Lots of big talk there Bronz, but

where's these scientific studies you rage about? Mediteranean tourist brouchures? I've heard of many diet studies

and exactly zero have heralded the Mediteranean as the greatest among the world. Here's a study that indicates

Mediterranean promotes longevity and is an excellent and healthy choice. However it does not state that

Mediterranean is the best or better than other healthly



If your were

referring to the In the early 1960s World Health Organization study of the dietary habits of people from seven

different countries, Greece, Italy, Yugoslavia, Holland, Finland, USA and Japan, the data is now decades out of

date. Things have changed, especially in Japan. Plus there are many other disease causing factors they didn't

consider, e.g., industrial pollution, atomic fallout, etc. In the 50s and early 60s Japan suffered from a terrible

tuberculosis pandemic.

The nation with the highest average longevity is now Japan (81.15 years), not Italy

(79.25) or the Greek Isles (78.6). And this is despite a terrible trend towards tobacco use. What the hell, even

Australia does better than most Mediteranean countries at 80 years. Of course it is not as simple as a good diet as

lifestyle and medical care comes into play. However the typical Japan diet of low fat proteins, lots of veggies and

rice is largely credited for their longevity. And these trends have been observed in studies at the University of

Hawaii of American-Japanese living in Hawaii and the West Coast. They live longer than most other ethnic groups

mainly because of their diet. Within the Japanese, Okinawans live the longest: There are about 35 centenarians for

every 100,000 people, a rate that is three times higher than in Europe or the United States.