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  1. #1
    Relaxed seduceme's Avatar
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    Default Layreport: Highsociety doctor

    Allright, so last night I had a date setup with a chick I almost pulled home last saturday. I'd give her a 6 in

    the looks department. She flaked on me since she didnt feel this was her only chance and was gonna miss out

    otherwise, either that or she got nervous.

    Anyway, I wake up , put on 2 dabs of NPA and some TE and Chikara.

    Go to work, work for 8 hours, come home, put on my suit, reapply 3 dabs of NPA and some TE and chikara and off we


    Meet her up at a coffeplace, bullshit and laugh and get to know her. Now this is where I start losing

    interest in this chick. Her attractiveness has dropped below my acceptable level. So I get her to drive me home and

    as we roll up she subtly suggests that she should come in. I tell her im tired and need to sleep and ill meet her

    tomorrow and party it up and leave. Immediately I call up my friends and go out clubbing instead.


    club1 , this is a venue for people of older age. Meaning 25-50, with a tendency to +29 and a load of 50 yr olds.

    Isnt really my type of venue but my buddies all know the bartender so they want to shoot the shit and I know

    they'll leave me alone for my business so its all cool. I cruise around and start running my game. Interest is

    there as always , problem is it isnt really that crowded and theres alot more guys. Allright I hang around awhile

    and get approached by a 40yr old that opens me with 'your suit looks real nice'. I thank her and start

    bullshitting friendly since I prefer my women wrinkle-free. She tries to drag me out on the dancefloor and I leave

    the club.

    Enter club2, this place is a basement underground hangout with a young crowd of mostly reggae,

    leftwinged types. So yeah I stand out quite a bit in my classy pinstriped suit. Nothing really happens here,

    eyecontacts, proximity hits, etc etc. No one approaching me, only one girl that looks interesting but my experience

    tells me she'll be too much work to try to pickup(shes on the dancefloor, in a 5set of girls and seems to be the

    young attentionseeking partytype).

    I leave and go back to club1. Well inside I get approached by a cute

    blonde(8.5 on looks), that starts talking to me. I bullshit and start getting her to qualify herself for me. She

    fucks up on one of the qualifications and I blow her out. I move over to another dancefloor and get approached by my

    friend who is trying to pickup a girl. She turns to me however and start displaying more interest in me, my friend

    being a 'natural' doesnt mind(thats what I love with naturals, theyre cool people). We bullshit and laugh and

    surprise surprise blonde chick is back! She approaches me again here and my friend leans in and say 'go for it

    i'll take my chick here'. So I direct my interest fully to blonde chick and run some more game. Escalation ensues

    and we're on the dancefloor tounging down. Pull home back to her place.

    Now here is the reason I blew her

    out the first time, she intentionally lied about herself in my qualifications to not come off as exciting, fun,

    romantic and high status as I was seeking. Why? It turns out she IS that way and tries to hide it in order to see if

    guys are interested in HER or what she does etc. Pretty lame IMHO but whatever. She lives in a nice apartment as

    down town as it gets and is a very fun and exciting highclass doctor.

    Sex was good, she paid for all the

    expenses cabfair, drinks, made me breakfast and drove me home today. I think im in love

    Conclusion; Im starting to doubt if pheromones have any effect with me. I mean this is nothing out of

    the ordinary, so there is no enhancement, no edge. Maybe im better off with as without them? Next weekend i'll go

    out without them.

  2. #2
    Full Member
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    Interesting lay report. Yes, I

    really doubt the usefulness of pheromones when you pick up women. Every single thing that works or do not work is

    due to my own behaviour. They say that pheromones can give you an edge... but when I do well I do not need them, and

    when I do bad I get no results anyway.

    Actually, after years of using them I still think the results are


  3. #3
    Kodachrome Forever! Gegogi's Avatar
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    "Actually, after years of

    using them I still think the results are inconclusive."
    I've always thought of 'mones as being

    equal to a nice shirt or new doo. They certainly help but aren't the equal of a nice smile or conversation, and

    will never make up for a lame personality, low social status or being a hunchback. You must have your ducks in a row

    for sucess in your endeavors, be it social, business or the mating game. I never leave home without a nice shirt and

    my NPA/SOE/Weekend combo, but I know sucess in life ultimately depends on me, not the 'mones or my threads.
    "I'm just a dirty hornytoad" -Gegogi

  4. #4
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    Hi, Seduceme. Gee, you

    wouldn't be an ASF'er, would you? Funny how the terminology is so consistent.

    Quote Originally Posted by seduceme

    So I get

    her to drive me home and as we roll up she subtly suggests that she should come in. I tell her im tired and need to

    sleep and ill meet her tomorrow and party it up and leave. Immediately I call up my friends and go out clubbing


    Now here is the reason I blew her out the first time, she intentionally lied about herself in my

    qualifications to not come off as exciting, fun, romantic and high status as I was seeking. Why? It turns out she IS

    that way and tries to hide it in order to see if guys are interested in HER or what she does etc. Pretty lame IMHO

    but whatever. She lives in a nice apartment as down town as it gets and is a very fun and exciting highclass doctor.

    Sex was good, she paid for all the expenses

    Conclusion; Im starting to doubt if pheromones have any effect

    with me. I mean this is nothing out of the ordinary, so there is no enhancement, no edge. Maybe im better off with

    as without them? Next weekend i'll go out without them.
    It's hard for an experienced ASF'er,

    especially PUA level (not sure if you are), to gauge effectiveness of 'mones. It's been stated, "AFC's can't

    use them, PUA's dont' need them". Maybe you don't, I don't know. I think you can probably give the 'mones a

    healthy dose of credit for the clear lay-invite from HB6coffeeshop. I mean, yeah, you showed disinterest after

    initial interest, so she probably took it like a push/pull, when really all you meant was "pull". If you shut of

    *any* DHV, (which it sounds like you did), and she's still interested, well, then she's probably LSE. If she is,

    then fine, but LSE chicks won't usually be the aggressor, so I'd have to credit the 'mones for that.

    As far

    as HB8.5doctor, I think that was more "all you". You qualified, she shit tested, you did takeaway. Clearly you did

    enough DHV before the takeaway, so she was a lock. Though the 'mones may have helped here, I don't know. Did the

    time you spent sarging her before takeaway seem any shorter than normal? I might also propose that a high society

    8.5 doctor is proabably at a club for a reason, and you were flavor of the night. That's not to discredit you, but

    day2 flake potential here is high. I would be surprised if she did anything more than ONS, maybe FB, but I

    wouldn't bet an LTR on it.

  5. #5
    King of the coupons!
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    Can someone direct me to the

    translation pages of ... DHV, LSE, HB8.5, etc. etc., or is this just code for certain people?

    Anyone? Anyone?
    Never argue with ignorant people! They pull you down to THEIR level, and then they BEAT YOU with experience. Who said that!? I don't know, but tis gold I tell'ya!!

  6. #6
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    Here you go Mobley,

    Did you try out the tongkat ali yet?

  7. #7
    Moderator Mtnjim's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MOBLEYC57
    Can someone direct

    me to the translation pages of ... DHV, LSE, HB8.5, etc. etc., or is this just code for certain people?

    Anyone? Anyone?
    While I did recognize "HB8.5" as "Hot Babe level 8.5 out of 10", I

    agree, it would be good if posters remembered that this is not ASF or another of the "seduction sites", and sort of

    post in english instead of jargon.

    Sort of like my posting "jmp", "Push" and "pop" and expecting anyone other

    than Bel understanding.
    Freedom begins when you tell Mrs. Grundy to go fly a kite.
    --Lazarus Long

  8. #8
    King of the coupons!
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mtnjim
    While I did

    recognize "HB8.5" as "Hot Babe level 8.5 out of 10", I agree, it would be good if posters remembered that this is

    not ASF or another of the "seduction sites", and sort of post in english instead of jargon.

    Quote Originally Posted by DumLuc
    Here you go Mobley,



    Did you try out the tongkat ali yet?
    Thanks, DL!

    No, I didn't try

    the tongka ali 'cause at the end of the post, it sound like someone was trying to sell something that supposed to

    raise the body's mones level instead of making my wood woodier. Did you give it a

    Never argue with ignorant people! They pull you down to THEIR level, and then they BEAT YOU with experience. Who said that!? I don't know, but tis gold I tell'ya!!

  9. #9
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    After doing a lot of reading up

    on the subject I decided to give it a shot, so I sent off for some 1:50. Got it in two days time and just started

    using it yesterday. They say it takes about three weeks to realize the full effect.
    Also went for the chrysin. That

    just arrived today.

  10. #10
    King of the coupons!
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    Quote Originally Posted by DumLuc
    After doing a lot

    of reading up on the subject I decided to give it a shot, so I sent off for some 1:50. Got it in two days time and

    just started using it yesterday. They say it takes about three weeks to realize the full effect.
    Also went for the

    chrysin. That just arrived today.
    Keep me/us informed will ya?
    Never argue with ignorant people! They pull you down to THEIR level, and then they BEAT YOU with experience. Who said that!? I don't know, but tis gold I tell'ya!!

  11. #11
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mtnjim
    While I did

    recognize "HB8.5" as "Hot Babe level 8.5 out of 10", I agree, it would be good if posters remembered that this is

    not ASF or another of the "seduction sites", and sort of post in english instead of jargon.

    Sort of like my

    posting "jmp", "Push" and "pop" and expecting anyone other than Bel understanding.
    I imagine you

    take a lot of trouble to use understandable english when you talk about computers on the forum, don't you? The same

    courtesy should be extended by all forum members.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

  12. #12
    Newbie Flash1's Avatar
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    Thanks for the link.......

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mtnjim
    While I did

    recognize "HB8.5" as "Hot Babe level 8.5 out of 10", I agree, it would be good if posters remembered that this is

    not ASF or another of the "seduction sites", and sort of post in english instead of jargon.

    Sort of like my

    posting "jmp", "Push" and "pop" and expecting anyone other than Bel understanding.
    Understood and

    agreed, but the reason I replied in specific ASF jargon was because I immediately recognized the OP as an ASF'er,

    and thought that, to him, it would get my point across better. There was also a tongue-in-cheek element to my post

    as well. It seemed a little "off" to propose that pheromones, and all the science behind them, are invalid, while

    meanwhile, the guys on the seduction sites break down elements of human dating & seduction behavior to such levels

    of complexity, that computer jargon would seem *clear* by comparison, (hence the tongue-in-cheek element.) I

    promise not to post regularly in ASF jargon here, only when I'm trying to make a point.

    And BTW, I work in

    I.T., so feel free to dish out all the tech jargon you want, I can take it.

  14. #14
    King of the coupons!
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    Red face

    Quote Originally Posted by esk6969
    Understood and

    agreed, but the reason I replied in specific ASF jargon was because I immediately recognized the OP as an ASF'er,

    and thought that, to him, it would get my point across better. There was also a tongue-in-cheek element to my post

    as well. It seemed a little "off" to propose that pheromones, and all the science behind them, are invalid, while

    meanwhile, the guys on the seduction sites break down elements of human dating & seduction behavior to such levels

    of complexity, that computer jargon would seem *clear* by comparison, (hence the tongue-in-cheek element.) I promise

    not to post regularly in ASF jargon here, only when I'm trying to make a point.

    And BTW, I work in I.T., so

    feel free to dish out all the tech jargon you want, I can take it.
    ASF jargon is fine, but, you

    know it, and I haven't a clue! Now, you should want to TEACH it, even if you don't want to. Why

    not pass on the knowledge while you're in the act of typing it?

    I wouldn't mind learning from

    your post, which is why I asked.

    Buon giorno. Tha't good morning in Italian. See?
    Never argue with ignorant people! They pull you down to THEIR level, and then they BEAT YOU with experience. Who said that!? I don't know, but tis gold I tell'ya!!

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