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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    So if a guy does this

    stuff naturally and has successful relationships with women, that's OK. But if some guys need some assistance,

    they're playing childish games!
    I just want to say that I was/am one of the one's in need of

    assistance and the whole fast seduction thing and pheromones have been helping me. I fit what people were talking

    about exactly, I was raised with the "treat her right" and the "just be yourself" and the "nice guy thing". I can

    say it hasn't worked for me and I'm 26 years old now. I haven't had the success with women that I've wanted and

    my relationships end up being where the girl has the control and I don't get treated how I want to be treated. My

    advice, especially to younger people, is to not be how I was with girls. It has gotten me nowhere with girls. The

    RJ, David DeAngelo and mystery method stuff can be complicating and I'm not completely sold on trying to do all

    those things, but just the points that phersurf make in this post about the way of thinking about girls can help.

    I'm getting better at it and hopefully learning stuff from fast seduction and making it complement my personality

    will get me where I want to be. For me, it is not about not being myself, it is trying to become better at just

    being myself and improving myself.

  2. #2
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    Default Yeah

    What it all comes down to is

    "be yourself" but be the Best "yourself" you can be.I will admit alot of the stuff in the seduction communtity is

    intended to trick women into conversation which can then lead to more.But....I also believe this stuff is invaluable

    to a person like myself and many others who have had limited/no success with women.

    No one is born knowing how to

    drive a car, it is something we learn and with practice become experienced with.In todays world little boys are not

    taught how to become men.How to become attractive to women.Is it wrong to seek out this knowlege?

    The bottom line

    is, read everything you can on seduction.Then heres the funny part, forget it all.Don't use it consciously.It will

    become natural in time.

    And...please don't think negatively of those who endeavor to improve


  3. #3
    Phero Enthusiast
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    I added CF to my dealings

    with all the females in my life and now all of them seem more comfortable and more happy.

    We get a *ton* of

    training from movies and songs that if we are *really* romantic the girls will love us (and the girls get the same


    The problem is that when we really do it, it turns them off, or makes them feel "uncomfortable", or

    makes you seem creepy.

    It's one thing to do something romantic or just plain nice in the context of a solid

    relationship where you normally treat her so she feels comfortable.

    But- CF has even improved relationships that

    I've been in for 20 years. All I can guess is that they feel more relaxed- they know who is in charge.

  4. #4
    Phero Pro
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    Dont know why this thread was

    brought up again to the front, but just my opinion, d'angelo and all those guys that preach seduction techniques

    are like vultures feeding on the insecurities of men who have very little or low confidence. I once heard a

    d'angelo recording out of curiosity, since so many of the forum members bring it up so often ( often wondered why

    there is a high incidence of low confidence and pheromone use? in some guys), the audience were laughing at his

    stupid and I mean very LAME jokes. This mans teaching would not pass in Australia, nor in Europe, women on these two

    continents are much too sharp for this rubbish. By the way, in the one recording I listened too, he contradicted

    himself quite a bit, I believe he would have been better suited to selling cars than preaching behavioural

    techniques to men. But thier will always be those men that feel weak and need guidence, unfortunatly they just

    choose the wrong source sometimes.

  5. #5
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    Default Bronzie

    What source would you

    suggest?BTW David .D is not the only one involeved in the seduction community.Have you heard of Mystery,

    Style,Juggler or any of these people.YES this stuff works in America,England, Europe ,Australia,Japan name

    it.It's SOCIAL DYNAMICS.the basics of being socially productive.Just because you want to believe it doesn't work

    won't stop it from working.We as humans have a basic mating ritual the same as any other animal.It's just more

    complicated and full of more BS.

    Listening to one recording and casting judegement is just plain silly.What

    evidence do you have to support your argument?As I've said before .....please do not look down on those who

    endeavor to improve themselves.

  6. #6
    Kodachrome Forever! Gegogi's Avatar
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    Damos, this is a forum for

    discussion of pheromones and their use. If you want to beat a drum for Davie D, discuss religion or politics there

    are ample and far more appropriate places for such chatter. Go there and knock yourself out. I for one wished this

    thread had been deleted or locked long ago. It is not helpful nor does it advance our knowledge of pheromones one

    "I'm just a dirty hornytoad" -Gegogi

  7. #7
    Moderator Mtnjim's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gegogi
    Damos, this is a

    forum for discussion of pheromones and their use. If you want to beat a drum for Davie D, discuss religion or

    politics there are ample and far more appropriate places for such chatter. Go there and knock yourself out. I for

    one wished this thread had been deleted or locked long ago. It is not helpful nor does it advance our knowledge of

    pheromones one iota.

    Not to agree or disagree about David D, but to quote the

    discription of this forum, ""None of the Above" An area for discussing topics that don't fit

    Freedom begins when you tell Mrs. Grundy to go fly a kite.
    --Lazarus Long

  8. #8
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    Gegogi was right at the time he

    posted. I saw his comment and agreed so moved it from pheromone discussion to here.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

  9. #9
    Moderator Mtnjim's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by belgareth
    Gegogi was right

    at the time he posted. I saw his comment and agreed so moved it from pheromone discussion to

    OOPS! Missed that part. Sorry.
    Freedom begins when you tell Mrs. Grundy to go fly a kite.
    --Lazarus Long

  10. #10
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    My fault for not saying

    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

  11. #11
    Phero Guru
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    Default none

    "just my opinion, d'angelo

    and all those guys that preach seduction techniques are like vultures feeding on the insecurities of men who have

    very little or low confidence."

    Gee whiz, what's wrong with selling a product that some segment of the

    population wants, no matter the reason. From what I've read, there's been a whole lot of guys who have been

    thankful to pay for this kind of information as it has improved their lives. And, I might add, for every success

    story there's also another happy non-paying customer: the woman who falls for the guy!!! Alas, there will always

    be people who will pay for these instructions, or pheromones, or expensive clothes, etc. who will get nowhere..

    Some just can't be helped but that in no way should imply that they not at least try. At least they seem to be

    offering something tangible unlike other "special offers" out there.

    I get the DeAngelo emails and used to

    read them through, sometimes to learn something, often just to laugh. My girlfriend Sue also used to read them and

    she told me: "well, I hate to say it, but he's right, that is what women want" I trust her expertise as a woman.

    A good number of years ago I paid for a book that taught me how to fix computers, yes - I was insecure and

    had very little confidence in my ability to fix computers. Although I no longer do that kind of work, that book

    paid for itself many times over. What's wrong in paying for some knowledge?
    There is a cure for electile dysfuntion!!!!

  12. #12
    Phero Enthusiast
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    At the risk fo repeating

    myself-- these things say what actually works, vs the songs and movies that show you what doesn't work.

    If you

    watch movies, you think you just need to keep pursuing her hard and you'll get her because she'll know you really

    love her. In reality, she's filing a restraining order for that type of behavior these days.

    In fact, when

    practiced in real life, most "romantic" gestures are pretty creepy unless the lady already wants them.


    the deangelo stuff guys are just having fun with the ladies- not getting hung up on any particular one- and a

    certain percentage of them pan out and turn into more.


    On a different note- a lot of you want "real

    relationships". My life is so complicated that I couldn't fit in a "real" relationship. I just want a few more

    sex appropriate people that enjoy some of the same activities that I do. For going out clubbing and flirting on a

    friday night, or for massage, or for many other more intimate things- that's going to be a lady.

    And it won't

    be just *one* lady. That set's me up to be alone if she's not available or if we break up. I have a much better

    set up with 5 close ladies and (3 prospects currently) all of whom know I'm a bachelor type and polyamorous. They

    know generally about each other but gawd no, I wouldn't try to mix them all together at the same time.
    Last edited by maxo-texas; 10-10-2006 at 02:31 PM. Reason: extra thoughts

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