First off, thanks for posting!

That seems like a girl playing very hard to get, especially with her dangling the bait in front of you. I feel you

on the confusion, but I'll try to help as much as I can.

To address your first question, 'HOW SHOULD I BE WITH

HER?', I'd say KISS. Keep It Simple Stupid. This can't hurt at all, plus it will allow you to further evaluate

what signals she's sending and what the hell she's getting at. Now, when I say keep it simple, I don't mean

don't talk to her or barely say anything. I think you should keep up what you're doing, though I don't think it

will hurt to hint or even outright ask her to get together. As you said earlier, you don't want to be a guy who

follows her around like a puppy dog. That would be just plain detrimental and kill all chances you have with her.

For your second question, I have a few different answers.
1.) The main thing you DON'T want to do is to

wuss it up. If you start acting like her maid and servant, you're going to be fuc*ed, plain and simple.
2.) Start

joking with her. Bust her balls, tease her, and have fun when you speak to her. If you come across as nervous or

tense when you talk to her, she's going to pick up on that immediately. Women are incredible at reading body

language, and I doubt this woman is an exception.

Lastly, keep it up with the Chikara. That seems to be the main

catalyst for her reactions, so I think that will only help you in this situation. Good luck man!