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  1. #31
    Sadhu bjf's Avatar
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    Default Re: Memoirs of the Incredibly Stupid


    I don\'t agree with the nothing to lose thing because some people will inevitably end up \"feeling

    bad.\" Those who can avoid this have adequete confidence to do so or have learned not to take rejection


    The other thing that one has to lose is their fantasy of them and that person. By not

    asking someone out and getting a definitive answer, that fantasy gets to stay alive. Ask them out and you risk

    erasing that fantasy. You can\'t dream about something you know can\'t come true. This is one of the big

    reasons why people may not take chances or even feel bad after rejection - because the fantasy is gone.


    not advocating nor judging any of this stuff. Just highlighting on some very real things that happen to people.

    Some people have something to lose. In my opinion, the loses don\'t outway the gains.

  2. #32
    WorldEater Icarus's Avatar
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    Default Re: Memoirs of the Incredibly Stupid

    dude, what\'s a fantasy worth?

    If we\'re talking quality weighting (gains vs. losses) I still can\'t

    fathom how the loss of a (i\'ll call it destructive, though I\'m aware that I sound somewhat harsh when I do so)

    fantasy surrounding an \'unattainable\' as they become in your head regardless if they actually reject you in

    real life, or the loss of your personal \'feel-good\' factor for a day (or even a week) could possibly compare

    to living your life. For every 50 times that it\'s as sh&t as it can possibly be (or however you feel after

    you put your heart on the line and get it trampled) that 1 time that it works out gives you more than all the

    fetishistic fantasies of unrequited love you could collect in your days upon this planet.

    But maybe that is

    just me? I\'m currently riding the most beautiful wave of my life, merely around the fact that I saw

    opportunities present themselves, so I put myself in the firing line. I\'d gladly be shot to tatters and cast out

    to sea X10 the pains I\'ve already suffered just for the opportunity to live the way I\'m living now.


    career (both academic and literal) is taking me away from the woman of my dreams (albeit, not forever) and I almost

    made the mistake of \'living for the fantasy\' and I broke up with her - justifying it to myself that it was for

    the best. I have since salvaged aforementioned wrong and put myself back on the line. In the name of living an

    authentic life.

    I\'m feeling trite now, so I\'ll be trite. Listen to WARNING by Incubus (on the album

    \'Morning View\')

    Not what changed my life, but expresses this view in very nice terms. Good chune,



  3. #33
    Bad Motha Holmes's Avatar
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    Default Re: Memoirs of the Incredibly Stupid

    </font><blockquote><font class=\"small\">Quote:</font><hr />
    \"Actually, I\'m probably just going to go


    <hr /></blockquote><font class=\"post\">

    I\'ve used that one a few times. Hope \"she\"

    wasn\'t using it for the same reason. [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif[/img]


  4. #34
    Sadhu bjf's Avatar
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    Default Re: Memoirs of the Incredibly Stupid


    I don\'t disagree with anything your saying. I\'m also not trying to put a value on fantasies either

    way just as I am not saying you\'ll only feel bad for a week or you\'ll feel bad for ever.


    pointing out why some people ultimately feel they have made a mistake by going after what they wanted, only to get

    rejected. Hopefully Pancho will get to the point where this no longer happens to him. Even if he can\'t,

    that\'s okay. Risk and reward usually go hand-and-hand.

  5. #35
    Bodhi Satva CptKipling's Avatar
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    Default Re: Memoirs of the Incredibly Stupid

    </font><blockquote><font class=\"small\">Quote:</font><hr />
    I\'m feeling trite now, so I\'ll be trite.

    Listen to WARNING by Incubus (on the album \'Morning View\')

    Not what changed my life, but expresses this

    view in very nice terms. Good chune, too.


    <hr /></blockquote><font


    Bat your eyes girl

    Count your blessings
    Seduce a stranger
    What\'s so wrong with being happy
    Kudos to those who see

    through sickness

    When she woke in the morning
    She knew that her life had passed her by
    And she called out a

    Don\'t ever let life pass you by

    I suggest we learn to love ourselves before it\'s made

    When will we learn?
    When will we change?
    Just in time to see it all fall down

    Those left standing will

    make millions
    Writing books on the way it should have been

    When she woke in the morning
    She knew that her life

    had passed her by
    And she called out a warning
    Don\'t ever let life pass you by

    Floating in this cosmic

    We are like frogs oblivious
    To the water
    Starting to boil
    No one flinches
    We all float face


    When she woke in the morning
    She knew that her life had passed her by
    And she called out a

    Don\'t ever let life pass you by



  6. #36
    Phero Dude xxxPantero's Avatar
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    Default Re: Memoirs of the Incredibly Stupid


    1.) Your writing is [censored] amazing. Clear and honest, and I can put myself in your shoes. Publish a

    diary, write a [censored] book. You\'d be great.

    2.) [censored] \'em. Either they\'re interested or not,

    big deal. Sometimes it develops over time, sometimes it\'s instant, sometimes it never happens. Just take it as it


    3.) I\'ve been rejected by far more women than I\'ve actually picked up. So what? Edison failed about

    some 100 times before he succeeded at inventing the light bulb. Big fuckin\' deal! [censored], at least you\'re

    out there, doing something about your situation. Oh well, one of your coworkers doesn\'t dig you a certain way.

    There are billions of other women out there, half of which will be more interested in you than you are in


    4.) I could give you a 2-page reading list, a big load of advice, quote David DeAngelo, Ross Jerries and

    others, but [censored] it - from what I\'ve seen, I like who you already ARE. Don\'t change because some woman

    isn\'t into you. She has her own reasons. If you want some basic understanding of this crap, the simplest and

    cheapest and least extreme thing I could think of you to get is:

    THIS. Every other \"Seduction Guide\" or crap like that is

    like a Bible, with their \"this way is the only way\" mentality - even the ones I like. But this one\'s nice,

    short, and to-the-point. Looks like a scam, but is nice and returnable if you don\'t like it.

    By the way,

    that\'s the only good thing I\'ve seen on that site, everything else was, in my not-so-humble-opinion, crap. The

    pheromones had a nice musk smell, but don\'t compare to Bruce\'s products or service. So don\'t waste your

    money on anything else.

  7. #37
    WorldEater Icarus's Avatar
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    Default Re: Memoirs of the Incredibly Stupid

    </font><blockquote><font class=\"small\">Quote:</font><hr />
    Man is the hunter; woman the game


    /></blockquote><font class=\"post\">

    you gotta be kidding me.

  8. #38
    Phero Dude xxxPantero's Avatar
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    Default Re: Memoirs of the Incredibly Stupid

    No, I\'m not.

  9. #39
    WorldEater Icarus's Avatar
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    Default Re: Memoirs of the Incredibly Stupid


    mean, you can\'t seriously believe that reflects reality?

  10. #40
    Phero Dude xxxPantero's Avatar
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    Default Re: Memoirs of the Incredibly Stupid

    It\'s part of a poem, Icarus.
    It\'s also congruent with my personality.

    You can tell me all about females

    being the ones that \"choose\" their mate, while the male is just looking to copulate. I don\'t care. I like the

    quote, and it is how I feel sometimes.

    What\'s your version of reality?

  11. #41
    WorldEater Icarus's Avatar
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    Default Re: Memoirs of the Incredibly Stupid


    believe the quote is \'Women is his Game\', but regardless:

    I am not questioning your views, merely wondering

    why you would choose it as your signature.

    Taken out of the context of the poem it seems to devalue women.

  12. #42
    Phero Dude xxxPantero's Avatar
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    Default Re: Memoirs of the Incredibly Stupid

    Is it now? I must have copied it down wrong.

    I chose it as my signature because I like it. I don\'t see it as

    devaluing women, or even that strong a quote, Why does it bother you that much?

  13. #43
    WorldEater Icarus's Avatar
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    Default Re: Memoirs of the Incredibly Stupid


    answer short?



  14. #44
    Phero Dude xxxPantero's Avatar
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    Default Re: Memoirs of the Incredibly Stupid

    lol, [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif[/img] whatever

  15. #45
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    Default Re: Memoirs of the Incredibly Stupid

  16. #46
    Man of La Pancha
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    Default Re: Memoirs of the Incredibly Stupid

    The Daily Grind

    By Pancho Rivera

    \"I don\'t see nothin\' wrong...with a little bump and

    grind...\" --- R. Kelly

    Pheromones: A few drops of TE and a couple of inches of SOE.

    It\'s another normal

    morning of a normal day in a normal month of a normal year. I\'m just off to the daily grind...or am


    It\'s crowded on the bus, and I have to stand. I don\'t really mind, seeing as I sit all day at work.

    I\'m checking out the people, as always, seeing the new and old faces...apparently, I\'m in a different

    timeframe than usual because all the faces seem relatively new. I must be a few minutes late. People get up and

    off, and I have to do my little dance to let people through with my gym bag that takes up more space than I


    A seat opens up. Nobody looks at it, and nobody who seems to need a seat more than I do is in my direct

    vicinity. I wait a few more seconds and take the seat since nobody claimed it. I want to read this book I\'ve

    been captivated by for days now. The bus lets a few more people on, and \"standing room only\" takes into effect,

    leaving a bunch of people standing crunched together. I wonder how much they love having their personal space

    indruded upon like that.

    Speaking of personal space...

    This lady stops in front of me and turns to the side

    facing me. I almost don\'t even notice as this is happening because I\'m sucked into my book, but then things

    start to get weird. Someone is trying to get off the bus, so the lady leans to my side and brushes up against


    \"No big deal,\" I think. \"It\'s nice to give someone space to get off.\"

    Speaking about giving

    someone space to get off...

    The woman doesn\'t move back when the person exits. She\'s about a half an inch

    from me, and she has plenty of room on the other side to move back. The bus starts forward, and the little shake

    pushes her up against me and back again.

    The bus is a bumpy ride down this rough road covered with steel plates

    at areas...

    Bump, bump, bump...

    More and more...

    At first it\'s a brush, but it becomes more of a


    I stop reading my book. I look slightly to the left, not trying to show any unpleasant reaction or stir

    any unpleasant reaction. Her leg is bumping into my arm, and then her crotch starts bumping into my


    What the hell?!?!?

    I freeze to think this over. There is a girl rubbing up against me on a

    bus...what are my options.

    1. Look up and smile to show that I don\'t mind one bit.
    2. Pretend I\'m still

    paying attention to my book but show no signs whatsoever of pulling away.

    I think about what would happen if I

    look up. This is a dangerous situation. If I look up and give even the slightest hint that I\'m wondering what

    the hell she\'s doing, she\'ll back off and this interesting moment will be over...or I could give the right

    signal and something good will happen. I think about how many times the latter has ever happened in my entire


    As I\'m processing this, the bus continues its bumpiness. She\'s rubbing up against me, and my whole

    body is going nuts. I suddenly remember how long it\'s been since I\'ve actually had physical contact other

    than the handshake, pat on the back, and the like in a loooooooooooooong time...let alone intimate contact of this

    nature. I also remember how long it\'s been since I\'ve felt any sort of sexual any

    manner...let\'s just say it\'s been too long...

    It\'s nice to have physical contact with people. Society

    today prevents such things and leaves many people starved of that important kind of communication. A lot of the

    healing power of massages are simply in the basis of the power of human-to-human, skin-to-skin contact...


    I try to go back to reading. I notice that I\'ve read the same three lines about six times now. Seven. Oh,

    hell, I\'m not going to be able to process any information like this.

    Bump, bump, bump...even between bumps I

    can feel the presence of closeness, like when you play the game of \"Not touching (Pancho)\" and run your fingers

    over someone without actually touching them but they can still feel it...

    The bus makes a turn...this contact

    lasts a good five seconds.

    I\'m dying over here, but in a good way. I jokingly think about how funny it would

    be if I tried to play the game and leaned to her side to get more contact when she shifted.

    I think how this

    could all be a coincidence. I mean, just because I\'m a raging lump of hormones that can literally feel his skin

    releasing pheromones from this event...well, it certainly doesn\'t mean that she knows what\'s going on. This

    could all be in my head.

    The next stop leaves the bus a little emptier in the back and a little fuller in the

    front...this obviously means that the people have to shift back. I figured that this was it. Oh, well, it was nice

    while it lasted. I look up to see it happening.

    \"Go ahead around me.\"

    What?!?!?! She just told the

    people in front of her to move around her...she won\'t leave this spot.


    Okay, this can\'t all be a coincidence. Maybe I\'m John

    Nash and my \"Beautiful Mind\" can find ways to connect everything, but this is just too much for even me to


    Bump, bump, bump...

    I\'m really enjoying this. I don\'t know if the pheromones are making her

    unconsciously do this or what, but I obviously don\'t care at this point in time.

    My earlier joking thought

    turns to seriousness as I process this information. I start to lean my head over. I\'m only human, you


    I slowly make my way to seem like I\'m unconsciously starting to lean to the left...I think you can

    guess what \"accidental\" contact I was looking for with that motion...

    She looks around. Her stop is next.

    She moves to the back of the bus and gets off. Nuts.

    For all I know, she was getting off the whole time she was

    on the bus...hey, you don\'t see me complaining...


  17. #47
    Phero Dude Gossamer_2701's Avatar
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    P... A... N... C... H...


    Hey P... A...N... C... H... O....................


    Eep Opp Ork Aah Aah...

  18. #48
    Man of La Pancha
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    Post The Instant Messenger Phase


    Instant Messenger Phase

    By Pancho Rivera

    I used to be an Instant Messenger guru.

    Oh, I was a

    suave one, alright. I was the man in my day. I've got an 'Instant Messenger personality', you could say. I

    used to wish the world consisted of people walking around typing on little IM windows...and that's how we'd

    communicate. I'd rule that world.

    I've seduced a few women through Instant Messenger. The beautiful thing

    about Instant Messenger is that...well, there are so many great things for a guy like me. I can think of exactly

    how to word what I want to say. I can 'speak' perfectly. I am "in the zone". I can entertain for hours. I know

    that the person on the other end of that IM screen is bored. That, of course, is what Instant Messenger was

    designed for. Oh, yeah, like the phone, mail, and e-mail, it helps you to communicate and transact information

    quickly...but let's get real.

    Instant Messenger was made for spoiled (I use the term as if I were an elderly

    man looking back on today's "automated" society) teenagers (+or- 6 years) who are bored. Nobody who had something

    better to do would be sitting on Instant Messenger. Honestly...the minute something good would come up, you'd see

    "gtg bye" pop up on the screen, and that'd be it.

    Anyway, this was my specialty. People on Instant Messenger

    want to chat with you. People on Instant Messenger judge you by personality, not looks. This has got

    to be the greatest thing ever. The only thing that used to worry me back in the day when talking to people was that

    I was bothering them. When you try to talk to someone at a party, on the street, at a restaurant, etc., they're

    always doing those important things that keep them away from Instant Messenger. They're busy. They don't

    want to be bothered, and if they do, I couldn't tell the difference.

    Instant Messenger makes this obvious. "I

    want to talk. I am bored. Please, some hot person talk to me."

    Oh, I was the man in my day. I'd start up

    conversations with girls relatively close to me just trying to meet someone nice I could talk to. Yeah, it was a

    lonely time. I needed someone. The wonders of technology gave me exactly what I needed. I'd keep girls

    enthralled with my witty banter and quick humor...I've conducted entire conversations by IMing movie sound clips

    from my computer.

    "Hello, hello," says Austin Powers...
    "Hasta la vista, baby!" says the Terminator.
    "I would

    like to dip my bald head in oil and rub it all over your body," says George Costanza...

    Oh, I had skills...

    I've done some wild stuff over the Internet. Apparently, I'm a helluva romance writer... Now, I'm not

    about to go into details with that, but let's just say that I don't argue, "Women like fantasy" without personal

    experience to back it up...

    I've even gotten girlfriends thanks to Instant Messenger. I've also gained

    and lost friends. I recall the time that my friend's friend was screwing around on his computer while he was

    primping, and I got to be flirty through Instant Messenger when she told me that he said she should say hi to me.

    Now, I couldn't see myself doing that in person at the time...but good ol' Instant Messenger got me in the door,

    and a scheduled time to hang out let me transition IM flirting to real-life sexual tension that I capitalized on

    with moves that got me rounding the bases in no time.

    I've had a letdown or two along the way. For instance,

    the above relationship destroyed my friendship with the guy. As most people know, I'm an honest person, but not

    everyone is like that, of course. I've been lied to and messed with, but I've also had a few one-night stands and

    made a few friends along the way. I've had a lot of women fall for me, and you may make your own judgments as to

    whether you believe such a thing is possible.

    Let me add that the screenname "Pancho1188" is actually in the

    Virginia state court system somewhere for one of my antics...that story is too long to post now and has a tragic

    ending to it, actually...that was the turning point to my reign as super-awesome IM guy to the women of the world.

    Although it wasn't my fault and I wasn't directly involved, someone was wouldn't believe me if I

    said the extent...because of me...and so Pancho hung up his screenname and called it quits with the IM world outside

    of people he knew...

    Yes, it was a good time and a bad time. I was addicted to IM, I flirted with so many girls

    you'd think I wasn't the quirky, awkward guy I seem to present myself on here as my interaction with the opposite


    I can't remember the last time I was on Instant Messenger. It seems like forever, and I don't feel a

    need to go back. Apparently, I found a new place to vent my antics...



    post is dedicated to the construction of the new forum.

  19. #49
    Phero Dude Gossamer_2701's Avatar
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    Thumbs up

    Now that's what I'm

    talk'in bout

    I laughed .... I cried....

    Great post Pancho!!!
    Eep Opp Ork Aah Aah...

  20. #50
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    Yeah, don't take IM too serious..

  21. #51
    Man of La Pancha
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    Default McWhat?


    By Pancho


    I hate when people try to make me look like a tool.

    To give a little background on my story, I

    eat relatively healthy, although I need to eat more than most people to keep my weight up for the amount of exercise

    I do. I have cereal for breakfast, many times Total for the 100% of vitamins and minerals. I pack my lunch

    with a sandwich, salad, fruit cup, and small but adequate dessert of cookies or wafers. I balance my dinner with

    grains, meat and veggies to go with the dairy, fruit, and other things I had throughout the day. I eat well. I

    exercise 5 days per week.

    This might mean absolutely nothing to people watching a possible documentary.


    didn't pack my lunch for the week on Sunday, so I usually get lazy and just buy for most of the week. I was

    feeling a little guilty about the $$$ I was spending, so I decided to try to think of the best deal. Subway? ABP?

    Chipotle? Hmmm...McDonald's? I haven't been there in a couple of months...I can buy off the dollar menu and save

    some money. It's a few blocks, so I can take a walk in the balmy 90+ degree weather we're having. Sounds good.

    I walk over. I don't like this McDonald's because there's always a guy workin' the door like a bouncer...only

    trying to get money. Do I need this kind of stuff when I'm walking into McDonald's? Why does this guy think I'm

    going into McDonald's...because the food's great? Hell, no. It's cheap. I'm trying to save money...if

    I were to go to McDonald's and give the difference up, I'd be defeating the purpose of even going here. I don't

    mean to sound frustrated with beggars, I'm just frustrated in general.

    I check my order to find the cheapest

    possible option. The Dollar Menu. What do they have? I want to feel full, so let's mix it up. Double

    cheeseburger. McChicken. McValue Fries ("McValue Fries"??? What the---I mean, why don't you just call it,

    "You're a cheap bastard, so here's the smallest possible size we offer"). Side Salad. Good combo. I'll go with


    $4.40 is my total bill. That's not usual bill buying lunch is ~$6-$7...and these are all

    without buying beverages because I drink water...and seriously, I'm not paying $2 for ice...but my frugle nature

    isn't the point of this story...sad as it is... Packing my lunch probably comes to around $3.00 or so, so if you

    count the time it takes to make it and buy the stuff and everything, it's almost even.

    (Per meal: lunch

    meat...~$0.95... bread...~$0.10... salad...$0.75... dressing...$.25 (not sure)... 6 wafers or 4 cookies...$0.10 or

    $.30... fruit cup...$.60-$.90 depending on type, size, etc...containers, etc...$.02...that's about $3.00 give or prep time, washing the containers, etc.)

    Yeah, I'm a little crazy about prices. I'm the guy who

    goes 60% generic brand and 40% "whatever's on sale".

    But I digress...

    I walk out with my meal. I was going

    to give the guy at the door a dime, but two girls were walking by and his attention was on I keep walking.

    Then, a camera crew accosts me about a 30-second interview regarding nutrition. Awesome! I'm so excited because

    I'm all about nutrition and health and exercise. I can actually give intelligent feedback on the subject.

    Unfortunately, I realize that they are there to catch people walking out of McDonald's. They don't give a crap

    about me, they want to show how dumb people are to go and eat all of that fattening crap without regard to their

    health. I am suddenly remembering every street quiz I've ever seen trying to make people look stupid.

    I hate

    when people try to make me look like a tool.

    They ask me if I know anything about the food pyramid. I give an

    answer like I was reading a textbook. I know about the "little fats", the 2-3 milk and meat, the 4-6 fruit and

    veggies, the 9-11 grains (yeah, they might've changed it since I was in HS, but that's the way it was "back in the

    day"). They ask me about my nutritional values. I try to express what I wrote in the first paragraph, but I am

    very disoriented by the camera and the on-the-spot feeling I have...and then it happens. As I'm talking, the

    camera man moves from my face, down to the McDonald's bag, and back to my face. I'm in a trap. F*ck.


    suddenly have a vision of the end result of this. I see myself through the camera. I see the documentary now.

    American's don't know jack or don't care about what they're eating, by some guy trying to spite fast food

    chains. Not that I disagree with their stance, but I am becoming a pawn in the war on unhealthy food. I see them

    talking about how Americans eat unhealthy...I see them talking about people who say they eat healthy and know about

    health but eat bad food anyway. I see my face reciting the food pyramid and how I eat healthy while the camera

    "innocently" moves just to show that I'm preaching health with a McDonald's bag in my hand. Yes, it is a

    beautiful documentary piece...and I look like a dumb, ignorant American. I'm in a catch-22. I either look like an

    unhealthy, ignorant freak or an intelligent person who doesn't practice what he preaches. They have me. Damn them

    all to hell. I switch from realistic vision to the unrealistic one of me taking out the camera man by punching him

    so hard that he doesn't know what his name is...

    ...but I must remain focused. It's time for "Damage

    Control". I won't only look like an idiot, but I'll try to paint a better picture of myself and hope they don't

    edit it out to the only one part where I say I eat healthy and know the food pyramid off by heart but am holding a

    McDonald's bag in my hand. I should just pull out the side salad I ordered and show them what I actually bought.

    Anyone who sees those bags...yes, bags, I needed two because side salads always get their own bags...will see

    a Big Mac and Super-Sized Fries with enough calories to replace Jared's hundreds of pounds from the Subway diet.

    I list what I can about what I eat. I notice I say, "ummm..." a lot because I can't think of the right words.

    Damn my introverted self that I lose my verbal prowess on-the-spot compared to when I write or have time to

    think...I talk about my Total and a banana for balanced dinner...the fact that I came here

    because it's cheap. I should've made a stand by saying that if they came out with "Healthy Fast Food" where you

    could get a fruit cup, veggies and fat-free dip, and a sandwich for $4, I'd eat that every day.

    The interview

    ended by asking me how important a healthy diet was. I am smarter than they're trying to make me look with my

    McDonald's bag in my hand. Who is this guy to try to get people to judge me, anyway? This guy has me by about 60

    lbs. of...well, we'll just say that it wasn't muscle. I can tell he hasn't seen the gym in a while. That's


    "Well, a healthy diet isn't the only part you should be focusing on. You need to mix diet and exercise

    to really be a healthy person. I work out 5 days a week."

    Yeah, stick it to the man, b!tch. If any part that

    makes me look intelligent stays in that interview, I can guarantee you that it will be that. I may be proving their

    point that people need diet and exercise in their lives while avoiding crap like McDonald's. Well, at least this

    wasn't a total hit to my pride.

    The interview is over. The lady there thanks me a lot for a great interview.

    They all thought it was good, apparently.

    "You had to catch me the one day I go to McDonald's," I


    "Oh, that's okay..." she said.

    Yeah, it's okay so you'll make me look like an idiot. I walk

    away, running the slug in the face again through my mind to get my mind off of the potential bad ways they could

    edit that to make me look dumb. I noticed that I never even asked them what it was for or anything...

    I hate

    when people try to make me look like a tool.

    I just hope I'm wrong...but I still want to break that camera

    man's face.

    Look for me in the upcoming documentary, The Stupid People who Think They Know about Health but

    Eat at McDonald's


  22. #52
    Banned User
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    See it like this: slim people can

    afford to go to McD's.

  23. #53
    Phero Enthusiast nonscents's Avatar
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    The McD's piece was too good!

    It's so far out it must be true.
    The more you sweat in peace, the less you bleed in war.

  24. #54
    Banned User Elana's Avatar
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    (Per meal: lunch

    meat...~$0.95... bread...~$0.10... salad...$0.75... dressing...$.25 (not sure)... 6 wafers or 4 cookies...$0.10 or

    $.30... fruit cup...$.60-$.90 depending on type, size, etc...containers, etc...$.02...that's about $3.00 give or prep time, washing the containers, etc.)
    What are you, six years old?
    Wafer cookies

    and a fruit cup?

  25. #55
    Newbie KittyClair's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Elana
    What are you, six

    years old?
    Wafer cookies and a fruit cup?

    WTF is a fruit cup, that like

    for lazy people who cant peel their own fruit? I dont even notice stuff like that when I shop, my mind dosnt

    register useless things.

  26. #56
    Banned User Elana's Avatar
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    It's a little treat for kids

    Fruit salad in a cute little plastic cup

  27. #57
    Pheromaniac Sexyredhead's Avatar
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    I happen to like fruit cups!

    Especially the little pineapple tidbit ones.

    (Pineapple is another thing that doesn't mix well with

    latex paint. )
    "I have a hammer! I can put things together! I can knock things apart! I can alter my environment at will and make an incredible din all the while! Ah, it's great to be male!"

    --Calvin & Hobbes

  28. #58
    Newbie KittyClair's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pancho1188

    By Pancho Rivera

    I hate when people try to make me look like a tool.

    To give a little

    background on my story, I eat relatively healthy, although I need to eat more than most people to keep my weight up

    for the amount of exercise I do. I have cereal for breakfast, many times Total for the 100% of vitamins and

    minerals. I pack my lunch with a sandwich, salad, fruit cup, and small but adequate dessert of cookies or wafers.

    I balance my dinner with grains, meat and veggies to go with the dairy, fruit, and other things I had throughout the

    day. I eat well. I exercise 5 days per week.

    This might mean absolutely nothing to people watching a

    possible documentary.

    I didn't pack my lunch for the week on Sunday, so I usually get lazy and just buy for

    most of the week. I was feeling a little guilty about the $$$ I was spending, so I decided to try to think of the

    best deal. Subway? ABP? Chipotle? Hmmm...McDonald's? I haven't been there in a couple of months...I can buy

    off the dollar menu and save some money. It's a few blocks, so I can take a walk in the balmy 90+ degree weather

    we're having. Sounds good.

    I walk over. I don't like this McDonald's because there's always a guy

    workin' the door like a bouncer...only trying to get money. Do I need this kind of stuff when I'm walking into

    McDonald's? Why does this guy think I'm going into McDonald's...because the food's great? Hell, no. It's

    cheap. I'm trying to save money...if I were to go to McDonald's and give the difference up, I'd be

    defeating the purpose of even going here. I don't mean to sound frustrated with beggars, I'm just frustrated in


    I check my order to find the cheapest possible option. The Dollar Menu. What do they have? I

    want to feel full, so let's mix it up. Double cheeseburger. McChicken. McValue Fries ("McValue Fries"??? What

    the---I mean, why don't you just call it, "You're a cheap bastard, so here's the smallest possible size we

    offer"). Side Salad. Good combo. I'll go with that.

    $4.40 is my total bill. That's not usual

    bill buying lunch is ~$6-$7...and these are all without buying beverages because I drink water...and seriously, I'm

    not paying $2 for ice...but my frugle nature isn't the point of this story...sad as it is... Packing my lunch

    probably comes to around $3.00 or so, so if you count the time it takes to make it and buy the stuff and everything,

    it's almost even.

    (Per meal: lunch meat...~$0.95... bread...~$0.10... salad...$0.75... dressing...$.25 (not

    sure)... 6 wafers or 4 cookies...$0.10 or $.30... fruit cup...$.60-$.90 depending on type, size, etc...containers,

    etc...$.02...that's about $3.00 give or prep time, washing the containers, etc.)

    Yeah, I'm a

    little crazy about prices. I'm the guy who goes 60% generic brand and 40% "whatever's on sale".

    But I


    I walk out with my meal. I was going to give the guy at the door a dime, but two girls were

    walking by and his attention was on I keep walking. Then, a camera crew accosts me about a 30-second

    interview regarding nutrition. Awesome! I'm so excited because I'm all about nutrition and health and exercise.

    I can actually give intelligent feedback on the subject.

    Unfortunately, I realize that they are there to

    catch people walking out of McDonald's. They don't give a crap about me, they want to show how dumb people are to

    go and eat all of that fattening crap without regard to their health. I am suddenly remembering every street quiz

    I've ever seen trying to make people look stupid.

    I hate when people try to make me look like a tool.

    They ask me if I know anything about the food pyramid. I give an answer like I was reading a textbook. I know

    about the "little fats", the 2-3 milk and meat, the 4-6 fruit and veggies, the 9-11 grains (yeah, they might've

    changed it since I was in HS, but that's the way it was "back in the day"). They ask me about my nutritional

    values. I try to express what I wrote in the first paragraph, but I am very disoriented by the camera and the

    on-the-spot feeling I have...and then it happens. As I'm talking, the camera man moves from my face, down to the

    McDonald's bag, and back to my face. I'm in a trap. F*ck.

    I suddenly have a vision of the end result of

    this. I see myself through the camera. I see the documentary now. American's don't know jack or don't care

    about what they're eating
    , by some guy trying to spite fast food chains. Not that I disagree with their

    stance, but I am becoming a pawn in the war on unhealthy food. I see them talking about how Americans eat

    unhealthy...I see them talking about people who say they eat healthy and know about health but eat bad food anyway.

    I see my face reciting the food pyramid and how I eat healthy while the camera "innocently" moves just to show that

    I'm preaching health with a McDonald's bag in my hand. Yes, it is a beautiful documentary piece...and I look like

    a dumb, ignorant American. I'm in a catch-22. I either look like an unhealthy, ignorant freak or an intelligent

    person who doesn't practice what he preaches. They have me. Damn them all to hell. I switch from realistic

    vision to the unrealistic one of me taking out the camera man by punching him so hard that he doesn't know what his

    name is...

    ...but I must remain focused. It's time for "Damage Control". I won't only look like an

    idiot, but I'll try to paint a better picture of myself and hope they don't edit it out to the only one part where

    I say I eat healthy and know the food pyramid off by heart but am holding a McDonald's bag in my hand. I should

    just pull out the side salad I ordered and show them what I actually bought. Anyone who sees those bags...yes,

    bags, I needed two because side salads always get their own bags...will see a Big Mac and Super-Sized Fries

    with enough calories to replace Jared's hundreds of pounds from the Subway diet.

    I list what I can about

    what I eat. I notice I say, "ummm..." a lot because I can't think of the right words. Damn my introverted self

    that I lose my verbal prowess on-the-spot compared to when I write or have time to think...I talk about my

    Total and a banana for balanced dinner...the fact that I came here because it's cheap. I

    should've made a stand by saying that if they came out with "Healthy Fast Food" where you could get a fruit cup,

    veggies and fat-free dip, and a sandwich for $4, I'd eat that every day.

    The interview ended by asking me

    how important a healthy diet was. I am smarter than they're trying to make me look with my McDonald's bag in my

    hand. Who is this guy to try to get people to judge me, anyway? This guy has me by about 60 lbs. of...well, we'll

    just say that it wasn't muscle. I can tell he hasn't seen the gym in a while. That's it...

    "Well, a

    healthy diet isn't the only part you should be focusing on. You need to mix diet and exercise to really be a

    healthy person. I work out 5 days a week."

    Yeah, stick it to the man, b!tch. If any part that makes me

    look intelligent stays in that interview, I can guarantee you that it will be that. I may be proving their point

    that people need diet and exercise in their lives while avoiding crap like McDonald's. Well, at least this wasn't

    a total hit to my pride.

    The interview is over. The lady there thanks me a lot for a great interview. They

    all thought it was good, apparently.

    "You had to catch me the one day I go to McDonald's," I


    "Oh, that's okay..." she said.

    Yeah, it's okay so you'll make me look like an idiot. I

    walk away, running the slug in the face again through my mind to get my mind off of the potential bad ways they

    could edit that to make me look dumb. I noticed that I never even asked them what it was for or anything...

    I hate when people try to make me look like a tool.

    I just hope I'm wrong...but I still want to break

    that camera man's face.

    Look for me in the upcoming documentary, The Stupid People who Think They Know

    about Health but Eat at McDonald's

    ohh Pancho, you are so cute.

    a big

    strapping lad like you with his lil' fruity Cupy....arrrr weeee weeee cutie pie....let me give you a big huggy


  29. #59
    Man of La Pancha
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    Default A Little Bit of Subtlety...


    Little Bit of Subtlety
    A Pheromone Post

    By Pancho Rivera

    I have been constantly reminded of

    my lack of pheromone-related posts, so here we go:

    I've been using ~4 drops of TE and ~4" of SOE (more or less

    on both, I think I use less than that because I may not be using full drops or full inches due to how I apply) for a

    while now, and it seems to get me more "presence". If you're looking to improve your status in society, this is a

    decent combo.

    Now, I can't account for the fact that I've been trying to wear clothes that accentuate my

    figure, but I've gotten the occasional look and receive smiles from people at work. I've noticed that my boss will

    stop by just to say hi and mention something and then have an awkward goodbye because there's nothing else to say.

    Now, maybe I'm just awkward, I don't know. I don't really use cover scents because the SOE has a nice fragrance

    to it, and I spread the TE to a point where it's too subtle to even notice. When I do cover, I usually use one

    spray of cologne (don't ask me what kind because I really don't know and don't care...although one is Tommy

    Hilfiger, the other is "NFL Cologne" with the 49ers on it I got like 7 years ago or so as a gift...). I personally

    don't like too much if any cologne because it's just powerful stuff and eminates around you. I don't want to be a

    walking perfume department...maybe I should change my tune. I don't know.

    That all being said, I have noticed

    people looking my way here and there. I notice that when I don't wear it, I can become almost invisible and left

    out of conversations. That can happen, anyway, if I'm tired and have nothing to provide in way of interesting

    banter, but what an old friend called the "sidewalk effect", where three people will always lead to two people and a

    third doing a dance to keep up with the group, I was always that third guy until I wore -mones. I remember the last

    time this gorgeous girl was talking to me and there was a third guy, someone she seemed to know better than me...I

    was thinking, "Oh, with this third guy here, I'm screwed..." Somehow, though, we came out of that

    elevator, and I was the #1 man next to her carrying on the conversation. I remember a split attention as I was

    talking to her and thinking about how I was the man by actually being the guy to keep the conversation going

    with her while the #2 guy was falling behind and leaving the conversation.

    Yeah, bitch.

    In conclusion, TE

    and SOE make a good combination.


  30. #60
    Man of La Pancha
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    Cool The Birth of the Mack

    The Birth

    of the Mack
    A little bit of everything...

    By Pancho Rivera

    Dear Tallmacky,

    Hey, big

    guy! So, I was surfing the forum and heard it through the grapevine (or the long thread dedicated to

    you...and a post before that...and the Love-Scent get what I mean ) that it was...of all

    things...your birthday. I thought,


    to the world of being 19. It's a trip. Cheers. "


    was thinking, "Good post. " I was all proud of myself...but no! That's not good

    enough for Tallmacky!!! What was I thinking?!?!? I had to think of the post beyond posts... One that

    could top everything... What could that possibly be?!?!? Think, Pancho, think!!!



    What do you get for the man who worships the star female of this

    forum? Who's absolutely infatuated...


    You'd be totally whipped if they were actually together... ...but

    I'm sure that sounds perfectly fine to both of you...

    I'm thinking so hard, it's making me sick...


    I can't do what everyone else has done... Elana probably gave you a kiss...

    Aww, how sweet for the Big Mack...

    I thought of's at the tip of my's

    poking at me... I know! 19 konks on the head! ...and one to grow on!!!

    ...and then we

    throw him off a 19-story building into a pool filled with jello! Then the members of the forum will get dead drunk

    and dance around the pool singing, "I'm Henry VIII, I am" over and over again...with the words changed like


    I'm Macky the Great, I am
    Macky the Great, I am, I am
    I got married to Elana last night
    She didn't

    even try to run or fight
    And everyone yells, "Macky!" ("Macky!")
    Macky the Great, I am, I am

    the Great, I am...

    Second verse...same as the first!!!

    Wait a second... I'm not mean enough

    to throw Tallmacky off of a 19-story building... He's been nothing but good to me. What kind of friend

    would I be???

    Wait a debating my thoughts, I just gave Tallmacky one nice present. I dedicated

    an entire posting to him using all of the new smilies. Alright! Happy birthday, buddy!

    Last edited by Pancho1188; 06-23-2004 at 07:29 AM.

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