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Thread: sex

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Default sex

    Hi, I

    suppose I am new, to you, as the people here, have changed since I was a regular contributor, but then, that was

    some seven years ago, I have now reregistered under an other username as I could not remember the last one, I

    searched the archives but they don’t go back far enough,

    Pheromones are

    great fun and with the right attitude they will give you the edge, they are not miracle get you laid scent, you

    still need to smile and talk, be clean and presentable, if you take all of that as a whole package, they can be

    dynamite, I have had enormous fun and pleasure with them, and found, to a degree, they did what was expected of

    them. Now, for my main point, - rubbers? Or Jonnies? Yes I mean CONDOMS!! Wear them, use them, never, forget them.

    You are not completely dressed, unless you have them in your pocket! Remember!! CONDOMS, CONDOMS,


    They stop STD infections. They stop HIV/AIDS, this stuff is

    out there. And its BITTING, I know, it don’t feel sexy stopping, to put one on, but she will thank you after, and

    you will thank your self, believe me, I have seen it, done it and worn the pheromone, unfortunately not the condom,

    I never took the advice I am giving you and this year I fell seriously ill, after many many tests, I was told that I

    have HIV so if an old Heterosexual like me can get it, so can YOU. Please take my

    advice, let me be the last person here to be infected, Have fun, have fun with your pheromones, But be safe, there

    are now more heterosexual than homosexual infections, one out of three new infections is now a women, so be safe use

    a Latex condom always, sorry to be a bore, but I feel robbed, dirty, unclean, a leper. I know I should not

    moan, after all, I had a choice, and I chose wrong, at the end of the day, it’s my own fault. So, here I am waiting

    to start a battery of pills to keep me alive, I always thought it could not happen to me, it’s a “gay bug” but here

    I am, I no longer want sex, I don’t really want a relationship, how can you be with someone, and live in fear of

    infecting them. Then there is the Anxiety of this condition, the Chronic Fatigue where the bug sucks every last bit

    of energy from you, and not to forget the IO’s (opportunistic infections) if it’s out there, it’s got your name on


    So, just wear the condom, and I will do this other stuff. Oh, one

    last thing, they can treat you, but there ain’t NO cure.

    John (a.k.a “Regret” oh yes, I have a few?)

  2. #2
    Newbie MiChAeL JoRDaN's Avatar
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    Default thankkk you

    thanks for the

    information, that was a big help.... i will definetly keep that with me forever, well good luck with everything, i

    hope you live a long and relatively healthy life.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Thx man i appreciate the

    knowledge. I give you so much.....words cannot are what bravery should be about. Not a lot of

    people can come out and do what you did. thank you for the knowledge and letting us all get a reality check, on

    whats really out there.

  4. #4
    Kodachrome Forever! Gegogi's Avatar
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    I find mutual masterbation to

    actually be more of a turn-on than getting it wet. My last GF could really put on a nice show. And it's much safer

    than using a condom for intercourse. I've broken many a rubber over the years...
    "I'm just a dirty hornytoad" -Gegogi

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gegogi
    And it's much safer

    than using a condom for intercourse. I've broken many a rubber over the years...

    Agree. Condoms are not foolproof against pregnancy and the HIV virus has been known to

    permeate through condoms.

    It is always best to know your partner very well and don't tke large risks.

  6. #6
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    Tounge. May I suggest that you read up on condoms before you make accusations of permeability as latex

    condoms are 100% non permeable, please state correct facts as hear say can lead to mistakes and inevitably

    infection. And there are young people who are venturing out in to the big sexual world, they need to be protected.

    May I suggest a few web site to better your knowledge,

    It is also advisable to use a water based lube, that water based and

    not oil based, that should elevate the chances of braking.

  7. #7
    Phero Master terry0400-40's Avatar
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    Default The big A is easy to wipe out with OZONE treatment

    Quote Originally Posted by Regret
    Hi, I suppose I am new, to you, as the people

    here, have changed since I was a regular contributor, but then, that was some seven years ago, I have now

    reregistered under an other username as I could not remember the last one, I searched the archives but they don’t go

    back far enough,

    Pheromones are great fun and with the right attitude

    they will give you the edge, they are not miracle get you laid scent, you still need to smile and talk, be clean and

    presentable, if you take all of that as a whole package, they can be dynamite, I have had enormous fun and pleasure

    with them, and found, to a degree, they did what was expected of them. Now, for my main point, - rubbers? Or

    Jonnies? Yes I mean CONDOMS!! Wear them, use them, never, forget them. You are not completely dressed, unless you

    have them in your pocket! Remember!! CONDOMS, CONDOMS, CONDOMS.


    stop STD infections. They stop HIV/AIDS, this stuff is out there. And its BITTING, I know, it don’t feel sexy

    stopping, to put one on, but she will thank you after, and you will thank your self, believe me, I have seen it,

    done it and worn the pheromone, unfortunately not the condom, I never took the advice I am giving you and this year

    I fell seriously ill, after many many tests, I was told that I have HIV so if an old Heterosexual like

    me can get it, so can YOU. Please take my advice, let me be the last person here to be infected, Have

    fun, have fun with your pheromones, But be safe, there are now more heterosexual than homosexual infections, one out

    of three new infections is now a women, so be safe use a Latex condom always, sorry to be a bore, but I feel

    robbed, dirty, unclean, a leper. I know I should not moan, after all, I had a choice, and I chose wrong, at the end

    of the day, it’s my own fault. So, here I am waiting to start a battery of pills to keep me alive, I always thought

    it could not happen to me, it’s a “gay bug” but here I am, I no longer want sex, I don’t really want a relationship,

    how can you be with someone, and live in fear of infecting them. Then there is the Anxiety of this condition, the

    Chronic Fatigue where the bug sucks every last bit of energy from you, and not to forget the IO’s (opportunistic

    infections) if it’s out there, it’s got your name on it.

    So, just wear

    the condom, and I will do this other stuff. Oh, one last thing, they can treat you, but there ain’t NO cure.

    John (a.k.a “Regret” oh yes, I have a few?)
    Seeing that all

    viral infections can be wiped out with Ozone treatment so easy and so cheap no dramas no regrets, just a fresh

    start, but of course the remedy is not easily accepted by the minds of some because it is so simple and so cheap,

    and some people think that treatment has to be expensive to work.Well for a man who is 55 and told by the doctors

    and specialists that i wouldnt get to 30 i really do know better, it only takes Study and APPLICATION, But some find

    it very comforting to live with their little very special afflictions, after all they get attention and consessions

    and of cource only heaps of money can make us better it has to be a lot, or even better a new great scientific

    discovery. OK this isnt directed at you personally Regret, just at so many who say we havent got a chance. I have

    seen Ozone utterley obliterate aids and other sneaky viral conditions including very serious cancers. Elements in

    our society do and will suppress the effacy of ozone treatment, and the pharmaceutical companys are the worst at

    distributing bullshit, and manufacturing scientific reasons why simple and inexpensive treatments wont work, as they

    will do anything to protect their form of income the parasites.

  8. #8
    Kodachrome Forever! Gegogi's Avatar
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    It is also advisable to

    use a water based lube, that water based and not oil based, that should elevate the chances of

    No problems hea wiz 'braking!" Ah tend ta accelerate ma stroke due to ma great stamina. Hot

    damn, ah has ta make myself stop befores ah hump her dry or rip da scumbag. Also yo as ta dispose of yo' used

    scumbag well or yo might be surprised wiz da resulting baby 9 months yonder. Apparently it's common fo' bitches

    'round des parts ta pour yo' seed down da snatch while yo on smoke break.
    "I'm just a dirty hornytoad" -Gegogi

  9. #9
    Phero Pro
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    Quote Originally Posted by Regret
    Tounge. May I suggest that you read up on condoms before you make accusations of permeability as latex

    condoms are 100% non permeable, please state correct facts as hear say can lead to mistakes and inevitably

    infection. And there are young people who are venturing out in to the big sexual world, they need to be protected.

    May I suggest a few web site to better your knowledge,

    It is also advisable to use a water based lube, that water based and

    not oil based, that should elevate the chances of braking.


    you are the one who is preaching fools gold to the young. Latex condoms are not 100% nonpermeable. Yes, they have a

    better efficacy rate than natural membrane condoms, but they are not 100% effective. And you are using the

    permeability issue as a smokescreen. The condom is more likely to fail due to misuse or breakage.

    The best

    way to prevent HIV is to avoid drug needle sharing , stay away from anal sex, and avoid partners who have HIV or any

    STD for that matter.

    Sorry pal, but I don't sing the politically correct tune.

  10. #10
    Phero Master terry0400-40's Avatar
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    Default WOW sifting through the seed

    Quote Originally Posted by Gegogi
    No problems hea wiz 'braking!" Ah tend ta accelerate ma stroke due to ma great stamina. Hot damn, ah

    has ta make myself stop befores ah hump her dry or rip da scumbag. Also yo as ta dispose of yo' used scumbag well

    or yo might be surprised wiz da resulting baby 9 months yonder. Apparently it's common fo' bitches 'round des

    parts ta pour yo' seed down da snatch while yo on smoke break.
    Ha ha it wouldnt do her any good in my case

    i have had a good make over at the plumbers, seed supply is still plentifull when i checked it last year though or

    whatever it is still looks the same as it did when i was 20 yo ha ha i had better check it out again this year see

    if it is still flowing like, ha yes any excuse.

  11. #11
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    I said before, Tounge, And you really should reel it in, Latex Condoms are effective. OK may be not !00% but proven

    to be 99.5%. and what would be the percentage on your method, DUDE!! About the same as luck? And the only

    way to prevent STD or HIV is to refrain from any sexual contact all together, but, what would be the point of

    spending money on pheromones, perhaps, so you can hold hands? Is that what you do, Tounge? also can you share your

    secret of your STD HIV Radar? Or are you that clever that you are able, on contact, to establish that the one in

    your pheromone entrapment sights has an HIV STD infection? You are ether good or stupid? I do lean heavy on the

    later. Well, Tounge, I would hate to see you catch some thing, so I wish you luck a lot of luck. You need it with

    your blinkered view on communicable diseases.

    Terry. Try telling that to the people of southern Africa, who have an

    infection rate of 20% of the population and the majority being heterosexual . And it seems strange to me that this

    method was not talked about at the world Aids Conference in Toronto, Canada, last month, and why would Bill Gates;

    Give such a huge amount of money to research, for a cure, when one already exists?? Why don’t they use the

    method that you suggest?? Tell you what, Terry; I shall mention it at the next conference. Also Terry are saying

    that you have HIV? And you cured it with
    (QUOTE from

    Study and

    APPLICATION” and you really think that people living and dying with this bug enjoy it?? (QUOTE from

    But some find it very

    comforting to live with their little very special afflictions, after all they get attention and concessions” I feel,

    with respect, that you are terribly misguided, Terry, or I have to get mighty Mad as I have just watched my Mother

    Die a horrible, horrible death with Liver Cancer, and YOU tell me it was a needless death.

    Terry try there is a forum there, please tell

    the people there that they can be cured and that they “find it very comforting to live with their little very

    special afflictions, after all they get attention and concessions” your Quote, Whilst there read the lessons section

    on HIV/AIDS and STD,s


    your life, but please don’t forget the condoms.

    John (who holds his head in his hands from the ignorance of


  12. #12
    Kodachrome Forever! Gegogi's Avatar
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    Enjoy your life, but

    please don’t forget the condoms.
    No Regrets brah if you no chance 'em. Juz pound yo pud yo self!

    No scumbag needed. Hey, you know what, yo sounds juz likes Rev Jimi Swaggard!
    "I'm just a dirty hornytoad" -Gegogi

  13. #13
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    Gegogi, I am confused by your sudden change in style, and with your masturbation habit, if I read this

    correctly, that is all you do, so, are you, perhaps spending your money on pheromones just to try to attract your

    other hand??

  14. #14
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    Like I said dude, you're a fool

    preaching fools gold. I see the 100% went down to 99.5%. I'm not against using condoms. I for people who have HIV

    and any STD's getting some self-discipline and avoiding sexual relations that may claim an innocent victim. And not

    putting a false sense of security in a piece of latex. I have never had an STD, thank goodness. I try to exercise

    some self discipline and also use discretion in my choice of partners. I'm not the one with regrets. I done reading

    you. Go out and preach the gospel as you see fit.

  15. #15
    Phero Master terry0400-40's Avatar
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    Default I have seen the results

    Quote Originally Posted by Regret
    As I said before, Tounge, And you really should reel it in, Latex

    Condoms are effective. OK may be not !00% but proven to be 99.5%. and what would be the percentage on your method,

    DUDE!! About the same as luck? And the only way to prevent STD or HIV is to refrain from any sexual contact

    all together, but, what would be the point of spending money on pheromones, perhaps, so you can hold hands? Is that

    what you do, Tounge? also can you share your secret of your STD HIV Radar? Or are you that clever that you are able,

    on contact, to establish that the one in your pheromone entrapment sights has an HIV STD infection? You are ether

    good or stupid? I do lean heavy on the later. Well, Tounge, I would hate to see you catch some thing, so I wish you

    luck a lot of luck. You need it with your blinkered view on communicable diseases.

    Terry. Try telling that to the people of southern Africa, who have an infection rate of 20% of the

    population and the majority being heterosexual . And it seems strange to me that this method was not talked about at

    the world Aids Conference in Toronto, Canada, last month, and why would Bill Gates; Give such a huge amount

    of money to research, for a cure, when one already exists?? Why don’t they use the method that you suggest?? Tell

    you what, Terry; I shall mention it at the next conference. Also Terry are saying that you have HIV? And you cured

    it with
    (QUOTE from Terry)

    Study and APPLICATION” and you really think that people living and dying

    with this bug enjoy it?? (QUOTE from Terry)

    But some find it very comforting to live with their little very special

    afflictions, after all they get attention and concessions” I feel, with respect, that you are terribly misguided,

    Terry, or I have to get mighty Mad as I have just watched my Mother Die a horrible, horrible death with Liver

    Cancer, and YOU tell me it was a needless death.

    Terry try there is a forum there, please tell

    the people there that they can be cured and that they “find it very comforting to live with their little very

    special afflictions, after all they get attention and concessions” your Quote, Whilst there read the lessons section

    on HIV/AIDS and STD,s

    Enjoy your life, but please don’t forget the


    John (who holds his head in his hands from the ignorance of

    There is a true quote written which says SEEK and YOU SHALL FIND, so simple, all i am

    going to say further on this subject apart from what i have allready stated is I have seen the proof of the success

    of Ozone treatment in many previous aids and virus sufferers, and the point is YOU will never know if you dont give

    the programme a go. And of cource there is so much needless suffering and all because of ignorance and greed, iv got

    nothing to gain by promoting Ozone, and there is not a world wide monopoly on this substance as far as i know.And

    most people in Africa have trouble obtaining pure water let alone access to Ozone, which also they are ignorant, You

    can lead a poor horse to water and regretfully you cant make make it drink or remove its blinkers, or broaden its

    limited thinking.TO many people are bowing down to the tablet makers thinking that they are gods and that there is

    no other way, OH those in the white coats will save us all BUT when, OH throw us upon the alter of science spread us

    prostrate and probe us with the results of your collective genius of the sacred laboratory and perhaps we poor will

    be saved.

  16. #16
    Kodachrome Forever! Gegogi's Avatar
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    Nothing is more irritating than

    being peached at. Makes me want to reach for my weapon--here a mere keyboard--and cast thy holy entrails asunder.
    "I'm just a dirty hornytoad" -Gegogi

  17. #17
    Bad Motha Holmes's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gegogi
    Nothing is more

    irritating than being peached at.
    I hate that, too! It's messy and sticky and the pits hurt like

    If a guy's a cocksucker in his life, when he dies, he don't become a saint. - Morris Levy, Hitmen

    Holmes' Theme Song

  18. #18
    Moderator Mtnjim's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gegogi
    Nothing is more

    irritating than being peached at. Makes me want to reach for my weapon--here a mere keyboard--and cast thy holy

    entrails asunder.
    "The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain of

    themselves, but wiser people so full of doubts."
    - Bertrand Russel

    'Nuff said.
    Freedom begins when you tell Mrs. Grundy to go fly a kite.
    --Lazarus Long

  19. #19
    Phero Pro
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    Quote Originally Posted by Regret
    Hi, I suppose I am new, to you, as the people here, have changed since I was a regular contributor,

    but then, that was some seven years ago, I have now reregistered under an other username as I could not remember the

    last one, I searched the archives but they don’t go back far enough,

    Pheromones are great fun and with the right attitude they will give you the edge, they are not miracle

    get you laid scent, you still need to smile and talk, be clean and presentable, if you take all of that as a whole

    package, they can be dynamite, I have had enormous fun and pleasure with them, and found, to a degree, they did what

    was expected of them. Now, for my main point, - rubbers? Or Jonnies? Yes I mean CONDOMS!! Wear them, use them,

    never, forget them. You are not completely dressed, unless you have them in your pocket! Remember!! CONDOMS,


    They stop STD infections. They stop HIV/AIDS, this

    stuff is out there. And its BITTING, I know, it don’t feel sexy stopping, to put one on, but she will thank you

    after, and you will thank your self, believe me, I have seen it, done it and worn the pheromone, unfortunately not

    the condom, I never took the advice I am giving you and this year I fell seriously ill, after many many tests, I was

    told that I have HIV so if an old Heterosexual like me can get it, so can YOU. Please

    take my advice, let me be the last person here to be infected, Have fun, have fun with your pheromones, But be safe,

    there are now more heterosexual than homosexual infections, one out of three new infections is now a women, so be

    safe use a Latex condom always, sorry to be a bore, but I feel robbed, dirty, unclean, a leper. I know I

    should not moan, after all, I had a choice, and I chose wrong, at the end of the day, it’s my own fault. So, here I

    am waiting to start a battery of pills to keep me alive, I always thought it could not happen to me, it’s a “gay

    bug” but here I am, I no longer want sex, I don’t really want a relationship, how can you be with someone, and live

    in fear of infecting them. Then there is the Anxiety of this condition, the Chronic Fatigue where the bug sucks

    every last bit of energy from you, and not to forget the IO’s (opportunistic infections) if it’s out there, it’s

    got your name on it.

    So, just wear the condom, and I will do this

    other stuff. Oh, one last thing, they can treat you, but there ain’t NO cure.

    John (a.k.a “Regret” oh yes, I have a


    Something is missing from this picture (post) that I cant quite get my finger

    around. I will work it out. Rest assured. Your message is noble, but somehow perplexed.

  20. #20
    Newbie MiChAeL JoRDaN's Avatar
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    Default wrong

    why are all you guys

    dissing on him, the man was irresponsiblle, and now is trying to help all of us so we dont get STD'S, wow so maybe

    he was off by .5% on the effectiveness of a condom, maybe he said that so people would be more willing to wear

    condoms rather than not, i dono but correct or incorrect facts on his part doesnt matter, what matters is hes trying

    to save yyour lives and tell you to be safe, hypothetically speaking even if he doesnt have HIV or anything and he

    just made up a story, WHO CARES?!?! it will make you think twice next time and thats all that matters, and im sure

    his facts are true considering he has HIV so he probably has looked into it more than you guys have, i dono just a

    My attitude is that if you push me towards something that you think is a weakness, then I will turn that perceived weakness into a strength.
    -Michael Jordan

  21. #21
    Phero Master terry0400-40's Avatar
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    Default I wore a wriggly rubber raincoat

    Well i did wear one of those rubber willy warmers once for a whole 30 seconds, it

    ended up out the window lying under a big gum tree, when i went to recycle it again a big wombat had run off with it

    so that was my lot with the rubber weapons. Now as for REGRET he is obviously a good and caring person, and it is

    real good advice that he offers and if it saves one person from heartbreaking despair then he is contributing to the

    wellbeing of humanity,this regret he carries will pass and once again he will be free, but at the moment he is a

    feeling human being like us with a heavy load to carry and i am going to bless him this very minute, also thank you

    for caring big R, as this light will surround you x 4. terry0400-40

  22. #22
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Default Ummmm... anyone considered regular testing ?

    We have an ace STD clinic in my neighborhood... nice private operation... caters to a lot of adult film

    actors.... THE test for HIV is known as the P.C.R. test, or "polymerase chain reaction" which is vastly more

    accurate and signals the virus much, much quicker than the antibody test.... the sin, this is the most terrible

    social sin against ourselves, is that this test is offered "at cost" to the adult film workers for $100 US ... but

    for general population it is marked up to $500 retail... this is a fucking human war crime .... because this test is

    MANDATORY, every 30 days, in the adult film business, and you must present a certificate before you can perform...

    so how can we imaginably have this technology at our ready disposal and choose to NOT make it widely, cheaply

    available ? The answer my friends , is the ugly head of politics.... there is a powerful element in our society that

    believes that the fear of uncertainty will create an atmosphere of abstinence... as if a steady stream of sickness

    and death will wake us up and shape us up...

  23. #23
    Moderator Mtnjim's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by surfs_up
    We have an ace STD

    clinic in my neighborhood... nice private operation... caters to a lot of adult film actors.... ...

    You in the Valley??
    Freedom begins when you tell Mrs. Grundy to go fly a kite.
    --Lazarus Long

  24. #24
    Phero Master terry0400-40's Avatar
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    Default Cash clinics

    Quote Originally Posted by surfs_up
    We have an ace STD clinic in my neighborhood... nice private operation... caters to a lot of adult

    film actors.... THE test for HIV is known as the P.C.R. test, or "polymerase chain reaction" which is vastly more

    accurate and signals the virus much, much quicker than the antibody test.... the sin, this is the most terrible

    social sin against ourselves, is that this test is offered "at cost" to the adult film workers for $100 US ... but

    for general population it is marked up to $500 retail... this is a fucking human war crime .... because this test is

    MANDATORY, every 30 days, in the adult film business, and you must present a certificate before you can perform...

    so how can we imaginably have this technology at our ready disposal and choose to NOT make it widely, cheaply

    available ? The answer my friends , is the ugly head of politics.... there is a powerful element in our society that

    believes that the fear of uncertainty will create an atmosphere of abstinence... as if a steady stream of sickness

    and death will wake us up and shape us up...
    It seems like there is real good money to be made in the

    testing business, i hope they smile when they take your money, i suppose the money makers just sit back in obscurity

    somewhere and their little pawns do all the dirty work for them,the little parasitic gutless bastards that they are

    sitting around and licking each others backsides yes watch out 4 them they are multiplying, as i am a relatively

    decent bloke i wont stoop to calling them arsholes, i just refer to them as busted arsholes, yearr the bum


  25. #25
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    Well, What a reaction! I only posted on this subject to give you all a warning that STD.s & HIV is out there

    and affecting just ordinary people, like your selves, if you choose to dismiss this, that’s up to you, and good

    luck, I sincerely hope that you do not fall to this disease. As a suffer of it I felt it my duty to try and inform

    and warn others, but it seems to be more a case of “Shoot the Messenger” if we ignore it, it will go away? They

    tried that in the 1980,s now its world wide and coming soon to a street near you.

    As I said before, about 7 – 8 years ago I was a regular poster

    on this site and also a few NLP sites I used Pheros, and had a lot of success with them, But I used them to get

    laid, not spend vast amounts of money experimenting on how many times girls looked at me, after all, I could stand

    in amongst a large group on girls and Fart, I can guarantee, that they would all look at me. Try it, but you

    will need a clicker counter to count them all.

    Never ever, did, any

    female drop her pants on smelling my pheromone combination, nor did they swoon all over me. It just doesn’t work

    like that you have to talk, get them close, get them into your “Mone Zone” and talk about them. Its their

    favourite subject, but I am sure most of you know that.

    I got the

    results out of pheros and NLP that I set out to get. And, the woman of my dreams, we were together for a long time.

    And there was no cheating on my part, then I got ill, and tested positive to HIV, the relationship finished, later I

    found that she had had it and was basically living in denial of it. Today you can be imprisoned for doing that to


    I never wore condoms, as some years ago I had, had Vasectomy,

    so could no longer get any one pregnant, and like you, was ignorant of HIV. A condom would have stopped it, using

    nothing, but luck and hope, will not, So I beg you, to use a condom, the only time you don’t, is when you have been

    active with someone for 13 weeks and then got tested together and received your results together. Please remember

    this, an HIV infected person can have it for as much as 12 years without any symptoms and be totally unaware that

    they are infected. Are you really going to take that chance? 12 years is a long time, in that time you could have

    got married and have Children. Then find you have it, your wife now has it, and during pregnancy your kids got


    Despite the rubbish some come out with, as yet THERE IS NO

    . Google HIV get the facts, not hearsay and gossip.

    If terry has been cured, as he claims, then he is the

    only one in the world to have done so, I am sure he must look cute walking around with the tube from the ozone

    machine hanging out his ass, because that is how you operate the process by sticking a tube up your ass and pumping

    ozone gas in and holding it in as long as possible, Hey, Terry, I bet you get some looks when you release, hope your


  26. #26
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Default Hey Man... I absolutely hear you...

    back in the day... that was the late 1970s and early 80s in San Francisco, I was there when the first

    news reports appeared about a mysterious "gay disease" that was like a visitation from hell, it was as close to the

    satanic as anything in human experience... and they band played on, as the saying goes... there was massive

    denial..... completely irrational... they refused to close the bathhouses... there was a war between "personal

    choice" and "public health" .... looks insane in retrospect... could humans be capable of that degree of denial ?

    Then this second thing began... nobody knows much about it now, 1/4 of a century later, Karposi Sarcoma .... guys

    would be covered from heat to foot in black lesions that looked like melanoma... this was before any decent

    antiretroviral medice was known... people were desperately trying anything, I mean ANYTHING in hope of a cure....

    then the most disgusting, inevitable situation, the SCAMMERS started exploiting the situation.... such evil shit...

    peddling false hopes and worthless cures... and guys were dropping like flies all around me.... people today are

    total assholes on the subject...they think in their arrogant little imaginations they know what this disease is from

    what ??? Those pharmaceutical posters they put up at bus stops that show a healthy, happy, well adjusted looking

    prosperous man or woman doing just fine on their meds.... what they don't come out and say is how hard viral meds

    are on your system... boy they're sledgehammers on your cellular chemistry... so you have to make a lesser evil

    choice, be sick from the meds or be sicker from the virus.... you should hang out at the testing clinic I go to....

    see some of the guys shuffling in there, what this has done to them psychologically as well as physically.... me, I

    get tested for EVERYTHING now.... regularly.... oh by the way.... did you know that Hepatitis B is about 100x MORE

    contagious than HIV and the virus is really tiny so it can slip through condom pores ? Anybody here get their

    Recombivax A+B series ? And then there's Hep C... a real bitch.... no vaccines for that little monster...

  27. #27
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    Hey, Surfs up, Thanks for your response, I go to clinics and meetings with people who have suffered in

    this way, all sexual persuasions, races and color, and it hurts deep, to see what this bug has done to them, but on

    the other hand I am happy to see that they have survived against all the odds. I have been tested for the heps and

    have had the vaccination course, the trouble is STD,s and HIV don’t advertise them selves, so you just can’t tell

    who’s infected, and condoms may not be the perfect solution but they are the best thing we have got, that gives you

    a fighting chance to avoid these bugs, if you are sexually active.


    whole point of starting this post, was a concern for others, no tricks, no gimmicks, I don’t want your money, I just

    want people to protect them selves and be safe from the pandemic.


    with yourself and Michael Jordan taking it on board, I feel it was justified to bring this topic up and put it in

    the arena.

    Use the Pheros, get the edge, but be safe, use a


  28. #28
    Phero Master terry0400-40's Avatar
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    Default Re Hep C

    Quote Originally Posted by surfs_up
    back in the day... that was the late 1970s and early 80s in San Francisco, I was there when the

    first news reports appeared about a mysterious "gay disease" that was like a visitation from hell, it was as close

    to the satanic as anything in human experience... and they band played on, as the saying goes... there was massive

    denial..... completely irrational... they refused to close the bathhouses... there was a war between "personal

    choice" and "public health" .... looks insane in retrospect... could humans be capable of that degree of denial ?

    Then this second thing began... nobody knows much about it now, 1/4 of a century later, Karposi Sarcoma .... guys

    would be covered from heat to foot in black lesions that looked like melanoma... this was before any decent

    antiretroviral medice was known... people were desperately trying anything, I mean ANYTHING in hope of a cure....

    then the most disgusting, inevitable situation, the SCAMMERS started exploiting the situation.... such evil shit...

    peddling false hopes and worthless cures... and guys were dropping like flies all around me.... people today are

    total assholes on the subject...they think in their arrogant little imaginations they know what this disease is from

    what ??? Those pharmaceutical posters they put up at bus stops that show a healthy, happy, well adjusted looking

    prosperous man or woman doing just fine on their meds.... what they don't come out and say is how hard viral meds

    are on your system... boy they're sledgehammers on your cellular chemistry... so you have to make a lesser evil

    choice, be sick from the meds or be sicker from the virus.... you should hang out at the testing clinic I go to....

    see some of the guys shuffling in there, what this has done to them psychologically as well as physically.... me, I

    get tested for EVERYTHING now.... regularly.... oh by the way.... did you know that Hepatitis B is about 100x MORE

    contagious than HIV and the virus is really tiny so it can slip through condom pores ? Anybody here get their

    Recombivax A+B series ? And then there's Hep C... a real bitch.... no vaccines for that little monster...
    YES i have had contageous hep and also infectious hep and i was diagnosed with HEP C over 12 years ago , i was in a

    coma after a car accident when i was a boy in Darwin Northern Australia and lost a lot of blood, well after that

    every time i had a blood test the doctors would always say your liver function tests are down, and i did not even

    know what a liver was. But 12 or13 years ago the doctors and specialist wanted to admit me in to the hospital in

    Brisbane as i was near death and very very sick, the complications to the body and mind that come with HEP C are not

    pleasant, my arms were black and blue from blood tests that were all positive h c, AFTER going on my first lot of

    ozone i went for a test and took it to the doctor and i can still see the perplexed look on his face he was looking

    at the report for ages and he finally said Terry i am going to have to send you for another test as i cant find

    anything on this one, i never mentioned to him that i was taking ozone, but i had a smile on my face.

  29. #29
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Default I don't know much about it for better or worse...

    you know... everybody and every body is different... it obviously worked for you and you're

    a lucky dog... there are miracles and things that cannot be explained, but they appear to be so.... my great uncle

    was a famous doctor who saw probalby 10s of thousands of cancer patients through his long life in medicine... he

    told me there was a rare occurance of spontaneous remission of the most advanced cancers, the "no return death

    sentence" cancers... but he was absolutely clear in his mind that these were genuine remissions, even when the body,

    by medical standards was so weakened that it had no energy to recover... an no one has ever explained, even to

    partial satisfaction, how this could be... we are talking about the truly rare example here, but it IS within the

    realm of the possible, so it appears there is room for the miraculous even in our rational world.

  30. #30
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    Terry, I am sorry to hear of the Hepatitis infection you had, nasty little bugs. But they are curable,

    although in some cases cure means undetectable, that could be 97 to 99% of a cure. Surly that is another

    reason to wear a condom, yes, I know some say there is a chance that the hep bug can permeate a latex condom, but in

    all fairness the Jury is still out on this one. And if that chance is 00.02% surly that has to be counted as good

    odds against becoming infected, ware as non use, leaves you wide open, with just luck to protect


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