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  1. #1
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    Default Report on \"What works for Asians?\"


    having read a lot of articles in relation to Asian phero preference, I felt I should just do a field test of my own

    to put an end to this confusing topic. Well, I don\'t believe in \'race\' as a verifiable concept, yet I think

    most Asians can smell a distinct BO different from their own when meeting Caucasians. Maybe it\'s the food, maybe

    not. Anyway, no need to get into that in any more depth.
    I\'ve been using AE/m and NPA on a daily basis, and

    was exposed to various social circumstances, and came to this conclusion.
    As someone kindly pointed out, AE/m,

    when used alone, yield most positive reponses from both males and females alike here in Seoul.
    I usually added

    a couple sprays of NPA-spiked cologne on top of 2 drops of AE/m and received no signs, as it were. Then I took NPA

    out, and started usig AE/m alone, things took a turn for the better. As I\'m in a very steady relationship with my

    gf, I didn\'t feel the need to visit bars and clubs in the city to prove its effectiveness. Instead, my business

    dealings have gone so unbelievably smoothly that I can only attribute it to the phero\'s subtle effect. It was

    GOOD! [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img]
    When I used AE/m in conjunction with NPA, Asian males,

    especially the producer of my program at the studio, acted very defensively and avoided eye contacts, etc. But one

    funny thing to be noted was that the Americans and Canadians who were recording for my show there reacted very

    favorably. This reaction led me to believe that -none is, in a sense, Caucasian-friendly, and that I need to cut

    down on my -none use.
    I guess it\'s the -nol and -rone in AE that brought out the best in Asians. I\'ll up

    my dosage of -nol, and see whether my guess had any grounds to it.
    low -none, high -nol, -rone might be the

    answer. Taking into consideration the traditional barrier between people unless properly introduced to, the result

    of which boosts the need for approachability factor above all else, all this seems to make sense. Or doesn\'t it?

    I\'ll keep you all posted.

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Report on \"What works for Asians?\"

    Hmm. Maybe for asians, -none is better used only in places where alcohol or where the sex drive is

    higher ... and -nol and -rone are more suited for the asian workplace. Unless of course you are working in a club or


    My guess is, its not race specific(chemically) but rather culture specific. Caucasians are generally more

    open, and that could be the reason that they react to -none in a better way. Asians are generally more conservative,

    and the alpha male mone might make you seem more of a competitor, rather then a \"Hey, this guy is good (alpha male

    aura) and I\'m sure he can get the job done well.\"


  3. #3
    Sadhu bjf's Avatar
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    Default Re: Report on \"What works for Asians?\"

    </font><blockquote><font class=\"small\">Quote:</font><hr />
    Hmm. Maybe for asians, -none is better used only in

    places where alcohol or where the sex drive is higher ... and -nol and -rone are more suited for the asian

    workplace. Unless of course you are working in a club or etc.

    My guess is, its not race specific(chemically) but

    rather culture specific. Caucasians are generally more open, and that could be the reason that they react to -none

    in a better way. Asians are generally more conservative, and the alpha male mone might make you seem more of a

    competitor, rather then a \"Hey, this guy is good (alpha male aura) and I\'m sure he can get the job done



    <hr /></blockquote><font class=\"post\">

    It is probably both. Defintely culturally

    driven but also, *from what I have read* Asians produce less none, so phero conditioning could then be different.

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Report on \"What works for Asians?\"

    I\'ll have to agree with blf \'cause macho-ness is usually translated into uncultured and uncivilised in Korea,

    Japan, and China. So, projecting too much -none aura must have become a problem to be dealt with. Maybe the current

    lack of -none in Asian males and Asian female preference for -nol in Asian males are telling us just that.

    Using more -none only in bars and clubs sounds like a fine idea \'cause alcohol sort of removes pretty much all

    cultural conditioning, given enough amount.
    I\'d love to try out AE/WAGG mix on these fellow countrymen

    sometime next month, and let you know the result. [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img]

  5. #5
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Default Re: Report on \"What works for Asians?\"

    Yes, definetly try AE+WAGG.
    Maybe 2 drops AE with 2 dabs WAGG.

  6. #6
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    Default Re: Report on \"What works for Asians?\"

    </font><blockquote><font class=\"small\">Quote:</font><hr />
    \'cause macho-ness is usually translated into

    uncultured and uncivilised in Korea, Japan, and China.

    <hr /></blockquote><font


    Macho-ness IS uncultured and Civilized, grunt grunt ug ug argggu


  7. #7
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    Default Re: Report on \"What works for Asians?\"

    Well, I tested a session of AFC last night. She seemed pretty subdued, as it were. But she didn\'t seem willing

    to give me something you know what. Too much -none . I guess. Ae/w or AE/m mixed with SOE might be the asnswer.

  8. #8
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: Report on \"What works for Asians?\"

    WAGG works on Asian girls for me.

    But then again, WAGG works on everyone for me.

    I do think Asians could be

    more sensitive to -none and not like it.

    But then again I know some Asian girls who love black guys, and they

    tend to be more -none heavy (at least according to some people).

    Was that clear enough? No?

    Well anyway,

    WAGG works on Asian girls for me.

  9. #9
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Default Re: Report on \"What works for Asians?\"


    think we need to continue this dicussion more. so many more asian people will find it useful.

    xvs, can you post

    your story using WAGG for Asian target, and dose you use, ETC ?


  10. #10
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    Default Re: Report on \"What works for Asians?\"

    In my case, using WAGG alone produced almost unnoticeable to no result. On certain days, too much WAGG even made me

    feel depressed and look like a wimp in the eyes of the ladies when used as a standalone. I now use 3-4 drops of

    AE+like 2 drops of WAGG together with varying degrees of success. Not found the #9 potion for Asians yet. But I

    still hang in there for more extensive phero experiments.

  11. #11
    Sadhu bjf's Avatar
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    Default Re: Report on \"What works for Asians?\"

    Did any of you guys try V5?

  12. #12
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    Default Re: Report on \"What works for Asians?\"

    Damn I saw the hottest Asian chic on Sat night...I normally dont dig Asian Girls...but she was sooo damn hot

    great ass WOW

  13. #13
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    Default Re: Report on \"What works for Asians?\"

    </font><blockquote><font class=\"small\">Quote:</font><hr />

    class=\"small\">Quote:</font><hr />
    Damn I saw the hottest Asian chic on Sat night...I normally dont dig Asian

    Girls...but she was sooo damn hot

    great ass WOW

    <hr /></blockquote><font class=\"post\">

    and did you

    shake that ass for her too? [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif[/img]

    <hr /></blockquote><font


    She didnt get to check me out...Her loss, she should of been more observant


    I did get introduced to the girl of my dreams however..Damn Damn

    Damn...I\'m so pissed off. So I get to talk with her, NO the music is too fuking loud and we cant her a word each

    of us are saying, I\'m very tipsy by this point too. SO I give up shruging my shoulders.

    [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/confused.gif[/img] later in the night she was wasted too and her friends where

    being very guarded over her because of it, so I couldnt go in for the kill. Well if she was like that then it would

    of been a waste of time anyrate...there will be a next time. MAHAHAHAHAHA

  14. #14
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    Default Re: Report on \"What works for Asians?\"

    what\'s V5??? [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/confused.gif[/img]

  15. #15
    Doctor of Scentology DrSmellThis's Avatar
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    Default Re: Report on \"What works for Asians?\"

    A phero mix made by Pherone.

  16. #16
    Sadhu bjf's Avatar
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    Default Re: Report on \"What works for Asians?\"

    This guy in Japan has been getting crazy hits off it, and it seems to work best alone for him.

  17. #17
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    Default Re: Report on \"What works for Asians?\"

    Humm.....So the V5 seems to be a definite possibility for Asians, then. But the Pherone\'s reputation seems to be

    somewhat dodgy according to some articles on this forum. can anyone say the difference between WAGG and V5 in their


  18. #18
    Sadhu bjf's Avatar
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    Default Re: Report on \"What works for Asians?\"

    </font><blockquote><font class=\"small\">Quote:</font><hr />
    Humm.....So the V5 seems to be a definite

    possibility for Asians, then. But the Pherone\'s reputation seems to be somewhat dodgy according to some articles

    on this forum. can anyone say the difference between WAGG and V5 in their effects?

    <hr /></blockquote><font


    Yea, there is a difference, from what I have read....haven\'t tried v5. Pherone\'s

    reputation is dodgy, but the product seems to work extremely well in Japan, for this particular guy, and I\'d be

    interested to know if other Asians have tried it.

  19. #19
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    Default Re: Report on \"What works for Asians?\"

    Will have to give V5 a try in a month or so. At the moment, I\'ve got simply too many to try out. Adding more

    items to my current arsenal doesn\'t sound like a good idea. Will keep you all posted when I give it a trial run

    with Asian population here in Seoul. [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img]

  20. #20
    Doctor of Scentology DrSmellThis's Avatar
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    Default Re: Report on \"What works for Asians?\"

    According to Bruce, there are shady things about the company (wanting to lie about how much is in the

    bottles). But the V5 product seems to work well, \"unfortunately.\"

  21. #21
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Just want to make this thread appear at

    the top again. hope somebody have new data. Thanks

  22. #22
    Phero Pharaoh
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    Well, I usually had great hits

    from Asian girls in Houston when I was wearing The Edge, APC, and one of my regular colognes. Lots of body contact,

    eye contact, friendly chatter. They often remembered me when I didn't remember them. I think the high

    Androstenone theory is on the money or close to it. Asian women are just really drawn to it.

  23. #23
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    Any new Info? Interesting topic.

    How about the V5?

  24. #24
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    AE/WAGG has had some good

    preliminary results with Asian girls for me. Well, just one. 26 yr. old Korean-Korean (as opposed to

    Korean-American) girl. 2 drops of WAGG, 2 of AE and a thin swipe of SOE. Blind date (damn I hate those.) Basically,

    I noticed a change in attitude through the night. Kind of standoffish, shy at first, then she opened up, giggled

    some, even flirted. Towards the end of the night, she was slapping me playfully and followed me up to my apartment.

    Unfortunately, I was not attracted to her at all, but I know very easily, I could have had her.

    I think WAGG

    gives the "nice guy" impression that Asian girls seem to look for. SOE opens them up, makes them chatty, and the

    none in whatever you use (AE in my case) gets them thinking.

  25. #25
    Phero Pharaoh
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    I've been reading some articles

    recently on Asian-American relationships. It appears that many Asian men living in the United States are

    complaining that many, if not most, of the Asian girls they know are choosing Caucasian boyfriends and husbands over

    Asians (some Asian-Hispanic relationships are also being reported). There is a populist syndrome called "Angry

    Asian Male" in which young Asian men complain on the Internet about the shortage of interested Asian girls. They

    compare themselves to African-American women who are complaining about how African-American men seem to prefer

    Caucasian women.

    Now, there are also plenty of close-knit Asian ethnic communities in several areas of the

    country, and those communities seem to harbor a smaller percentage of Angry Asian Males than other areas. The

    phenomenon seems real enough, and a lot of speculation is occurring about why it is happening. Some Asian women

    have written that they just have a larger pool of Caucasian men to choose from.

    It may very well be that a lot

    of these girls are influenced by the higher Androstenone production of Caucasian men. Of course, if that is the

    case, why aren't they influenced by the even higher Androstenone production of African-American men? Maybe that's

    just too strong a mix. Of course, I have been assured by several Asians that there is a lot of racism among

    traditional Asian families.

    Now that I am back in Houston, I find I still get plenty of interest from Asian

    girls. It's an interesting experience but I would say there are probably several primary factors which determine

    why women are drawn to some men more than others. Pheromones comprise only part of the picture. Status and

    ambition/confidence comprise two other parts of the picture.

  26. #26
    Phero Dude
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    the whole issue with asian females

    has to do with self-hate issues. alot of asian girls have low self esteem and they date white guys as a form of

    validation. i'm not saying all asian girls but alot of them.

  27. #27
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    "Angry Asian Male"...heh i like


    asian girls likes white guys
    white guys likes everything
    black guys get everything
    asian guys get


  28. #28
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    ha... asian men have been so

    emasculated by society it's destroyed their collective self-esteem. not that this pertains to ALL asian men, but as

    a general group, it's definitely happening. from small dick issues to a lack of sexual prowess on the screen (you

    ever see an asian guy have sex in a movie??) to the stigma of sex in the home, there are a million reasons for not

    only asian american girls, but all american girls in general, to view asian men as non-sexual beings, besides the

    obvious fact that there are a billion of us, so something's working... not only does this characterization bear on

    the psyche of asian men, but, i believe, asian women, who are portrayed as very sexual beings, as well.


    take on asian women is that many are trained into looking for the best provider (hence, gold diggers....). in

    america, that is the white man, who has the most financial, political and sexual power as a ethnic group. as for

    asian men, we're generally told to look for a good wife, subservient and a good cook, but mostly to go succeed in

    school first, so as to be a solid provider for said wife, who would probably be asian. the more assertive and

    aggressive nature of non-asian women could be a turn-off. put this together, and you get the angry-asian male. too

    scared to go after a white or black girl, and too emasculated to be attractive to yellow girls.

    if anything,

    this can be attributed to a cultural gap, as most asian-americans are 1st and 2nd generation americans, caught

    between being asian and being american. and again, broad generalization. your mileage may vary.

  29. #29
    Phero Dude
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    kappakai brings up a good point.

    too many asian guys have limiting belief such as that and lack self esteem due to societal programming. add to that,

    in asian families there is nobody to learn "game" from and the emphasis is always on success monetary wise versus

    socially wise in asian families. that leads to most asian guys becoming angry asian men. i have a roommate who is

    more worried about working being a millionaire in his 30's and wasting his prime years away working then going out

    and living a good life. what's the point of being a millionaire if your life sucks.

  30. #30
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    yah, trock, agreed. i look at my

    dad, or more suitably, some of my friends, it's all career, money, cars, materialism. there is no affection in the

    house, no one to talk about sex with, an always over-bearing mother (oedipus complex anyone??), etc. etc. etc. but

    you know what, much as the cards are ostensibly stacked against us, everyone's got something against them. and like

    you said, if you buy into that mindset, you've thought yourself out of the game already.

    that said, just be

    yourself, programmed, tainted, or otherwise. you can find yourself a girl that will be suitable for you. if all you

    do is lament the dearth of available asian girls, you haven't tried hard enough. they are out there, you just might

    have to dig a little harder to get out of the hole you are already in.

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