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  1. #1
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    Default My order arrived!

    So i used the SOE

    gel pack first as a friend adviced and went out on a week-day. I live in a small island town so the places are

    limited when it comes to ppl visiting in the middle of the week (wednesday). I walk to the door and a guy with the

    list comes to me and asks for reservations (oups thats always a bad sign). I said no we are just here for a drink

    the guy stands there for a sec and he says ok cool and goes in removes a "reserved" sign with a couble of names on

    it and has as sit there. (werd...never happened to me..not in cyprus but hey maybe its because we were firstcomers

    and all). Now i went inside...first thing i looked for is air circulation. I figured i would at least use the

    airconditioning to spread my scent, so i sat infront of an aircondintioning unit that blowed air torwards the rest

    of the bar. (a rectangle place, the a/c unit parallel to the one small site blowing torwards the centre. ) Hits?

    what hits? My scent scattered around the place (with the help of the a/c) and im sure girls couldnt pinpoint where

    it came from (grrrr, me and my ideas!!!). However i think i noticed a searching look in some of them but i guess i

    was looking too hard .
    BUT (theres always a but). The barman brought as out drinks, then we order more vodcas he

    brings and stays there (by then the place is packed). Chated with us and i thought man these guys know about good

    PR. So we order out third and last (so we thought) drinks. the guy didnt event need a discreption and from that time

    on? we had shots for free, rest of the drinks (absolute-expensive in cyprus) for free, pistatio(nuts) for free and i

    mean with such a barman i didnt even thought i needed pheros to get glances as ppls jaw where extended just by

    seeing the vodka flow. Need less to say the mayor needed me in his office today and i actual had to look for the

    door handle to open the door. So...

    Next time i will never sit infront of an a/c unit and... a question
    Was the

    barman behavious normal? A good PR wouldn't go more than one even two drinks . Could it be SOE? Can it have

    such an impact on a man? The a/c unit was blowing right in his face I dont know werd...

    Oh and a remark from

    my friend. "You look like a cop" I mean wtf? is that a good thing or a bad thing?. He knows me for years and never

    assosiated me like that! I seltomely get remarks on my appearance especialy from male friends....

    Anyway long

    post again (i think im spamming these forums ) it was just my first night with pheros and thought i ll share

    it ) So according to phero library i must state this although i dont think there where any hits where they?

    SOE - Scented gel pack nothing else
    amount - intended to use 1/4 of pack but i feked up so say

    re-aplications: none
    age: 25
    apearance/behaviour: i will describe if you guys feel that its needed.

  2. #2


    Don't be afraid to write about

    your experiences. spaming would be writing the same thing over and over or writing things that had nothing to do

    with pheromones. SOE isn't a pheromone product I'd use by itself. It works best when added to a product with Anone

    in it to give it a more masculine sexual aura. YEs, stay away from fans or a/c units. it will only increase the rate

    at which your pheromones start converting back to Anone and decreases the amount of time the product is effective.

    Stay away from those things so a woman can pinpoint your mojo.

  3. #3
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    Soe is a social mone...not a

    hit mone...but if mixed with a sexual mone it can help generate hits. It does not make people think you look like a

    cop....your reading way too into this stuff...what it might do is cause your friend to make conversation on stuff he

    normally would keep to himself...such as you looking like a cop because he thinks you look like a cop. Over time you

    will notice sexual hits because the soe converts to none on some people.

  4. #4


    funny how all the mones convert

    back to Anone. Well, atleast the main pheromones most know about.

  5. #5
    Phero Pro NaughtieGirl's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by WxCloud9xW
    Don't be

    afraid to write about your experiences. spaming would be writing the same thing over and over or writing things that

    had nothing to do with pheromones. SOE isn't a pheromone product I'd use by itself. It works best when added to a

    product with Anone in it to give it a more masculine sexual aura. YEs, stay away from fans or a/c units. it will

    only increase the rate at which your pheromones start converting back to Anone and decreases the amount of time the

    product is effective. Stay away from those things so a woman can pinpoint your mojo.
    Charlie, your post

    struck me as very detailed and accurate and entirely believable. Thank you for taking the time to share it with us.

    I agree that sitting in front of a fan might not be the best way to go about it. But hey, it's cold here!


    barman's reaction? Odd yes. But that is how we progress with these experiments. An odd reaction. Could be

    attributed to something else, yes. But then I had another odd reaction, and another. And it got to the point where I

    thought "OK how many of these things can just be coincidence"?

    Then I moved on to the next phase. I knew there

    was "something real about these pheromones". Then I started experimenting to get the most/best out of the "odd

    reactions". It's a never-ending quest I guess. Kind of like a hobby now.

    But WxCloud9xW - How would fans or a/c

    units increase the rate of conversion to none? It was my understanding heat and our sweating increases the bacterial

    population on your skin, which in turn converts the nol to none. How can staying cool (fan - a/c) do that?
    Treasure Every Moment that you have
    Yesterday is History - Tomorrow is a Mystery
    Today is a Gift - That's why It's called the Present!
    (Unknown source)

  6. #6


    Adding more air and oxygen to

    pheromones will also cause conversion. It's like leaving your bottle of pheromones with the lid off and it goes bad

    after awhile. Here its on the skin in smaller amounts and you want it to last as long as possible. Air/oxygen is bad

    to most everything in this world..including humans. its a double-edged sword.

  7. #7
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    That would depend. I don't

    know a lot about bacteria but do know some found on our skin are anaerobic which means they don't like oxygen. In

    the presence of oxygen they would be less active. In any case I doubt the difference between natural convection and

    a fan would be enough to make a huge difference.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

  8. #8


    yeah, but if air weren't a

    problem then we could leave our 60 dollar bottles of pheromone open without worries..ofcourse we wouldn't want to

    spill it I"m just saying Oxygen spoils just about everything..metal, food, creates free-radicals in your

    body. I just remember something from stone labs 2 years ago about exposure to air increases the rate of conversion.

    "it happens as soon as the pheromones come into contact with the air". don't ask me to find that post..

    Even if

    air was not a problem with conversion the fact that a fan or a/c is blowing your pheromones all over the room makes

    it really hard for women to pinpoint where those subconscious smells are coming from.

  9. #9
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    Oxygen combines with a lot of

    things, like iron, for example to create iron oxide. If it didn't your body would have no way to get oxygen to your

    cells. Oxygn is critically important to our life form. I don't know enough chemistry to say whether or not the

    particular pheromone molecules bond with the oxygen molecule but doubt it. The primary degeneration of the

    pheromones we wear is caused by bacteria not oxygen. Most of the carriers are not really conducive to supporting

    life. My biggest concern leaving a bottle open would be evaporation of the carrier. The same more or less applies to

    food. If there is much moisture in food your concern is bacteria, if there isn't much moisture your concern is

    keeping the food dry. That's why meat will spoil but if you dry it so much that bacteria cannot survive it will

    hold for years.

    On the other point I agree. I've often wondered about that. Pheromones drift around on air

    currents, right? A fan would tend to blow them around in a plume shaped cloud. Some people seem to think that we can

    detect the direction mones are coming from with precision. I've tried to model it in my head a few times and just

    can't make it work unless the VNO or whatever detects mones is either very sensitive or works in a binocular

    fashion something anologus to how our eyes work. Or maybe it is a combination of both.

    Still another thought

    about air currents and pheromones. Buildings, especially ones designed for large crowds, are designed with the

    understanding that the heat from our bodies rises. Therefore intake ducts are often near the ceilings. You'd be

    amazed just how much heat our bodies really generate. Well, if the pheromones are drifting on the air currents and

    the heat from our bodies is causing the currents to drift upwards, how much of the mones we use are wasted by

    drifting up and into air conditioning systems? I picture it as kind of an inverted cone with the apex centered

    wherever we applied the mones and getting wider as it goes higher. To me that would seem to mean we should never

    apply mones near our face or upper bodies but lower on our torso.

    The last two paragraphs are all hypothetical

    and only intended as discussion points, not as a firm stand on it.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

  10. #10


    Nice points and post!...I know

    we need oxygen but it also causes us to oxidize like iron on the inside as well. I just remember something a couple

    years ago talking about pheromones coming into contact with air starting the conversion process. I do know bacteria

    is the primary converter. I was just saying that standing in front of a fan or a/c is bad because it strips away

    more of your pheromones and makes it hard for someone to pinpoint them. As far as you said I guess we want know how

    much or little air or oxygen effects mones unless we have a degree in chemistry possibly organic chemistry..I cringe

    at the thought of taking more chemistry considering I've already taken a boat load thats required to get into

    medschool. eww i hate chemistry

  11. #11
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    Worse yet, you'd really need

    biochem, YUCK!

    I don't take all manufatcurers claims or everything I read here at face value. If it is a

    problem my first guess would be airborne bacteria or that on our fingers getting transferred. It's a real problem

    as you probably already know. Hospital labs have a constant fight with cross contamination fom specimens and just

    dirty hands.

    Med school, huh? Good for you. One of my daughters is dating a guy in med school. They work your

    butt off.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

  12. #12


    I think i'm actually going to

    try dental school..great hours..not on call. and no mal practice insurance problems.

  13. #13
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    This kid wants to be

    a nuerosurgeon and is interested in the brain stem repair stuff they are looking at with stem cells.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

  14. #14


    sounds interesting...maybe

    he'll be a success and money will never be an issue. Be nice if we could pick rich women to marry that we'd fall

    in-love with..thats would be the best of both worlds.

  15. #15
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    A good question would be the

    number of molecules needed to excite the VNO or whatever organ is detecting mones. Then you'd want to know if each

    nostril could be isolated by the brain in the same way the brain seperates each eye or ear. It seems to me that

    since the brain is capable of doing so with the eyes and ears it should be able to do so with other organs. That

    would give you a starting point in determining if you actually could detect where mones come from and how

    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

  16. #16


    I know our VNO is not what is

    used to be. Like it was back in the early days of man when you could smell the balls of an elephant in heat a mile


  17. #17
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    My first wife came from a

    wealthy family. Never again! No clue about anything but what they want...NOW!

    My current SO is a scientist. She

    can be trying but is a fascinating person.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

  18. #18


    I value intelligence,

    personality, looks, and how I feel about a person more than if they have money. I'd rather be poor and with the

    love of my life than rich and with someone I can barely stand.

    wow, we're getting way off topic.

  19. #19
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by WxCloud9xW
    I know our

    VNO is not what is used to be. Like it was back in the early days of man when you could smell the balls of an

    elephant in heat a mile away.
    True enough. Whole orders of magnitude different though. We do detect

    mones. The questions are if it is like seeing light/dark through closed eyelids or like looking with our eyes open.

    My guess is varying degrees between the two but closer to eyes closed.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

  20. #20


    I think our VNO operates more

    than likely on a lower level than how we consciously smell, but on the same scale. But with the VNO it is all

    subconsciously perceived and then we locate the source like a scent and it becomes conscious....I think I'm

    confusing myself

  21. #21
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by WxCloud9xW
    I value

    intelligence, personality, looks, and how I feel about a person more than if they have money. I'd rather be poor

    and with the love of my life than rich and with someone I can barely stand.

    wow, we're getting way off

    Off topic on both conversations. It's late and I'm not focusing well right now.

    Yeah, those

    are important. Too many only care about whether she's a 8.5 and above and can they get her into bed. I'm old

    enough to know that the bedroom is only a small portion of life.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

  22. #22


    Do you remember me back in the

    days as "Cloud9" 2 years ago i went by that name here?

  23. #23
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by WxCloud9xW
    Do you

    remember me back in the days as "Cloud9" 2 years ago i went by that name here?
    I looked up your old

    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

  24. #24
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    How come I remember reading

    that 'nol converts to 'none atleast 8 hours after it's been applied???

  25. #25
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    I came accross a thread in the

    archives that said that for this to happen it needs catalysts (like body enzyms or sinthetic) and lots of 02. So tha

    a/c exposure may play a role. Now how possible is that we can produce those catalysts our selves or maybe the skin

    bacteria produce that kind of enzymes? (shooting in dark now hehe)

    Anyway thanks for the good words...the fact

    is that i didnt believe it when it was happening nor when i was typing it. All those free frinks could have been

    another explanation? ie the barman was gay and hiting on us ? lol jking

    Anyway used a bit(1/4) more SOE

    yesterday when i went shoping but didnt notice anything although i was in a kinda i dont care mood (im always like

    that when i do chores :P)

  26. #26
    Sadhu bjf's Avatar
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    Hey cloud9!
    "An investment in knowledge always pays the best interest."
    --Benjamin Franklin

  27. #27
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kuraykillua
    How come I

    remember reading that 'nol converts to 'none atleast 8 hours after it's been applied???
    I give

    up, how come you remember that?

    Nol starts converting shortly after application and it is an ongoing process.

    You may have read that it completely converts within 8 hours. The exact times would be a function of the amount of

    bacteria and temp/humidity along with several other possible variables.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

  28. #28


    I'm guessing if you get a

    shower before you put your pheromones on it would dramatically increase the longevity of your applied pheromones.

    Unless after you got a shower you went to a club, danced, and got all sweaty.

  29. #29
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    That, and where you applie too.

    Gegogi usually applies to clothes and so do I in part. Places like your armpits and groin probably have a lot more

    bacteria so conversion would be faster. Your forearms would be slower. A clean dry shirt would be the slowest. I

    understand hair works pretty well too.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

  30. #30


    When I apply my AE i put 2 drops

    around my neck and ear area and my 3rd drop i put on the collar of my under shirt for a longer lasting effect.

    ofcourse I use APC to cover the skin areas.

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