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  1. #1
    Enlightened One
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    Default Forum currently very quite

    Things seem to be dropping right off, anyone care to get some new threads going or something.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Forum currently very quite

    It looks like the forum has it\'s highs and lows. Even I\'ve personally noticed that I don\'t post as often anymore. The hits are there, but they\'re so common now that I guess I\'m taking them for granted.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Forum currently very quite

    Well I get so few hits that there is not much to post about. Pheroes may work, but their effect for me is so slight that I suspect getting a good hair cut would be just as effective.

    It would be fun if pheromes lived up to their marketing. Do I believe that pheroes influence behaviour? Yes. Do I believe the effect is good enough? No.

  4. #4
    Full Member Paul canada's Avatar
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    Default Re: Forum currently very quite

    I agree with Marz, When I first started useing pheromones about 1.5 years ago I was posting everyday. Now it seems I am luckey to post 1/month. I still visit here everday, to check out whats on the go, but lately I just lurk.


  5. #5

    Default Re: Forum currently very quite


    I have noticed that the board has taken a nosedive. Very few people left and a distinct lack of enthusiasm. A Lot of good posts have just petered out, and a few interesting projects appear to have fizzled out. Also a lot of regulars are missing. I often just lurk, too much beer late at night dulls the senses and makes it too much trouble sometimes. Apart from that it is hard to find a good thread these days. I was most dissapointed that the Andro-1 thing fizzled. Loads of people are reputed to have purchased this but bugger all feedback from them regarding experiences. Same with DHEA, no feedback from people who tried extracting and using this... Are people afraid to report failure as well as success, or are people just getting lazy?

    Hope it picks up.


  6. #6

    Default Re: Forum currently very quite

    The main forum site is stuck or something because it won\'t allow posting. If you notice there hasn\'t been any posting since Bruce\'s message on may 20th? I\'m not sure what is going on?

  7. #7

    Default Re: Forum currently very quite


    The board had some \"technical\" difficulties, I believe the guarantee ran out or something. New posts go here, the old one, it would seem, is now for reference.


  8. #8
    Phero Pro jose's Avatar
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    Default Re: Forum currently very quite

    Why doesn\'t Bruce delete that whole board and start with this one. I usually post once in a while, but I haven\'t had a hit in a longtime. [img]images/icons/frown.gif[/img]

  9. #9
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    Default Re: Forum currently very quite


    I was not going to say but like a few here I have found the actual number of hits I have had with my own tried and tested combos have no doubt taken a nosedive. It maybe that I have gotten use to be particular level and have given, as human nature dictates, more is good, OD now. I have been trying to lower my usage but if the distinct lack of hits is a wider thing then...........

  10. #10

    Default Re: Forum currently very quite

    Well, I only figured out that the discussion moved here two days ago. I have the other forum bookmarked, and the last message Bruce posted was that he was shutting down the forum for now. He didn\'t mention that the forum had restarted at a new location!

  11. #11
    PheroWizard oscar's Avatar
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    Default Re: Forum currently very quite


    The forum IS running somewhat light at present. Maybe Bruce should open the Archives pages just long enough to put a post at the top of each directing folks here to PQ2.

    I think it\'s great that the old board and the OLDER Phero Talk board are available for reference. There\'s a lot of good information on both, and I find myself referring to old threads quite often.
    There are currently over 17,000 posts available to view going back over a year if you include the \"Transfer-Proxy\" threads that were carried over from the old, old, old board.

    Oscar [img]images/icons/wink.gif[/img]

  12. #12
    Full Member Paul canada's Avatar
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    Default Re: Forum currently very quite


    I also think the board is just going through a \"down\" phase - it has done that before in the past - Hopefully in a week or so it will pick up again.


  13. #13
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    Default Re: Forum currently very quite

    I, like Truth, also had the forum bookmarked and only realised the new forum had been opened yesterday when I went back to the full forum menu. I think the problem is definitely that a lot of people dont realise the new forum is in action.

  14. #14
    Carpal Tunnel Whitehall's Avatar
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    Default Re: Forum currently very quite

    Steve Case, the founder and CEO of America on Line, once said that AOL\'s greatest competitor was sunlight. Good weather, long days, and outdoor activity gives people something to do besides stare at a computer.

    I suspect it will pick up during the Dog Days.

  15. #15
    Administrator Bruce's Avatar
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    Default Re: Forum currently very quite

    Summer is always a little slower than normal, but the holiday weekends and just before and after are VERY quiet periods. All activity picks up starting in the Fall (9/11 threw things for a loop this year) and continues to grow steadily right up until Memorial day weekend, dips down a little and holds steady until Fall. That is the pattern I have been getting over the last 3 years.

    Problems with the forum are another factor though. No doubt about that. I hadn\'t thought about the bookmarking problem. I have always kept the forum\'s main home page bookmarked as I have to check the customer problems board carefully. I just assumed everyone else was in the same boat.

    I had someone reinstall the present forum on a new server that I thought would work better, but have since decided to invest in a newer MySQL database version of the software that drives the forum. I think it should make it possible to put all the information into one central location rather than having to go through various \"archive\" locations.

    So, I think there are several reasons for the quietude here at the moment.
    -Folks drop by, get an error message and give up.
    -Holiday weekend
    -end of the school year
    -nice weather

    Once we get the new forum all set up and running smoothly, I will try to notify everyone and get a good flow of traffic coming in here.

    Thanks for your efforts in keeping things going in the mean time.


  16. #16
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: Forum currently very quite

    Uh, yeah, this new version of the board kinda threw me too...

    I *WILL* agree that the slowness is due to the nicer weather now. People are out experimenting more, with the pheros and \"other things.\" [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

    It\'ll pick back up again.

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