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  1. #61
    Stranger Mousse's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pbj
    I don't remember

    seeing an unscented IMPI. I believe you got the regular version vs the beta versions (you had to order those

    differently, they were under Impi Beta Testers.
    That's strange ... click on the link that Shenandoah

    posted above :

    On the top of the page there is this quote:

    NOTE: This IMPI has a somewhat

    upgraded formula over the previous version. From what I have been told, the herbal aphrodisiac/fragrance portion has

    been increased.

    By this description it IS scented, so you are right - I could not see an unscented one

    either. But is this what you would call the "Regular Version?". This is definately the one that I ordered. I did not

    order a BETA version. I'd still be interested to find out if anyone knows the difference in contents between this

    Version and the BETA Testers. Is it just the fragrance?

  2. #62
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    My take on it:
    IMPI 1 - Pheromone +

    secret african herbal aphrodesiac (not around anymore)

    IMPI 2 - (Currently up), same pheromones, more of the

    secret ingredient (or tweaked secret ingredient)

    IMPI Beta - same pheromones as IMPI 2 (not sure about the

    secret ingredient) + different cover scents.

  3. #63
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    Okay, I’ll try to explain the clumsy use of the term “Unscented” by those of us that have been around

    since before the introduction of the original Impi.

    The LaCroy products line for men has “The

    Edge”, and NPA in unscented versions, but they both smell pretty badly to some people. So many (maybe most) people

    use them with a cover scent.

    The LaCroy line also has two scented versions of Edge

    Essentials, which have the same pheromones as TE, but come mixed with essential oils in “Heat” (verisage), and

    “Arouser” (artificial cedarwood) scents.

    The original Impi #1 did not have any scents added,

    so in that sense it was unscented, as every ingredient in it was either a pheromone, or an aphrodisiac. Therefore

    there were no inactive ingredients, whose only purpose was to cover up the smell of the others. It was anticipated

    that the Natural African Herbal Aphrodisiac had enough scent to cover the other mones in Impi, but it does not

    qualify as an inactive, scent-only added ingredient.

    When some people found that for them,

    there was not enough AHA to cover the smell of the other mones, the AHA content was increased, thus creating Impi #

    2. And still some people complained that the eNone smell leaked through. So now the colored Impi’s have strong,

    artificial cover scents added to satisfy those that didn’t like the “Smell” of the ”Unscented” versions, if that

    makes any sense.

    As to active ingredients, here is what the Pherolibrary shows for NPA and

    Edge, followed by my guess as to the amounts of the ingredients in Impi

    The Edge & EE = .050

    mg/ml eNone + .050 mg/ml Unspecified Ingredient (UI) for a total content of .100 mg/ml of pheromones.

    NPA = .240 mg/ml aNone + .240 mg/ml UI for a total of .480 mg/ml of pheromones (= 4.8 times as

    concentrated as TE)

    My GUESS =
    Impi # 1 = .083 mg/ml eNone + .083 mg/ml

    UI + .042 mg/ml ETS-11 + .063 mg/ml AHA for a total of .271 mg/ml of active ingredients


    # 2 = .083 mg/ml eNone + .083 mg/ml UI + .042 mg/ml ETS-11 + .083 mg/ml AHA for a total of .292 mg/ml of active


    It has never been answered as to whether the colored Impi’s have the same active

    ingredients as either earlier version of Impi, but most people are assuming that they have the same active

    ingredients as "unscented" Impi # 2 plus the artificial scents.

  4. #64
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    Default Impi Silver

    Hey all, here is my take on Impi Silver. The scent is not musky at all

    (which I can appreciate). It smells very much like Jean Paul Gaultier cologne. It's sharp, woody -maybe a little

    oriental smell along the same line as Chikara. Impi Silver has a masculine enough scent and is intriguing. I'd say

    it's perfect for an office or casual use but not for clubs and gatherings where the scent has to compete against

    more overpowering ones on other men.

    My use has been limited thus far and I intend on posting the results soon. I

    have enjoyed reading other experiences with this beta test.
    Last edited by Traxxas; 06-20-2006 at 05:43 PM. Reason: grammar

  5. #65
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shenandoah
    It has

    never been answered as to whether the colored Impi’s have the same active ingredients as either earlier version of

    Impi, but most people are assuming that they have the same active ingredients as "unscented" Impi # 2 plus the

    artificial scents.
    Hi Shenandoah, In the IMPI Beta test, the description says:

    These bottles of IMPI all contain the same pheromones as the regular IMPI, but in addition are

    scented with one of (three) modern fragrances.

    Now, my original thought was same

    pheromone/concentrations. But I guess you can parse it either way now that I think of it. They could be the same

    pheromones but in different concentrations. Maybe this is one of those "definition of is" things...

  6. #66
    Stranger Mousse's Avatar
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    Today I had my lunch "date" with

    a girl from work. A couple of posts ago in this thread I was saying that I was undecided which combo I would use -

    IMPI (New Version - unscented NON colour version - thanks Shenandoah!) with SOE Gel, or IMPI with Chikara and a

    cover scent. Here is my story....

    Products : IMPI Cologne for men (New Version)
    Chikara scented spray

    Calvin Klein's Truth for men
    Liquid Trust.

    App. Points: IMPI - 1 spray to middle of throat

    CHIKARA - 2 sprays (light) one on each side of neck

    CK Truth - 1 spray over IMPI

    Liquid Trust - 2 light

    sprays on shirt, one on each side of the chest.

    I am a 29 year old male, my "date" was a 31 year old asian.

    Some points to note. We have known each other for about three months, from work. We are both in quickly

    deteriorating relationships. We have built an instant rapport since we first met, which I feel has slowly turned

    into a mutual attraction.

    We usually talk about the state of both of our relationships, which are similarly bad.

    I think we both know we are attracted to each other without ever mentioning it. The term "Date" must be loosely

    used. We had both just decided to go to lunch together. No romantic plans.

    About 45 mins before meeting her, I

    spray 1 spray of IMPI, 2 Sprays of Chikara and 1 spray of CK Truth in the aforementioned areas. 5 mins before

    arrival I spray the Liquid Trust. Now I was worried about the smell before I decided to use this combo - but I must

    say it smelt fantastic - all three scents seemed to compliment each other. I couldn't smell LT.

    At lunch, which

    spanned about an hour to an hour and a half - the results were evident. Not only on her part - but I felt that I was

    equally affected. The best way to describe it was that it felt like we were the only two people in the room - and

    the sense of attraction was esculated monumentally. She was very, very talkative. She opened up to me unlike ever

    before. She would continuosly include examples of how her relationship had soured, as if it were a hint to me that

    she didn't care about it anymore, and that she was miserable and was begging for an escape. She was extremely

    attentive to me whenever I spoke, and would stare at me - deep into my eyes. I must say i felt the same. I said

    before that I was attracted to her too, but nothing like I was feeling now. We were both transfixed to eachother.

    As our lunch drew to a close, she told me that she wanted me to take her shopping. I could tell she didn't want

    me to leave her, and nor did I want her to leave me. She was elated when I agreed. We got up to pay the bill, and I

    notced she was standing very, very close to me. Almost resting her head against my shoulder.

    In the car to go

    shopping, this is where it became very interesting. More of the same conversation about how she hates her

    relationship and is miserable. The word "hate" actually made an appearance, in reference to her partner. Plenty of

    contact - arm, hand, shoulder. Mentions about how someone at work had said that she had a crush on me - and If I

    believed it or not. Trying to be tactful and smooth, I replied - "I don't know, I'd like to believe that If you

    did, you'd be confident enough to tell me". She smiled, no comment. There is a distinct sexual vibe between us in

    the car - the coversation is very personal, like the type you would only talk about for someone you've known and

    "trusted" (pun intended for years. I would best describe the atmosphere as an extremely elevated sense of

    attraction, comfort, and I felt we both felt like we didn't want to be anywhere else.

    We arrive at the shopping

    center. 3 Hours had passed since my first application. In my pocket I have the bottle of LS and Chikara. I decide to

    go to the bathroom and apply 1 light spray of Chikara to the middle of my throat. We walk very close together during

    our walk around the shopping centre. More of the same conversation, as well as probing questions about my wavering

    relationship. We didn't care where we were going. She buys a couple of things and we decide it's time to go. After

    all, this was not a day we planned to spend entirely together.

    In the car on the way to her place. Exactly like

    the previous car ride. Mentions 3 or 4 times how wonderful today has been. I say the same.There was almost an aura

    around us that we wanted to be together, and nowhere else. Very comfortable, yet very tense at the same time if you

    can understand. When I arrive at her place, I knew I didn't want to go home. She didn't want me to either. She

    asks me to park the car and help her up with the bags. At this point I'm thinking this is serious - do I really

    want this? Yes I did.

    Upon entering her house I note that it has now been 4 or more hours since I used LT, so I

    go to the bathroom and apply 1 small spray to the middle of my shirt. The conversation is much the same, but now she

    is becoming very emotional, and she actually starts to cry. I hate to see girls cry. I go over and wipe away the

    tears from her eyes. She is staring at me intensely. We are very, very close. "What are we doing?" I ask. "I don't

    know" she replies.

    What followed was what I can honestly describe as the most passionate, intense kiss I have

    ever given or recieved - ever. Even as I write this it sounds like a crappy soap drama, and I feel like a sap

    writing it, but honestly, that's the best way I can describe it.

    After what seemed like an eternity we pull

    away, and the way she was looking at me was if she wanted to eat me. We were both very, very turned on. "I should

    go" I say. "Yeah" she says. That didn't happen. We kiss again, this time she was biting my neck, and I could see

    her smelling me and rubbing her face across my chest. It was extremely passionate.

    This time I decide it's

    best to leave before anything else happens. I know we both wanted to - there was no doubt there, but our

    circumstances (work and relationships - albiet dysfunctional) meant that we needed some clear space between us to

    sort out what we really wanted from this.

    I kiss her goodbye.


    I have

    found my combo.

  7. #67
    Stranger Mousse's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shenandoah

    Okay, I’ll try to explain the clumsy use of the term

    “Unscented” by those of us that have been around since before the introduction of the original Impi.

    The LaCroy products line for men has “The Edge”, and NPA in unscented versions, but they both smell

    pretty badly to some people. So many (maybe most) people use them with a cover scent.


    LaCroy line also has two scented versions of Edge Essentials, which have the same pheromones as TE, but come mixed

    with essential oils in “Heat” (verisage), and “Arouser” (artificial cedarwood) scents.


    original Impi #1 did not have any scents added, so in that sense it was unscented, as every ingredient in it was

    either a pheromone, or an aphrodisiac. Therefore there were no inactive ingredients, whose only purpose was to cover

    up the smell of the others. It was anticipated that the Natural African Herbal Aphrodisiac had enough scent to cover

    the other mones in Impi, but it does not qualify as an inactive, scent-only added ingredient.

    When some people found that for them, there was not enough AHA to cover the smell of the other mones,

    the AHA content was increased, thus creating Impi # 2. And still some people complained that the eNone smell leaked

    through. So now the colored Impi’s have strong, artificial cover scents added to satisfy those that didn’t like the

    “Smell” of the ”Unscented” versions, if that makes any sense.

    As to active ingredients, here

    is what the Pherolibrary shows for NPA and Edge, followed by my guess as to the amounts of the ingredients in


    The Edge & EE = .050 mg/ml eNone + .050 mg/ml Unspecified Ingredient (UI) for a total

    content of .100 mg/ml of pheromones.

    NPA = .240 mg/ml aNone + .240 mg/ml UI for a total of

    .480 mg/ml of pheromones (= 4.8 times as concentrated as TE)

    My GUESS


    Impi # 1 = .083 mg/ml eNone + .083 mg/ml UI + .042 mg/ml ETS-11 + .063 mg/ml AHA for a total

    of .271 mg/ml of active ingredients

    Impi # 2 = .083 mg/ml eNone + .083 mg/ml UI + .042 mg/ml

    ETS-11 + .083 mg/ml AHA for a total of .292 mg/ml of active ingredients

    It has never been

    answered as to whether the colored Impi’s have the same active ingredients as either earlier version of Impi, but

    most people are assuming that they have the same active ingredients as "unscented" Impi # 2 plus the artificial


    Thankyou again, this is exactly the information I was after. It has

    cleared it all up for me.

    See my post for my first major hit report using the new IMPI.....

  8. #68
    Phero Enthusiast Icehawk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shenandoah
    The Edge & EE = .050 mg/ml eNone + .050 mg/ml Unspecified Ingredient (UI) for a

    total content of .100 mg/ml of pheromones.

    NPA = .240 mg/ml aNone + .240 mg/ml UI for a total

    of .480 mg/ml of pheromones (= 4.8 times as concentrated as TE)

    My GUESS


    Impi # 1 = .083 mg/ml eNone + .083 mg/ml UI + .042 mg/ml ETS-11 + .063 mg/ml AHA for a total

    of .271 mg/ml of active ingredients

    Impi # 2 = .083 mg/ml eNone + .083 mg/ml UI + .042 mg/ml

    ETS-11 + .083 mg/ml AHA for a total of .292 mg/ml of active ingredients
    If this is correct than it

    appears that Impi should serve very well as a TE follow-on.

  9. #69
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    This IMPI has a somewhat upgraded formula over the previous version. From what I have been told, the herbal

    aphrodisiac/fragrance portion has been increased.

    Impi is an African

    (Zulu) word for "warrior" and it combines traditional secrets of herbal aphrodisia with modern pheromone science.

    The makers of Impi, LaCroy Chemical, themselves located in South Africa, tell me that the fragrance of Impi comes

    from an ancient African herbal formula used by men to attract the opposite sex. Not only that, but Impi has an

    all-new pheromone formula which contains at least one entirely new pheromone, never before used in a cologne.

    LaCroy has been in the pheromone industry from the beginning of Love Scent and has brought us a number of our

    top-sellers including New Pheromone Additive and the Edge
    . Impi is by far

    their most adventurous project and has been years in the making.

    sure it will quickly become a top seller.


    Reading the product description (especially the words in bold) it is clear that LaCroy’s intent was to

    not just rest on their laurels, but to follow-on the success of Edge, and NPA with something to compete in the world

    of more complex pheromone formulae. “Complex” as opposed to “balanced” as their formula still seems targeted to a

    sexual response.

    Mousse, and pbj,

    I, and any of the others

    around here who have been using “unscented” for Impi # 1 and # 2, have been corrected

    – Impi is

    listed among the Men’s
    scented products.


    natural reading of the Colored Impi product descriptions would also infer that the colored Impi’s have the same

    active ingredients as Impi # 2


    Which again brings up the

    question of names.

    For the Impi “natural” scent how about Impi Zulu, or Impi Africa,

    For the Impi Blue, how about Impi Stealth, as it smells so much like normal after


    or even Impi After Shave, or Impi True Blue (as in the old tried and true


    Impi Azure also makes allusion to the color blue, while sounding like an after


    Not to confuse Impi Silver with the fragrance “Chrome”, I favor Impi Silver. If this

    is adopted then Impi Yellow could conveniently become Impi Gold

    The labels could be the same

    Impi Warrior design on different backgrounds for the different Impi’s. Continue to use the white (or a very light

    tan) background for Impi Zulu. Use a light blue background for Impi Azure (or True Blue). Use a Silver polymer

    background for Impi Silver. Use a gold polymer background for Impi Gold.

    I still like the

    name Impi Amarelo – Impi Amerelo – Impi Amirelo – Impi Amerilo for Impi Yellow, as of the exotic sound, and it would

    work with a gold (or light yellow) background label also.

    I vote against Impi Citrus Sunshine.

    It sounds like a fruit drink.

  10. #70
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    Default Impi Silver Dot


    one will not work for me. The scent is very "toxic" to me. I don't have problems with the herbals but fragrances

    make me feel dizzy, light headed, and may result in a headache. This one has a strong fragrance...Hard to wash off.

    Reminds me of the bad feeling I got from CHIKIRA...... I will see what my son can do with this one. I will not be

    testing at all.
    However..... IMPI 2 and SOE smell fantastic when mixed on application. I have had many people

    sniff IMPI 2 and say that I smell great.
    Good luck and Keep the reports coming....
    Well My son liked

    the fragrance. I will post his impressions later.
    Last edited by xtralucky8; 06-24-2006 at 11:48 AM. Reason: More Info

  11. #71
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    NAMES>>>> Just call IMPI 2

    ......IMPI. The first version is gone I believe so that leaves the "scented" versions..... They should be IMPI

    (something) so on and so on...
    Livin the Dream, Extral

  12. #72
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    Yesterday I had a

    meeting with three of my bosses, and one junior analyst, list of attendees = Director, Senior Rater, Team Leader for

    the project, me (senior analyst over seeing software development for the project), Junior Analyst (responsible for

    VV&A of software). The Director wanted a report from the Team Leader on progress of the software, so he was doing

    the briefing. Us two analysts were there to support him. In the early morning I had applied one spray of Impi Blue

    under my chin. Shortly before going into the meeting I added about 6” of SoE around the mouth, and a drop of A314 on

    the ears. We were all seated 4 to 6 feet from the Director. Continually, throughout the meeting, even while the Team

    Leader was speaking, the director kept looking over to me, as though to seek my input. Which I gave when

    appropriate. I have been getting a good deal of respect from wearing Impi alone, but this combination was definitely

    garnering a lot of respect.

    Three questions have been triggered by

    another thread. In it a man was making comparisons between the effects on his girlfriend of the men’s, and women’s

    versions of NPA.(Being quite tired at this point, I’m not sure which thread, or specifically whether it was NPA, but

    there are limited choices having both men’s, and women’s versions.) He reported that his girlfriend responded to the

    men’s version by becoming “hot”, whereas she responded to the women’s version by becoming “hot and


    1) How do women respond to the women’s version? If the response by

    women is in general that much stronger to the women’s version, then maybe we men are wearing the wrong


    2) If women respond more strongly to the women’s version, does

    LaCroy, or anyone else have an explanation for this?

    3) Anyway, this thinking

    lead me to wonder whether there are any plans to introduce a women’s versions of Impi?

  13. #73
    Stranger quaxer's Avatar
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    Default Impi Yellow

    I have stumbled across

    pheromones last december. Since then I am a regular visitor of this site without ever having posted myself.


    to now I am using (and mixing) in a rather non-systematic way AE, NPA, SoE, Pherofragrance, A1. Decided to try Impi

    yellow, as I normally like the citrus smell (e.g. armani).

    I have now used Impi yellow a couple of times. First

    my impression on the smell: not really citrus, more vanilla, but with a hint of the La Croy "sting" in the back of

    your nose.

    Not really what I expected, but actually quite pleasant and VERY long lasting. I am one of those dirty

    Europeans, who do not shower everyday, but even when taking showers the smell can stay more than 24 hours.


    women also seem to like it.

    I am in one of those countries, where men and women, greet each other by kisses on

    the cheeks, which is of course an advantage if you want to get somebody into your "mone-zone".

    So last time i

    wore the Impi alone, a woman who has in the past reacted quite positive to the old SoE / NPA combination, kissed me

    on the cheeks, and immediately said, "Mmmmh you smell good" then she took another sniff and added "so fresh". As

    regards attraction-reactions, they are subtle, but visible (as with most mones I used). This could to a certain

    extend also be a placebo effect, but what do I care, as long as it works ....

    All in all a nice product, which in

    my opinion can be used stand-allone all day long, or for special occasions enhanced by None products, but there I

    need a bit more experimenting.

  14. #74
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    Ok, so I've got a question

    regarding the Impi testers. Does anyone have any idea what ETS-11 does? I pm'ed Bruce about it and he said it was a

    phero and not a fragence additive. Reason why I'm asking is that I'd like to work out the math as provided by

    Shenandoah's post above.

    It's based of the SoE-(NPA/TE) mix Shenandoah also mentioned on the first page of this

    thread. I've got it worked out somewhat, but I want to see the math behind the dosage so I can report


    FYI: The combo is 7-2-1-2-2, with the numbers being (in order of appearance):

    ~ SoE
    ~ Impi

    ~ TE
    ~ Master (One of LS's newest products)
    ~ Liquid Trust.

  15. #75
    Stranger BigDipper's Avatar
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    Default IMPI silver-dot

    Well this is my first post here
    I'm very skeptical about all of this but I have had reactions in

    the past when I'd been wearing pheromone colognes, and they seemed unusual.

    But this is

    specifically in response to the call to review the new IMPI fragrances.

    I got IMPI silver. I

    won't invent a long elaborate story to justify my $10 discount but.. I will say that the smell is sweet without

    being flowery at all, it has none of the annoying tweak I find in most fragrances on the commercial


    It is a fresh, invigorating


    It lasts a LONG time, which I was pleased to find out.. especially on


    I might be wrong, and feel

    free to delete my post if this is inappropriate, but it would seem that the scent is what people describe aldehyde

    to impart to commercial fragrances, the powdery sweet thing.. which I thought I detected in Pi, Chopard's Casaran,

    and a other things I kind of liked before becoming suspicious. I suspected that Chikara had alot of this stuff in it

    because of the powdery smell.. could be totally wrong tho.

    I wrote LaCroy and asked, and

    whoever wrote me back said that there was no aldehyde in this product.

    Since the cologne

    manufacturers who add aldehyde readily admit to and sometimes even boast of it, I trust that what I was told was


    One more thng.. it does smell alot like Axe 'Kilo', which I ordered after reading

    that on this forum.. but the Axe spray vanishes very quickly, and the IMPI lasts a long time.

    Of all

    the things I've tried here thru the last few years, tho it doesn't add up when comparing mg of phero content to

    price, the scented 'Attraction' has gotten me the most comments from people. I like SOE also but wish it was in a

    fine-mist spray, it seems to vanish very quickly the way it is applied.

  16. #76
    Phero Enthusiast
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    i'm interested in buying some

    impi, but rather than ramble on about how the stuff smells, could someone please tell us what the actual effects of

    it are???

    i am a HUGE fan of NPA. i wear it everyday and cover it with Gio or Black code. the stuff kicks ass...i

    mean, i get hits everyday literally. NPA is my best friend. i'll be ordering more soon.

    is impi like NPA? sort

    of intimidating, sexual...or is it a friendly vibe thing, like SOE? I definitely trust the LaCroy company now, since

    NPA is my best friend...but are these to be used in combination...??

    some of such details would be nice,

    especially since there is no such information in the shop or anywhere else apparently.

    i honestly couldn't care

    less how it smells, you can always cover that with another scent.

    thanks for any info.

  17. #77
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    Impi's very similar to The Edge,

    phero-wise. TE is roughly ¼ the strength of NPA, so Impi's very similar.

    The only differences between Impi and

    TE are Impi's African Herbal Aphrodesiac (AHA) and a phero called ETS-11. The AHA is a herbal blend made for

    Impi's scent. As for ETS-11, I actually pm'ed Bruce and asked him. He said LaCroy hasn't (yet) revealed anything

    about it other then the fact that it IS a pheromone.

  18. #78
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kev
    Impi's very

    similar to The Edge, phero-wise. TE is roughly ¼ the strength of NPA, so Impi's very similar.

    The only

    differences between Impi and TE are Impi's African Herbal Aphrodesiac (AHA) and a phero called ETS-11. The AHA is a

    herbal blend made for Impi's scent. As for ETS-11, I actually pm'ed Bruce and asked him. He said LaCroy hasn't

    (yet) revealed anything about it other then the fact that it IS a pheromone.
    ah...ok, thanks. guess i'll

    just stick to npa then.

    btw, you're helpful...i couldn't search for "a1" because it's too short, where/how can

    i get some a1, does it go by another name or something?

  19. #79
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    A1 = Androstadienone and you can

    find it in the shop if you go to kits/supplies.

  20. #80
    & Double Naught Spy InternationalPlayboy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by smooth312
    ah...ok, thanks. guess i'll just stick to npa then.

    btw, you're helpful...i couldn't

    search for "a1" because it's too short, where/how can i get some a1, does it go by another name or

    Look in the "Kits/Supplies" section for Androstadienone.

  21. #81
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    Quote Originally Posted by smooth312
    ah...ok, thanks.

    guess i'll just stick to npa then.

    btw, you're helpful...i couldn't search for "a1" because it's too short,

    where/how can i get some a1, does it go by another name or something?
    A1 has been covered, so onto the

    NPA/TE topic (again). The main advantage of TE over NPA is that it allows to mix a more precise ratio.

    Of course,

    if you've already nailed it down, who am I to say anything? I'm still a newb myself.

    Most of my info I've

    gleaned from various posts on the newbie thread stickied in the main forum.

  22. #82
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    Mousse, dude, that was an

    awesome , awesome story. I was feeling that emotion as I was reading it. I guess I could relate to what you went

    through as I've been in that situation before in the past. Good for you that combo works...

    I love Chikara

    myself, especially the gel. I find that the spray ain't strong enough, especially in a bar situation. You have to

    use alot and it runs down my chikara spray fast.

    How do you find Impi alone? Any good ?

  23. #83
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    mate. I haven't used IMPI alone before, so I'm not certain if it would work for me as a standalone product.

    I am the type of person who would be looked upon as bieng Alpha-male (by appearance), however my personality does

    not match my look. I am not egotistical at all, but I do tend to be a little on the reserved side until I know

    someone then I open up.

    So to people who don't know me yet, my reserved side and alpha looks may come

    across as a little intimidating, so I find that the best results for me personally come fom products not too -none

    heavy, or at least if I use an exclusive none product to balance it out. I was making this mistake frequently

    before, until I started posting and listening to the advice of members like Belgareth and Shenandoah.


    don't think that IMPI is the type of product that would suit me using it alone. But in saying that I have no doubt

    that it is a product that will get you results - how you use it to your advantage is the only worry's you should


    P.S - I'm still with the girl that I posted about. She's just as crazy about me (and me her) as

    that day. I still use basically the same combo. The only varients I have made to it is the cover scent

    (A*Men with Chikara and IMPI is a magnificent scent - I'm in love with that right now - I was using CK Truth

    before) and sometimes I use a little WAGG behind my ears, and once I tried that same combo with Alter Ego (2 drops

    on the wrist rubbed together).

    For me I think products like NPA, APC, Edge etc do not compliment the type

    of persona I give out. Even though they are products that work - they do not balance me out. IMPI, Chikara, WAGG,

    SOE Gel, Liquid Trust and to a certain extent Alter Ego have given me what I hoped to achieve. I bought a lot of

    products here (Close to $900 worth) and I have yet to test Rogue Male Edge for Women which I have. I'm just

    enjoying my working combo at the moment!

  24. #84
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    Hey Mousse,

    What happens when you

    use Edge or NPA with your combo? You said it doesn't sit well with your persona, I'm just wondering...what kinda

    reactions do you get? Or do you get no reactions at all?

    I've had jack-all luck with AE . If there was any

    effect all it would have been very very subtle. Too subtle for my liking. I got a pack of gel here to try instead of

    the drops so I'll try it this weekend when I head out ..a whole pack at once.

    Some dude here said that LT

    smells like paint spray. How do you find it? 2 more days and I will have LT in my hands.

    Any luck with


    Will be good to hear from ya. Btw I sent you a priv mesg.

    Oh yah, how bout trying a moneless date with

    your girl and seeing what happens? U game enough to try that ?



  25. #85
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    I have started a

    new thread called "My experiences so far" in reply to your questions. I think we might be going off topic a bit in

    this thread if I answer here because its not all related to IMPI...


  26. #86
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    Default Silver scent

    I got the silver,

    and the scent initially seems spicy, with overtones (undertones?) of fruity after a short time. (That's with one

    spray onto chest hair.)

    No obvious effects yet, I'll give it another try over this weekend and see.

  27. #87
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    Tried IMPI the other day with 2 dabs

    NPA and 8'' SOE. Not sure if I OD'ed but felt very aggressive, but also felt very masculine compared to my normal

    self. No reaction on anybody else though....

  28. #88
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    Well, I have a good review on Impi

    Silver. Been wearing alot since I got it, and I've been getting quite a few second glances. Especially at work,

    where an older (40 - 50) lady in the next department kept hanging around me when we were near by. (Yes, I'd tap it

    if I could.)

    The younger females wouldn't be so forth right, but I did pick up a few minor signals, especially

    from ones with boyfriends. (Wtf?) A lot of em have complimented me on it. So, kudos there for the mix.

    As I

    stated in my intro thread, I got some for my dad. Well, I didn't exactly tell him what was in it, nor did I expect

    him to come to the LS site. Well, he asked about 2 weeks ago for help on ordering more. Told him to look on the

    bottle for the website. He went and ordered the non-beta testers. Three of em. When he got them, he said they

    didn't smell the same. Looking at em, I saw why and told him.

    Well, I got em. (I like it by the way, just not as

    much as Impi silver.) So, I told him to get the Beta testers with the silver dot. He bought 4 of the red dot.

    And I got those as well. He said he liked it, but it smelled too spicey as such. I like em too, and agree

    on em smelling a bit spicey.

    So, I'm going to pass one or two out at work and hopefully see how people take to


  29. #89
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    Since between you

    and your father you now have access to quantities of both "Red" and "Herbal #2" Impi, may I suggest that you take an

    empty atomizer, and mix a ml of "Red" and a ml of Herbal." Then perahps one ml of "Red", and two ml of "Herbal", or

    vice versa.

    Please let et us know what ratio balances out the "too spicey" into something you like.

  30. #90
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    I have an atomizer, filled

    with something I haven't had a chance to test out yet. Once I'm done with that, I'll give the Impi's a


    Any advice on opening em up? They don't look easy to twist off.

    ~ Kev

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