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  1. #1
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    Default Help for a desperate young man

    Hi guys,

    i'm a latin 20 yr old male, 1.78 height and i'm about 67 kgs in weight.

    Brown eyes, black hair, pearly


    i've been using pheromones for about 8 months, though only on certain ocassions, not all the time, and

    have NEVER seen any effects whatsoever.

    I've tried from 1-5 drops of AE lots of times, and i haven't gotten ONE

    new girl...i haven't detected a hit or any interest whatsoever from a unknown girl.

    I get along fine with lots

    of girls i knew from before and i do notice they are more touchy with me but i'm guessing it's because of closer

    relationships through time.

    I'm really frustrated because i know i'm not bad looking whatsoever, and i can

    adapt to different situations without problem (talk, dance, etc.), but i just cant't seem to be able to meet new

    people, and this has been dragging for a year now, i haven't really met any NEW's horribly frustrating

    and i'm getting pretty dissapointed in myself.

    I don't know what's happened to me, or if i have lost

    sometime this past year.... maybe something inside of my mind or pshycological , but i seems like i've lost a lot

    of popularity with both girls and guys and it's been pretty hard to me specially when I see a lot of jerks getting

    all the glory.

    I used to get a lot of girls interested in me and they would always look my way, and giggle, and

    once i talked to them they would be totally hooked...but suddenly it all just went away, the same with a lot of male

    acquaitances, they would look for me and laugh with me but now i'm pretty disposable.

    This summed to a difficult

    time in other issues have made me a bit more gloomy and sometimes i almost lose my balance, but i've managed to

    stay sane and calm in general.

    I don't want to sound snobby with my post, it's just that i'm desperate and

    heartbroken and i think i need a little push to get back what i lost....also in real life i'm not as despareate as

    i sound here, but i need to vent my frustrations to someone who can help.

    So, in the end, which product do you

    reccommend me to try ?

    I'm tempted by chikara and SOE, but i can only buy one.

    i'm looking to ease my way

    into people again, more flowing and cooperative conversations, being a bit more interesting and bit more accesible

    to people.

    I hope this helps break the walls i've built upon myself as well as the ones people have put in front

    of me a bit easier ! thanks for hearing my rant !!!

  2. #2
    Newbie Yoshiro's Avatar
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    Default Hello


    sorry for my


    hello, i rode your post and I advice you to try SOE (first)
    in order to know people, you can also buy

    chikara after and mix them, but before try with SOE.
    If you are shy, try to do a work on yourself, your problem is

    maybe in your head, don't think about that and "run"! life is so brief and time is so thief.


    envi d'aller a NewYork!

  3. #3
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    >>> Help for a desperate young


    Dont behave in a desperate manner that could be the main problem.

  4. #4
    Kodachrome Forever! Gegogi's Avatar
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    "...but i just cant't

    seem to be able to meet new people, and this has been dragging for a year now, i haven't really met any NEW's horribly frustrating and i'm getting pretty dissapointed in myself."
    This isn't a

    problem pheromones can solve. Hanging with the same group of friends hasn't worked. Bars and parties are not good

    places to make friends or find lovers. You have to take the initiative and hang at a place you can actually see and

    talk to women, e.g., join a church choir, community theater, tennis doubles, Young Republicans Ass., etc. Once

    you're in the right place socially the 'mones can enhance your moves if you put forth sincere effort.


    guessing, but it sounds like you attach too much importance to being popular with your peers. Being a social

    butterfly ain't what it's cut out to be. Get a life of your own and damn what they think. If you get it together

    on your own people will want to be with you. You know, major goals and accomplishments that stand with or without

    them. When your life is important, friends come easy.
    "I'm just a dirty hornytoad" -Gegogi

  5. #5
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    thanks for your imput....


    agree i think my problem is in my head and the past ( a breakup i never really got over mainly, it's still hauting

    me hehe) and maybe bad luck, also i was looking to hookup in noisy places and stuff, which i know for a fact that

    it's not the best way to meet people.

    about getting my life...that's what i've been doing this past year ,

    focus more on my career, my hobbies and stuff, but in the process i got separeted a bit from "the wave", i guess i

    got too individualistic...

    My hobbies btw are kinda out the norm from my circle of acquiatances,my city is a

    pretty closedmind place...
    while they talk abour cars, soccer, and airhead stuff, i injoy movies, gaming, anime,

    politics, while sometimes i get to talk about movies and politcs it's not as frequently as i

    would want to..i also enjoy talking about feelings, relationships and stuff but that only happens with close friends

    and it's ok i guess, you need a certain level of confidence.

    i love my hobbies very much and i really don't

    care if they are unpopular or not (especially anime and gaming which are the "strangest"), they are fun and make me

    a better person i think...

    my situation is not really bad by any means, i'm definetely not on the same lucky

    streak i was having a few years ago...but at least i have some great friends i can have a blast's just

    some fresh blood once in a while could be a bit better.

    anyways, thank you for your help, i really appreciate it

    and it's nice to hear advices from people totally outside my "box".

    soooooo back to the point !!

    do you

    think SOE or chikara would help me get a push or don't ? thanks !

  6. #6
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    Biggest piece of advice I can tell

    you is to think about your inner issues and insecurities and try to work them out with yourself or become ok with


    Small things can trigger alot of insecurity.

    Jelousy is a huge thing. Even if you feel it, don't show

    it. The best thing to do is ignore it and focus on what you were doing before.

    Jelousy is a mood killer with

    women, even ones that are just friends. Also communicates insecurity, and women can smell the stink of fear on


    Just focus on getting over stuff and becoming more comfortable and getting back into your old mindset if

    you had more success with it before.

  7. #7
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    i hope i can get back

    or at least evolve from where i am now, i know it's a process of life to have hard times and to get up and learn

    from it, i hope not to long from now i can say i conquered this problem succesfully.

  8. #8
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    I'd also like to add, getting

    over things also means confronting and overcoming them in real world situations, not always just thinking them out.

    But if you think things out logically beforehand, and have a good idea of how you want to behave or think when the

    point and time comes, it'll help alot as long as you have the drive to put the effort in.

    That's how i've

    grown as a person and overcome stuff anyway.

  9. #9
    Phero Pharaoh
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    Quote Originally Posted by cares
    My hobbies btw

    are kinda out the norm from my circle of acquiatances,my city is a pretty closedmind place...
    while they talk abour

    cars, soccer, and airhead stuff, i injoy movies, gaming, anime, politics, while sometimes i get

    to talk about movies and politcs it's not as frequently as i would want to..i also enjoy talking about feelings,

    relationships and stuff but that only happens with close friends and it's ok i guess, you need a certain level of

    One of the most common mistakes guys make is TALKING. While a good conversation goes back

    and forth, the girls will be more interested in you as you display more interest in them.

    I am inferring that

    you probably tell people about yourself. If that is so, stop talking about yourself. If a girl asks you a

    question, give her half an answer and then ask the question in return. If it sounds silly, make it funny.


    "So, do you have a girlfriend?"

    You: "Do you think I should? What about you? Do you have a girlfriend?"

    Her: "Not like THAT! Come on, do you?"

    You: "You first. What's your girlfriend's name? Maybe I know her.

    Maybe I'll steal her heart. Maybe I stole it already."

    Tease her like she is your favorite little sister and

    you're holding her favorite candy just out of her reach.

  10. #10
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    yeeees i know talking to much

    about oneself is baaaaaad...still i don't avoid it as much as i should....i do tend to talk to much about my

    things, without letting any mistery :/...and while i try to keep it in mind, sometimesmy tongue gets the better part

    of me

  11. #11
    Phero Guru Rbt's Avatar
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    One question I'm not clear on is if

    you had these problems only after you started using the pheromones or not. There is a possibility, although maybe

    not large, that you are causing OD reactions with some people if you are applying too much of the stuff.


    yes, your general "mental" attitude will mose certainly affect things. Women especially seem to have a knack for

    picking up "bad vibes." It took me about a year to recover from my first bad breakup (after that, I learned better

    how to deal with such things, and it hasn't been a problem, much, since). Sometimes it just takes time, although a

    bit of effort to pick oneself up and plunge back in is often necessary.

    Quote Originally Posted by cares
    i love my

    hobbies very much and i really don't care if they are unpopular or not (especially anime and gaming which are the

    "strangest"), they are fun and make me a better person i think...
    So welcome to our limited and strange

    club. You aren't the only one in it, but other "members" are indeed difficult to find.

    What kind of gaming?

    D&D style or PS/2 style or a combo?

    What genre of anime? An anime club or convention would be a place to meet

    new faces. Cons especially as there are all sorts of mixed activities, and they tend to run 24 hours a day.


    gaming groups I know of have a tendency to be male and, well, odd...

    The opposite of love isn't hate.
    It's apathy

  12. #12
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    well my problems started just

    before using pheromones, i started using because after my last breakup, i felt like i forgot how to flirt and

    meet/hook new girls..i used to be(i am still, though to a less extent) a very smooth talker and never had trouble

    finding a girl to hang out with.

    I'm really a very very strange breed of person, at least i don't know more

    than any person that has similar circumstances as me....i'm a huge huge anime/game freak, but it's kinda hidden in

    a closet for least the extent of my interest in those social circle has kinda made me omit it

    from the "general populace".

    At the same time, i love to party, fashion, neat social events, and many other

    things that happen around, so i do have fun in other things i like.

    the problem is, i can't hang out with all

    the other huge anime/game freaks because that's all they are, they live, breath, and eat those things.....they are

    uniteresting people in all aspects...i've talked to them and they are exasperating.

    While i enjoy talking about

    the complexity of this or that game, i also enjoy talking about clothes, people, ideas, events or other "real world


    And my friends, while they accept that i like games and stuff, they think i'm wasting my time, and

    really never ask/talk to me about gaming and stuff...which is ok i guess, but this has separated me a little

    "mentally" sometimes, for example when i'm all excited about this new game, i can only talk about it with 1 friend

    who also likes gaming, but those talks never survive long if there are more people present.

    So i don't fit in

    with the nerds, and though i apparently fit with fine with the "cool guys" there's still something missing, but

    still i can manage.

    But well, such is life ! you can't have it all right ?

    About wich games and anime i

    games i love rps and all their variants...i just finished digital devil saga 2..awesome game..i also love

    action, adv, and fighting games.

    Anime i have broad tastes, but my favorite series are Ghost in the Shell SAC,

    Urusei Yatsura, 12 kingdoms...and more !

    the only ones i really dislike are "harem" and "mahou shoujo" shows most

    of the time, and stupid, plotless, stuff whatever subgenre it is.

    Generally i would like a show if it provokes

    the emotion it's looking to provoke, for example, make you cry, laugh, think, etc.

    BTW !!
    Is SOE a good

    chikara ??

  13. #13
    Journeyman TylerOC's Avatar
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    cares i guess it just so happens

    that we both fit that very very strange breed of person. i find myself just like the things you described, love

    games and such and anime. but also love to party and such. luckily i have a group of friends that is not only the

    popular party group of the school but a good few of us love anime and video games. although some of them also think

    its stupid, at least i have a decent amount in that group to relate with completely

  14. #14
    Phero Dude
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    Originaly posted by


    e.g., join a church choir, community theater, tennis doubles, Young Republicans Ass., etc.

    Was that "join an 'ass" or just short for "asscociation?" Im a Republican so I can say that Dont

    worry,Im reformed

    Anyway,going out and volunteering is a great way to meet new people.Volunteering at

    the library,the local food bank(sounds funny but it works) local zoo,local theater...anything public that has a

    volunteer program.These are great places to meet new people while at the same time using your time for something

    productive.I occasionaly work security at concerts and events because its a great way to meet people.The pay stinks

    but its alot of fun and you are exposed to a wide range of different people.I got to go hot air balooning at one

    event I worked...I got to help control a small riot at another.But there is one common factor...lots of people to

    meet and interact with.

    Another thing you could consider is taking courses at a local art school or community

    colege.Alot of communities have programs that teach things like pottery,painting,woodworking and so forth.Here where

    I live,our local parks and recreation department teaches kayaking and sailing as well as courses on SCUBA

    diving,lifeguarding,skiing,hiking and so forth.These are terrific venues for meeting people and making new

    friends.Having a wide network of friends is always a great way to gain exposure to the widest number of available


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