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  1. #1
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    Default AFC\'s pheromone log

    I would define

    that I am a AFC, so you probably would expect what sort of person that I am. I am 20, studying Media, had a couple

    girl after me before, but never really managed to work things out. Couple of months ago, had a crash on a close

    friend, so decide to try out a bottle of AE/m, it has been a couple of days out since I have been wearing them, but

    still haven\'t really notice the different, so I decided to create this log to show how well the \"Magic

    Potion\" works!

    AE/m arrived, put it on immediately (1.5 drops), gave me a feeling of \"after

    5pints\". Went to work, met a couple of female, no sign...

    Went on a 4 miles run with a drop of AE/m,

    no luck, because I didn\'t run pass many female.
    After the run, of course, a shower is required, and shave.

    Expect the AE/m has been washed out, so after the shave I re-apply one drop AE/m and one drop CTTM with my

    \"Addiction\" aftershave as all my female friends love it.
    Not long later, meet the girl that I liked, have a

    conversion for a couple of minute, didn\'t see any difference at all in her, maybe she just woke up, so...

    2Hrs later meet couple of more girls, actually went to talk to them, but no sign of pheromone effect. Then,

    accidently saw you-know-who again, another 2 mins chat, pretty normal, no sign.

    3Hrs later, saw you-know-who

    again on the way back home, we are acting weird again with each other, just like the day she get pretty upset.

    And now I probably will try re-apply 2 drops of AE/m with one drop of CTTM after a nice clean shower and go out

    clubing. See if pheromone will work in clubs and bars.

    P.S. Just finished reading the Fast Seduction Guide, so

    am trying to act like a confidence guy. See the both together will work or not.

  2. #2
    Phero Pro
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    Default Re: AFC\'s pheromone log

    I think most

    people here have found 3 drops of AE is perfect for everyday use, some however use 2 drops and then there are those

    who go up to 4-5.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: AFC\'s pheromone log

    never had

    much luck with AE strangly enough, but the passion for men, rougue male and p10 ( also made by stone labs) work very

    very well...its weird, but i think the higher rone concentrate in teh AE doesnt sit well with my personal scent

    aura...jsut a might want to try the edge with AE...just wear a cover and get ready for some fun

  4. #4
    Phero Guru Sagacious1420's Avatar
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    Default Re: AFC\'s pheromone log

    </font><blockquote><font class=\"small\">Quote:</font><hr />
    I think most people here have found 3 drops of AE

    is perfect for everyday use, some however use 2 drops and then there are those who go up to 4-5.


    /></blockquote><font class=\"post\">For me 3 drops of AE works great. Adding a bit of TE should make things

    interesting. If I\'m just hangin\' out w/ friends 2 drops is good, no more...unless I wanna deal w/ their gfs

    hitting on me...which I don\'t. Also try to extend the exposure of your target so your mones have a better chance

    of doin\' their thing. I wouldn\'t expect much after just chatting a couple of minutes. Try running a few

    tests at various dosages to find out what\'s best for you...sounds like 2 drops isn\'t it for you.

    Good luck.

  5. #5
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    Default Day2 Part2

    So I would like to say the

    pheromone have no sign today what so ever. After seeing you-know-who, she suddenly offered me to cook dinner for me

    tmr, even she has a date tmr. What the hell, what on earth is going on?, Btw, she lives with me anyway. So I was

    trying to go out to bars and clubs to confirm if this phero things will work, nothing seems difference, everything

    is exactly the same as used to be (everyone act very normal). I guess \"phero is a joke anyway, just a thing to

    make money, otherwise at least would have a bit more effect on women\". Will try 3 drops now to confirm this

    statment. Will keep the log going until I give up this phero thing.

  6. #6
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    Default Day3 Part1

    Got up this morning to see my

    new employer, as I have offered a new job yesterday, so went into work place with applying 1 drop of AE/m on its

    own. No sign again... never mind, got home and read the forum message, and some people have suggested to try more

    dosage of AE/m, I have been told male under 30 are better off to just use 1 drop of AE/m because it is very strong

    in none. But anyway, I will try 3 drops now, to see how its go, hope it won\'t OD! wish me luck.

  7. #7
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    Default Day3 Part2

    After applying the 3 drops of

    AE/m, I decided to go to some place crowd to meet people to see if the extra dosage makes any difference. Apart

    from talking one of my female friend, Katy, on the way to the library, there wasn\'t any sign other than that. My

    friend Katy, seem like she would stay to talk a bit longer, but I insisted to continue my way to the library to meet

    new people. Anyway, now I am about to go to have dinner with \"you-know-who\", I might decide to apply an extra

    drop of AE/m plus two drops of CTTM to see if \"you-know-who\" will show some effect on me. But I am expecting

    she probably will act in a normal way, I only hope I won\'t OD, I have had one drop first thing in the morning,

    then 3 drops after midday, and now 2 drops plus 2 drops of CTTM. Just let\'s say, hope this amount will not

    damage my health! [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink.gif[/img] lol, wish it work, unforunately I think I only

    can afford one bottle of phero, they far too costly in term of volume. I probably can\'t waste anymore money to

    experiment, as I am living in debt as a poor student. If it work, I might try some more mixture, but now, I think

    only will stick on AE/m.

  8. #8
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    Default Day3 Part3

    OK, after the 2 AE/m n 2

    CTTM, \"You-know-who\" decided to call dinner off, instead we are going to have lunch together tomorrow. Not sure

    if it is the phero effect or not, now she is out for a drink with her friends(my friends as well), but I didn\'t

    go because I have to get to work at 8 tomorrow morning, so \"early bed\" I guess! People around me acted between

    weird and normal, so I can\'t really say it is the phero or not. Went for a 5-6miles run in 25mins,

    \"You-know-who\" seems surprise (doesn\'t look impress though, never mind), I didn\'t run for her anyway, I

    did the run for someone else (today is one of my friend\'s funeral today

    [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/frown.gif[/img] ). Anyway, I just had a very good clean shower, so I expect my

    pheromone would have been washed out. Plan for tomorrow will be just working, might use one drop of AE/m before

    lunch with \"you-know-who\".

  9. #9
    Banned User Elana's Avatar
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    Default Re: Day3 Part3


    class=\"small\">Quote:</font><hr />
    today is one of my friend\'s funeral today

    <hr /></blockquote><font


    Sorry [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/frown.gif[/img]

  10. #10
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    Default Day4

    Pretty busy today, mainly working.

    Had lunch with \"you-know-who\" today, used one drop of AE/m in the morning b4 going to work, haven\'t noticed

    any sign of phero at all today as usual. As one of the reader of the forum suggested AE doesn\'t work with

    everyone, he adviced me to have a try on TE and NPA, so I ordered both of them today, hopefully will arrive soon and

    see if phero are real. If not, I just need to return them back to the store I guess.

  11. #11
    Phero Pro
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    Default Re: Day4

    I wanted to say this sooner, but I

    might as well say it now.

    Just put the mones on and go out and have a good time and meet people. Don\'t focus

    all your energy and hope on a single target. Mones work a lot better on people you dont have any association with.

  12. #12
    Bodhi Satva CptKipling's Avatar
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    Default Re: Day4

    Besides, what the hell is an

    AFC? [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/crazy.gif[/img]

    What Skyy said, just have some fun, thats what you bought

    them for after all.

  13. #13
    Phero Guru Sagacious1420's Avatar
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    Default Re: Day4


    class=\"small\">Quote:</font><hr />
    Besides, what the hell is an AFC?


    What Skyy said, just have some fun, thats what you bought them

    for after all.

    <hr /></blockquote><font class=\"post\">AFC = Average Frustrated Chump. IIRC, that\'s what

    Ross Jeffries calls \"nice guys\".

  14. #14
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    Default Re: Day4


    class=\"small\">Quote:</font><hr />
    I wanted to say this sooner, but I might as well say it now.

    Just put the

    mones on and go out and have a good time and meet people. Don\'t focus all your energy and hope on a single

    target. Mones work a lot better on people you dont have any association with.

    <hr /></blockquote><font


    Don\'t worry, I am not exactly focusing on just one person, I have been tried to go out and

    meet new people during the week as well if you have noticed I have mentioned \"going on a night out with my pals\"

    and go somewhere crowd, I guess there was much about it because I guess there wasn\'t much different from a normal

    night out without phero, so I haven\'t got much to write about it, but appreicate the advice anyway


  15. #15
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    Default Day5

    OK, this is Day5 log which is not

    exactly interesting neither, as I am pretty busy in the morning. Start at 2.30am in the morning, got up, as I went

    to bed at 8.30pm the night before (of course, I was very tired). Why the hell am I doing so early in the morning?

    Assignment which need to due in at 3pm, lol, last min work... OK so finsihed it off at round 5.30am and tried to get

    couple of hours sleep before going to work at 8am, finished work at 10am.

    OK, I know, no phero! So I

    eventually remember to use 3 drops of AE/m and 2 drops of CTTM, went back to Uni to hand in my assignment, no sign

    of any hit when I was there. Went home for the afternoon got somemore rest, at about 4pm, my pal and I decided to

    go down to the snooker club to have a couple of games in snooker. The games went pretty well, I managed a break

    point of 32 (4 red and 4 black). As everythings seem going well, we went to fast food for dinner, as I still

    haven\'t got my weekly paid yet, damn! At this point, I am not exactly sure if it is the phero or not, there was

    a bird (8.5/10) seems had a hit on me, she had her eye on me for about 10s when I didn\'t really notice it until I

    looked round to her, and give me one sweet smile that I haven\'t seen for ages. But I couldn\'t move on because

    her bf was right next to her at that moment, so I guess I couldn\'t take any action to confirm the phero effect.

    So what about \"you-know-who\"? We decided to watch TV for the rest of the night together, so she was sitting

    next to me for the whole night. Reapplied 2 drops AE/m and 1 drop of CTTM, after a couple of min, she was twisting

    her legs in a gentle way and her legs was getting a bit close to me as well. She talked a bit more than usual, but

    there was no obvious signs, so I can\'t tell you if the AE works or not. But at the end, nothing really happen

    for the day, sorry, this might be just another boring story. [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smirk.gif[/img]

  16. #16
    Sadhu bjf's Avatar
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    Default Re: Day5

    A lot of newbies don\'t pickup on

    the signs.

    - Girl gives you the sweetest smile you\'ve seen in ages.

    - You know who is talking more than

    usual. Couldn\'t sit still and was bringing her legs closer to you.

    They are unlikely to be random events

    (especially the smile and staring at you for 10s -- definite hit). That is pheromones at work. I tried 4 drops,

    without CTTM. Get a handle on the AE first, add CTTM later. Beta Nol is questionable to begin with.

  17. #17
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    Default Re: Day5

    Are you reapplying the mones in

    the same spot as before? Are you washing the area at all? Seems 3 drops yielded the best so far for you. Next time

    try 3 drops and throw on an extra dab and see what happens

  18. #18
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    Default Re: Day5


    class=\"small\">Quote:</font><hr />
    A lot of newbies don\'t pickup on the signs.

    - Girl gives you the

    sweetest smile you\'ve seen in ages.

    - You know who is talking more than usual. Couldn\'t sit still and

    was bringing her legs closer to you.

    They are unlikely to be random events (especially the smile and staring

    at you for 10s -- definite hit). That is pheromones at work. I tried 4 drops, without CTTM. Get a handle on the

    AE first, add CTTM later. Beta Nol is questionable to begin with.

    <hr /></blockquote><font


    I am not quite sure about the statment of \"unlikely to be random event\". Those things

    have had happened to me before I started using phero, this is why I said \"not sure\", but thanks for your posts


  19. #19
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    Default Day6

    It\'s a Saturday, after a game of

    tennis, I decided to head North to see my mates up North. So, I thought this is a good chance of meeting new people

    (specially females, lol). Before setting off to my friend\'s place, I had a good clean shower (of course, get

    myself nice and clean! [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img] ), apply 5 drops of AE/m with my

    aftershave. After some grooming, got on the train and got there, meet a group of new girls from my friend\'s

    house, no hit at all, couple of hours later, more girls came round, no hits again, no whatsoever signs. Didn\'t

    see any Overdose effect. Anyway, what is exactly \"OVERDOSE\"? How can you tell, is been a week now, I have

    tried 1-6 drops AE/m and I still haven\'t notice anything.

  20. #20
    Phero Pharaoh
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    Default Re: Day6

    A real overdose will affect

    your mood and the mood of everyone around you. You could feel like you\'re just a little out of control. You

    should notice people behaving strangely. For me, the rare OD has resulted in some shocking surprises. People say

    things, or I say things, that are uncharacteristic.

    Some guys here have suggested that you may be getting results

    from the pheromones that you cannot see. That is, the girls are feeling the reaction but not showing it. If you

    aren\'t good at reading body language, you should read up on it. When a girl faces you and takes off her coat,

    what is she telling you? When she looks at her girl friend but points her feet sideways toward you, what is she

    telling you? If she is sitting stock still beside you, what is she telling you?

    People communicate their

    feelings more honestly through what they do than through what they say or don\'t say.

  21. #21
    Phero Dude OCP's Avatar
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    Default Re: AFC\'s pheromone log

    </font><blockquote><font class=\"small\">Quote:</font><hr />
    never had much luck with AE strangly enough, but

    the passion for men, rougue male and p10 ( also made by stone labs) work very very well...its weird, but i think the

    higher rone concentrate in teh AE doesnt sit well with my personal scent aura...jsut a might want to try

    the edge with AE...just wear a cover and get ready for some fun

    <hr /></blockquote><font


    AE/m does not work well with me either. Perhaps the reactions are to subtle for me. However,

    TE/m and SOE together have served me well. I just got PI/m, NPA and WAGG. I am looking forward to expiramenting.

    I am keeping a journal this time. [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink.gif[/img]

  22. #22
    Phero Dude OCP's Avatar
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    Default Re: Day5


    class=\"small\">Quote:</font><hr />
    A lot of newbies don\'t pickup on the signs.

    - Girl gives you the

    sweetest smile you\'ve seen in ages.

    - You know who is talking more than usual. Couldn\'t sit still and was

    bringing her legs closer to you.

    They are unlikely to be random events (especially the smile and staring at you

    for 10s -- definite hit). That is pheromones at work. I tried 4 drops, without CTTM. Get a handle on the AE

    first, add CTTM later. Beta Nol is questionable to begin with.

    <hr /></blockquote><font


    Let\'s face it, we males can be so clueless. We just do not get the subtle clues that women

    give us. If only we would pay attention instead of being caught up in our own little worlds.


  23. #23
    Phero Dude OCP's Avatar
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    Default Re: Day6


    class=\"small\">Quote:</font><hr />
    A real overdose will affect your mood and the mood of everyone around you.

    You could feel like you\'re just a little out of control. You should notice people behaving strangely. For me,

    the rare OD has resulted in some shocking surprises. People say things, or I say things, that are


    <hr /></blockquote><font class=\"post\">

    When I OD on NONE I get really agressive.

    I feel like going to a bar and getting in a fight. That may not seem like a big deal to you, but I am a laidback

    Californian. Most of my bosses in my life have told me to be more agressive. For sure, too much NONE makes me

    aggressive! [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img]

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