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  1. #1

    Default Attention all teenagers under 18

    I believe that the forum members here are Right . .

    Androstenol is the way to go to hook

    young girls ( 14 to 17 )

    I Mean . . its odd . . cause when I wore Perfect 10 or the edge ( non scented ) will try Sandalwood . .

    I would attact older girls over 18 and older than Me . .

    like 19 20 . . 21 . . Very Hot . . but I like younger . .

    and the funny thing is when I wear no Pheromones My success rate with teenage babes is awesome . .

    the other night I got 5 numbers of hot girls all . .

    between 14 and 17 WITHOUT pheroes !

    remember . . its not all about pheroes

    its about looking good , muscular ,

    Nice clothing ( Italian style ) is best
    Though , that is a little Bias . l o l

    But I see that NO teenager under 18 should Buy HEAVY androstenone . .

    like Perfect 10 is WAYYYYYY too strong .

    but this Androstenol revolution of teens Might be a Big Hit . .

    Especially the New Pi which contains

    PURE 11 Mg of NOL . .

    I have a Feeling that this will be an awesome weapon to hook young chicks

    since its Less aggressive and more subtle

    Though , ofcourse for older guys seems

    like None cant be beat . .

    But I especially think that since I \'m

    a Teenager and I produce a lot of None

    and I go 4 times a week to the gym . .

    that I might sometimes give the wrong

    signals with P 10 . .

    Though , I think if a teenager likes older

    women . . than once again NONE is a weapon .

    So I guess to Resume

    NONE = older

    NOL = younger .

    Thats what I \'ve understood from all the

    info that board members have shared .

  2. #2
    PheroWizard oscar's Avatar
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    Default Re: Attention all teenagers under 18


    Great post! Even guys in their early twenties would do well to heed this advice.

    It would be nice if there were more definitive clinical studies aimed at finding the average age at which men start losing their natural Androstenone producing ability.Or a way of measuring A-None levels that anyone can use. Hell,they have home pregnancy tests! Would a home A-None test be such a stretch of the imagination?

    Anyway,it\'s nice to hear from a young guy who\'s really paying attention!

    By the way,those older girls,I can take them off your hands.Just E-Mail me their numbers.I\'m looking for something a little closer to MY own age, like TWO 23 year-olds!


  3. #3

    Default Re: Attention all teenagers under 18

    HI W O . . thanks for ur post . .

    Yep , , I have been paying attention . .

    and if the girls I Know ( 20 + ) would be residing in Philly , .

    I would certainly give u their digits #

    haha . l o l .

    But ya I think the A nol could be great

    especially Pi NOL

    But I wonder what would be a good amount

    of the women\'s P i ?

    Do U have any thoughts on that . .

    And do u think u can ( O D ) on N O L

    like with None ?

    I was thinking Maybe 1 drop behind

    each ear . . or maybe 1 drop divided .

    Whats your advice on that one ?

    Also , do u think the copulins will

    affect the product ? or will it make it

    even more effective since its similar

    to Nol . .


  4. #4

    Default Re: Attention all teenagers under 18

    A Great , Wise philosopher once quoted

    TELL ME . . HE DID NOT JUST SAY THAT ! ! ! ! ! ! !

    actually he\'s not a philosopher he\'s

    Booker T . . the 5 time WCW champ . . but thats another story . l o l .

    Anyway his words speak of great wisdom

    for a pheromone topic that I read on the other thread

    Which said that copulins . . could turn a Masculin guy into a Sissy or Fag in the eyes or should I say ( PRIMAL VNO which translates that other males think . .

    FAG ? ? ? ?

    now thats a SCARY thought !

    Especially for Me . . I mean I hang out , go on dates clubbin . . with guys that cant get any more masculin . . mostly italians . .

    and I Sure as Hell dont wanna give out no GAY vibes ! ! ! . .

    and I sure dont want any gays approaching Me either . .

    I mean , I have absolutely no offence against gay people . . there are many that are nice ppl . .

    but I dont want any part of it . l o l .

    So wild Oscar . . anyone . .

    WILL PI for Women give out

    any of these Vibes ? since it has some

    reported copulins ? ?

    or is the MASS amount of 11 MG of NOL

    cover any 0000. 1 of microscopic cops

    that are there .

    Basically will that cause a problem . .

    Any insight would be appreciated . .

    What do u guys think ?

    and scientist . . were u talking

    of a PURE copulin product OR

    of the NEW P I . .

    I wanted to order the P I for the N O L

    But u guys really scared Me ! ! l o l .


  5. #5

    Default Re: Attention all teenagers under 18

    What about an anti-androgen gas mask or filtering device to screen out pheromones for attractive women who want to avoid every man wearing pheromones to only get the hunks that is the next level. HE HE [img]images/icons/laugh.gif[/img]

  6. #6
    PheroWizard oscar's Avatar
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    Default Re: Attention all teenagers under 18


    Worse case scenario,you smell like pussy. So who\'s to say that it\'s for any other reason than the fact that you just spent some \"quality time\" IN one. [img]images/icons/laugh.gif[/img]

    Oscar [img]images/icons/wink.gif[/img]

  7. #7

    Default Re: Attention all teenagers under 18

    Dude Matt,

    Bruce is going to sell a new PI product with couplins, the old PI does not contain couplins. Only AndrosteNone is in Primal. So you should be safe with the PI that Bruce is selling now

  8. #8

    Default Re: Attention all teenagers under 18

    No man . . the old P I is ANDROSTENONE

    thats exactly what I \'m trying to escape NONE . .

    I \' m looking for an Androstenol ONLY

    product . . the new P I with 11 M G

    looked great . . but now . . it totally scares Me . .

    But what would u guys recommend between these products . .

    SPMO . . How much NOL does it have ?

    P F . . OR the New P I ?

    how much cops does the new P I have anyway ?

    2 bad there has to be any of that crap at all . l o l .

  9. #9
    PheroWizard oscar's Avatar
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    Default Re: Attention all teenagers under 18


    How about AFA? Nearly as much Nol as None (.019%Nol,.020% None).

    Or P10? Current formula for men has 6mg.None, 3mg.Nol, 1mg.Rone.(.060%None, .030%Nol, .010%Rone ).

    Until some manufacturer comes out with a Nol-ONLY product, the best you may be able to do is to BALANCE the None with Nol, as it appears you won\'t be able to eliminate the None completely without taking your chances with the Copulins in the wPI. I\'m real curious to see the first round of reviews on wPI.Should be interesting. [img]images/icons/wink.gif[/img]

    Oscar [img]images/icons/laugh.gif[/img]

  10. #10

    Default Re: Attention all teenagers under 18

    Hi oscar . . I actually have

    P 10 NEW formula . . I posted the results

    quite a few times . .

    All in all it seems like I hook way more

    young babes 14 to 17 wearing NOTHING

    than wearing that P 10 . .

    the NOL is 6 to 3 !

    I \' m sure that I produce a ton of None

    since I\'ve always been an athlete

    and especially when I \'m training with

    weights and Cardio . . I like smell

    the scent of None . . l o l . .

    I think androstenol would be AMAZINg

    Along with looks , and physiques . . it Must be Best weapon to hook teenage chicks

    its a TOTAL Bummer that

    PI for women has to contain that

    Shit copulins . .

    when I saw 11 MG of N O L . . I thought . . Finally this is the Best product

    than I noticed the garbage that was blended with N O L . .

    They TOTALLY ruined the product ! ! ! !

    I really wanted to try it . .

    But just CANT take the chance around

    the Guys . .

    A F A seems pretty good

    but again it has a little more N O N E

    than N O L . . Its pure Nol that I \'m after . .

  11. #11

    Default Re: Attention all teenagers under 18

    O h by the way guys . . as u know I prefer 14 to 17 and ofcourse hot older . .

    but Gotta say that I have N O problem

    whatsoever in attracting 14 to 17 yr olds

    BUT Now u will read the TRICKY part is that My goal is to get hot VIRGIN teenage girls . . yep virgin chicks . .

    and the thing is no matter how hot u are .

    u come off a little aggressive with them and they get totally scared . .

    So I think A NOL would be awesome with them . .

    By the way . . W O what about LURE

    does it contain only A N O L ?

    and How much ?

  12. #12

    Default Re: Attention all teenagers under 18

    Oh and How much A NOL does SPMO contain ?

  13. #13
    PheroWizard oscar's Avatar
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    Default Re: Attention all teenagers under 18


    Don\'t know about SPMO. I can only really guess about Lure\'s content from my experiences. It seems to work. It smells VERY musky, and A-Nol reportedly smells musky. But I couldn\'t tell you whether it had more human or more Ox pheromones in it. It does list A-Nol as its only phero ingredient.

    Is it legal to boink 14 year old girls where you live? Here you can go to jail on statutory rape charges for any girl under 18 even if it\'s consentual. [img]images/icons/crazy.gif[/img]

    Oscar [img]images/icons/wink.gif[/img]

  14. #14

    Default Re: Attention all teenagers under 18

    Well Not really no . . I mean there is a law but its pretty relaxed . . I mean very common for 22 yr olds dating 14 - 15 yr olds

    and 16 17 dating 25 .. no big deal really . .

    But when I say 14 - 15 yr olds . . I dont mean ur ordinary flat chested little girl I mean Very sexy Hard to get ( Amazing Body ) teens who are sometimes models and who look like their 20 + . .

    and they are mostly Italian girls . .

    so to get them . . u gotta look good . . dress ( extremely well ) Armani . . Piani is always great to wear . .

    and maybe some androste NOL . . hehe . .

    By the way wild o . .

    can u Mix P I in A P C ?

    do they mix well together ?

  15. #15
    PheroWizard oscar's Avatar
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    Default Re: Attention all teenagers under 18


    PI and APC? Interesting thought. They ARE both oil-based and I\'ve got \'em both. I\'ll mix up a small trial batch and get back to you.

    Oscar [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  16. #16
    PheroWizard oscar's Avatar
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    Default Re: Attention all teenagers under 18


    Put 6 drops of PI and 14 drops of APC in one of those little cologne sample tubes. Before and after shaking the liquids appeared to have blended well.

    Assuming PI uses the same carrier oil in women\'s formula, that too will probably mix well. One note-The resulting mix looks EXTREMELY viscous, don\'t know how well it will work in all atomizers.

    Oscar [img]images/icons/wink.gif[/img]

  17. #17

    Default Re: Attention all teenagers under 18

    Hey matt and others try alter ego combined with attraction, im going to give that a run, and im thinking even a spray of my 8.4 andro as well to jambat that experiment is going great guns.

    Im getting some weirder than normal stuff and the OD is working well. [img]images/icons/tongue.gif[/img]

  18. #18

    Default Re: Attention all teenagers under 18

    Hi w o . . I think that the mix would

    be best used with a DAB on . .

    since its thicker . .

    but it must mix very well since its both

    the SAME ( OIL ) type products .

    Will be an interesting test . .

    Keep me updated on that . .

    as for Me . . night on the town tonight


  19. #19

    Default Re: Attention all teenagers under 18

    By the way . . u could even try a P 10 mix with A P C . .

    wonder how that would go . .

  20. #20

    Default Re: Attention all teenagers under 18

    Oh and did u try the A F A mix ?

  21. #21
    PheroWizard oscar's Avatar
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    Default Re: Attention all teenagers under 18


    I tried the APC/AFA mix and wasn\'t thrilled. See my AFA vs. NPA post for the review.

    As for mixing P10 with APC, it probably will mix as well as NPA. I\'ve substituted P10 for NPA in my cologne (Eau D\'Issey) mix, and it gives off the same great scent as my Issey/NPA. I\'ve got a problem with putting my precious P10 into APC. APC\'s scent just doesn\'t last long enough (on me anyway) to justify the use of P10 in a mix. If I have to keep re-applying, I\'ll end up OD\'ing with P10\'s potency. Everybody\'s different,maybe it\'ll work for you.

    Oscar [img]images/icons/wink.gif[/img]

  22. #22
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: Attention all teenagers under 18

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size=\"1\" face=\"Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif\">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Matt_999:

    BUT Now u will read the TRICKY part is that My goal is to get hot VIRGIN teenage girls . . yep virgin chicks . .


    As one of my favorite bumper stickers says:
    Dragons are real; VIRGINS don\'t exist.

    Later -

  23. #23

    Default Re: Attention all teenagers under 18

    dude . . u gotta explain that quote

    cause I gotta tell u . . not all

    teenage chiks are slutty . .

    and the ones who are not . . are the Most

    desirable . . ( well atleast to Me )

    harder to get but much better as gf\'s and dates . .

    unless their 2 uptight . . thats another issue . l o l \\

    I still Cant believe . . the Individual

    and complete High end Phero kits

    R u guys already ordering ? l o l /

    wild O . . u buying it ? paul . .

    even idol . .

  24. #24

    Default Re: Attention all teenagers under 18

    by the way . . I just gotta tell u guys

    that I truly believe that p p l who produce a lot of NONE naturally . .

    will probably experience NEGATIVE results

    with strong None products . .

    I totally believe in that . .

  25. #25

    Default Re: Attention all teenagers under 18

    Hey the ones that are to uptight can be brought down to our level easily. He he well my tactic shall remain my secret lets just say it involves hitting on all the lesser types, taking the flirting so far, lots of smiling and eye contact and talking, and just going after numbers, the hotties will come running to have a look, then hit them as well with your charm, he he, but still hold off, get more hotties in then go after them.

    I run off mob behaviour, if something interesting is going on then of course more and more people are going to have a look, use that same behaviour to get lots of women/girls and it starts to work, you need lots of persistence and mental energy to pull this one off but the results are worth it.

    Hey i just told everyone my secret damn.

    A do it yourself kit sounds great if i have enough money i will buy one if it comes out.

    Hay im having fun with my andro 8.4 at the moment. [img]images/icons/laugh.gif[/img]

  26. #26

    Default Re: Attention all teenagers under 18

    Oh Man ! paul just broke My RECORD ! ! !

    I \' m the Former OVERDOSE Champ . .

    with a ton of sprays of P 10 !

    But what he did was MORE !

    I will have to top paul . . hehe . .\\

    by dumping 1 mg or over of pheroes or more . .

    but what a waste . . right . . l o l .

    on the other hand , maybe I \'ll just leave it like it i s . .

    l o l .

    I \' m still amazed . . at the discovery that idol made . .

    10 M G of NOL PURE . .

    even 20 MG of Nol pure . .

    Oh and paul u say u like andro 8 . .

    why dont u try

    ANDRO 60 ! ! ! ! !

    Only 500 $ $ $

    that totally blasts andro 8 . .

    u wont even need to dump tons of products . .

    Just spray a couple of times Pure andro 60

    and u\'ll be TOTALLY in the ( overdose )

    zone . .

  27. #27

    Default Re: Attention all teenagers under 18

    Oh by the way . . the Best girls are the ones who are Hard to get . .

    the easy ones are not a challenge . .

    I mean , ofcourse u gotta sweet talk these chicks . .

    But even if u do . . these good

    girls from respectful Families . .

    wont just jump in bed with u . .

    it takes time . . sometimes months . .

    But hey . . when the job is done . .

    u get better satisfaction than an E Z

    chik . . [img]images/icons/laugh.gif[/img]

  28. #28
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: Attention all teenagers under 18


    It\'s an attempt at humor, though it IS based on the lower ages of \"activity\" that we so often notice. Four girls I\'ve known have actually just jumped into my mind as I typed this...

    I\'ll agree that not all are; it\'s a matter of finding one who doesn\'t give the impression of it either. I wish you much luck in that area. If she gets along with your parents, that\'s a major bonus.

    When I have to deal with the self-absorbed ones, I like to have fun with them -- a bring-them-back-down-to-Earth kind of fun. In simplest terms, I\'ll be warm to everyone BUT them, until they figure out that I\'m a human too. Hmmm... Another girl fitting this description just popped up... Go figure. Yeah, I know -- I attract all the wierd ones.

    It sounds like we\'re both looking for the same thing; someone who\'s WORTHY of us. Good luck to both of us!


  29. #29

    Default Re: Attention all teenagers under 18

    I had fun, but i like to with the Best looking ice queen ones to bring em down to earth with a fud, thats the ones i dont know but its good to be able to do that sometimes, it wakes them up and they become human actually they become so human they actually start talking, amazing sometimes but im doing a public service right [img]images/icons/wink.gif[/img]

  30. #30

    Default Re: Attention all teenagers under 18

    u guys are absolutely right . .

    I guess ice queens . . =

    fuck and dump . .

    and Good girls . . = treat with

    respect and build a relationship . .

    and OH YA . . I know many girls who

    should be brought down wayyyyy down to

    earth . . lol .

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