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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
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    Default Reactions from the first month


    I've been using mones for about a month now and I thought I would give a post on my first impressions, since I've

    found this board useful.

    A bit about me: 30yo, good-looking (I look and dress 25), 5'8", very fit, professor

    at a major Canadian research university. I have always had issues with the initial approach. When I sense that a

    girl is interested in me, I know how to seduce her; I just get caught up in over-analyzing everything in the

    beginning. I started using mones because I thought they would help me to develop a more playful opening game.

    Prior to, and now along with, mones I have also been doing a social project that I call "Random Conversations with

    Hot Girls." It's just what it you guessed. Once or twice a day, I walk up to some randomly chosen hot girl who

    I've never met before and engage her in a short conversation. Just when she's gotten over her surprise and is

    starting to wonder what my deal is, I excuse myself and get on with my day.

    The issue is that my work is very

    isolating and antisocial. I do research in an obscure field and it takes a great deal of concentration. When I come

    out for lunch, or even when I go to teach class, my mind is often still very much in my work and I'm completely

    oblivious to the people around me. I know they're there, sometimes I talk to them, but I don't care and they know

    I don't care. My hope is that mones will help me switch back into a more social frame of mind.

    I have Chk, NPA

    and a bunch of sample gel packs (AE, TE, SOE, Chk). My usage of the gel packs has been too erratic to say much with

    any certainty. I have been wearing them when I go out. Maybe they have been enhancing things but not in a systematic

    way that I could put my finger on.

    One thing that I have noticed is that so far the effects have been subtile

    and they have effected me more than anyone else. I travel in a number of different social circles and the mones seem

    to effect different people in different ways. One of my social circles is academics. These girls are generally

    fairly cerebral and restrained and don't much go in for physical flirting (hair twitching, prolonged eye contact,

    kino, etc). One of the girls I date is a lawyer (let's say D_) and she and her friends are much more responsive to

    mones when they're out. They work hard and they want to play hard. They like to dress up and flirt. Another girl I

    date is a stripper (say A_). She and her friends are always flirting with everyone. They're hot and they know it.

    Mones or not, they constantly preen themselves, make good eye contact, touch, grind on the dance floor, etc.

    Everything needs to be interpreted in context.

    I started with w/ 1 spray Chk to the chest every morning for a

    couple of weeks. I didn't notice much of an effect from this. Maybe it made me more interested in engaging other

    people and this made them more responsive to me. It has taken my body a while to adjust to the new mone signature.

    At first I had a hard time concentrating on my work. There are a few girls in the work environment who are

    interested in me. Maybe the mones have accentuated that, but it's hard to tell. At any rate, if I really wanted to

    get down with them, I would have done something about it already.

    One interesting thing happened in the first

    week. A girl name J_ came over for a booty call. I was wearing AE & TE from gel packs (this was before my NPA

    arrived). The none turned me into a teenage boy. I'm in good shape and have good stamina so without mones I can go

    as long and as hard as I want. I think this is one of the reasons J_ likes to come over. With all the none, I

    didn't have much control but also NO DOWN TIME. It was just like I when I was in my teens and early twenties. J_

    got me off twice (!) with no change in my state before we settled down to giving her what she came for. She found

    the whole thing very exiting and ended up giving me her email. J_ only dates rich guys and so she never used to give

    me any contact info (see my profession above.). (She usually calls me from a blocked number every 3-5 weeks and

    comes over for 3-4 hours.) Now she's given me her phone number, is emailing me almost every day, and keeps asking

    for my cell number. On a related note, by the second or third time I had sex with mones on, I was back to my normal


    In the third week, I tried 2 dabs NPA covered by 2 sprays Chk in the morning. This turned out to be a bad

    idea. The none gets me so jacked up, I can't concentrate on anything other than getting laid. I made the mistake of

    trying to deliver a lecture in this condition. (I think this was a major OD, as I'm pretty sure a whole drop of NPA

    dripped into one of my pits). My students must have thought I was crazy. My mind was racing. I was having weird

    issues with PowerPoint and was trying to solve them in a completely ad hoc and frantic manner. I was blasting

    through technical explanations that I usually give in a very slow and deliberate way. I was loosing my train of

    thought. You get the picture. Maybe if I wore this regularly I would get used to in enough to get some real work

    done. Right now, I don't have the time to wait and see.

    On the flip side, I wore this combo on a couple of

    movie dates with D_. She was crawling all over me during the movies and later admitted that she was getting super

    horny. The first was on the same night as my lecture OD, the smell of the none was killing me but she loved it.

    She's heavy into the none, and sometimes likes to take a huge huff off my chest.

    I can't tell what, if any,

    effect the mones are having on "Random Conversations with Hot Girls." I am usually wearing a really light, or

    nonexistent, application of Chk. Maybe they are more receptive when I'm moned up but it's hard to tell. They are

    usually just curious to see what's going on, since I open with a totally random, off-the-wall question based on

    something I've noticed about them. I think the fact that I just break off is interesting to them as well. I've

    done this a few times at the gym and invariably they crack me a smile later, or say goodbye when they're leaving.

    The other night I was out at a coffee-house-type-event (read amateur musical entertainment), and I decided to chat

    up one of the girls who seemed to be an organizer. She was staring into my eyes and at one point leaned up against

    me. On the other hand, she was pretty flirty with other guys as well (trying to keep things in context), but I'm

    fairly certain she knew them.

    So far all of the effects that I've noticed on other people have been pretty

    subtile. Then again I'm a pretty subtile guy. Nevertheless, I would be interested to see the DIHL effect, or

    heavy-duty twitching etc, described by some of the other members.


  2. #2
    Relaxed seduceme's Avatar
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    Mar 2005
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    Nice stuff man! im in on my

    first week , I bought chikara and NPA along with some packs aswell. Although we do seem to differ in the venues we

    carry out our experiments I can nonetheless relate.

  3. #3
    Kodachrome Forever! Gegogi's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
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    "She usually calls me from

    a blocked number every 3-5 weeks and comes over for 3-4 hours."
    Sounds sort of like my last GF. She

    turned out to be married.

    I only get the "heavy-duty twitching" from very young women, typically 18-22. By

    the mid-20s most women have figured things out and fidget very little but, instead, communicate their desires more


    I don't seem to have any problems teaching with OD levels of 'none. But then I think I've gotten

    used to it.
    "I'm just a dirty hornytoad" -Gegogi

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