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Thread: Chikara Scent

  1. #1
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    Default Chikara Scent

    Well, I got Chikara

    recently and I, like so many of you, like the scent. However, within maybe 30 seconds or less time, I can no longer

    smell the scent of it. Is this just me? Or does this happen to other people?

    Also, what dosages are you guys

    using to get hits?

  2. #2
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    Hey Lagrimas, yeah i agree

    the scent is really good but not quite strong enough for my own tastes. My normal dosages consists of two-three

    sprays on my wrists or neck. I spray it at home and then drive somewhere (either a friends house or some place to

    eat or hang out). And i can smell it in the car cause its a closed place with relatively no outside smell yet the

    moment i get out i can no longer smell it unless i actually bring my wrist to my nose. I would like to apply more

    for the scent but at 2-3 sprays i get pretty good hits and dont want to give that up.

  3. #3
    Administrator Bruce's Avatar
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    I agree too. This last

    batch was apparently different from the first and definitely different from the sample of the prototype that I

    selected to be the master copy for all future Chikara. I am hoping that it is only this last "bamboo label" batch

    that is so weak, but I promise that the next batch will me much beefier. We have about 150 bottles of the current

    bamboo label batch left. As soon as we get the new stuff in, I am putting any remaining from the old batch on super

    discount and am going to offer a special major discount coupon to owners of the limp batch that can be used on the

    purchase of a bottle of the new stuff.

    I am very sorry about this. I have been using nothing but my

    original prototype sample when discussing the product (number of sprays etc) and had a major shock when I got some

    samples of the latest batch. Definitely something different there, and I am going to make absolutely sure that the

    next batch is identical to my original sample, and make good on these limp bottles.

    To enjoy good health, to bring true happiness to one's family, to bring peace to all, one must first discipline and control one's own mind. If a man can control his mind he can find the way to Enlightenment, and all wisdom and virtue will naturally come to him.

    - Buddha

    Yoga in Eugene
    Fair Trade crafts from Peru

  4. #4
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    Hmm, in that case, would you

    suggest upping the dosage of this particular batch when applying it?

  5. #5
    Sadhu bjf's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bruce
    I agree too.

    This last batch was apparently different from the first and definitely different from the sample of the prototype

    that I selected to be the master copy for all future Chikara. I am hoping that it is only this last "bamboo label"

    batch that is so weak, but I promise that the next batch will me much beefier. We have about 150 bottles of the

    current bamboo label batch left. As soon as we get the new stuff in, I am putting any remaining from the old batch

    on super discount and am going to offer a special major discount coupon to owners of the limp batch that can be used

    on the purchase of a bottle of the new stuff.

    I am very sorry about this. I have been using nothing but my

    original prototype sample when discussing the product (number of sprays etc) and had a major shock when I got some

    samples of the latest batch. Definitely something different there, and I am going to make absolutely sure that the

    next batch is identical to my original sample, and make good on these limp


    Great Service!

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lagrimas
    Hmm, in that

    case, would you suggest upping the dosage of this particular batch when applying it?
    This was sort of

    my question as well when reading the thread. I would suspect, and note this is just speculation, that the pheromone

    amounts are precise, but there was just an issue with the fragrance. Should that be confirmed, one would be able to

    apply the normal dosage as before. How to get around the lack of smell issue? Here's a little trick for ya...

    Pick up some Jean Paul Gaultier - Le Male and use as desired. It smells incredibly similar to Chikara.


  7. #7
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    so bruce when do you expect the

    new batch in?

    i want to try chikara but since your making a new batch i think ill hold out until then

  8. #8
    Administrator Bruce's Avatar
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    I just got samples of the latest

    batch, which we put a hold on to make sure it was
    just right. It smells great, if I do say so myself, and

    production will begin Sunday or Monday. We should be able to start selling the "new and improved" Chikara a day or

    two after that and hopefully have it in our warehouse by the end of the week.

    But.. not only that, wait 'til

    you see the spray heads and caps on these puppies. Completely different from the ones we have been having trouble

    with. This is the mother of all spray heads. I will be shocked if we have any more trouble with them.


    you have a bottle of the old stuff, I will get you a major-discount coupon password for your next


    To enjoy good health, to bring true happiness to one's family, to bring peace to all, one must first discipline and control one's own mind. If a man can control his mind he can find the way to Enlightenment, and all wisdom and virtue will naturally come to him.

    - Buddha

    Yoga in Eugene
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  9. #9
    Phero Enthusiast ManBeast's Avatar
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    Bruce: the "beta" label that is

    just plain text is full strength?

    "You are a sick f*ck, but I wouldn't have you any other way. "

  10. #10
    Administrator Bruce's Avatar
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    I will give the "upgrade

    discount" coupon to anyone who has any bottle of Chikara purchased before the new stuff goes on sale. To tell the

    truth, I don't know for sure who has what. There was a run of about 150 I think it was at the very beginning that

    *may* have had a formula true to the prototype bottle that I have here in Eugene. After that there was a larger

    batch of product mixed up that was the basis for several runs that were only different from each other in spray

    heads. Then finally we mixed up a 3rd batch that had one element removed from the mixture that shouldn't have had

    any effect at all on the fragrance but was supposed to help with the spray head jamming problem we had. I don't

    really know when the formula changed. I tested literally dozens of samples over a 2 year period, and it wasn't

    until I got the very last one that sits on my desk before me as I type that I had a keeper. Every since then I have

    been firmly under the impression that this is what you folks were investing your hard-earned money in. I just never

    occured to me that it was necessary to get a sample from each and every batch.

    Anyway, I am sort of *hoping*

    that it was only this last batch that got the limp fragrance, and it was really only recently that anyone started to

    complain about it, but it could have been back further. I have no way of knowing. I could be the only person in

    the world with the real formula!!! I'll tell you this though, when you get a bottle of this "new and improved"

    stuff which is really just the same as my original prototype tester, and you put two good sprays on one wrist, you

    will be able to smell something there many hours later, probably the next morning too. With this last batch, 2-3

    hours after wrist application I was *unable* so smell *anything* on the spot even pressing my nose to my wrist.

    The sample I opened this morning is still going strong 5 hours after application.

    To enjoy good health, to bring true happiness to one's family, to bring peace to all, one must first discipline and control one's own mind. If a man can control his mind he can find the way to Enlightenment, and all wisdom and virtue will naturally come to him.

    - Buddha

    Yoga in Eugene
    Fair Trade crafts from Peru

  11. #11
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    So, is the fragrance

    base the only thing in which it differs from the original? Can we trust the pheromone composition to be the same, or

    has it been altered as well?
    Last edited by sietch; 08-20-2004 at 04:47 PM.

  12. #12
    Moderator Mtnjim's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bruce
    ...To tell the truth,

    I don't know for sure who has what.
    I got one of the original beta versions and a

    release version a couple of weeks ago. The "release" version smells "sweeter" than the beta version (ie. less

    "musky"), and the scent doesn't last as long. Perhaps this means the beta was your original formula??

    Freedom begins when you tell Mrs. Grundy to go fly a kite.
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  13. #13
    Administrator Bruce's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sietch
    So, is the

    fragrance base the only thing in which it differs from the original? Can we thrust the pheromone composition to be

    the same, or has it been altered as well?
    Good question. The technicians I have been talking to

    consistently reply with "concentration of fragrance" jargon whenever we discuss the issue, but when you put aNONE

    and aRONE in a product there should be some phero stink on your wrist after the fragrance is gone and I am just not

    getting that with this most recent batch. There are a number of possibilites:
    1. The full 10mg of pheros is in

    the bottle but the fragrance is too weak (this is the story I am being given)
    2. The entire formula fragrance

    and all has been diluted (not good, but if that is all behind us now, I just want to make it up to customers and

    move on)
    3. The pheromone formula was accidentally altered but still delivered the 10mg/bottle concentration

    PLUS the fragrance was too weak.

    If you have a bottle of Chikara, put as many sprays as it takes to get a

    normal (going out for the evening) application on one wrist; rub your wrists together; then sniff test 3-4 hours

    later. If you are *absolutely unable* to detect a phero-type fragrance there, something is not right. BUT! BUT!

    keep in mind that 1 out of 4 US males are completely unable to detect any smell from aNONE. If you are able to

    clearly smell the stink of men's Primal, then you should smell some aNONE on your wrist many hours after applying


    Actually, I was a little surprised when folks started dumping NPA into their Chikara, but we were

    getting record breaking hits so I kept my mouth shut. Ditto on the "wow! 6 sprays is killer". I just couldn't

    imagine anyone using 6 sprays and some NPA too! Whew! Now it comes into focus.

    So, there. I have put all

    my cards on the table, and the rest I really don't know. If you have a bottle, test it like I said. Also, when

    the new bottles start going around, get back to baseline and try Chikara by itself at 2-3 sprays for a while.

    Probably a little NPA will still do magic things because there is stuff in there that is not in Chikara, but watch

    out for the aNONE OD.

    Finally, don't forget to rub your wrists together if you want the stuff to disperse

    more slowly. That's what I do anyway. Otherwise, you get a lot rubbing off early on.

    To enjoy good health, to bring true happiness to one's family, to bring peace to all, one must first discipline and control one's own mind. If a man can control his mind he can find the way to Enlightenment, and all wisdom and virtue will naturally come to him.

    - Buddha

    Yoga in Eugene
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  14. #14
    & Double Naught Spy InternationalPlayboy's Avatar
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    My bottle is from

    the introductory beta shipment. After reading your post above, Bruce, I sprayed two sprays on my wrists around 6:PM

    or so to test it out, but I'm pretty sure I've smelled the mones after the scent wore off on previous wearings.

    It's 7:26 now and the scent is still going strong.

    This could explain phero tester's claim that Chikara

    doesn't work. I was shocked to read that and got a bit defensive about his claim as I still feel that Chikara is

    the best pheromone product I've ever used. I have to say that I still have to rate it above Perception for ease of

    use and number of obvious hits.

  15. #15
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    I got the latest bamboo label, and

    the dosage you are surprised at is about where I notice hits - 6 sprays of Chikara and a dab or two of NPA.


    fragrance dissipates very quickly, and there is barely a hint of pheremone scent left. This is completely gone in

    about 2 hours (other than the NPA residual).

  16. #16
    Kodachrome Forever! Gegogi's Avatar
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    My bottle says "beta" and smells

    great. However, the scent does die away quickly and I can't detect any 'mone scent, even a few hours later. I

    wondered about that. I though maybe the 'mones were masked somehow but maybe they're very weak (like Realm).

    Anyway, I've been using it with NPA and TE (not at the same time!).
    "I'm just a dirty hornytoad" -Gegogi

  17. #17
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bruce

    But.. not only

    that, wait 'til you see the spray heads and caps on these puppies. Completely different from the ones we have been

    having trouble with. This is the mother of all spray heads. I will be shocked if we have any more trouble with


    Hello Bruce,

    will the new sprayhead release the same amount of cologne per spray as

    the old version?
    How many sprays do you approximateley get out of one bottle?
    What will the advised dosage be with

    the new sprayhead?



  18. #18
    Administrator Bruce's Avatar
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    I have only used the

    new head a couple of times, but it is very different from the old one. I am not sure how much comes out but

    probably a lot more if you do a full spray. A single spray might even be a dosage with the new formula. By the

    way, I can still (barely) smell pheromones on my wrist from an application 15 hours ago, 5 hours of which were spent

    painting followed by a hot shower w/ lots of scrubbing.

    To enjoy good health, to bring true happiness to one's family, to bring peace to all, one must first discipline and control one's own mind. If a man can control his mind he can find the way to Enlightenment, and all wisdom and virtue will naturally come to him.

    - Buddha

    Yoga in Eugene
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  19. #19
    Full Member lordcrazyd's Avatar
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    how is this discount going to

    work, i too have one that the smell disapears in a matter of mintues, i ordered it from the last batch you put up. I

    realy enjoy the smell but its like a wiff and its gone. I started to add up to 4-5 sprays to hopefully smell

    something. Question though since i dont smell anything after a half hour does that mean the formulation isn't

    correct either. I've smelled Anone before and i don't smell anything with chikara.. I have gotten some hits but

    nothing out of the ordinary you would call...

  20. #20
    Administrator Bruce's Avatar
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    I'm thinking about something like a

    50% discount coupon that is programmed to only work on Chikara. Anyone who ever bought a Chikara can have one.

    To enjoy good health, to bring true happiness to one's family, to bring peace to all, one must first discipline and control one's own mind. If a man can control his mind he can find the way to Enlightenment, and all wisdom and virtue will naturally come to him.

    - Buddha

    Yoga in Eugene
    Fair Trade crafts from Peru

  21. #21
    Stranger kwuerstt's Avatar
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    I also have the latest bamboo

    label and noticed the smell faded quickly. I guess my question how are we going to get the coupons are you going to

    email us a coupon code? Cuz i woudl definetly like to pick up one from the new batch so i am know i am getting the

    good stuff

  22. #22


    My bottle is from the original

    "beta" bunch with the simple PC-generated label. The scent is wonderful, but does fade quickly, however the mone

    scent is very definitely still present after about 15 hours ... *sniffs area* oh yeah, mones definitely still there


    You know, I don't think I'm ever going to try to invent anything, because if I had to worry about

    stuff like "is it going to be the same product I invented by the time it gets produced and distributed?" I'd go

    half mad. But you gotta admit, Bruce really does good by his customers ... how many companies do you all know

    where you would get an offer like the 50% coupon?

    I will definitely pick up a bottle of the new Chikara,

    just because I am curious as to whether the stuff I have been using *successfully I might add* is the real deal.

  23. #23
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    I got my bamboo label Chikara

    today as well. 2 or 3 sprays on one wrist, rubbed together. Smell (fragrance, not -mones) is nice, but how strong it

    is, I don't know. Seems to last though. For 10 hours I keep bringing my nose close to my wrist, and the fragrance

    scent is still there. PLUS, I sniffed it so often that I got bad -none effects like headaches, agitation etc,

    similar to the ones I get if I apply NPA on by neck.
    Should I presume this is more of a normal Chikara bottle,

    instead of a limp one? Were the bamboo label bottles a mix of various batches so some can be more true to the

    I guess it'd be logical to first use 2 sprays of it, instead of upping the dosage, since the fragrance

    is present and seems normal, no?

  24. #24
    Journeyman Canucky Guy's Avatar
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    So, if we concocted a weak

    bottle of Chik with a bottle of NPA, we might end up with something worthwhile? Why not sell them as a combo then to

    clear out the weak Chik stock?

  25. #25
    Sadhu bjf's Avatar
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    I'd like to know how much none is

    supposed to be in Chikara so we can know how much NPA to use.

  26. #26
    Full Member phinmone's Avatar
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    I jus read these posts and I

    assume that I have the weak version too - The label of green bamboos. are there less -mones in it than in the


  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by belgareth
    No, the

    pheromone content is the same in all the versions. The only difference is that Bruce tweaked the scent a little in

    Indeed, mones don't seem to be diluted in my bamboo label. 29 hours and a shower later, rubbing

    the wrists with soap etc, the fragrance seems gone, but the scent of -none is still detectable. I say scent and not

    stink, because -none (even in NPA) smells a bit sharp to me, not like cat piss or anything. But it's still

    distinguishably -none smell.

  28. #28
    Sadhu bjf's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sietch
    Indeed, mones don't

    seem to be diluted in my bamboo label. 29 hours and a shower later, rubbing the wrists with soap etc, the fragrance

    seems gone, but the scent of -none is still detectable. I say scent and not stink, because -none (even in NPA)

    smells a bit sharp to me, not like cat piss or anything. But it's still distinguishably -none

    It is next to impossible to wash away stuff below the top level of skin. Some guys this

    doesn't matter because their range for none amounts varies greater, while others have a more specific range.

    We need more products with 99 percent water-base, like Perception. Anybody with me on this?

  29. #29
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    Default the new batch of Chikara

    released yet or if I order today will I get the old stuff still?

  30. #30


    Quote Originally Posted by bjf
    We need more

    products with 99 percent water-base, like Perception. Anybody with me on this?
    YES. I would like to

    see Perception start a trend with their water-based/time-release technology ... I hope to someday see it treated

    with the same level of consideration as we do now with phero ratios and effective fragrances ...

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