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  1. #1
    King of the coupons!
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    Lightbulb Aa314 ... Cut And Recut ...


    without all the extra verbage.

    AA314 is usually 2-5 drops. 2 drops under 30, then

    add a drop for every decade or decade in a half, till you reach max. Rule of thumb only, because natural

    pheromonal output will vary with each individual. People own's output varies, and some people almost have something

    like pheromonal disorder. (Le Sillage) __________________________________________________
    AA314: Really good

    results today. I applied 2 drops to neck and 1 to arm/wrist area. I covered with A*men. Some really good vibes

    today, lots of hits. I noticed there was a lot more "kiss"ness. What I mean, is that I got two kisses blown to me

    today. Which, considering I've had that happen maybe twice within this year, to be very interesting. It makes me

    feel very outgoing and socially powerful. Boosted my confidence a bit as well.

    AA314: I went on a date a

    few days ago with a woman I recently met. I was wearing one drop of A314 to each wrist. Nothing spectacular but she

    seemed very cozy with me, very comfortable and very relaxed. We ended up going back to her place and spending the

    night together, so I am assuming at this point that A314 had something to do with that. Back at her place she seemed

    very relaxed and casual with me ... no indication of nervousness or tension. I would have expected at least a little

    apprehension with it being the first date and all, but she acted like we had known each other a long time. By the

    way ... yes, I had a good time too.

    AA314:AE:APC: I put 3 drops AE/m around the neck and ear area+2 drops

    of AA314+2-3 drops of APC as cover up. I think I almost had an orgasm at the smell these phero products combined

    produced. Well, not that amazing, but it smelled really good to me. I haven't been able to be around many women in

    a close proximity just yet so I can't write anything special. I did get a lot of looks and smiles from women that

    passed me close enough by when I was in a restaurant last night, which was nice.

    AA314:AE:APC: I'm

    currently applying 2 drops AE to my neck area and 1 drop on the collar of my undershirt. 2 drops AA314 to neck and

    ear area. cover it up with 2-3 drops APC for a really nice scent.

    AA314:AE:APC: I was wearing 2 drops AE

    + 2 drops AA314 + 3 drops APC cover + 1 cologne spray. Got some hits tonight..It was not my main intentions to be

    around any women as I was going out with my guy friend to run some errands with him, but along the way I stumbled

    across 3 women. They all were cashiers, because like I said I was running errands. The first girl when I checked out

    I didn't even think twice about until I noticed she kept being overly nice to me, kept staring at me and smiling a

    lot, the 2nd girl was when we ate she took my friends order, looked at him once, smiled, and then she immediately

    looked at me when I was off to the side of him where some guy took my order. The girl that took my friends order

    kept looking over at me and smiling, looking me up and down, and then she took over the guys job in right in front

    of him and started getting my food. The guy that was taking my order was just looking at her with a puzzled

    look"like what are you doing". She just kept staring at me and smiling again. I could have easily gotten her number.

    The 3rd girl was even more obvious I was getting some beer for my friend at the grocery store and I had to give my

    ID card to a girl at the self-check station that overlooks 4 self-check checkouts before I could finish doing my

    self-check process. at first when I handed her the card she seemed unresponsive, but after I got back to finish

    paying and checking out she gives me this huge flirtatious smile and moves her body back and forth like a wagging

    dog and says "you have a sexy...oh(giggles).. i mean you have a great night" she was so embarrassed looking, turning

    red and kept on smiling at me. I come to realize all 3 encounters I was within smell/scent range with the mones I

    had on and the last cashier took one scent of me when I gave her my ID and then it must have kicked in by the time I

    walked back by. 1 drop of AE to the front of neck, 1 to back, and I did the same with AA314. I rubbed

    the rest off my fingers on my ear lobes. Then I covered them with 2-3 drops APC. might be room to add another drop

    of AA314, but right now I'm getting very nice good results with these applied amounts.

    AA314:AE:APC: I

    wore for the first time AA314(3 drops) and 2 1/2 drops AE+2-3 APC around my ex-girlfriend that I'm still friends

    with when I came home from college this weekend and she was acting funny around me and was flirting. after she

    smelled me and we gave each other a hug before she left because she was in some sort of a hurry..she couldn't stop

    looking at me and hugging me and talking and wouldn't leave...not so normal for how she reacts around me. She kept

    giving me those funny DIHLs looks ..I could have kissed her if I wanted, but I got interrupted by a phone call. She

    never acted this way around me with just AE on. Another hit from AA314!!


    now my preferred professional/work environment mix is SOE or WAGG, Chikara and A314. People tend to get more

    submissive when I wear this mix ... its kinda creepy sometimes. Generally my bosses have all seemed to open up to me

    more that I started wearing mones around them.

    AA314:TE idea: I always want to see what people get

    with A314 + The Edge, but I don't see that used much. Puzzles me.
    (Le Sillage (feline) thought)


    Got my A314 yesterday, and applied 3 drops along with 2 drops A1, 2 drops PI, and 8"

    SOE, and vent to work, DAMN!!

    Girl #1 sitting next to me did heavy body language all day, very

    chatty and happy, even noticed that the pitch of her voice was higher than ordinary (For anyone really), and it

    seemed to shiver as well! She stayed like this the entire day...

    Girl #2 a great 8+, spent about an hour

    with her. For the first time I felt like I was being admired by someone way above my league, very flirty and chatty,

    treating me like the coolest man around, following me, all body language: touching herself, hair flipping. Not to

    mention I was able to keep my cool and throw a very good game!

    Girl #3 , on my way back home I stopped at

    a shop, and the woman behind the counter gave me a serious DIHL, She seemed awestricken, surprised and happy all at

    the same time, and returned a wrong change (1 big coin instead of three small coins, which seemed very strange not

    to notice). The smell of the A134 is very nice and subtle, so it's easy to add your own fragrance to it. Can't

    wait to try it out again tomorrow with one more drop.

    Okay, here's Day Two:

    Damn, DAMN!!

    Applied 5 drops of A314 + 2 drops PI + 2 drops A1 + 8" SOE and went to work again.

    Today worked with totally

    different peeps than day 1. Female sitting next to me was heavy on the body language, very flirty and chatty,

    trying to make excuses as to come over to my place and stand next to me. Very strangely, I noticed everyone walking

    past my desk, even the men, really smiling directly at me. Initially, I almost got suspicious of them maybe having a

    joke on me, but these were sincere and real friendly smiles! There's this other room with a couple females in it

    that I had to visit several times, weird thing was that they really attentive, helpful and alert whenever I came by,

    as well as being really chatty and happy. One female, a perfect 10, normally that super stuck up way, not even

    bothering to let you know that she's even noticed you in a room, she started walking back and forth my desk quite a

    few times throughout the day. Always hair flipping and twirling, and at first I didn't notice anything else as I

    don't like them stuck up attitude girls who think they're better than everyone else, so I wasn't giving her the

    joy of letting her see that I was looking at her but I minded my own business instead. Strangely enough my head was

    drawn in that direction just as she passed me, and I noticed she was checking me out BIG TIME! DAMN! So the

    next times I was successful of not meeting her eyes, but in the far corner of my eye I could see her giving me huge

    looks. Payback time stuck-up dear!

    On the male side, my co-workers were really extra friendly and social with

    me, and a guy behind the counter at a store on my way home was treating me with tons of friendliness and respect

    more than just giving good service. You know from peoples how they feel about you from reading how they treat you.

    If you act like an idiot, you know that they think you are one. Today I was treated with loads of respect,

    friendliness and admiration!!

    This combo seemed to put a slight pressure on my head throughout the whole

    day tho', but not really a headache. Small price for an incredible gain, but I also suspect this to be adjusting

    once my body gets a little used to the product. Seriously, I don't think that I would need to do more reporting of

    this kind as I suspect I'd be repeating myself. I'm convinced that this is working magic for me!
    Last edited by MOBLEYC57; 11-11-2005 at 04:07 PM.
    Never argue with ignorant people! They pull you down to THEIR level, and then they BEAT YOU with experience. Who said that!? I don't know, but tis gold I tell'ya!!

  2. #2
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    Mobley how would you compare

    the effects you are gettin off Chikara with the ones you are getting off A314 ??

  3. #3
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    Cool James Bond?

    So I had seen Le

    Sillage describe A314 as creating a James Bond-like impression but hadn't up till now seen any effects exactly

    consistent with that (although I had seen an overall positive impact).

    Today I met up with my ex (who I broke

    up with a year ago but still see now and then). She couldn't stop mentioning how I had changed and now had this

    James Bond aspect to me. (She doesn't know I wear pheromones).

    Interesting that she should use the exact

    same reference. She is the first to give me any verbal feedback since I started wearing A314.

  4. #4
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    She couldn't stop

    mentioning how I had changed and now had this James Bond aspect to me. (She doesn't know I wear pheromones).
    PheroQuirk..Umm i think thats an obvious answer to the doubts you previously had about a James Bond

    effect! When I am around people they treat me like a leader and is if I was wearing an expensive suit, which I never


  5. #5
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    Cool James Bond?

    Yes, indeed. (Not

    that I had doubts, just that I hadn't seen the effect so sharply defined up till that point).

    How much of

    A314 and what else do you wear?

    I found 2 drops each of PI, A314, A1 and Betanol + 1 spray of Edge to work

    quite well together. (Added items gradually so wasn't just throwing in the kitchen sink).

  6. #6
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    Red face

    Quote Originally Posted by DUKE3100
    Mobley how would

    you compare the effects you are gettin off Chikara with the ones you are getting off A314 ??

    Signor Duke. EXTRA VERBAGE:I got out of school today at 2:10, went into the library to work on a project due today

    ... done at 5:40, and THEN! The disc locks up, so it will be late! Cursed all the way to the car, and the car

    wouldn't start! Went to AppleBees and they stopped selling my favorites, both at the same time ... 3 cheeses pane

    AND the Sicilian steak dinner!!! Damn this day!!

    Now that I've vented ... I just ordered AA314, Duke!

    Hope I didn't get suckered in! All users, please, start posting your how's, where's, and with

    , so I'll have a better insight before it arriiiiiiiiiiiives! (Double "O") OOMobley's the name!

    Never argue with ignorant people! They pull you down to THEIR level, and then they BEAT YOU with experience. Who said that!? I don't know, but tis gold I tell'ya!!

  7. #7
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    I use 3 drops AA314 + 2-3 drops

    AE/m+2-3 APC..

    Mobley you want regret AA314 I promise. Read my AE/m+AA314 thread it should have some info there.

    To me AA314 is the best money I've ever spent on a phero product. Im not exagerating

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cloud9
    I use 3 drops

    AA314 + 2-3 drops AE/m+2-3 APC..
    All applied to the neck area, annnnnd ... are they layered in any

    specific order?

    Never argue with ignorant people! They pull you down to THEIR level, and then they BEAT YOU with experience. Who said that!? I don't know, but tis gold I tell'ya!!

  9. #9
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    I applied 2 drops AA314 to neck

    and ears lobes..I did the same with AE/m and I covered they areas with 2-3 drops APC. for the 3rd AA314 drop, and

    If I decide to add a 3rd drop AE I put it on my wrists and rub them together with some APC.

  10. #10
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    Mobley know of any other good

    areas to apply? I figure it would be better to spread out a little when I'm using 3 drops AA314 now and if I decide

    to add a 3rd of AE. Are the wrists considered a good area?

  11. #11
    Moderator Mtnjim's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cloud9
    Mobley know of any

    other good areas to apply? I figure it would be better to spread out a little when I'm using 3 drops AA314 now and

    if I decide to add a 3rd of AE. Are the wrists considered a good area?
    Try a search on "Pit Trick"!!
    Freedom begins when you tell Mrs. Grundy to go fly a kite.
    --Lazarus Long

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cloud9
    Mobley know of any

    other good areas to apply? I figure it would be better to spread out a little when I'm using 3 drops AA314 now and

    if I decide to add a 3rd of AE. Are the wrists considered a good area?
    The wrist, top of the chest (just

    below the neck), and forearms (during the short sleeve wearing months, or home with no shirt or t-shirt) are all

    good points, if ya ask me.
    Never argue with ignorant people! They pull you down to THEIR level, and then they BEAT YOU with experience. Who said that!? I don't know, but tis gold I tell'ya!!

  13. #13
    Phero Guru Rbt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MOBLEYC57
    The wrist, top of

    the chest (just below the neck), and forearms (during the short sleeve wearing months, or home with no shirt or

    t-shirt) are all good points, if ya ask me.
    I also like to wipe a bit on the back of my neck to

    catch anyone behind me.

    From my readings many forum users seem to apply pheromones in the same areas as any

    cologne product they may be using.

    One guideline I've seen is to aim for the same "level" on your body as your

    potential target's noses are likely to be.
    The opposite of love isn't hate.
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  14. #14
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    This is a great discussion!

    What is the "pit trick" all about, though? I did search the forums but could not find an exact tutorial or

    description, why is it good and how to apply it, then. I understand it means applying pheromones to the armpits, but

    could not quite find information, how and why?

  15. #15
    Moderator Mtnjim's Avatar
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    The "Pits' as well as the pubes

    are natural ~mone locations. The "Pit Trick", although not discussed as much of late, seems to enhance the ~mones

    and their results. Basically "adding to" what's already there. By the way, you might find more information in the

    Archives, it's an old decussion.
    Freedom begins when you tell Mrs. Grundy to go fly a kite.
    --Lazarus Long

  16. #16
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    Any new findings, ideas, hits

    reports involving A314? All the hows, wheres, and how muches specifics please.

    Never argue with ignorant people! They pull you down to THEIR level, and then they BEAT YOU with experience. Who said that!? I don't know, but tis gold I tell'ya!!

  17. #17
    Doctor of Scentology DrSmellThis's Avatar
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    Thanks for collecting all this

    info, Mobes.

    I've not experimented with dosage, since in the past the rap on -rone was to not wear too much.

    So I've only tried a drop or two. Is anyone of the opinion that more is better with this?
    DrSmellThis (creator of P H E R O S)

  18. #18
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    Yeah, I'm definitely gonna

    have to get some of this when I have the finances.

  19. #19
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    about the pit trick ~ I think what

    happens here is your "signature pheromones" mix with the "manufactured mones" and it lets people identify the sorce

    on a subconscious level, thats why YOU get the attention and not the guy next to you. This is why an OD can be bad

    too - if the whole room is saturated with synthetics you cant be singled out as the rockin stud of the room.

  20. #20
    Phero Guru Rbt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DrSmellThis
    Thanks for

    collecting all this info, Mobes.

    I've not experimented with dosage, since in the past the rap on -rone was to

    not wear too much. So I've only tried a drop or two. Is anyone of the opinion that more is better with

    I have gotten the impression from Le Sillage here on this forum (a314/ rep) and some

    communication with the company top dog himself that a314 is more of an "age related" product when it comes to

    dosage, and the older you are, the more you could/should use.

    I've been running with about 2 drops as a

    "foundation" recently, but it's been recently suggested I up it to 4 drops at my age (50+).

    I also get the

    "suggestion" from the manufacturer that a314 is not "really" -rone, but in their words a "debugged -rone," which may

    mean it's a work-alike concoction. They keep the actual contents hush-hush so can't be sure. Nevertheless I kinda

    like the product and I think it's going to become a staple in my arsenal. We shall see.
    The opposite of love isn't hate.
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  21. #21
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    >>> I also get the "suggestion"

    from the manufacturer that a314 is not "really" -rone

    If I remember - they were concerned with a

    depression factor in the male user and worked it out.

    feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.

  22. #22
    Phero Guru Rbt's Avatar
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    I recall talk that there is a

    "depression factor" with A-1. Not sure if there are any real major similar downsides to -rone. So far with a314

    I've not noticed any downsides.
    The opposite of love isn't hate.
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  23. #23
    Phero Dude
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rbt
    I recall talk that

    there is a "depression factor" with A-1. Not sure if there are any real major similar downsides to -rone. So far

    with a314 I've not noticed any downsides.
    On the contrary, A314 is a definate a little

    morale booster.

    I've always been highly sensitive to the effects of the mones I wear. A1, when not balanced

    with Realm, will put me in a fatigued, apathetic state. A314 puts me in a relaxed, confident state.

  24. #24
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    Default AA314 it's great AND it sucks


    I'm new to this board but I have some experience with various mones.

    I get the BEST results when I

    wear two drops of 314 covered with cologne...I mean I get SUPERB results.

    But the problem is that it only lasts

    for 1 hour.

    How do I know this to be for sure? How did I test this?

    I wear it and then I drive around to

    different stores: Walmart, Target, etc. I buy something cheap and get in line for the hottest cashier in the store.

    I don't start anything with the cashier, I just wait for any reaction. And I've consistently got some OUTSTANDING

    flirtation..but after an hour, I get nothing.

    It's like I'm CinderFella for an hour.

    I'm posting this

    because I'm stuck with this problem, and I'm hoping to somehow find a solution.

  25. #25
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    Try putting enough of lotion

    where you want to apply A314, apply it over the lotion spots, and don't cover it with colonge.

    Just a

    thought for a your next test run.
    Never argue with ignorant people! They pull you down to THEIR level, and then they BEAT YOU with experience. Who said that!? I don't know, but tis gold I tell'ya!!

  26. #26
    & Double Naught Spy InternationalPlayboy's Avatar
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    Where do you apply

    the drops? Mobley mentioned lotion, which prompted me to share how I apply A314. After shaving, I make a small

    circle of unscented body lotion in the palm of my hand and put the A314 drops in the center of the circle. The

    lotion forms a dam to keep the drops from running all over and off the palm. I then mix this with a finger of my

    other hand and apply to my face, arms, and chest. I'm not saying that this will prolong the effect, but it's an

    idea to try.

    I also apply A1 this way and other products that dispense in drop form, even Pheros, which I

    keep a little bit of in a small dropper bottle for this purpose. But the main mones I apply this way are A314 and


  27. #27
    Kodachrome Forever! Gegogi's Avatar
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    All 'mones wear down after a

    spell. How long they last depends on your body chemistry, temperature, humidity and application points. Guys with

    funky acidic sweat and bacteria action will breakdown 'mones fast (they kill guitar strings fast too). You can

    increase longevity by applying to clothing. Nevertheless, I generally need to refresh every 4 hours or so.
    "I'm just a dirty hornytoad" -Gegogi

  28. #28
    & Double Naught Spy InternationalPlayboy's Avatar
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    An idea I just

    thought of is maybe applying A314 to hairy body parts. I have a theory that hair absorbs the mones.

    I am a

    pretty hairy guy, think Ron Jeremy porpotions, though I'm not quite as heavy as he's gotten. (And I don't have

    the porpotion where he's famous for it. ) I do my spray applications mainly to my chest and can often smell

    traces of them the next day, even after scrubbing the area well. Yesterday, I tried Oscar's application and

    combination he mentioned in this Impi

    . After 15 minutes in a bromide treated hot tub last night and just getting out of the bath tonight

    after scrubbing with Safeguard, I still caught a whiff of Chikara.

    Another idea is one I think from Doc

    SmellThis. I think he was the one who applies sandalwood essential oil over some applications as a fixative, though

    since A314 already contains essential oils for that purpose, I don't know how much more effective that would be.

  29. #29
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    Red face

    My thoughts were that by

    applying lotion first, it would help extend A314's life by slowing down the disbursing rate. I think the

    cologne/alcohol helps shorten the life of A314.

    Still ... just a thought.
    Never argue with ignorant people! They pull you down to THEIR level, and then they BEAT YOU with experience. Who said that!? I don't know, but tis gold I tell'ya!!

  30. #30
    Kodachrome Forever! Gegogi's Avatar
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    I think the

    cologne/alcohol helps shorten the life of A314.
    Most perfumes, colognes and pheromone products use

    alcohol as a carrier so I doubt alcohol shortens its life. Plus, once applied, alcohol evaporates quickly, leaving

    behind whatever was suspended in its liquid. Perhaps the "naked" 'mones disperse faster without a protective layer

    of oil.
    I have a theory that hair absorbs the mones.
    I think you're right. I have very little

    body hair but I often apply NPA/cologne to the back of my head (I have thick head hair), and both cologne and

    'mones seem to last much longer than skin apps, but not as long as clothing apps.
    "I'm just a dirty hornytoad" -Gegogi

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