like a woman" and thats it in a nut

    shell. SO really wish you luck as you need it and also prayers and more, as a woman can move the Universe. ha ha

    what a life, with them and without them.
    I AM. Out of my mind .... .... ....

  18. #18
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    Shanx terry. Great words

    (caused a tear for me this morning ). I fall in the 'gates of hell' section now, hehe. Prayers and

    mediation is the only way i can get over this, it is helping, keep up the faith. Then hopefully, i can be in balance

    and create natural powerful attractive confident mones that we all strive to do... and also with help of love-scent


  19. #19
    Phero Master terry0400-40's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hunter101 View Post
    Shanx terry. Great words (caused a tear for me this morning ). I fall in the

    'gates of hell' section now, hehe. Prayers and mediation is the only way i can get over this, it is helping, keep

    up the faith. Then hopefully, i can be in balance and create natural powerful attractive confident mones that we all

    strive to do... and also with help of love-scent ^_^.
    Time is a great

    healer it has been said, and when the time is right there will undoubtedly be some beautifull warm hearted

    affectionate woman creature who will be in dire need of some genuine loving from you and fall under your spell. And

    you are amoungst friends here even though huge seas may seperate us we can still all communicate so readily, and

    instantly convey the thoughts of our spirit, as these inventions have been created at this time for us to all

    benefit each other during our short sojurn here amoungst mortals, here on this sphere as we revolve around that

    great shining orb that we call the sun and speed throughout the universe as if upon wings of fire. I think i will go

    back to bed and curl up next to my eternal companion and snooze as all this exciting phenomenum is going on around

    me, after all its only 4am here now.
    I AM. Out of my mind .... .... ....

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