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  1. #1
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    Default Update on results so far!

    I know there

    aren't many woman around, but for the benefit of those in the future...

    Have been using PI/w for about a week

    now. It definitely works, but not in the way that I had expected it to from reading about it.

    First of all it

    makes me feel really kind of hyper and chatty (more so than usual!) and just generally chilled out. For the first

    few days I felt quite giddy. However, after wearing it for a while (like all day) it's like I go the other way

    and feel really irritable. Maybe I just get tired of being so happy lol. It definitely makes me feel a LOT more

    horny. Not sure if guys have ever tried it, but might be worth considering. My colleagues have also reported

    feeling really horny this last week.

    With women it seems to make them feel chatty, friendly, happy; just seems

    to bring out the best in people.

    With men I have just noticed more looks from people I pass every day, but

    don't really talk to. Not too sure if it's because I feel so 'glowy' though - maybe they're attracted to


    With my 'target' I would say that things are definitely progressing now. Getting a bit more chasing

    from him, which was the aim. Not sure whether it has made him any more relaxed or loving around me because he

    always has been anyway.

    Definitely notice no more effects from 2 drops to more, so don't bother as it's just a


    Got a few big nights out coming up, so will report back on the findings from them soon. Also got AE/w

    and PCC coming, so will update about them too.

  2. #2
    Phero Dude Marlboro_man's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Redeye
    First of

    all it makes me feel really kind of hyper and chatty (more so than usual!) and just generally chilled out. For the

    first few days I felt quite giddy. However, after wearing it for a while (like all day) it's like I go the other

    way and feel really irritable. Maybe I just get tired of being so happy lol. It definitely makes me feel a LOT

    more horny. Not sure if guys have ever tried it, but might be worth considering. My colleagues have also reported

    feeling really horny this last week.

    Possible mone build up if I am understanding you

    correctly (after several days of use you get irritable). If I don't understand you correctly (you only get

    irritable after wearing all day, and the next day everything is fine) It may be possible that the mones are breaking

    down into another mone. Just a thought.

    Congrats! on the product working for you. Keep up the good work and


  3. #3
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    yeah, i was thinking maybe it was

    the -nol to -none conversion at the end of the day (the way i understand it, Redeye was saying that it she was

    feeling irritable at the end of the day; but the morning of the next day, everything is back to normal).

    i'm no

    expert on -mones, though. from the cookbook, it takes ~8 hours for -nol to convert into -none (w/the conversion rate

    being different for each person, of



  4. #4
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    Hi guys

    Thanks for your

    thoughts. Yes, it's at the end of the day that I feel irritable and then am fine again the next day.

    I wonder

    if I just burn out though from feeling so happy all day. I don't know much about the nol to none conversion.

  5. #5
    Phero Dude Marlboro_man's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Redeye
    Hi guys

    Thanks for your thoughts. Yes, it's at the end of the day that I feel irritable and then am fine again the next


    I wonder if I just burn out though from feeling so happy all day. I don't know much about the nol to none

    I don't know much about PI/W but if it's high in Nol then the conversion to none is very

    likely. It is widely believed around here, although I don't know if it is or isn't scientifically proven, that

    the bacteria on your skin slowly converts the nol (friendly) to none (testoterone based) which can take that happy

    go lucky feeling and turn in it to miserable side effects and cause head aches. Basically OD effects that are

    always referred to in main forum. Try doing this: Take some alchohol wipes with you and thoroughly clean the PI/W

    off after 6-8 hours and then re-apply a fresh batch and let us know the results.

  6. #6
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    PI/w has a pretty high -nol

    content, from what i remember & understand.

    i remember one time, i ran out of SOE so i wore 2 drops of PI/w (one

    drop split behind the ears & one drop split b/n the wrists). there was a girl (25 yrs old) at work i was trying to

    buddy up with. unfortuntely for me, i was in a hurry & forgot to put on a cover scent (but i wasn't too worried b/c

    PI/w is a -nol based product). i didn't wear any -none that day b/c the girl seemed to be intimidated by me w/e i

    wore -none based products & i hadn't discovered A1 yet at the time. and i hadn't worn any -none based products in

    about a week.

    to add to my misfortune that day, we had an unexpected delivery of some heavy supplies (it came a

    day early) two or three hours after i got to work. it took me like 2 hours to unload the supplies from the truck

    onto the lift & then from the lift into the studio (the latter part i did alone b/c we had some deadlines & i was

    the only one who hadn't been assigned to a particular project).

    by the time i was done, i was sweating pretty

    badly. a male co-worker & i walked past the girl i was trying to buddy up with in a narrow hallway. i got maybe 2

    feet past her & she said (rather loudly) "Why...(at this point, both the male co-worker & i stopped & turned

    around)...does it smell like cat pee around this area (she was motioning w/her arms & looking at me dead in the


    oh yeah, i forgot to mention that i can NOT smell the BO/kitty pee in -none. needless to say, i was a bit

    embarrassed, but i laughed & shrugged. the male co-worker looked at me & laughed (i have no idea if he can smell the

    BO/kitty pee in -none or not). the girl suddenly felt bad & laughed & said "maybe it's just me" & we all quickly

    walked our separate ways.

    the incident w/the girl was maybe 5 hours after i'd applied the 2 drops of


    EDIT: by the way, good "test" idea, Marlboro_man.

  7. #7
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    Great idea about the alcohol

    wipes. Will give that a go. I haven't found that I get headaches at all, just grouchy.

    Cat pee story made

    me laugh. Haven't experienced any funny smells I don't think. I have an acute sense of smell anyway, but I'm

    sure one of my friends would tell me if I smelt funny.

    Am definitely getting frustrated with just PI/w though.

    It's a great mone, but all it does is seem to make people friendly and happy around me. I don't want friendly - I

    want horny! Can't wait for the other things to arrive!

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Redeye
    Cat pee story made

    me laugh.
    i have other funny stories involving -mones, but i don't want to hijack the thread.

    Quote Originally Posted by Redeye
    Haven't experienced any funny smells I don't think. I have an acute sense of smell anyway,

    but I'm sure one of my friends would tell me if I smelt funny.
    hmm...i know a lot of guys can't smell

    the BO/kitty pee in -none. i haven't heard of women not being able to, but i could be wrong (i'm no expert). but

    if you don't notice any "funny" smells at the end of the day & your not wearing strong perfume (that's covering up

    the "funny" -none smell), then chances are it's not the -nol to -none conversion that's making you irritable?

    someone more knowledgeable might know.

    at any rate, Marlboro_man's idea should help you figure it out.

    Quote Originally Posted by Redeye
    Am definitely getting frustrated with just PI/w though. It's a great mone, but all it does is

    seem to make people friendly and happy around me. I don't want friendly - I want horny! Can't wait for the other

    things to arrive!
    if your AE/w & PCC don't get the results you want, maybe try EW?

    here's a link you

    might find useful (if you haven't seen it



    some of the ladies in that thread talked about EW making guys horney. i'm not sure if they

    were talking about the original EW or the new EW (i can't remember when Bruce started selling the original version

    & when he started selling the new version).

    AnnieO, if you're reading this, maybe try EW? i know you said in

    another thread that you wanted to "up the ante."

  9. #9
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    Thanks for the info on EW. Am

    kicking myself for not ordering some this time round, but nevermind.

    So far I now have PI/w, AE/w, PCC, APC and

    various different wipe samples.

    I had a meeting today and wore PI/w and PCC...never again! The guy I met with

    looked visibly shy and struggled to make eye contact with me, which in turn made me feel uncomfortable. It just

    felt out of context because it was a business meeting and there was this awkwardness like when you meet someone you

    like in a club kind of thing. Still, at least I know it works for me!

    I have now put on some of the others, as

    am going out and want to test reactions. Am out tonight and will be around a lot of men in close proximity, so will

    report back on that tomorrow.

    I have on 2 drops of PI/w, AE/w, APC and liberal rolls of PCC, all on wrists and

    neck/behind ears. Not bothering with the wipes just yet. Don't know about the effects of AE/w on men, but I love

    the smell, can't stop sniffing it.

  10. #10
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    Well, the other night was a

    resounding success. Not sure I can attribute what happened with my target to the mones, as he had already suggested

    to me a few weeks ago that he was interested in a relationship. Anyway, I got some good results from other people


    Had on 2 drops PI/w, AE/w, APC and liberal amounts of PCC (as per previous post), on neck, wrists. Then

    applied 1 drop of each onto clothing on chest.

    Got a lot of eye contact with one guy, a lot of flirting from

    another (he paid no attention to anyone else, including his friends and was visibly distressed when I got together

    with my target) and things got quite intense with the target. I basically felt like I could have had my pick of the

    men there if I had wanted to, but only really had eyes for one of them.

    That night he went absolutely out of his

    way to look after me, making sure that I was warm enough, involving me in conversations with his friends and a few

    other things (don't want to be too specific in case anyone I know reads this!).

    Lots of kissing ensued and he

    was incredibly aroused. Only the first night of kissing though, so I didn't want to go any further.

    As I

    used quite a few, I'm not entirely sure what is doing what! I just wanted to make sure I had every base covered

    for that night, so used them all and it did the trick. However, I am going to do some tests with the PCC alone.

    I'd like to figure out how effective it is because if it doesn't produce the desired results then I'm moving onto


  11. #11
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    i can't wait to see your results

    from a PCC only experiment.

  12. #12
    Phero Dude Marlboro_man's Avatar
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    I'm glad your

    getting results, but may I make a suggestion?

    Try to stick with something you think works for a while before

    switching again for 2 reasons.
    1) You accurately get to see if the mone/combo actually works by seeing many

    scenarios. That way you can eliminate external circumstances.
    2) Switching too often may confuse your target as

    his reactions to you may not be congruent therefore making him think that you keep changing (multiple


  13. #13
    Phero Dude Marlboro_man's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Redeye
    Great idea

    about the alcohol wipes. Will give that a go. I haven't found that I get headaches at all, just grouchy.

    Have you tried this yet? I am anxious to hear your results.

  14. #14
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    Haven't tried the alcohol

    wipes yet, as completely forgot, but I do plan on getting some next time I go shopping.

    Thanks for the

    suggestions about not changing too often. I'll stick with what I have been using for a while then before trying

    PCC alone.

    Interesting that with this combination, 2 of my female friends have told me that I smell like I have

    on aftershave and they really like it. I haven't worn a cover scent because I like APC scent enough without a


  15. #15
    Phero Dude Marlboro_man's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Redeye


    for the suggestions about not changing too often. I'll stick with what I have been using for a while then before

    trying PCC alone.
    I learned this the hard way as I have sent a few girls off the deep end by doing

    this too often in the past. Usually thinks would end up in pretty nasty argurments and I didn't understand why.

    Now thinking back on it I realize that I used to think they weren't being themselves, therefore not consistent and

    throwing mixed messages which I interpreted as hiding something. Truth be told it was me who was hiding something

    (mones) and changing that resulted in different behaviors from them. Don't get me wrong I still mix mones up

    around people I know but now I know better doses for me and the expected results so I can adjust accordingly.

  16. #16
    Phero Dude Marlboro_man's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Redeye

    Interesting that with this combination, 2 of my female friends have told me that I smell like I have on aftershave

    and they really like it. I haven't worn a cover scent because I like APC scent enough without a

    Have you by chance asked these friends if they feel anything different when smelling it?

  17. #17
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    One said they felt relaxed and a

    bit woozy, but just wanted to keep smelling it.

    Today I have on PI/w and AE/w and I can smell cat piss! Well

    it's like an ammonia smell.

    Never had this with PI/w on it's own, so can only assume it's the AE/w. Have

    about 3 drops on wrists and neck.

  18. #18
    Phero Dude Marlboro_man's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Redeye
    One said they

    felt relaxed and a bit woozy, but just wanted to keep smelling it.

    Today I have on PI/w and AE/w and I can smell

    cat piss! Well it's like an ammonia smell.

    Never had this with PI/w on it's own, so can only assume it's

    the AE/w. Have about 3 drops on wrists and neck.
    So your friend felt woozy. Ahhhh the infamous mone


  19. #19
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    Default Further update

    Ok, have been using

    PI/w and PCC on their own for quite some time and really do not seem to get much from PCC. If I use a lot - like

    rolls and rolls of the stuff all over my arms and neck, then it does get a reaction.

    I have been around 2 guys

    that have become aroused. One in particular has commented about feeling especially horny - although I'm not

    convinced that that's not quite a normal thing for him anyway! Having not acted upon this (suffice to say I have

    decided that I am not interested in either of the guys that I had initially planned on attracting) I can't comment

    on whether it made any difference to sex.

    I still haven't done an awful lot with the AE/w because of the cat

    pee smell! I don't think men are as likely to smell this and I do have a very sensitive nose, so I'll no doubt

    give it a go again. The APC I still love the smell of and the none content is minimal, so I've decided I like


    Have ordered some EW - feel ready for it now I have some experience! I am especially eager to try the EW

    and the PI/w together. I am planning on trying it in small amounts, but undiluted initially, having read up a fair

    bit on it. Will update when I have tested it all out, with quantities used etc.

  20. #20
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    you know - it's funny redeye - i

    finally got to test the PCC last night. I used 3 drops cleo, and then rolled the PCC on either side of my neck and

    then along my collarbone.

    I was testing a new scent - and I asked my new gay boyfriend what he thought of my

    perfume - I had wanted to know how it was breaking down on me as the night progressed.

    He smelled my neck where

    the PCC was and he said "it smells alright - it's good".

    And then 10 seconds later he says "you know don't

    take this the wrong way, but your perfume makes me want to play with those..." and pointed at my chest.


    thought that was just really funny, because it's a textbook reaction.

    But either way he had to come in real

    close to smell it - so I think it's prolly best left for truly intimate encounters, and not jsut as social


  21. #21
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    Those were the kinds of reactions

    that I got, but I have had those reactions from these people without the PCC, so can't attribute it to that and

    have noticed no reaction from anyone else at all - so you're probably right about the intimate thing.

    Have you

    tried EW yet?

  22. #22
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    nope - i've got a sample of it,

    but I'm sorta scared to try it, and I don't really have a safe guinea pig yet. *lol*

  23. #23
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    Well the EW has arrived! Am not

    seeing anyone today, so decided to try it purely to assess the smell etc.

    The package smelt of grapes before I

    even opened it. I like that smell, but it does also smelly cheesy. It's not as bad as I expected, but you

    definitely need a cover scent.

    Have put two drops on my wrists and covered with a strong scent after 10

    minutes. I don't think most people would smell the cheesy smell, just the coverscent, so am definitely going to

    use it neat like this.

    No-one to test on for a few days unfortunately, but I can wait!

  24. #24
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    Hi Redeye,
    I'm very curious to

    hear about your results with EW!
    This is the first time I write here but I have been reading this forum for some


    I have been experimenting with AE/w and SOE/w gelpacks [separately] at work but they don't seem to do

    anything for me. Neither I nor my man love the fragrance of SOE/w [I haven't told him what it is] and in 2 hours it

    starts smelling so awfully nasty that I am reluctlant to continue playing with it...

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