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  1. #1

    Default To all successful SoE users !!!

    To all of u who had success trying SoE for the 1st time, i\'m curious if any of you have used different phero products and didn\'t work? I\'ve seen a lot of newbies here that are pretty happy with SoE.

    Maybe this will help the non-believer-lurkers who tried to buy a single product and gave up after trying so many times without getting hits.

  2. #2

    Default Re: To all successful SoE users !!!

    I\'m 18 and used AE and didn\'t really notice much, I\'ve noticed more flirty/talkative behavior with SOE though

  3. #3
    Administrator Bruce's Avatar
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    Default Re: To all successful SoE users !!!

    Going back to when I first started this business, I\'ve had guys writing me with \"Hey, I\'m 21, what\'s a good one for me?\" And I\'ve dutifully written back: \"To tell the truth, I don\'t really think you need to be spending money on pheros at your age. I think the social skills are the key to getting the advantage on the average college campus or even more so, high school.\" Even before SOE cam out, there was so much talk on the board suggesting young guys should avoid aNONE, that I tried to keep an open mind. Now, I\'m about ready to flat out recommend a no-NONE approach. (I still think I could tear up the average high school if I could have my 18 year old body back, but maybe I\'m just kidding myself. [img]images/icons/wink.gif[/img] )
    Thanks for the feedback,

  4. #4
    Banned User jvkohl's Avatar
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    Default Re: To all successful SoE users !!!

    Hey Bruce; nice to see that we\'re getting closer to an \"I told you so\" response from me--with regard to staying away from aNONE content in SOE. Honestly though, I wasn\'t completely convinced that no aNONE was best. And, for now, the jury is still out, since there have been many reports that aNONE-heavy products work. So, for now, I\'ll just say that aRONE should work better.

    Also, even though I\'ve been spending an hour or more 5 nights a week bodybuilding, I realized in the past two nights that this darn 15 y/o who weighs 20 lbs less than me, will probably surpass my lifting capacity within a month. If I weren\'t so much older (and felt any competition for the younger girls), I\'d quit training him.

  5. #5

    Default Re: To all successful SoE users !!!

    So, any SOE users not impressed with results? Please speak up, so we can get a complete data pool!

  6. #6

    Default Re: To all successful SoE users !!!

    \"Also, even though I\'ve been spending an hour or more 5 nights a week bodybuilding, I realized in the past two nights that this darn 15 y/o who weighs 20 lbs less than me, will probably surpass my lifting capacity within a month. If I weren\'t so much older (and felt any competition for the younger girls), I\'d quit training him. \"

    At an hour per session, 5 nights a week, you are probably doing too much work (overtraining). Your teenage workout partner most likely has much faster recovery ability than you. You may get better results if you cut back to one hour sessions, 3 nights per week of quality training. Don\'t try to keep up with the young kid. Your training requirements are undoubtedly different from his.

  7. #7
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    So far I haven\'t been impressed. I\'ve been using SOE now for 2 weeks straight. ALthough I\'ve been tempted to mix with NPA I\'ve decided to give it a full test. I\'ve tried everything from 1 swipe, up to (6) 5 inch swipes. No hits, no girls smiling or chatting. Yesterday I even took the roller ball off and really od\'d just to see what would happen. A lot of angry, agrumentative people. If anyone has suggestions, I\'m more than willing to listen. I place the swipes on the both sides of neck, on front of neck,and on back of hands. SO far I still get the best results with JB 1 or PI & APC. But, I still going to use SOE until bottle is gone. Might mix with a little NPA today.

  8. #8
    Banned User jvkohl's Avatar
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    Default Re: To all successful SoE users !!!

    Ponderer; thanks, I would generally agree with your advice but I work only one muscle group each night--going for max reps not max weight.

    Have you used other products sucessfully? I can\'t recall, and briefly scanned on your member number but found only mention of use, not reports of good results. Also, I am somewhat concerned that you may not like the scent of SOE as much as other products. Even a little negativity about the associated scent, could set the stage for no results. Since you\'ve tried it for 2 weeks, you\'ve really gone the extra mile, so if I were you I would be mixing it with a product/scent that you really like. Granted, no product will work for everyone, but since you\'ve taken it this far, I\'d like to hear if your experience changes with mixing.
    But also, I hope you can get that rollerball back into the bottle.

  9. #9
    Banned User jvkohl's Avatar
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    Default Re: To all successful SoE users !!!

    Sorry Jaggy,
    I reread your post after mine and saw that you have had sucess with other products. Must have scanned too quickly--or else it\'s just that darn short term memory problem.

    Let us know how mixing works.


  10. #10
    Administrator Bruce's Avatar
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    Default Re: To all successful SoE users !!!

    Well, I\'m not quite THAT far convinced yet. I still think \"more mature gentlemen\" like you and I can make good use of some NONE in the mix. My new tune is mainly in respect of the young guys. Actually, I have been using a little Andro with SOE and getting great results.

  11. #11

    Default Re: To all successful SoE users !!!

    OK, maybe it\'s an age thing. How old are you Jaggy? Travis? Others? So far, James is the only old guy reporting great results with SOE.

  12. #12
    Administrator Bruce's Avatar
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    Default Re: To all successful SoE users !!!

    How old are you? Also, I\'ve had some OD experiences with SOE, but I chaulked it up to too much fragrance in the gym which is traditionally not a good place to use cologne over here. Try some NPA.

  13. #13
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    Before I go on with my story I\'d like to answer Truth, I am 38 years old and I find the successes with SOE. I do not need to use other cologne with because its just working fine with me.


    Wenesday is the first day of class, when I entered the classroom, walked way at the back, I noticed women turned their head and looked at me as I sat down, I\'d say 5 to 8 women looked at me one at the time. [img]images/icons/wink.gif[/img] Not to Bad they could have been hit by my pheromone. This thing never happened to me. I am just ordinary guy, with average looks.

    This asian lady who was sitting beside me is just doing some flirty gestures, she keeps on moving in her chair, glancing, and sticking her breast out. I mean like \"chest out\" I don\'t mean showing her tits, ok?

    When the teacher told the students who does not have a book yet must go and buy a book at the book almost everybody went to the bookstore I was the last person who went to the bookstore and the line was really long, as I was walking down the long line girls are just looking at me with a smile on their face I feel like a \"MODEL or HIGH RANKING WELL KNOWN GOVERNMENT OFFICIAL\" [img]images/icons/cool.gif[/img] even I was at the end of the line I can still see heads turning around.

    I\'d like to say something to people who could not make this stuff works. You have to condition yourself that the pheromone you are using is working, the reason why I said this is because if you condition yourself that this stuff is working our body will react to what the brain is telling you and once you escrete your own pheromone it will blend with the synthetic and you will see results. THATS MY OPINION !! The more you are negative the more negative results you will get and you wont be happy. The more positive you are the more positive results you get. (get my point)? I think even Bruce will agree with me. So the bottom line is \"THINK POSITIVE\". GOOD LUCK.


  14. #14
    Carpal Tunnel Whitehall's Avatar
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    Default Re: To all successful SoE users !!!

    In the workplace, I\'ve been either using SOE (for the last few days) or NPA+cologne (as today.) My colleagues are almost all more mature people (I\'m on the young side at 51) with the rare young person (see \"A Bad Hit\" posting).

    The SOE main effect seems that people are looser and more relaxed (including myself.) Yesterday I told a story about Christie Brinkley - Supermodel, testifying to a Senate committee on nuclear power and the mixed group was laughing much more than expected; especially the part about the industry guy having to remind the senior Senator from Nevada that Homer Simpson works for Hollywood, not the nuclear power industry.

    Today, with NPA and Eau Sauvage cologne, I got much more of an alpha male treatment, bosses asking my advice, peers deferring to my suggestions, etc. Even got a direct gaze (light DIHL?) from a 35ish y/o female in the cafeteria while walking past each other in the doorway.

    Socially, outside work, I\'ve only tested SoE at a evening school function (reported elsewhere) where I seemed to get a lot of chat-up from the moms but no hair flipping, DIHL, etc. I\'m looking forward to a bar scene test but my impressions are similar to others reported on the forum: SoE is an ice-breaker, relaxer, defense-lowerer but something like NPA or TE is more sexually stimulating. At least at my age and gender.

  15. #15
    Administrator Bruce's Avatar
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    Default Re: To all successful SoE users !!!

    We are the same age until Sunday.
    I find myself getting very loose and goofy with SOE, which is what led to a couple of what I think were OD experiences. Normally I am very conservative whenever I leave the house, but on one occassion I pulled out the SOE, thought \"mmm, smells great\" and smeared the stuff all over my arm pits before going to the gym. Then I really got feeling like \"God\'s gift to women\" and strutted over to a stretching area where quite a few women were doing some yoga. Thought I would just join in and within minutes I was alone. [img]images/icons/crazy.gif[/img]
    Other than that; good experiences with SOE. Just have to watch out for the effects on my own mood.

  16. #16
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    Default Re: To all successful SoE users !!!

    James & Bruce,

    I am 45 yrs old. Bruce I had to laugh at gym story. When I popped off the rollerball(no problem what so ever putting it back on, it just pops on) and put SOE on heavy, everybody got angry and argued with me over every little thing.People were jumping all over me so bad I actually started to laugh about it. Today I tried one small dab of NPA stretched between both sides of neck and covered with SOE. Nothing. No smiles, or chatting. Yesterday I tried with AE, and again nothing.
    James/I do like the smell of SOE. If you reread my posts I did mention it smelled like Attraction to me at first, but I am one of the ones who happens to like the smell of Attraction. I do like SOE\'s lasting power also. I just wish I got hits or better yet some reaction with it. Right now I\'m on vacation, so next week I will be returning to work and will experiment with it there also.
    I might try SOE covered with a little APC, who knows...
    Travis/ I am positive when it comes to mones. I have had some great hits and DIHL\'s. I also couldn\'t wait for SOE to be delivered. But like I have mentioned, I have tried plain and now with one combo and no go. I haven\'t given up on it yet though, I think I need the right combo.

    [ January 25, 2002: Message edited by: Jaggy ]

    [ January 25, 2002: Message edited by: Jaggy ]

  17. #17

    Default Re: To all successful SoE users !!!

    Ok thats it i need or actually just want to get this product to give it a go im finding that the breakdown effect of pheromones is a bit more important than i previously thought but hey cant generate all the new ideas myself lol.

    It sounds like a good idea the roll on mmm well order goes in tuesday hopefully.

  18. #18

    Default Re: To all successful SoE users !!!

    Based on stories told here about SoE, is my conclusion right that SoE is good for getting \"friendly\" and \"chatty\" attitude from the target? And that it doesn\'t send the \"make love\" signal like the aNONE does?

  19. #19
    Carpal Tunnel Whitehall's Avatar
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    Default Re: To all successful SoE users !!!


    We\'ve all known for a long time that if God ever decided to give a gift to the women of this world, it would be you.


    I think you summarized it well. Of course, \"relaxed\" and chatty are nice mental states for target females to be in - more receptive, lower defences. Tried a dab of SoE under the nose on myself and a date last night. She definitely relaxed more and her mode improved - and it just wasn\'t the wine.

    Someone posted a suggestion that I think has validity - layering - try SoE on the outside of your clothes or on the head hair to make you approachable and lower the target\'s defenses. Wear heavy aNONE on the skin so that when the target does come close she gets a whiff of aNONE for the sexual stimulus. Haven\'t thought the hows and whys through yet but its my next experiment.

  20. #20

    Default Re: To all successful SoE users !!!

    MMM what you need whitehall is some paraleel thinking on this one, what about the groin trick or the pit trick, acutally NPA might be your missing ingredient for that future test you might be thinking of doing.

  21. #21
    PheroWizard oscar's Avatar
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    Default Re: To all successful SoE users !!!


    I\'m hurt that you don\'t remember that I was the one who posted the layering method that I refer to as \"Cawwoting\", (in honor of Elmer Fudd, its inspiration.)
    hehehehehehehehe! [img]images/icons/laugh.gif[/img]

    (DD: some of us DO get the occassional idea on our own! Guess it\'s the \"Blind Squirrel\" theory. Really loved your Vanilla idea. LOL)

    The how is easy: A-None well covered with fragrance on skin, under clothes.
    A-Nol and/or A-Rone on exposed skin and/or clothing, for broadcast level dispersal of non-scary phero signals.

    The why: I don\'t feel it\'s necessarily beneficial to broadcast a predominantly A-None signal until such time that a heavy alpha-male message is what you want to convey. More often than not, the situations in which you ended up getting laid, began with the female feeling safe (or at least friendly) with you first. If she then gets close enough to be hit with the A-None, you\'re in! (ideally).

    Cawwoting (can\'t decide if there should be two \"t\"s ?) allows you to reel them in using the \"sweet\" stuff, then hit them with the \"heavy artillery\". [img]images/icons/wink.gif[/img]

    To me this just seems to make sense to maximize the reputed effects of all the pheros at our disposal.

    My Mom used to say, \"You can catch more flies\" (or was it bees?) \"with honey than you can with vinegar\".

    Apologies to Walter Mitty. [img]images/icons/wink.gif[/img]

    Oscar [img]images/icons/crazy.gif[/img]

  22. #22
    Banned User jvkohl's Avatar
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    Default Re: To all successful SoE users !!!

    Congratulations to Wilde Oscar for being the first to realize \"nature\'s way\" should work best.

    The why: I don\'t feel it\'s necessarily beneficial to broadcast a predominantly A-None signal until such time that a heavy alpha-male message is what you want to convey.
    More often than not, the situations in which you ended up getting laid, began with the female feeling safe (or at least friendly) with you first. If she then gets close enough to be hit with the A-None, you\'re in! (ideally).
    In \"The Scent of Eros\" book, I detailed how the entire courtship sequence is driven by pheromones using the baseball metaphor: first base, second base, etc.
    First is always the comfort factor, whether it\'s putting your arm around her and exposing her to axillary odors, or fast dancing to broadcast your pheromone output. Second is kissing=pheromones on the breath--definitely not too potent. Third, nuzzling at her breasts (yes, we all know that\'s where your headed) and her taking in the pheromones from your chest (which also happens with the slow dancing that\'s invariably preceeded by fast dancing. Finally, you get naked and take in all of each others pheromones--and at this point you\'ve got the stronger presence of NONE entering the picture. Did I say finally? Of course there\'s the final pheromonal step--oral/genital sex, when you go for her maximum pheromone appeal and she goes for your max.
    When I present this staged scenario to an audience, most people begin to realize that pheromones have conditioned their sexual response cycle at the subconscious level. But the point is brought home (to those who stress the importance of visual appeal) when I ask \"what are you looking for down there\" in reference to the oral/genital sex. This final form of intimacy is one of our strongest links to the animalistic influence pheromones have in other mammals--that think nothing of checking out genitals without even beginning to follow the human courtship sequence.
    Still, it\'s those psychologists who know nothing about mammalian biology who continue to stress that we are primarily \"visual creatures.\" Yeah, right--in a pig\'s eye! I can\'t help but get sarcastic every time I hear or read this visual primacy bit. Pheromones rule, so draw them in with the OL and RONE. If they\'re looking for NONE, they\'ll find it.
    Maybe W.O. will give us more of his insights.

  23. #23

    Default Re: To all successful SoE users !!!

    Wild Oscar,

    So how do we do this? We put in a combo of cologne and NPA in the chest under clothes, maybe in the armpit, then apply SoE on neck? How are you doing it?

    I have a question on this thread too.

    [ January 26, 2002: Message edited by: Redcapp ]

  24. #24

    Default Re: To all successful SoE users !!!

    Bruce, I am only 13 and I used phermones at school and I had all the girls over me in literature class I don\'t think 21 is to young if 13 isn\'t.

    This is only my first time using them also

  25. #25
    Carpal Tunnel Whitehall's Avatar
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    Default Re: To all successful SoE users !!!

    My sincere apologies to Wilde Oscar for not making appropriate attribution for his idea of layering. It is the due of every true genius to have people remember his or her name! Guess I\'m just too lazy to do my homework. At least I didn\'t claim authorship!

    Of course, trolling with aNONE only might save time in the right circumstances. In a target-rich environment, why waste your breath on chatting up unqualified prospects? Why not just cut to the chase? Before SoE, that\'s been the tactic and it has worked well.

    Still, the layering technique needs testing and development but we\'ve got a good first plan. One would want to widely broadcast a strong SoE signal but as Bruce pointed out, it is still possible to OD on SoE.

    Since both Bruce and I have noticed a quick conversion to a stronger scent on our skin, I wonder if mature people have increased enzymes or bacteria in the skin to up the conversion efficiency or rate. Have any of you younger guys seen the same effect?

  26. #26

    Default Re: To all successful SoE users !!!

    Thats kinda true White hall. In a target rich inviroment you do want a strong NONE, but I think some NOL too just incase you don\'t look to friendly or have the \"I\'m just looking for sex\" kind of label on then maybe women will relax around you. and see you sexy at the same time. Just a thought.

  27. #27
    PheroWizard oscar's Avatar
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    Thanks for the kind words. I thought I had something when I came up with this approach, and it\'s been quite successful for me. Never thought I\'d be getting a gold star from the teacher though! Again, thank you!


    I aways spray some Issey/NPA (5 to 1) on my chest. The outer layer has varied since I started cawwoting back in November. For the outside layer, at first I used Issey/AFA (4 to 1) on my shirt, and some AE on neck, wrists and beard. Then recently, after the announcement of SOE\'s release, I tried an SOE knock-off made from the Chem Set. I just got my SOE yesterday, and that\'s what I used last night with excellent results.

    Also, whether layering or not, I ALWAYS put a horizontal stripe of AE above the pubic hair, with another stripe, vertical this time, starting at the other stripe and dragging upward. This leaves an increasingly fragrant scent trail to lead a subject to the prize, encouraging O/G sex, which I\'ll agree is the ultimate act of intimacy.


    I\'d imagine that the broadcasting of A-None might help one get lucky more quickly in a target-rich environment, but on the other hand, the layering approach utilizing A-Nol (and A-Rone) might help with being able to get the \"pick of the litter\". Guess it\'s a matter of priorities. I\'d not be adverse to chatting with every girl in the place as long as I get to leave with the top candidate. And the others can be filed for future reference. After all, tomorrow IS another day! (GWTW)

    Having only received it yesterday, I\'ve only tried SOE on exposed peripherals- neck, hands, and wrists, and haven\'t noticed any discernable conversion taking place. I\'ll try using it on some warmer spots to see if anything happens. I can still smell it on the back of my hand from last nights application, and it still smells good!

    Oscar [img]images/icons/laugh.gif[/img]

  28. #28
    Banned User jvkohl's Avatar
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    Default Re: To all successful SoE users !!!

    Some of you have done more experimenting with different mones than I could imagine. The book I wrote is a guide, but practical experience sounds better. When I see someone like Wilde Oscar taking an approach that is scientifically sound, it makes me wonder how many other people out there have discovered for themselves what works best. I wouldn\'t be surprised if there are other scientifically sound approaches out there.

    As usual though, my focus is on RONE, since I believe it to be most scientifically sound. More so than in other species-- our pheromones must allow for rapid communication; we don\'t get many second chances. That\'s why I think the RONE should work best. It\'s an adrenal androgen, and the adrenal glands are crucial to a rapid response. Conceivably, by adding RONE to your pheromone signature, you are communicating that you are of strong character, perhaps not fearless, perhaps not the alpha male, but someone who can be trusted to \"handle\" the situation. That\'s what should help to relax most women. The NONE production (more from gonadal testosterone than adrenal androgens) takes longer to change and is more likely to imply alpha male/dominance/aggressive traits, and sometimes these traits are not beneficial.

    I once knew a lady body builder who was of more than average height, pretty, and had a well toned body. She, as a friend, invited me to work out with her, but made it clear that she would not ever entertain the idea of a sexual relationship with me. Her \"type\" was the overly muscular, tall, dark, handsome, male. The reason for her choice? She said only a man like that could make her feel safe and protected, which led to very comfortable and rewarding experiences for her in bed.

    In effect, she was conditioned through experience to respond best to her reported \"body type,\" and probably to NONE. She realized, however, that her conditioning led her away from the \"nice\" guys, and she repeatedly ended up with men who were, if not abusive, far less caring than what she was looking for in a long term relationship. Of course, this same type would register high on the scale for reproductive fitness. So, let\'s turn the tables for a minute. The ladies you\'re after probably also register high on the scale for reproductive fitness. Anything you can do to elevate yourself will help your success with these women. You can lift weights, get a tan, wear lifts in your shoes (whatever you think will help you make a better impression). Or, you can add the pheromones that make a better impression. No, really, it\'s not an either/or type situation. You can do everything including adding pheromones--at least if you have time to do it all. Since most of us don\'t have that much free time, adding pheromones makes sense.

    When women get the impression that you are approachable, they\'ll still wait for you to approach--at least most women wait. But they also will send you signals that they want you to approach, and many times they don\'t even realize that they\'re sending signals.

    A study showed that men prefer the scent of women who are in the most fertile phase of their menstrual cycle. A previous study showed that whem women were in this phase and out dancing, that they also exposed more skin than at other times during their cycle. They were exposing more skin when they smelled best to men--what does that tell you? Women are sending pheromonal signals to you, and their manner of dress, body language, and many other subtle signals will tell you just how interested they are, and what they are interested in.

    I think that by wearing pheromones, you become more \"in tune\" with all the cues coming from women. Realistically, that should make you smile--and allow them the freedom to smile back. That\'s the beginning of any relationship, whether it\'s a short term or long term relationship. So, follow Bruce\'s advice, and remember to smile. And my advice is to keep the NONE in check, until she has time to realize that you\'re a nice guy--not one who\'s just looking for sex.

  29. #29

    Default Re: To all successful SoE users !!!

    Hey Jaggy, so how did you pop the roller ball off? I\'m thinking of mixing some SOE with CK 1 and spraying it on. The scent of CK1 and SOE have a lot of similarities, and I expect them to be compatible.

  30. #30
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    This may have already been answered but how many swipes can I use without ODing on SOE? I read back that both Bruce and Jaggy both had some OD experiences with them. I\'m surprised that it caused some people to become angry since it has no None,but what do I know.

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