</font><blockquote><font class=\"small\">Quote:</font><hr />
sorry, I can\'t explain it better than I already

did. I am wondering if the so called \"odorless pheromones\" are just hormone metabolites or whatever that

haven\'t become pheromones at the moleculer level.

<hr /></blockquote><font class=\"post\">Dude, you don\'t

have to know/understand everything about pheros for them to work for you. Who cares? In the end does it really

matter? As I sit here and type this, I don\'t fully understand everything about IT stuff but it doesn\'t

matter...this message will end up posting on the forum nonetheless. Quite frankly, I don\'t care as long as it

works for me.

As far as your question at the beginning of this thread, it seems that you have been sufficiently

answered. Just because pheros have a smell to them, doesn\'t have anything to do w/ the purity issue, or perhaps

more correctly, could have everything to do w/ purity. By your own admission, Stone Labs is a very reputable

company and provides extremely pure pheros. Like I said, your query was answered sufficiently. Pheros smell, even

very pure ones. Fine. Why muck things up and overcomplicate things just because you didn\'t get the answer that

you wanted, that your understanding of the impurities/smell issue may have been mistaken/misinformed or that you

still don\'t fully understand the chemistry behind the whole thing? Who cares?

Get out there, use your

pheros, experiment, find out what works for you and share a phero report w/ us. All that really matters in the end

is that you figure out what works for you.