
I\'ve been wearing the RM/NPA mix for a few days now with added PI(w) at a ratio of 7:3:3 in a variety of environments.

Wore one spray to a friend\'s 40th b/day dinner in a restaurant. Plenty of people. All of them late 30\'s to 60\'s. No noticeable effect with the majority of women there.
Met a few who I hadn\'t seen for about 20 yrs. One (married and with kids) was very chatty when I started reminiscing with her about a summer camp we were on back in \'79, until she said...\"remind me who you are again!\" Her hubby came over in the middle of our conversation, pissed as a fart, looking the worse for wear with a \"why you talking to my wife\" look, only for a DIHL to hit him, and sat down as if he\'d been pole-axed....weird!
Met another lady (early 40s) who was on the same camp with me, and had a good reminisce about old times and what we\'ve been doing...nothing that could be considered as a \"hit\".
Third lady (mid-late 30s), unmarried and single/unattached, very attractive. We hadn\'t seen each other for about 20 yrs as well!!!!!! Very positive reaction from her. Very \"touchy-feely\" as in \"wonderful to see you again\" *kiss* *kiss* etc. Nice and chatty and \"we really must keep in touch...it\'s been toooooo long!!\" Could have left with her telephone number, but disappeared before she got too friendly.

Wore one spray to church on Sunday. A few glances from some of the younger women there (in their early 20s I\'d say), but nothing else.

One spray to work on the Monday and Tuesday. No reaction from the staff. They know my phero signature by now, except one 18 yr old who was walking around like a zombie all day (but then again, she is so out-of-it usually, it doesn\'t count ).
Working somewhere else next Mon-Wed where they haven\'t seen me in quite a while, so I\'ll see what happens there.

Two sprays today when I was in town shopping...no visible or remotely noticeable reactions from anyone at all that could be construed as out of the ordinary for me, from shop staff, people in cafes or people in the street/supermarket. No one chattier or friendlier.
Smiled at a few ladies as we passed in the street, they smiled back, but I get that reaction anyway, even without pheros.

That\'s it. Nearly coming to the end of the contents of the atomiser. Enough for a few more doses, since I didn\'t mix too much up.
Next time I may mix up RM and NPA(w) in a 7:3 to see the effects, rather than NPA(m) and PI(w).

One thing I did notice was that the atomiser I\'d mixed it with, was one that had APC in it before, which I\'d cleaned out with a rather \"whiffy\" surgical spirit. Did this a few weeks ago, but the smell of the spirit seems to have lingered and totally masked the odour of the RM. Had to mask the alcohol smell with Chanel Allure that first time.

Anyone else have anything to report on RM mixes? It doesn\'t seem to be that special, but it\'s early days yet to form an opinion.