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  1. #1
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    Default newbie\'s report (ZERO hit)



    I\'m 22 yr old asian male, around 6 feets tall, a bit slender, probably above average looking, and a quite

    easy going person. I get along very well with most girls. I am sometimes the kind of guy that would be told by a

    girl:\"u r a very nice guy, but shall we just be FRIEND?!!!\" [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/mad.gif[/img]


    just got out from a 5-month relationship and recently met this extremely cute girl that I am quite interested with.

    but AGAIN, she seems only interested to be friend with me after a few conversations with her. So I ordered the

    newbie\'s set and would like to increase some sexual attraction. (Not sure if I\'ve ordered the right thing for


    I received the order last Thursday and did some testing before ask her out again:

    Friday - I mixed TE and

    the musk oil, which came with the newbiew set, with 1:1 ratio, had one spray on my neck, and one spray shared by

    each wrists, covered by Armani Mania. I got on a train to work, nothing special. About 8pm, I had a shower and

    re-applied a spray of the mix to my chest and another spray on my throat, covered with Armani Mania, and rang up one

    of my very good old friends out, a 22 yr girl, asking her out to a movie, just wanted to see if she would behaves a

    bit differently. Unfortunately, I didn\'t detect anything unusual during the movie or after the movie at


    Sunday - I mixed TE and Cool Water with 1:1 ratio, applied one spray on my neck, and shared one spray on two

    wrists. I went to a local supermarket, and didn\'t have any reactions on any of the grils that I have

    intentionally passed by.

    Pretty disappointed so far! But I\'ll keep trying! As I work in a small software

    company with no female employee, so I can\'t try it at work. I may go to clubbing the following weekend and hope

    to get some suggestions from the gurus here, e.g. am I using TE in the right way? or is TE the right product for me?

    AE and SOE seem to have very good reputations on the forum, should I give them a go?

    Any input would be

    appreciated! Thx!!


  2. #2
    Sadhu bjf's Avatar
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    Default Re: newbie\'s report (ZERO hit)

    Try dabs.

    In other words, try less than what you are using.

    Also, spread it around in lotion, I have found this helps a


  3. #3
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Default Re: newbie\'s report (ZERO hit)


    You say \"spread it about it lotion\", i take it moisturiser is fine too.....?

  4. #4
    Sadhu bjf's Avatar
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    Default Re: newbie\'s report (ZERO hit)

    moisterizer is cool, yea.

    put some in your hand, then spray the edge into that batch of lotion. Don\'t use

    tooo much lotion but use enough. You\'ll figure it out.

  5. #5
    Phero Dude Gossamer_2701's Avatar
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    Default Re: newbie\'s report (ZERO hit)

    I know this has been said soooo many times, but it probably the most important part of using mones....

    Go out of

    your way to be happy and sociable with people... on the bus/train... in the supermarket....

    laundymat....clubs/bars.... malls

    Just smile and say \'Hi\'... make small talk... try to initiate contact

    with as many people as possible, as it takes a few minutes for the mones to do their job.
    So you have to create a

    reason for hanging around a bit longer than just walking past them a few times.

    Good luck.

  6. #6
    Phero Pharaoh
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    Default Re: newbie\'s report (ZERO hit)

    Yeah, what gosamer said amd also: You would need to hang out with your \'movies\' girl more often before she

    would start getting curious about what\'s different about you. If she even picks it up. Some do. Some don\'t.

    Some even hide it well.

  7. #7
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    Default Re: newbie\'s report (ZERO hit)


    guys for your replies!

    I mixed TE with my after shave this morning (inspired by bjf), applied the mix and got on

    a train, which was full of office workers, mostly aussies aged 25+. This is obviously not my target group, however i

    am still interested to see whether phero would affect these people. And there comes this average looking blonde in

    her late 20\'s, had sitten right beside me for over 10min. She would definitely have sensed my phero after such a

    long time, but she didn\'t behaves unusually AT ALL, just kept reading her newspaper.

    It\'s interesting that

    some guys on the forum were saying after they applied the pheros, girls came out from nowhere and gave them big

    smiles or hugs or kisses. How comes I don\'t seem to have any effect on any people around me? Now I\'d be happy

    to see even some negative feedback from people, at least that tells me phero works for me.

    Regarding the

    \'movie girl\', we\'ve been close friends for way too long, more than 10yrs!! So it might be because she\'s

    too familiar with me to be affected by the phero i was wearing...?

    Anyway, I\'m gonna catch up with my ex ex gf

    tonight and see how she reacts. I\'ll keep you guys updated!

  8. #8
    Sadhu bjf's Avatar
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    Default Re: newbie\'s report (ZERO hit)


    When I was using frequently, also without washing the application points well, I was getting no hits.


    sure how this applies to you, but I thought I\'d mention it.

  9. #9
    Bodhi Satva CptKipling's Avatar
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    Default Re: newbie\'s report (ZERO hit)

    </font><blockquote><font class=\"small\">Quote:</font><hr />
    Thanks guys for your replies!

    I mixed TE with my

    after shave this morning (inspired by bjf), applied the mix and got on a train, which was full of office workers,

    mostly aussies aged 25+. This is obviously not my target group, however i am still interested to see whether phero

    would affect these people. And there comes this average looking blonde in her late 20\'s, had sitten right beside

    me for over 10min. She would definitely have sensed my phero after such a long time, but she didn\'t behaves

    unusually AT ALL, just kept reading her newspaper.

    It\'s interesting that some guys on the forum were saying

    after they applied the pheros, girls came out from nowhere and gave them big smiles or hugs or kisses. How comes I

    don\'t seem to have any effect on any people around me? Now I\'d be happy to see even some negative feedback

    from people, at least that tells me phero works for me.

    Regarding the \'movie girl\', we\'ve been close

    friends for way too long, more than 10yrs!! So it might be because she\'s too familiar with me to be affected by

    the phero i was wearing...?

    Anyway, I\'m gonna catch up with my ex ex gf tonight and see how she reacts.

    I\'ll keep you guys updated!

    <hr /></blockquote><font class=\"post\">

    The idea behind the \"mix

    in your palm\" method is that you are using 1 spray of TE, but at a concentration that allows you to spread it out

    considerably. So you are using almost too much but getting away with it more easily.

  10. #10
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    Default Re: newbie\'s report (ZERO hit)


    this is for Phil, from a newbie too (at least on mones, that is...)

    I\'m a 30 year old guy (most people say

    I\'m about 28), 6\'3\", average-good looking, regular build.

    I have APC, SoE and PI/m for now (TE, AE, A314,

    NPA on the way). I ran a little 6 day experiment (nothing scientific) and got the following results. (BTW, I\'m

    married, twice now)

    Pheromone Test

    Day 1
    5:00 pm
    Used APC/m - 2 drops; 1 dabbed behind each ear

    and jaw line.
    Went to supermarket. Did not notice anything except I was invited to go first on the cashier line by

    3 women. A bit of giggling.

    Day 2
    9:00 pm
    Used APC/m - 4 drops; 1 dabbed behind each ear and jaw

    line, 1 dabbed to wrists (rubbed together), and 1 dabbed to chest.
    Went to the movies with wife. She was all over

    me. This isn\'t an outstanding event, but her hugging, and rubbing was noticeably and significantly higher.


    Did not use pheromones.
    No out-of-the-ordinary reaction from anybody.

    Day 4

    Used PI/m - 3 drops and APC/m - 1 drop; 1 PI/m dabbed behind each ear and jawline and 1 dabbed to chest. 1 APC/m

    dabbed behind neck for scent only. Covered with 2 sprays Axe on shirt.
    Went to supermarket. Did not notice anything

    except a bunch of people sort of gathered and crowded all over me in cashier line. Lots of giggles.
    11:00 pm

    just jumped on me! Nice sex; can say that it was 2 notches above standard. She was all over me. Very nice.


    Did not use pheromones.
    No out-of-the-ordinary reaction from anybody.

    Day 6

    not use pheromones.
    11:00 pm
    I started playing around with wife; then she suddenly jumped all over me! Sex again;

    can say that it was 1 notch above standard. She was all over me again. Very nice.

    Anyway, while this is just a

    \"mini-test\", it did show me that mones do have some sort of effect. But just as the other fine people have said

    here: Be friendly, make up excuses to talk to people and smile a lot. A lot of woman are just as intimidated at the

    sight of a nice guy as we are at the sight of a cute radiant girl. Build up the courage and just break the ice!

    You\'ll be amazed at how many girls react.

    I\'m a multi-instrumentalist composer and that gets girls going!

    All of us guys have many areas of interest that makes girls curious. Find out yours and just exploit it, having as

    much talk, smiles and \"kino\" as possible. Mones are just another part of the equation. They\'ll do their job,

    but you need to get the other 80% of the equation done too!

    Hope this helps.


  11. #11
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    Default Re: newbie\'s report (ZERO hit)


    asian myself (albeit asian indian), about 6 feet and by NO standards attractive. That said, i\'ve had TREMENDOUS

    success with pheromones. Results ranged from girls literally begging me to hang out with them more often to a total

    stranger (sophisticated looking woman in her mid-20s) fainting on me, followed by giggles and apologies (i suspect

    it was done on purpose). Whenever wearing it, i now avoid getting too close to strangers.

    Just hang in there,

    don\'t lose hope, but don\'t take it all too seriously. As others will suggest, it\'s possible you haven\'t

    found \'your mix\' yet, but i\'d recommend trying the TE a few more times (in reasonable quantities) and

    getting relaxed with it before developing conclusions. If people see you acting tensely, they may do the same, and

    that may screw up your \'test\' results.

    Best of luck.

  12. #12
    Sadhu bjf's Avatar
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    Default Re: newbie\'s report (ZERO hit)


    Great post. You have to tell us what exactly and how much you wear.

  13. #13
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    Default Re: newbie\'s report (ZERO hit)

    Well, my

    post was more intended to help Phil out rather than to be a hit report. As for me, alas, i still haven\'t been

    able to identify the pheromone i\'ve been wearing (on and off) for the past few months. Check out:

    to see what i mean.

    use it in very low quantities and am guessing it\'s a -none product (from the quality of the hits).

  14. #14
    Sadhu bjf's Avatar
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    Default Re: newbie\'s report (ZERO hit)

    I remember

    that post. Have you searched all over the net to check out the products that are sold. A lot of them are by the

    same manufactuer, just re=branded, but the pics of the bottles (though not labels) are the same.

    Also, you can

    email your friend (try a yahoo people search) if you aren;t in touch anymore.

  15. #15
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    Default Re: newbie\'s report (ZERO hit)

    Have been

    playing around with TE and/or SOE gel for a week, I haven\'t got any obvious hits. There may be some

    reactions/responses caused by the use of phero, but I couldn\'t be sure about them:

    I had a catch-up with my

    ex-gf the other night (was wearing 1/3 pack of SOE gel). She didn\'t behave anything differently, apart from she

    asked me to go for a drive after dinner, which she\'s never request for before. and i didn\'t notice she was

    more chaty then usual (isn\'t chattiness one of the effects of wearing SOE?)

    and yesterday (was wearing 2 dabs

    of TE with cover scent), there was this cute blonde got on bus with me, i was behind her though, and i sat to the

    seat opposite to her. about 30sec later, all the sudden, she smiled to me (i was kinda shocked by her beautiful

    smile [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img] ) and asked me, \'is this bus going straight or turning

    right?\' Was she asking me the question because she wanted to start a conversation with me or she really didn\'t

    know where the tram was gonna go??? sometimes i get very confused as i can\'t reverse what have happend like

    reversing a video tape and replay it without wearing phero and see what will happen.

    and tonight....this cuttie

    i\'ve been interested for a while asked me to go out for a drink. what a good chance! i applied 3 dabs of TE on

    necks, throat and writs and used 2/3 pack of SOE gel. when she got into my car, she said:\" something stinks!!!\"

    [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/crazy.gif[/img] DAMN!!!! did i OD\'ed?? i reckon maybe the SOE was not strong

    enough to cover 3 dabs of TE. luckily, the smell wasn\'t that strong and didn\'t annoy her much. she was pretty

    happy and chatty all night and invited me to her apartment after the drinks (SURPRISED!! is this a phero effect?

    hehe) to help her make a decision on which evening wear she should wear for her friend\'s the wedding.

    disappointedly, nothing interesting afterwards - she didn\'t seem to be attracted to me/my phero, i could have

    done something to her [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img], but didn\'t wanna be rude. by

    far it\'s been exact one week since the first day i put phero on. TE and/or SOE didn\'t bring me any major hits.

    i\'m thinking of trying some other products? what u guys reckon would be suitable for me? how about some AE?

  16. #16
    Sadhu bjf's Avatar
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    Default Re: newbie\'s report (ZERO hit)

    The blond

    on the bus was a definite hit.

    Don\'t psyche yourself out, if you think it could be a hit, it almost always


  17. #17
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    Default Re: newbie\'s report (ZERO hit)

    Sounds like you got some real hits. Stick with what you are doing but maybe lighten up on the TE or put it on a

    little earlier to let the smell mellow a bit.

  18. #18
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    Default Re: newbie\'s report (ZERO hit)

    I put on

    the TE and SOE only 5min before I met her coz I was afraid phero may volatilize very quickly! How long does phero


  19. #19
    Sadhu bjf's Avatar
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    Default Re: newbie\'s report (ZERO hit)

    </font><blockquote><font class=\"small\">Quote:</font><hr />
    I put on the TE and SOE only 5min before I met her

    coz I was afraid phero may volatilize very quickly! How long does phero last?

    <hr /></blockquote><font

    LOL, that was what I figured.

    They will last 3-4 hours for the SOE, longer for the TE.


    smell is initially strong, especially that SOE that you had died down over time and that was whyshe

    eventually didn;t mine.

    What you used shouldn\'t cause any problems if you apply half hour before.

  20. #20
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: newbie\'s report (ZERO hit)

    I find

    it takes 20 min to 1/2 hour with a good combo. Of course you have to be near the target for 10 minutes or more

    usually. Different factors can determine the length of time one will become affected. Some may be easily affected by

    pheros others may not at all. If someone is kinda interested in you IMO pheros will help boost the interest. I must

    stress that women may smile, stare, etc but most of the time will not follow through with initiating conversation.

    I believe many here don\'t follow up on golden moments when they are apparent.
    Where the pheros are can make a

    difference. On a bus I would say ears &amp; neck. Are you an Aussie Phil?

  21. #21
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    Default Re: newbie\'s report (ZERO hit)


    no, i\'m not aussie, i\'m asian. what did u mean by that \'golden moment\'?




  22. #22
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: newbie\'s report (ZERO hit)


    moment=The moment pheromone reaction is at its highest. Such as a DIHL.

  23. #23
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    Default Re: newbie\'s report (ZERO hit)

    </font><blockquote><font class=\"small\">Quote:</font><hr />

    When I was using frequently, also without

    washing the application points well, I was getting no hits.

    Not sure how this applies to you, but I thought

    I\'d mention it.

    <hr /></blockquote><font class=\"post\">

    If you haven\'t had any results with

    mones, why are you giving advice? [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/confused.gif[/img]

  24. #24
    WorldEater Icarus's Avatar
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    Default Re: newbie\'s report (ZERO hit)


    Where you been, babe? [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif[/img]


    P.S. Still reeling from

    those pics you sent me... then you disappeared! Crazy!

  25. #25
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    Default Less is more

    I've found

    scaling back the amount of mones - for me - has had a dramatic effect - Used two dabs of PI - behind the ears today

    - several blatant hits - that I didn't notice - but others pointed out- i.e. - "Dude - did you see how she was

    checking you out?" Keep experimenting!

  26. #26
    Enlightened One
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    Do you live in australia phil - oh

    great more competition for old watcher lol. Just avoid queensland lol - living up here myself lol.


    converted at least 50 odd guys to pheromone usage lol

    That said if the edge and SOE dont work as well as you

    hope for (the edge isnt one of my favourite products) you could if you do get some minor results and want to try

    something else (the hit story you mentioned was probably a pheromone assisted reaction) - a lot of the time it is

    semi sexual but not all the way (dont get disappointed use a scatter type approach - wear em all the time dont be on

    the lookout but be "exposed" to as many women as possible supermarket clubs buses trains etc.

    Anyway you

    could try alter ego - or perception or chikara down the track - if you order perception you get a chikara, SOE and

    the edge gel pack (give em a go lol)

    You should have lots of women checking you out as you have stated but

    99.9% of these go no further - sometimes conversation but the key is not to think a woman checking you out is

    interested they might check out 100 guys in a guy but not one of them gets any further than a look.

    For sure

    keep experiementing though.

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