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    Charming Loner
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    Talking I think I have unusually high levels of natural pheromones (eureka! or you're crazy!)

    I started thinking hard after some events that occured


    I worked out yesterday, and I finally had a beautiful eight hours of sleep, and I could tell my

    testosterone was up today because of the rest, my muscles were inflated after I woke up and weren't aching like

    usual, and the morning wood was a good sign My co-workers were their usually friendly selves, except one of them

    seemed a big grumpy and more aggressive than usual. After work, I was standing inside the main office. A female

    co-worker walked by and peered inside and just started lookin a little bewildered and just said things like

    "Whoa...uh hey..." in an almost uncomfortable way. I had just finished another shift of hard physical work, so I was

    wondering if I had B.O. or something lol. Note: I have no interest in this woman, nor have we communicated much.

    Then ANOTHER female co-worker walked in, who I am friendly with and had been talking/flirting with a little earlier

    that day came in, took a big SNIFF, kept smiling and asked me something. Hmmm...Okay. I walked to busstop and caught

    the bus, and a female who I had seen numerous times come onto the same bus came in and sat behind me...again, like

    she had numerous times before. I don't know if she's interested in me or what, cuz we have never exchanged words,

    but she sat behind me again and just started sniffin'. Uhhh...Then I got off the bus and started walking home and

    there was some guy walking his dog. He was headed my direction and then all of a sudden he just stopped cold and

    stood there waiting for me to pass, just staring at me with a bewildered look on his face.

    It wasn't a

    particular thing that confused me, it was just everything altogether. Maybe it was something else this particular

    day...but I started contemplating. I had kinda joked around before that certain things happened because of my

    natural pheromone scent...but I REALLY began to analyze things.



    ETC...If it seems like I'm rambling at any time, please discontinue from reading. If it all makes sense to you,

    please continue...


    Lemme start to share with you my personal self. You may know

    already I am a 19-year old Asian male, 5'11" tall 230 lbs, large muscular build etc etc. I will then add that I

    have VERY dry skin throughout the majority of my body, HOWEVER the "hotspots" and areas of my body with large

    concentrations of sweat/oil glands (the area which produce the majority of natural pheromones) are over-active.

    It's like this: my legs could have dry scaly patches but my face could be exceptionally oily for some reason. I

    have also noticed because of this that I have a very distinct and maybe even strong body scent. When I was younger

    and didn't have perfect hygiene, some people would even say I smelled, which I couldn't understand because I

    showered daily and took decent care of myself while others with worse hygiene smelled like roses. I was young and

    didn't understand, but now that I do I make sure I smell like petunias instead of poo poo

    Okay that

    should cover the physical aspect, now let me get into the whole social aspect which has made me come up with this

    hypothesis. It's lengthy but I GUARANTEE it will be interesting. When I was younger I was shy and very insecure.

    Even with that I always stood out and was a center of attention even when I didn't speak a word to anyone. It's

    like everyone KNEW I was there, but I wasn't social much at all and never talked. I was always incredibly moody,

    and the severe changes in levels of hormones frequently is the reason. As I grew up, I sensed people saw me as a

    threat, even though I was not very popular, didn't talk much, and stayed to myself, it was as if I was presenting

    myself as an aggressive alpha male when externally I was anything but. I made many enemies, with supposed alpha

    males and aggressive members of the popular crowd without even saying a word to them. Some might look at it as being

    picked on in a way...except when I retaliated in any way they seemed frightened and intimidated. It was less of

    "bully-picks-on-geek" and more like

    "half-of-the-high-school-wants-to-kill-me-but-they-back-down-from-my-challenges". Not exaggerating when I say half

    of the high school had genuine dislike of me for no reason, especially since there was a large Asian presence in my

    school...and they definitely hated me, and to them I was looked at like a mortal enemy. And considering all of them

    stuck together and were kind of at war with the rest of the school, it was interesting they hated me so much. Again,

    they would try to intimidate and harass me, I would challenge them back to a fight, and it would never happen cuz

    they never showed up. You gotta realize, there were HUNDREDS of them and they were known for ganging up on people

    they didn't like, yet I never received a scratch from anyone.

    When I was put into tough situations like

    prison and such, I was always a timid kind of guy before, so I was scared to death at first but after a few years in

    places like that I got tough. But for instance, the first time I was locked up, the first day I was there, the alpha

    male of the prisoners tried to challenge me to fight, and it was all new to me and I unwittingly accepted the

    challenge. I barely said anything at all and wasn't acting tough or anyting like that. He punched me 6 times in the

    face, I stood there shocked and scared at the same time, then I just smiled out of confusion as the guards broke it

    up. He seemed threatened of me, although I made no indication of threats. Later I heard that since I "ate those

    punches" he was beat up and dethroned from alpha male of the prison. Hmmm...other times when I was locked up with

    different inmates, the alpha male would always welcome me, either into his crew or just as allies. I never had a

    problem with them really. When one of the alphas learned I was of a different set than him, he disowned me from his

    clique, yet he never laid a finger on me which he would've done to anybody else. During the numerous other times I

    was put into situations like this, although I was relatively quiet and reserved, I always maintained a high level of

    respect and authority, without saying a word or expressing outward dominance.

    Let me stop this whole

    male-conflict-talk...and let me get into the FEMALES...

    Like I've stated, I was shy and didn't have proper

    social skills as a child, so I definitely had very little female contact at first. Once I hit middle school, and

    puberty started to near, things got a little different. It first started in fifth grade when there was this girl who

    all of a sudden became infatuated and obsessed with me. I never said one word to her and was actually afraid at

    first and avoided her, and she kept coming back. This won't be the last time something like this happened. Let me

    just add a sidenote that I went through puberty VERY early, and actually reached my current height of 5'11" when I

    was still in middle school. Later on in middle school years, some other girls became unusually obsessed with me for

    no particular reason. I was definitely not a looker back then, didn't say much and was reserved. As puberty

    continued some other girls became like stalkers and I was overwhelmed. As I neared high school, my reputation and my

    own demeanor started changing because of the intense hatred of my male counterparts, so I became both internally and

    externally bitter and grumpy, and after middle school I made no new friends and stuck with the ones from middle

    school. The obsessive females swirling around me slowed down in high school because of all this, and my social life

    with friends and females was very dry because I came off as very closed and defensive. However, outside of the

    reputation-and-hate-filled-school environment, things were a little different...

    I can recall a certain event

    a few years back that if I posted it on this message board and pretended like I had used pheromones, it would be

    taken as a hit. I walked into a store and walked by a rather attractive woman in her 30's, just glanced at her for

    a second, not even lookin interested or even with a smile, and passed by her and she just said "HIIII..." and

    started smiling and blushing and smoothed her hair. In my head I was "WTF?!?!" and kept looking for whatever I was

    gonna buy and ignored her completely. I was terrible at reading body language and female signs and didn't have any

    semblance of game back then, but it was frighteningly obvious something had come over her. Considering at the time I

    was a 16-year old, obese, umkempt guy with no confidence or sense of positivity, it was very confusing. Then there

    are other things which boggled me...

    Personally I have always been very conscious about my personal body

    scent, as I have been told at times that I have B.O. many times for no reason I can think of. It's weird though as

    many times as people have come near my vicinity they would automatically noticeably "sniff". I have always thought I

    smelled bad or something, and probably sometimes that may have been the case, but I'm thinking if something smells

    so bad why would people would constantly sniff whenever near me. So after a while as I matured, I started taking

    exceptional care of my hygiene. I also started to wear specific deodorants, use specific soaps and shampoos, use

    body sprays and colognes, and apply them in precise manners. I now never hear complaints about any odor I may have,

    but I still get the occassional "sniff". But now it almost gets ridiculous now that I smell GOOD, as both males and

    females keep going out of their way to invade my space and sniff away. You may see why I am interested in pheromones

    so much by now. Let me continue on...

    Let me get a little specific. Let me move onto my workplace and its

    social atmosphere. I am 19, the majority of my co-workers are between 16 and 23 years of age, and it's a rather fun

    atmosphere. When I started working there, I was a bit overweight, not very wary of my appearance or how I come off

    to people, and slightly socially inadequate. Time has passed, I have lost weight, work out frequently, achieved a

    nice build, my social skills have become quite excellent, I dress nicely, have fantastic hygiene, my confidence has

    soared through the roof, I have earned tremendous respect, my situation in life has turned around, and I am about to

    be promoted. I have noticed the way that EVERYBODY treats me has improved tremendously. However, it's still a

    little strange to me, a little TOO MUCH.

    My female co-workers, ranging from 16 to 19 years old, ranging from

    decent-looking to gorgeous, seem to go ga ga for me sometimes. Now, don't think I'm just trying to downplay all of

    my good qualities and focus everything on the pheromones. It's slightly irrational at some times though. Now, I'm

    a decent-looking guy, but in no way some Brad Pitt-clone that girls chase around the world. And I have a nice

    personality, but I ain't Don Juan. And it's not the fact that these girls happen to like me which is weird, it's

    the manner in which the act. One thing I noticed was that when I wore certain scents to accentuate my own scent, it

    was a little funny sometimes. One time I was in a doorway speaking to someone, and one of my female co-workers came

    by to talk to someone inside the office, and I know she happened to like what I wearing, so she put her nose close

    to my arm which I was leaning against the wall. Then she started getting closer and it got to the point where she

    was digging her face into my arm and talking to the person at the same time with her mouth muffled against my shirt.

    LOL It's not even like she said "Oh you smell good" she just went up and did her thing. Funny gal. Another time I

    was with my friend and his g/f, and for some reason, she was really open and friendly and talking to me way more

    than usual. A weird thing that happened the whole time we were all together is that she kept sniffing the air and

    digging her nose into her b/f's shirt, and I know he doesn't wear cologne or anything and hadn't seen her do

    anything like that before. I don't quite get the logic of it, but I'm guessing it had something to do with my

    scent. And later on when I mentioned how I have a foot fetish and how much I like them, she started asking all these

    questions about it and later on took her shoes off purposely and laid her bare feet out in front of me. LOL and her

    b/f who is my friend was sitting right next to her. I could see he was getting jealous, which is ridiculous

    considering I was never seen as a "threat" before to him. Now, those two instances may have little, nothing, or

    everything to do with this whole thing I'm talking about, but forget about those...

    I get the expression

    "WHOA!" a lot. It happened today, I'm not sure why. I'll be talking to my boss, all of a sudden he'll go "WHOA!"

    Talking to a male co-worker, all of a sudden he'll say "WHOA!" Female co-worker "WHOA!" Usually a close friend will

    just give me a weird look. Sometimes I'll ask why, and they'll say something like "Nothing" or just shake their

    head confused. The majority of the time they'll see it when I'm starting to get excited or aggressive, and

    interestingly, when I go and do, let's say, a bunch of pushups or some heavy lifting, depending on who it is, they

    will give me a DIHL look or give me a WHOA when in my vicinity. Also, the more body heat I'm giving off, the more

    friendly/aggressive people get towards me, depending who it is. This is why on Friday night, I'm the most popular

    guy in town That's the busiest business night of the week, I'm doing the most physical work, sweating the most,

    displaying my power the most, giving off the most heat, etc and on that particular day all of the female co-workers

    start to swarm me. They'll enter my space without hesitation, brush up against me, be seductive with me, start

    conversations with me, talk to other guys around me or pretend like they're doing something to help me out, and

    that's all while I'm ignoring them to complete my work assignment in the allotted time! Don't get me wrong, I

    appreciate their attention, but at certain times and certain situations, not when I'm sweating my ass off trying to

    get the job done LOL. I think the funniest thing happend the other night.

    Two high school girls, personally

    who I think are the two prettiest ones there, were basically taking turns trying to get my attention. Coming over,

    starting chitchat, then backing off, letting the other one have a shot. And then, I almost burst out laughing when

    this happened because it's so ridiculous, they were both within a few feet from me while I was busy doing

    something, and they were confused since they both wanted a turn at the same time so they were kinda pacing around

    each other speechless while looking at me and then at each other until finally the manager told them to get back to

    work. LOL you really had to see it to understand. I mean, it's just strange because I can't comprehend otherwise

    why they would become so stalker-ish ALL THE TIME to me exclusively. And don't get me started on the guys acting a

    little strange around me.

    I always noticed sometimes when around other dudes that they would sometimes start

    acting real effiminate, like women around guys they like. LOL I'm sure they weren't gay, it just happens

    sometimes. And people, both male and female, have become very touchy with me. Sometimes they'll just touch my arm

    to say hello, sometimes they'll graze me purposely, sometimes they'll straight out grab me by the shoulders/arm,

    and sometimes they'll OD and grab my arm, grab it again, pat me on the shoulder, squeeze my arm, pat me on the

    back, all within a 5-second span. A little frightening...

    My natural scent is probably increased because of

    hormonal changes that have occured within the past 6 months, as my muscle mass have increased, my fat has been

    decreased, my confidence and aggressiveness is through the roof, and females female females Again, everything

    about me has changed, both physically, mentally, emotionally, and physiologically. I think my natural pheromone

    scent is more pronounced than most people...or maybe I'm crazy. Of course some of the things I have mentioned above

    may have nothing to do with pheros, hell maybe NONE of it has anything to do with pheros, but it's a little crazy

    sometimes. A lot of it DOES have to do with my regular looks, charm, personality, etc...but you never



  2. #2
    Banned User
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    |-) ... too bored to read it

    all summarize

  3. #3
    Charming Loner
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    Default haha

    Quote Originally Posted by kossBass

    ... too bored to read it all summarize
    LOL I know it's like a frickin' essay I


    Basically, in a very very very summarized nutshell, I think I have unusually high levels of natural

    pheromones given off from my own body. My oil/sweat glands are very over-active, which happen to be the areas which

    produce the majority of pheromones. When I was younger and less confident, everyone else saw me as a threat even

    when I was minding my own business, I think because I was giving off a lot of aggressive mones. And as I got older

    and more confident, I have become more like what my phero signature is stating. I get a lot of DIHL's and people

    saying "WHOA!" for no reason especially when I worked out or doing things which increase my body

    heat/testosterone/hormone levels. I think the past few months my levels have risen more because of my own changes in

    myself. People like to sniff when around me alot, have become incredibly touchy, girls hover around me and become

    very lustful even when I am not paying them any mind or talking to anyone. I also stated that throughout my life,

    females have become obsessive with me; not just interested in me, but infatuated, sometimes disturbingly.


    yeah, and I forgot to mention something in my first post:

    It's not just females my age that do this. Older

    woman seem to do this too, except in a more reserved approach for the most part. I remember I was in a program, and

    the woman staff members, about six of them ranging from 26-65, all reacted to me in some way. The 26-year old woman,

    nice looking, I could tell favored me over the others. My 65-year old counselor (ugh) would tell me I was "hot" and

    start fanning herself when I was talking to her. There were two 50-something's who kept telling me they wish they

    were younger/or I was older so they could take me out to dinner. A 40-something year old, attractive for her age,

    was the worst one, as she was acting very much like the high school age girls do at my workplace. She is a very

    girly-feminine type, so I understand why. She was basically stalking me, following me around, kept asking me

    questions and talking to me when I was doing something, entered my room (which was not allowed) while I was there,

    etc. And then there was another 40-something year old, she was a quiet reserved but not unattractive woman. She was

    very much into church and was a pastor, incredibly guarded and protective and didn't even curse or mention anything

    obscene...of course she was the one who showed no interest, in fact she seemed a little scared of me more than


  4. #4
    Banned User JustPeachy's Avatar
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    Send a pic. I'll tell you

    what it is that's causing all the furor. (Trust me, at one time, a had VERY bad thing for tall young Asian guys.)

    I'll be perfectly happy to tell you why they seem to think you're hot.

  5. #5
    Charming Loner
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    Default hmmm

    Quote Originally Posted by JustPeachy

    Send a pic. I'll tell you what it is that's causing all the furor. (Trust me, at one time, a had VERY bad thing

    for tall young Asian guys.) I'll be perfectly happy to tell you why they seem to think you're


    Is my pheromone signature leaking through my internet connection?


    JustPeachy. You can send a pic as well, after you first tell me a little about yourself...

    ...while I figure

    out how to send a pic from my camera phone to my email address LOL...

    I've never sent my pic online either,

    so it would be a first...

  6. #6
    Banned User JustPeachy's Avatar
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    You don't have to leak -mones

    over the 'net. Good chance it's a visual. Nobody smells ya first and THEN looks.

  7. #7
    Charming Loner
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    Default haha

    Quote Originally Posted by JustPeachy
    Nobody smells ya first and THEN looks.
    *stands behind woman in line and watches

    her sniff and turn around*

    In fact, I was at the store the other day and an attractive woman in her twenties

    stood behind me in the line, didn't even have anything to buy, I bought my protein bar and orange juice and when I

    turned around, she wasn't there lol...

    Some things I just don't comprehend...

  8. #8
    Charming Loner
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    Default for real

    Another little

    tidbit I remembered...

    LOL I'm sorry but I analyze too much, but anyway...

    Also, I've noticed on a

    couple occasions, I would be around a girl, and for some reason they just start shivering uncontrollably for no

    reason. Sometimes I would be just talking to her and flirting, other times I'm just within a few feet of them and

    they do it. And then someone else or I would ask why they did that, and they said they don't know. And even

    sometimes guys would do the same thing.

    Am I overanalyzing here?

    Basically I posted this to see if

    this is possible, and if it makes sense at all. Are there findings that some people have very strong pheromone

    signatures? Is there a way to test it?

  9. #9
    Banned User JustPeachy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by handtohandking

    behind woman in line and watches her sniff and turn around*

    In fact, I was at the store the other day and an

    attractive woman in her twenties stood behind me in the line, didn't even have anything to buy, I bought my protein

    bar and orange juice and when I turned around, she wasn't there lol...

    Some things I just don't

    Yeah, you're right. Were you eating Korean food? I've had that happen before. (Mind you, I

    like garlic! But it's hard not to notice.)

  10. #10
    Charming Loner
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    Default lol

    Quote Originally Posted by JustPeachy

    you're right. Were you eating Korean food? I've had that happen before. (Mind you, I like garlic! But it's hard

    not to notice.)
    Hahaha, I know what you're talking about. That's why I try to eat as little

    garlic as possible. Korean food sometimes with ODing on the garlic...Wheeew...

    I try to stay away from that

    stuff, however...

    "Mind you, I like garlic!"

    *rubs 30 cloves of garlic on armpits*

    Exactly what

    nationality are you anyway? I always found women of different nationalities who found Asian guys attractive were

    interesting individuals...

  11. #11
    Banned User JustPeachy's Avatar
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    American. (That would be

    Irish/English/Welsh/French/Swiss/Native American/Melungeon. Pretty much the usual assortment.) The Asian Period was

    a long time ago. Spent a year dating tall guys from China and Taiwan. I call this the Pu Pu Period Was engaged to

    one, but it didn't work out. I couldn't hang with his gambling habits. And thus started the Middle Eastern

    (Hummus) Period. Followed by the Borscht Period. And then the Cowboy Period. And the Indian Period. There are hot

    guys of all races. But lately, it's all Tapas, baby!

  12. #12
    Charming Loner
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    Default hmmm

    Quote Originally Posted by JustPeachy
    American. (That would be Irish/English/Welsh/French/Swiss/Native American/Melungeon. Pretty much

    the usual assortment.) The Asian Period was a long time ago. Spent a year dating tall guys from China and Taiwan. I

    call this the Pu Pu Period Was engaged to one, but it didn't work out. I couldn't hang with his gambling habits.

    And thus started the Middle Eastern (Hummus) Period. Followed by the Borscht Period. And then the Cowboy Period. And

    the Indian Period. There are hot guys of all races. But lately, it's all Tapas, baby!
    Geez, it's

    like a smorgasbord of testosterone flavors for you, huh? lol

    I wish you luck with your Flamenco


    I'm out, I have to sleep for at least five hours so I can wake up at 6 to work out and open the

    store tomorrow...

  13. #13
    Banned User JustPeachy's Avatar
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    No prob. Send a pic when you

    have one.

  14. #14
    Charming Loner
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    Default ...



    whether my case is true or not, I'm still a Neanderthal-telemarketer with the ladies sometimes, as I was


    LOL, I think I need to RELEASE some tension to get me back down to Earth...

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