Need to know if any of

you are having this problem. I mainly started buying pheros about 3 years ago here as an experiment. I use to post

quite a bit in this forum, but have been mainly an observer for the past year or so. I have tried nearly every

phermone on this site except for Pheromax. I\'ve done the combinations, the single applications and so on. My

latest had been krtl\'s mix of wagg/npa/pi. My question to you all is, have many of you found that phero\'s have

just stopped working? I\'ve never gotten the hits many of you write about, nor the glances, come on\'s etc. I

must say though, I did have 1 hell of a hit the first month I began which I had posted. I have gone to bars,

parties, functions, but no hits. I smile, strike up conversations etc. I\'ve even laid off pheros for a few weeks

to clear myself of them. I\'ve tried everything from 1 drop to 8 drops. It\'s not that I have trouble with

female contact, I have alot of girls in my office who tell me they would love to date me or have come close to

falling head over heels for me if we weren\'t working in the same office.
The problem seems to be not getting

those reactions outside of office life. Maybe I need to refresh the pheros when I go out after work, who knows. I

just feel like I\'m wasting money on this stuff. Anyone else having these problems?