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  1. #31
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    It was a pleasant surprise to

    come back here and discover this. And it's inexpensive enough that it's worth trying. I just ordered some. I

    hope it's as they say.

  2. #32
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    with the POWER of TRUST, what

    evil things would you guys do?

    Me: i don't know i'm not evil

  3. #33
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    I would buy this product if

    Bruce could get this information from the manufacturer:

    1. The bottle life of the product
    2. The life of the

    product when used (which i think was stated a 2-4 hrs)

    I would think if the company is selling them at a years

    supply that it would last quite a long time but i dont really know.

  4. #34
    Phero Dude slickracer's Avatar
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    hey guys i just had an

    interview today for a job where i would give 3 presentations a day ranging from 1-3 hrs each. and while she was

    telling me about the job, this came to mind. mabey i am going to have to pick this up if(when) i do get the job.

    (crossing my fingers)

  5. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by markosans
    I would buy

    this product if Bruce could get this information from the manufacturer:

    1. The bottle life of the

    2. The life of the product when used (which i think was stated a 2-4 hrs)

    I would think if the

    company is selling them at a years supply that it would last quite a long time but i dont really

    I agree about that.

  6. #36
    Phero Dude slickracer's Avatar
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    come one guys, sometimes you

    just have to take a little risk!!

    and quit giving bruce so much shit to do. if you want something done you can

    send them an email to thier coustomer service area and ask them all those question your self.

  7. #37
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    slickracer, what would be more

    of a burden for bruce? having dozens of emails in his Inbox that he has to reply too, questioning the legitimacy of

    Oxy or just posting our thoughts here so he can reply once to everyone that posted and everyone that reads


    people in this forum are generally suspicious of new products, especially if they are not pheromones and

    especially for the fact that this chemical is known in studies not to be stable, therefore undermining its actual

    usefulness with the puropse it was designed and marketed for. People will part with thier money when they know a

    product will work, or at worst know a product is what it says it is. I think you have misunderstood why people have

    been yelling about OXY.

    these are not risks, just legitimate questions, I dont think Bruce minds this.

  8. #38
    Phero Dude slickracer's Avatar
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    oh i think you misunderstood

    me, i don't mean send bruce the emails asking about liquid trust, i mean send verolab emails all these questions.

    and they most likely to reply.

    but i do agree with you on the 2nd paragraph tho. oh and i don't get the OXY

    refrance, i don't knwo what that means.

  9. #39
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    OXY = oxytocin

  10. #40
    zeta male metropolitan's Avatar
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    damn, i haven't been here

    in over a year and you mo-fo's haven't changed. quit all this whining and wait until somebody triest the product

    before being so dismissive.
    i just got my bottle today (1st mones i buy in a year). i'll be trying it over the

    week, i'll let you guys know how it works.

  11. #41
    Phero Dude slickracer's Avatar
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    nicely put metropolitan.

  12. #42
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    Quote Originally Posted by metropolitan
    damn, i

    haven't been here in over a year and you mo-fo's haven't changed. quit all this whining and wait until somebody

    triest the product before being so dismissive.
    i just got my bottle today (1st mones i buy in a year). i'll be

    trying it over the week, i'll let you guys know how it works.
    We havnt been whining, been

    questioning the chemical OXY, not the actual product itself.

    If bruce started to sell beer as a splash on

    pheromone cologne, would people question the effectivness of it? I pressume so.

    Same goes for this


    I personally am waiting on some feedback, I have not ruled it out, but looking at the studies, its

    not promising, but it is possible its a good product!.....

  13. #43
    Phero Enthusiast PHP 87's Avatar
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    I wonder how LT would work when

    also worn with (not mixed with) NPA

  14. #44
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    I've been using this

    stuff off and on for months. I talked about it in the thread on oxytocin in the general folder, some of you may want

    to check it out.

    I haven't noticed any major changes in the reactions I get from women. It does have a very

    soothing effect on me though, like I want to just curl up into a ball and sleep. That can put me at a disadvantage

    when I douse myself in it before going out. It definitely makes me very sleepy. I also think it may increase the

    need for urination in females. Small sample of course, but I used to wear it regularly to one of my courses with no

    assigned seating and I had a number of different girls sit next to me throughout the semester. Sometimes when I wore

    LT, half-way through class they would start to wriggle and claim they have to pee really bad. It kinda freaked me

    out. I've never seen that kind of reaction in a classroom. And usually its the girl on both the left and right of

    me. Just an odd occurence perhaps, I don't know. This happened to me on like 4 or 5 occasions with 4 or 5

    different girls (it didnt happen everytime I wore it.)

    I'm still experimenting with it, I'll probably wear

    it tonight since its "in the news."


  15. #45
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    [QUOTE=jamesdeanmartin] Sometimes

    when I wore LT, half-way through class they would start to wriggle and claim they have to pee really bad. It kinda

    freaked me out. I've never seen that kind of reaction in a classroom. And usually its the girl on both the left and

    right of me. Just an odd occurence perhaps, I don't know. This happened to me on like 4 or 5 occasions with 4 or 5

    different girls (it didnt happen everytime I wore it.)

    Maybe they need to go for a masty?
    Be positive Bro!

    early 40's white male or or

  16. #46
    Bad Motha Holmes's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PHP 87
    I wonder how LT

    would work when also worn with (not mixed with) NPA
    They'd probably cancel each other out.
    If a guy's a cocksucker in his life, when he dies, he don't become a saint. - Morris Levy, Hitmen

    Holmes' Theme Song

  17. #47
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    Quote Originally Posted by palatinecreator
    I got

    some MAJOR success at the club last Saturday using liquid trust in combination with A314 and Primal Instinct

    scented. I was kissing this girl who I met there a couple weeks ago and this time we were making out for over an

    hour! She was sitting on a bar stool while I was giving her a back massage and she said "I feel like I'm in heaven.

    I never thought I would go there."

    I'm very satisfied with the results of just one spray on the wrists (comined

    with the 'mones) and one on the chest. There's a lot of that stuff in the 1/4 oz bottle.

    BTW lots of dry

    humping on the dance floor as well.
    Sounds like you had a Great experience, however you used LT with

    another 2 fairly strong and well respected pheromone products that have proven to work with most forum members. Do

    you attribute this "hit" to LT? or to the other two products or to the combination?

    Dont want to sound that I am

    disecting your post, but through a process of elimination we could get to the bottom of this product in terms of its


    One other question, how did LT make you feel when you wore it? Did you try it out stand alone in

    any situation?

  18. #48
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    Haven't tried LT alone

    yet, but usually I notice when only using the pheromones I'm more likely to scare women off after attracting them.

    I think a big difference in my game has come from reading and applying the "double your dating" books and the video

    series. However, I never would have gotten into improving my game if it weren't for the massive amount of women I

    found I can attract simply using pheromones.

  19. #49
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    Quote Originally Posted by palatinecreator

    gotten amazing results with the A314 and Primal Instinct as far as the sexual response is

    Quote Originally Posted by MOBLEYC57
    I'd sure love to hear all the details on that mix, if it is in a mix

    (application, application points, your age, ages of those it affected, did you mix them or apply them on different

    areas, cover scent ... all of'it!)?


    Back to the regular scheduled program ... yeah, I'd

    like to be trusted!
    Palatinecreator, may I have your A314:PI recipe? Pretty please?

    Never argue with ignorant people! They pull you down to THEIR level, and then they BEAT YOU with experience. Who said that!? I don't know, but tis gold I tell'ya!!

  20. #50
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    Sure, one drop of A314

    and 1-2 drops of PI. I also like to put on some Pheros with it as well. I prefer the back of the hands to the

    wrist. After I rub them together I dab the back of my neck with the back of my hands.

    Another successful

    night at the club yesterday. One woman actually said I was a magnet. I grinded with about 5 females. I've done

    so much of that the crotch on my jeans is starting to wear out its color. Seriously!

  21. #51
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    I'm going out in a bit to

    a local dive and will wear LT with AE/m and SOE. Results tonight, If I'm sober enough !!!
    There is a cure for electile dysfuntion!!!!

  22. #52
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    ^ I guess he isn't sober yet.

  23. #53
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    I did start to post last

    night but had been smoking some stuff and found myself rambling along so decided it was better to wait till this


    I put on AE/m, SOE gel pack scented, A1, and then finally LT. All on my wrists and hands, sorta

    just rubbed it all in together. The smell is not unpleasant at all. I didn't feel drowsy but that might be

    attributable to my having slept in yesterday.

    I went to this local dive knowing I couldn't stay too long

    as we're having severe rains at the moment and my way home looked as if it might flood out later.

    I know

    the bartender there, Karen, and when I went in the door she beckoned to me to sit in the middle of the bar near her

    (she's late 40s, not bad but shows her age, she's always had a mild attraction for me as I always wear AE/M and

    SOE when I go there and she's susceptiblbe to it). Well, as luck would have it, I was just to the right of two

    women in their early 40s. I was just sitting there minding my own business when the one furthest from me said "oh

    he's just sitting there being cool" and then the one right next to me turned to me and said "gee, we almost bumped

    heads". Well, laughing, we didn't but it started the conversation going. They were surprisingly candid with me

    (the LT?) and I found out that the one sitting by me was on probation until 2010 for DWI. The conversation was

    occasionally laced with sexual innuendo, sausages were a theme. The one next to me didn't mind me pawing her a bit

    while we spoke, nothing overtly sexual but lots of affectionate touching. Alas, she was there as this guy she's

    hot for was also there so she would from time to time go speak with him while I talked with her friend who was a bit

    on the heavy side. Well, there was another younger woman there who is absolutely obese. The woman I was speaking

    to just could not stop looking at her and commenting about her obesity. She was obsessed with the other's woman's

    weight to the point of it becoming rude with her constant glances towards this poor fat girl (did the pheromones

    cause her behavior, not sure). Then the better looking one came back and we started talking again until she had to

    go to the bathroom. She did stay in there long enough that her friend commented on it. (laughing here, I was

    beginning to think that perhaps she had gone in there to play with herself). Both of these women were quite drunk

    from drinking beer so I figure she really just had a very full bladder. Oh, almost forgot, I accidentally took a

    drink of her beer and she said to me "I hope you don't have aids or something". So, I did buy her and her friend

    another beer but also told them that her comment had hurt my feelings in a joking sort of way. Then they started

    talking with each other a bit loudly about yet another woman in the bar they had an ongoing feud with. Karen came

    over and told them to quiet it down and then cut them off and said if they wanted to drink, they'd have to go

    elsewhere. They left at that point. In fact, most of the bar cleared out about then as there really was some

    concern about the roads being shut down. I told Karen I was leaving too and she gave me her cell phone number and

    asked me to call her and let her know the status of the roads (this wasn't any kind of invitation, she lives near

    me and also is a friend of my Sue's). The only conclusions I can reach are that the combo I was wearing opened

    conversation up pretty easily and quickly with me having instant rapport and their trust about their past to inlude

    bad stuff, caused almost obsessive behavior with one - the mildly obese woman towards the really obese younger woman

    (it was pretty weird really, I know we all "gawk" from time to time but she was not at all polite about it).

    One thing I wondered about was the rain, it's really been coming down hard for the past 4 days or so. Does

    high humidity increase or decrease the broadcasting of the mones?

    Hope others will test and post.
    There is a cure for electile dysfuntion!!!!

  24. #54
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    Quote Originally Posted by koolking1
    I did start to

    post last night but had been smoking some stuff and found myself rambling along so decided it was better to wait

    till this morning.
    I used to smoke dried banana peel as recreation. I cant remember if it gives you the

    rambling effect, but it definantly gives you Gorilla brains!!!

  25. #55
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    I'm at a bit of a loss as to

    how to go about testing my LT. As always seems to be the case when I order LS products, my roommate thinks they're

    her medications and takes off with them until she notices my name on the package, usually 5-7 days later. This,

    naturally, always keeps me from testing when I have the best opportunities, which all seem to happen between when I

    actually get the stuff, and when I know about it.

    Anyway, I'm thinking this is something I might test by itself

    to see what effects it has, but I'm a little baffled as to what I should be looking for in terms of "hits" with


    I tried one spray on my neck tonight, and found that it has a faint smell that the only thing I could think

    of to relate it to was brain chemicals, but I have no idea where I would have discovered what brain chemicals smell


    This scent faded after a few minutes, and I did see some things with my assistant that could possibly have

    been a hit with it, but I have been working to get her to trust me more fully for months now, so it would be no

    surprise that she'd be trusting.

    Any suggestions how to use this, or what to look for?

  26. #56
    Full Member HK45Mark23's Avatar
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    I am getting spectacular results with Liquid Trust. I am not sure about the longevity of the product or the

    stability. I do have to say that people are much nicer to me when I a wearing it than ever before.

    I have used it the

    first time with AE one drop on one wrist, rubbed that on the other wrist and then applied on the back of the neck.

    I then added a partial spray of the LT on my chest, rubbed my wrist in that and then on the back of the neck again.

    Not only did I have a

    good evening, but the people I was with complemented on how nice of an evening it was for them.

    Every place we went we

    got great service and the employees seemed to want to talk to me a lot.

    Yesterday, I applied one pee sized dab of Chikara gell

    to my wrist and then spread it to my chest and behind the neck, followed again by less than one squirt of LT on the

    chest mixing and spreading to all application points aforementioned.

    I had a lot of business at the Civic Center; Taxes are over due on my

    properties as well as improperly assessed.

    I have never had government employees be so eager to please me and

    treat me so well.


    was making crazy jokes, Jokes like, “Is the tax assessor on crack? Or did you hire temps from the State Hospital?

    Because either he/she is on drugs or crazy!!!” And they absolutely loved it and laughed. In the past they would

    not have thought I was funny and they would have thought I was crazy. They would not have served me with pleasure.

    Each of the women I

    was helped by (ranging from 20-35) were standing close to me making physical contact or leaning over the counter

    with low cut shirts. They spent on average 35 min each helping me and joking around plus flirting.

    Well, I don’t think

    this Liquid Trust works, so don’t buy any, be afraid of the waste of time and money, be afraid of the stability

    questions. I am sure no one here needs this useless product.

  27. #57
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    actually I've kinda been

    at a loss as to what to expect and the appropriate time to wear it. The above example seems to be the right venue

    for this product. Wondering if I should go into a Sales job? I'll be experimenting again on Friday night at a

    swinger's event (meet and greet, no sex, arghhh!!)
    There is a cure for electile dysfuntion!!!!

  28. #58
    Journeyman CrystalMoon's Avatar
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    Two posts up = great post.

    Really informative.

    Mine just arrived from Love-Scent today, and will be getting tested this weekend on "The


    Going to try it both with and without my EW mix, as I sent verolabs an e-mail question, and within one hour

    they had replied to say it can be used very effectively in conjunction with ALL pheromone products and all perfumes

    or colognes, without any one negating the effects of any other.

    Will report the results on Monday.

    Ail :-)
    Eight Words The Wiccan Rede Fulfill: 'An Ye Harm None, Do What Ye Will )O(

  29. #59
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    with the spray heads they RUN

    out FAST...

  30. #60
    Full Member HK45Mark23's Avatar
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    I called Vero labs today. The shelf life of LT is about 8 - 12 months, unless it is a fresh batch

    then 16 months. The time after application that it will remain affective is 2-4 hours. I believe that is the

    correct information.

    Also in my previous post I failed to mention all the times people were totally comfortable talking to me and

    approaching me to initiate conversation. Yesterday, several young women in the hall ways of the Civic Center were

    saying hi to me and walking with me talking to me.

    This evening I spent time with a woman who I had totally offended last


    I had been quite

    forward with her and it totally turned her off. This happened last week. We have continued out conversations but

    not in person. She had said we could be friends talk on the phone and internet as long as I kept my distance,


    Tonight she

    called me for help; her vehicle was giving her problems and needed some assistance. After I had been with her for

    maybe 15-20 min, I asked her if she was comfortable around me today. She said that she is rarely comfortable, but,

    yeah she was today. After I rescued her we spent some time together. Her large smile got larger and larger as we

    spent more time together and then the contact started. She just would not let me go and kept smelling where I had

    the AE and LT.

    By the

    way, she is 24, we are both the same size, around 5’ and I am 33, closing on 34. This time I just placed a drop of

    AE on my wrist and about a squirt or less of LT mixed and rubbed on the back and side of my neck as well as my


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