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  1. #1

    Default Re: SOE, hit after hit!


    How much SOE did you use? I cant seem to get good hits off SOE alone. My bigger hits always come from NPA mixed with SOE

  2. #2

    Default Re: SOE, hit after hit!

    And where exactly did you apply Soe?

  3. #3

    Default SOE, hit after hit!

    OK, tonight I wore SOE for the second time. Went to a bar with 3 mates (friends) and just became bar fly’s, doing the usual thing drinking at the bar. However tonight was different, girl after girl came to where we were to order and buy drinks. That’s all ok if the bar was full with people, but it wasn’t! they only came to where we were sitting, the rest of the bar space was empty. Should I attribute this to SOE? you bet I will! This has never happened to me, ever! And the one friend that was skeptical about pheros, kept on looking at me and shaking his head, saying things like, “you might be onto something here”. A few dabs on SOE on me and my other friend sitting next to me was all it took.

    SOE, does have attraction qualities, seems to be very effective indeed. Probably won’t give you the DIHL like none gives you, but who needs none anyway? The reason for pheros is to break the ice with girls, not hypnotize their brains and once they snap out of the spell they will just walk off like nothing ever happened.

    I still have a lot more experimentation with none though.

  4. #4
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    Default Re: SOE, hit after hit!

    Not to sound skeptic, but I\'ve been to empty bars or \"dead\" places. When a place is empty, people tend to flock where the few people are.

    Where was the bartender? Around you? Where were you sitting? Next to the beer taps? If the bartender was not even there, people will go next to the other people already drinking at the bar in hopes of service.

    If the bartender was like way on the other side of the bar counter, relatively far from you and these girls still flock to your group to order drinks, then you might have something. Lots of variables to consider. I could stand next to a box office in a movie theater and it will seem like everyone is flocking towards me, but it\'s really because they just want to buy tickets and I\'m near the source. But I hear SOE gives an aura of \"welcome\" so maybe it is the pheros.

  5. #5

    Default Re: SOE, hit after hit!

    The real question is if you have been to an empty bar before (no pheros) under similar circumstances and how does it compare with this time (while wearing SOE)?

    Curious Dude

  6. #6

    Default Re: SOE, hit after hit!

    capz, in answer to your question, the bar is in a horse shoe shape, very long and big, we were sitting on the far end against the wall, all the girls were ordering drinks where we were, one girl even squeezed herself between my friend and the wall, and started chatting to him, now the bar girl was all over the place, actually more in the middle of the bar, and its a coctail bar, no drinks on tap.

    been to this bar before when it was empty, this has not happened

    soe, dab on wrists, one long roll on my neck, from ear to ear

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