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  1. #1

    Default AndrosteNOL pls?!!!!

    hey pherodudes!

    Im not so knowledgeable about the products that contain a-nol. I bought LURE for men to mix with my PI but i don\'t like the scent. I don\'t know either how much a-nol it contains coz it didn\'t seem to work. But i\'ve only tested it once. I\'m really up to something that\'s sweet smelling and unique, and something that has a-nol to make them comfortable approaching me. THANKS!

  2. #2
    PheroWizard oscar's Avatar
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    Default Re: AndrosteNOL pls?!!!!


    Personally I think that Lure may contain a LOT of A-Nol, but I agree, that musk fragrance is just SO strong that you can\'t apply too much. But then musk is supposedly what Androstenol smells like.

    I\'ve not yet tried the IR fragrances,but they reportedly are A-Nol only.

    For something sweet smelling and unique,find a new cologne and get an additive product that has A-Nol.

    AFA is about an even mix of A-None and A-Nol,is alcohol-based and mixes nicely with colognes.P10 can also be used as an additive,it has a higher A-None to A-Nol ratio, AND contains AndrosteRONE.

    Nothing beats Jambat\'s mix for smelling sweet and unique,so try an APC mix with AFA instead of NPA,but go 60/40 rather than 70/30 to make up for AFA\'s lower A-None content.That would be a 3 to 2 ratio,APC to AFA.I\'ve tried this and it smells great.No field testing yet.
    One caution-APC WILL stain some fabrics so if you\'re spraying,spray on skin.

    Actually mixing PI into anything can be a little dicey,as it\'s oil based and just doesn\'t seem to want to dissolve in anything,(but I haven\'t tried Pharmco or Everclear yet as was earlier suggested.) Just dab the PI on separately then add scented stuff. Better yet,hold off on PI until you see what a higher A-Nol signature does for you.

    Good Luck,
    Oscar [img]images/icons/wink.gif[/img]

  3. #3
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    Default Re: AndrosteNOL pls?!!!!

    Oscar, does APC really smell sweet? How could the scent be described otherwise. I´ve never had a sniff myself.

  4. #4
    PheroWizard oscar's Avatar
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    Default Re: AndrosteNOL pls?!!!!


    Gotta tell ya, I\'m really searching for words here.I even went back and did a Phero Talk search to see if anyone had really managed to describe APC\'s scent.

    DELICIOUSLY SWEET,that\'s how it smells 15 to 30 minutes after application,before which time it smells so SOAPY as to make your eyes water.It smells like some E-Oil(s) I\'ve smelled before but I can\'t put my finger on which one(s).It may be a blend of oils.

    After it reaches equilibrium,or critical mass or WHATEVER that point is that turns it from soapy to MAGICAL,I cannot help SNIFFING MYSELF!

    I would love to hear from somebody that knows E-Oils that can tell us what scent(s) APC contains.Maybe it exists as one of those strange sounding \"Voodoo on the Beach\" or \"Sex in the Rainforest\" fragrances.

    Oscar [img]images/icons/laugh.gif[/img]

  5. #5

    Default Re: AndrosteNOL pls?!!!!

    ur certainly right about the scent oscar! that\'s the same thing i do - sniff myself until i can\'t smell it anymore then i would think that the apc scent don\'t last long. actually it\'s my fault! LOL!

  6. #6
    PheroWizard oscar's Avatar
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    Default Re: AndrosteNOL pls?!!!!


    I\'m thinking that maybe there\'s a self-induced BUZZ thing going on here.One of these days I\'ll have to try APC alone to see if it has a similar effect.

    Could be the NPA. My NPA/Issey mix has me huffing myself just like I do with the Jambat mix! The NPA actually ENHANCES the scents of both. How can something that smells like piss make a great fragrance smell EVEN BETTER? [img]images/icons/crazy.gif[/img]

    Well,I\'m not going to dwell on it,I\'ll just lay back and...(HUFF)...enjoy!


  7. #7

    Default Re: AndrosteNOL pls?!!!!

    It seems interesting the different perceptions about the smell of the phero products. I think it could be interesting to know how the members of the forum personally rate the smell of them (not the results, just how it smells)

    To me, in a scale of better smell to worst smell, I\'d rate the products I had used as:

    1. Attraction
    2. Excite Wipes!/PF
    3. APC
    4. APC+NPA (Ã la Jambat)
    5. AE
    6. PI
    7. A4.2
    7. TE

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