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  1. #1
    Newbie Johnny_Phero's Avatar
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    Default Problems in the bedroom, PLEASE HELP!!

    So I finally landed this girl I\'ve been working on for over a year (I can\'t attribute everything

    to pheromones but they certainly couldn\'t have hurt....THANK YOU LS

    [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img] ) . I can\'t even describe to you how perfect she

    is......intelligent, funny, and drop-dead gorgeous (easily one of the most beautiful girls I\'ve ever met, much

    less dated). She\'s one of those girls that absolutely lights up a room when she enters and can completely make

    your day with a simple smile. Needless to say, I\'m thoroughly enamored with this girl; something that happens to

    me VERY rarely.

    On to the problem......

    We\'ve been having sex for about 3 weeks now (approximately 3

    times/week) and as of yet, I\'ve been unable to reach orgasm. I\'ve always had fairly high stamina and

    generally take at least 15 minutes to climax under normal conditions. Up until recently, the problem has been my

    size.....she can\'t handle more than 5-10 minutes without being overwhelmed with pain (she actually started crying

    the other night [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/crazy.gif[/img]). This situation has resulted a serious case of

    \"blue balls\" many times.

    She\'s now become acclimated and is able to go much longer......and just my luck,

    I\'ve now developed some sort of performance anxiety issue. This started off as being able to have sex until

    close to climax, then not being able to become fully erect again after I pull out and put on a condom (she just got

    off birth control about a month ago [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/mad.gif[/img]). I initially just figured the

    condom was cutting off my circulation as it fits quite snugly (I\'ve been using Trojan Large.....guess I should

    try the magnums [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/confused.gif[/img]).

    Now, after a series of close calls

    (getting very close to climaxing with no condom then having to stop), I can\'t seem to be able to achieve a full

    erection long enough to even get things started (keep in mind, the size thing makes it rather difficult to insert

    and begin smooth motion [I suppose some lubrication could help in this department]).

    After a few failed attempts,

    I feel like I\'m turning into some sort of head case, and can\'t seem to stop thinking about it. After reading

    up a bit, I\'ve picked up straight Yohimbe extract, as well as a bottle of Cobra (Yohimbe, Horny Goat Weed, Muira

    Puama) and some L-arginine supplement. I\'ve been taking 3g L-arginine per day for about 4 days, and have tried

    both the straight Yohimbe and Cobra supplements (2 pills about an hour before we attempt to have sex) with

    absolutely zero success.

    I really feel like I\'m obsessing about it at this point, and can\'t stop worrying

    that I won\'t be able to become sufficiently erect, even while partaking in fourplay. It\'s gotten to the point

    where it\'s somewhat difficult to orgasm while masturbating because of these thoughts (I\'ve since ceased

    masturbation all together in an attempt to remedy the situation).

    This is easily one of the most frustrating

    experiences I\'ve encountered in my 22 years of existence.....I mean, never in my most awful nightmares could I

    have imagined this would happen to me. This girl has a VERY healthy sex drive (almost to the point of nymphomania,

    which is jsut fine by me [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/cool.gif[/img]) and, if both had our way, we\'d

    probably never leave the bedroom except for food, bathroom, and the occasionally necessary class.

    So if you

    guys have any ideas as to how I can make this a reality, I\'d be EXTREMELY appreciative.

  2. #2
    Sadhu bjf's Avatar
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    Default Re: Problems in the bedroom, PLEASE HELP!!

    Johnny, don\'t think about the orgasm. Don\'t even expect to have one. Just focus on her, how she feels, the

    sensations, how she looks.

    It is like that live in the moment thing, rather than worrying about


    This should help you.

  3. #3
    Phero Enthusiast apple's Avatar
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    Default Re: Problems in the bedroom, PLEASE HELP!!

    yeah you really shouldnt worry if you have an orgasm or not at ALL! i mean it wont happen at all if you do :P just

    try to please her, use your mouth and hands if nothing else is working, and then youll get so turned on by that

    youll be able to dive right in anyways... too many guys worry and only make things worse, relax, if it doesnt happen

    it doesnt happen! if it does then yay :P

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Problems in the bedroom, PLEASE HELP!!

    </font><blockquote><font class=\"small\">Quote:</font><hr />
    I\'ve always had fairly high stamina and

    generally take at least 15 minutes to climax under normal conditions. Up until recently, the problem has been my

    size.....she can\'t handle more than 5-10 minutes without being overwhelmed with pain (she actually started crying

    the other night ). This situation has resulted a serious case of \"blue balls\" many times.

    She\'s now become

    acclimated and is able to go much longer......and just my luck, I\'ve now developed some sort of performance

    anxiety issue. This started off as being able to have sex until close to climax, then not being able to become fully

    erect again after I pull out and put on a condom (she just got off birth control about a month ago ). I initially

    just figured the condom was cutting off my circulation as it fits quite snugly (I\'ve been using Trojan

    Large.....guess I should try the magnums ).

    <hr /></blockquote><font class=\"post\"> Did she actually have a

    vaginal cramp? That´s painful for both of you if you were in at the time

    [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/shocked.gif[/img] ouch

    First off, don´t be pissed off because you have to use a

    Second, the problem you´re having doesn´t sound like a physical one meaning such pills won´t really help.

    Your problem sounds more like it has a psychological nature due to the first previous experiences, it´s subconcious.

    That´s my guess.

    If she does have problems with vaginal cramps, she ought to see a gyno, they can help.


    what bjf and apple said
    CJ [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img]

  5. #5
    Newbie Johnny_Phero's Avatar
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    Default Re: Problems in the bedroom, PLEASE HELP!!

    </font><blockquote><font class=\"small\">Quote:</font><hr />
    just try to please her, use your mouth

    and hands if nothing else is working, and then youll get so turned on by that youll be able to dive right in

    anyways... too many guys worry and only make things worse, relax, if it doesnt happen it doesnt happen! if it does

    then yay :P

    <hr /></blockquote><font class=\"post\">

    This is basically what I tried last night and this

    morning.....I was incredibly turned on while pleasing her orally, but once it became time to do the deed, the

    anxiety crept back in my head and I couldn\'t stay hard enough to begin intercourse. Me reaching climax was truly

    the last thing on my mind....I just wanted to please her with something other than my tongue/hands (she admitted

    she\'s never had an orgasm from oral sex). I guess I realize that I just need to relax, but it\'s easier said

    than done when you\'re in bed with your dream girl [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/confused.gif[/img]

  6. #6
    Newbie Johnny_Phero's Avatar
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    Default Re: Problems in the bedroom, PLEASE HELP!!

    </font><blockquote><font class=\"small\">Quote:</font><hr />
    Did she actually have a vaginal cramp?

    That´s painful for both of you if you were in at the time [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/shocked.gif[/img]


    First off, don´t be pissed off because you have to use a condom.
    Second, the problem you´re having doesn´t

    sound like a physical one meaning such pills won´t really help. Your problem sounds more like it has a

    psychological nature due to the first previous experiences, it´s subconcious. That´s my guess.

    If she does have

    problems with vaginal cramps, she ought to see a gyno, they can help.

    and what bjf and apple said


    <hr /></blockquote><font class=\"post\">

    I\'m not

    familiar with what a vaginal cramp is, but from this context, I\'d imagine that I\'d know it if she did. She

    basically just becomes very sore after a while.

    Don\'t get me wrong, I\'m really not pissed off about having

    to use condom, except that as soon as I put one on, it becomes impossible to maintain an anger

    comes with the subsequent inability to have sex.

    I definitely believe it\'s psychological, but can\'t figure

    out how to overcome the problem [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/frown.gif[/img]

  7. #7
    Sadhu bjf's Avatar
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    Default Re: Problems in the bedroom, PLEASE HELP!!

    Ok. So you are having trouble getting up too, rather than just trouble climaxing?

  8. #8
    Newbie Johnny_Phero's Avatar
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    Default Re: Problems in the bedroom, PLEASE HELP!!

    </font><blockquote><font class=\"small\">Quote:</font><hr />
    Ok. So you are having trouble getting

    up too, rather than just trouble climaxing?

    <hr /></blockquote><font class=\"post\">

    Exactly.....not at

    first, but now it\'s becoming quite a problem. Each time I fail (it\'s happened 3 times now), the anxiety

    becomes more of an issue

  9. #9
    Newbie Johnny_Phero's Avatar
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    Default Re: Problems in the bedroom, PLEASE HELP!!

    I appreciate the suggestions BTW everyone, keep them coming


    I just know that when I finally get over this, I\'ll be about

    the happiest man alive [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif[/img]

  10. #10
    Newbie Johnny_Phero's Avatar
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    Default Re: Problems in the bedroom, PLEASE HELP!!

    I should mention that it doesn\'t seem to happen when I\'m really drunk.....I guess this removes

    the psychological factor, and allows me to concentrate on enjoying the moment. It\'s just not very practical to

    be innebriated every time I want to have sex......and could render an orgasm in this situation nearly impossible


  11. #11
    Join Date
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    I´don´t know I lost my compass,you have to go and check my old profile
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    Default Re: Problems in the bedroom, PLEASE HELP!!

    </font><blockquote><font class=\"small\">Quote:</font><hr />
    I definitely believe it\'s psychological, but

    can\'t figure out how to overcome the problem

    <hr /></blockquote><font class=\"post\"> You do need to talk

    to each other and not put yourselves under so much pressure.

    Throw in a good porn when you´re alone at home and

    have a wank.

    If it´s soreness I guess she´s not wet enough? Try KY jelly. Do not use any fat based substances as

    they damage the condom btw.

    hehe, drunk sex won´t be much fun for either of you.
    If you can´t work it out

    together on your own a simple thing to do is (apart from seing a gyno for her and maybe you can consult them too) is

    to find a pro who can help you get over the psychological factor for each of you. Sounds weird and I´m not someone

    who´s into this sort of thing or quick to recommend it, but a pro knows tricks and ways to sort those things out.

    But maybe you won´t need to go that far, chances are you´ll work it out alone together.

  12. #12
    Banned User EXIT63's Avatar
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    Default Re: Problems in the bedroom, PLEASE HELP!!

    Have you tried hanging a picture of hot man ass on the wall above the bed. Should solve all your problems.


  13. #13
    Sadhu bjf's Avatar
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    Default Re: Problems in the bedroom, PLEASE HELP!!

    Yea, I figured alcohol could help.

    Well, if you can\'t score some valium, you can try some kava kava or

    valerian. In my experience valerian you feel more, I haven\'t seen kava kava have much of an effect, but some

    people recommend it on this board.

    Valerian may relax you too much though.

  14. #14
    Doctor of Scentology DrSmellThis's Avatar
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    Default Re: Problems in the bedroom, PLEASE HELP!!

    </font><blockquote><font class=\"small\">Quote:</font><hr />
    So I finally landed this girl I\'ve

    been working on for over a year (I can\'t attribute everything to pheromones but they certainly couldn\'t have

    hurt....THANK YOU LS [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img] ) . I can\'t even describe to you how

    perfect she is......intelligent, funny, and drop-dead gorgeous (easily one of the most beautiful girls I\'ve ever

    met, much less dated). She\'s one of those girls that absolutely lights up a room when she enters and can

    completely make your day with a simple smile. Needless to say, I\'m thoroughly enamored with this girl; something

    that happens to me VERY rarely.

    On to the problem......

    We\'ve been having sex for about 3 weeks now

    (approximately 3 times/week) and as of yet, I\'ve been unable to reach orgasm. I\'ve always had fairly high

    stamina and generally take at least 15 minutes to climax under normal conditions. Up until recently, the problem

    has been my size.....she can\'t handle more than 5-10 minutes without being overwhelmed with pain (she actually

    started crying the other night [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/crazy.gif[/img]). This situation has resulted a

    serious case of \"blue balls\" many times.

    She\'s now become acclimated and is able to go much

    longer......and just my luck, I\'ve now developed some sort of performance anxiety issue. This started off as

    being able to have sex until close to climax, then not being able to become fully erect again after I pull out and

    put on a condom (she just got off birth control about a month ago [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/mad.gif[/img]).

    I initially just figured the condom was cutting off my circulation as it fits quite snugly (I\'ve been using

    Trojan Large.....guess I should try the magnums [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/confused.gif[/img]).


    after a series of close calls (getting very close to climaxing with no condom then having to stop), I can\'t seem

    to be able to achieve a full erection long enough to even get things started (keep in mind, the size thing makes it

    rather difficult to insert and begin smooth motion [I suppose some lubrication could help in this


    After a few failed attempts, I feel like I\'m turning into some sort of head case, and

    can\'t seem to stop thinking about it. After reading up a bit, I\'ve picked up straight Yohimbe extract, as

    well as a bottle of Cobra (Yohimbe, Horny Goat Weed, Muira Puama) and some L-arginine supplement. I\'ve been

    taking 3g L-arginine per day for about 4 days, and have tried both the straight Yohimbe and Cobra supplements (2

    pills about an hour before we attempt to have sex) with absolutely zero success.

    I really feel like I\'m

    obsessing about it at this point, and can\'t stop worrying that I won\'t be able to become sufficiently erect,

    even while partaking in fourplay. It\'s gotten to the point where it\'s somewhat difficult to orgasm while

    masturbating because of these thoughts (I\'ve since ceased masturbation all together in an attempt to remedy the


    This is easily one of the most frustrating experiences I\'ve encountered in my 22 years of

    existence.....I mean, never in my most awful nightmares could I have imagined this would happen to me. This girl

    has a VERY healthy sex drive (almost to the point of nymphomania, which is jsut fine by me

    [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/cool.gif[/img]) and, if both had our way, we\'d probably never leave the bedroom

    except for food, bathroom, and the occasionally necessary class.

    So if you guys have any ideas as to how I

    can make this a reality, I\'d be EXTREMELY appreciative.

    <hr /></blockquote><font

    I think I can help you, if you follow through. Your problem appears to me to be physical, but

    of neurological origin. You are going into fight or flight mode neurologically, overriding and/or replacing

    parasympathetic responses. Erection and orgasm depend heavily on the parasympathetic mode of neural functioning. In

    chemical terms, too much of your dopamine is being conveted into adrenaline. In psychologial terms, you have to be

    turned on, erect and orgasm because you just do and can\'t help it, not because you want to! Wanting and needing

    to destroys your dick and balls at the worst times. So stimulants like yohimbe won\'t work, and might even make

    things worse. Try kava kava, high dose borage/flax/fish oil supplements three large gelcaps/day), and St John\'s

    wort and 5 HTP for your nerves (maybe valerian would help indirectly, as well as low dose saw palmetto to soothe the

    prostate), and abstain from stimulants and neurotoxins (e.g., caffeine, nicotine, stimulants, sharp spices,

    nutrasweet) for a while. Avoid excessive masturbation to orgasm (2x/week for now to let system heal), and never

    worry about orgasm or anything else when you masturbate (stop if you do). You should start seeing a

    difference by 1-2 weeks, and should continually improve under this regimen.

    Rather than Cobra, which is too

    high in yohimbe for now, you could take a low dose of the stuff Bruce sells, or some other male sexual supplement

    that contains little or no yohimbe. Stick to low doses for healing instead of stimulation. Take time off from the

    sexdual supplements for several days, then reintroduce at a low dose.

    Lavender EO can help. Rub a drop on the

    front of your torso for relaxation.

    In general, the key is to relax completely during the day before seeing

    her and with her, to say the least. It will probably be easier to have sex in the AM, right after you\'ve been

    relaxing in sleep.

    She is the one who should be feeling nervous about your dick, not you!

    You will

    find related info on this site:

    The Mood Max and Dopafibra products

    sold on that site are the most relevant to your situation.

  15. #15
    Carpal Tunnel Whitehall's Avatar
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    Default Re: Problems in the bedroom, PLEASE HELP!!

    DST\'s analysis and advice is sound.

    Personally, I had a similar problem with a woman I was head

    or heals about many years ago.

    Today, I\'d recommend kava. Performance anxiety is made worst by yohimbe which

    is terribly anxiety producing. I\'d get clean on the Yo and then get a bit loopy on kava - it DESTROYS anxiety -

    then meet your lady.

    BTW, the good ones are patient.

  16. #16
    Banned User
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    Default Re: Problems in the bedroom, PLEASE HELP!!

    Excellent advice Dr. Glad to see you\'ve visited Dr. Lin. I posted his site many months ago and was soundly

    dis\'d by many here. Lin comes off as a real goofball at first, mostly cuz of language but he\'s the real deal

    as far as I\'m concerned. So are his products. Saved me a trip to the Mayo! My long swift unit is a steed again.

  17. #17
    Doctor of Scentology DrSmellThis's Avatar
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    Default Re: Problems in the bedroom, PLEASE HELP!!

    Congrats, Ash! I know I didn\'diss ya! Lin knows a lot about the big picture of sexual functioning

    that others don\'t. I too posted his link, a month ago or something.

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