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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Default Finally, some hits- and a major one


    2 1/2 months of essentially no real hits, I suddenly got a few in a couple days. There was nothing really different

    I did as far as amount of application, specific product, or placement, for the first 2 hits. The last one was a

    \"delayed effect\" hit.

    Used TE/m on 12/17 at a dance lesson, and as the lessons ended, I was standing next to

    my last partner in the lessons. The ladies get \"rotated\" around during the lesson, so you get a new partner

    about every 2 minutes. I had thought this woman had a preference for the real top-notch dancers only, and wasn\'t

    too keen on dancing with me. She was standing about 12 inches away from me. As the post-lesson dancing started,

    she turned to me and said \"let\'s dance\", which surprised me. She looked me in the eye a fair amount of the

    time during the song. It just seemed enough out of the ordinary, for this woman, that I felt it was a bonafide


    Half an hour later, I asked this other woman there to dance, and during most of the song, she looked at me

    with this dazed, wide-eyed look. After waiting 10 weeks to see a DIHL, I think I\'ve finally seen one. I decided

    to classify this as a hit, although I have on rare occasions seen this before I ever used mones. It is really hard

    to say if this was due to the mones or not.

    Both these women had significant others, tho, so I couldn\'t

    proceed further with either of them. [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/frown.gif[/img] It\'s common in the world

    of swing dancing that when couples come in, even if they\'re married, they might dance the first song together,

    then they break apart and dance with various other people there- this is commonplace.

    These relatively minor hits

    were overshadowed the next evening, tho. I had met this one woman on a museum trip in November, while wearing a

    moderate dose of TE/m and Dolce Gabbana, and we went on a couple dates. She sent me an email inviting me over on a

    Thursday evening, and it sounded suggestive, she said \"I really need you to hold me\". So I hopped in my car and

    drove 15 miles to her place on 12/18. We chatted for a while, sat on a couch gradually massaging each other more

    and more, and ended up \"consummating\" our relationship. [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img]


    told me she had never acted so forward toward a man in her life before (she was in her 40\'s). And she said \"I

    don\'t know what it is about you\". Needless to say, I didn\'t mention anything about using mones to her.

    This was certainly in \"hit\" territory. Although I have had similar things happen to me a few times, they\'ve

    been very few and far between in my life. But if I were to continue using mones, and this were not to happen again

    for years, I might conclude this incident was not due to the mones. Since this happened within the first few months

    of mone use, for now, I\'ll have to credit the mones for my good fortune.

    After all this, I visited a blues bar

    on 12/19, saw about 20 people I knew from an outdoors club, and several strangers, and had no hits. Meanwhile, my

    sweetie from the previous nite left town for the holidays, something I will doing in a couple more days. So, even

    with a few hits under my belt now (one literally [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink.gif[/img]

    [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif[/img]), the total number of hits seems small and sparse, considering the

    40-50 field tests I\'ve done since 10/1.


  2. #2
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Default Re: Finally, some hits- and a major one

    </font><blockquote><font class=\"small\">Quote:</font><hr />
    After 2 1/2 months of essentially no

    real hits, I suddenly got a few in a couple days. There was nothing really different I did as far as amount of

    application, specific product, or placement, for the first 2 hits. The last one was a \"delayed effect\"


    <hr /></blockquote><font class=\"post\">

    Nice post!
    Maybe you don\'t have this needy look and

    behaviour any more.

  3. #3
    Banned User EXIT63's Avatar
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    Default Re: Finally, some hits- and a major one

    Good work SwingerAZ! Maybe you\'re a better dancer than you think you are.


  4. #4
    Bodhi Satva CptKipling's Avatar
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    Default Re: Finally, some hits- and a major one


    Glad they are finally working for you, you are a patient man


  5. #5
    Phero Pharaoh
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    Default Re: Finally, some hits- and a major one

    I notice hits in dance class all the time. The younger girls (18-22) often start to tremble and their hands get

    very, very damp and sweaty. I\'ve learned to tone down the pheromones a little bit, as having a girl who is TOO

    nervous for a partner makes it difficult to learn the lesson.

    The longer they stay in the class with me, the more

    flirty they become. Of course, I joke with them, tease them a lot, and have been dancing longer than most of them.

    The women appreciate a good lead above all else. The best thing a man can do for himself in dance class is keep

    taking lessons until he is the best in the group (or one of the best -- I social dance with a large group and am by

    no means the best, but the women all love to dance with me).

    DIHL hits are rare but they happen occasionally.

    I\'ve studied several books on body language and I can generally tell when a girl is fascinated with me. I

    sometimes get mean and play with them, moving around in the rotation so that it takes them a long time to get to me.

  6. #6
    Banned User EXIT63's Avatar
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    Default Re: Finally, some hits- and a major one

    </font><blockquote><font class=\"small\">Quote:</font><hr />
    I social dance with a large group and am by no

    means the best, but the women all love to dance with me).

    <hr /></blockquote><font class=\"post\">


    just look at you...How can they resist?! [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif[/img]

  7. #7
    Phero Pharaoh
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    Default Re: Finally, some hits- and a major one

    It does sound bad, doesn\'t it? But then, I take private dance lessons and have been taking them for over a

    year. Every time my teacher asked me what my goal was, I told her the same thing: \"When I dance with a woman, I

    want her to think to herself (when the dance is over), \'I really enjoyed that experience.\'\"

    So, my

    teacher has pounded technique into me for a year (and I am still taking the private lessons). I get far more

    instruction on how to lead and how to pace myself than the average guy in my dance classes.

    I don\'t have the

    natural advantage of having grown up in a dancing family, but I do have the ability to pay for the lessons and

    practice to become good enough that women frequently compliment me on my dancing. I\'ve worked hard for that

    recognition. I\'ve earned it.

    So, smirk all you wish. It won\'t bother me. Anyone should be able to do the

    same thing, if they want to do it badly enough. I\'m living proof of that.

  8. #8
    Phero Pro
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    Default Re: Finally, some hits- and a major one


    Welcome to the forum fellow swing dancer! Do take East Coast, West Coast, or do you Lindy?

    The eye

    contact thing is definately a hit. BTW did you notice if her eyes were dialated? For me, this is a major sign of

    if the -none that I\'m wearing is working.

    With all of the experimenting that I have done, I\'ve found that I

    get either a bunch of hits, or none. Usually when my mix is working I don\'t even have to ask anyone to dance.

    They come right after me . . . even if I\'m resting.



    <font color=\"blue\"> -SwingerMD


  9. #9
    Phero Pro
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    Default Re: Finally, some hits- and a major one


    Taking private lessons? Cool. [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/cool.gif[/img] I haven\'t done

    that myself yet. I plan to soon in addition to having myself taped while dancing. Definately gonna be very painful

    to watch, but I\'ve heard that it can be very helpful.

    At the moment I\'m taking lindy classes as a follow.

    It\'s already helping me with my lead plus it may come in handy teaching new follows.

    Keep on dancin\'! Hell

    after three or so years I\'m still tweaking my lindy basic.

    <font color=\"blue\">

    SwingerMD </font>

  10. #10
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    Default how do i mix TE with the musk oil

    I GOT


  11. #11
    Bodhi Satva CptKipling's Avatar
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    Default Re: how do i mix TE with the musk oil


    (try starting your own thread)

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Finally, some hits- and a major one

    </font><blockquote><font class=\"small\">Quote:</font><hr />

    Welcome to the forum fellow swing

    dancer! Do take East Coast, West Coast, or do you Lindy?

    The eye contact thing is definately a hit. BTW did you

    notice if her eyes were dialated? For me, this is a major sign of if the -none that I\'m wearing is


    With all of the experimenting that I have done, I\'ve found that I get either a bunch of hits, or

    none. Usually when my mix is working I don\'t even have to ask anyone to dance. They come right after me . . .

    even if I\'m resting. [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/crazy.gif[/img]



    color=\"blue\"> -SwingerMD </font>

    <hr /></blockquote><font class=\"post\">
    West Coast. Mainly because

    the East coast group in town dwindled and faded out. Too bad- it was a younger crowd, and I would have liked to

    experiment with the 2 different age groups, and see if mones worked better with either.

    I haven\'t noticed any

    significant increase in women asking me to dance, with mones, compared to before. Maybe a 10-15 percent increase,

    but its hard to tell. They certainly aren\'t flocking to me in droves.

    BTW, the woman I had the major hit

    with, came back for more on Sunday, 21st. [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif[/img] She insisted on visiting

    me, and we ate Chinese food, and engaged in- other activities. [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink.gif[/img] I

    just left town on a 6-day vacation, and she\'s already sent me a few emails, referring to me and herself with pet

    names. Whether its because of the mones or not, she seems to be hooked on me.



  13. #13
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: Finally, some hits- and a major one

    </font><blockquote><font class=\"small\">Quote:</font><hr />
    I notice hits in dance class all the time. The

    younger girls (18-22) often start to tremble and their hands get very, very damp and sweaty. I\'ve learned to

    tone down the pheromones a little bit, as having a girl who is TOO nervous for a partner makes it difficult to learn

    the lesson.

    The longer they stay in the class with me, the more flirty they become. Of course, I joke with them,

    tease them a lot, and have been dancing longer than most of them. The women appreciate a good lead above all else.

    The best thing a man can do for himself in dance class is keep taking lessons until he is the best in the group (or

    one of the best -- I social dance with a large group and am by no means the best, but the women all love to dance

    with me).

    DIHL hits are rare but they happen occasionally. I\'ve studied several books on body language and I

    can generally tell when a girl is fascinated with me. I sometimes get mean and play with them, moving around in the

    rotation so that it takes them a long time to get to me.

    <hr /></blockquote><font class=\"post\">


    Friendly1, I\'m glad to have another dancer here in addition to SwingerMD. I do dance lessons at least twice a

    week and have all kinds of \"problems\" as well as pleasant hits from women. It will be nice to get some input

    from you. I will throw some things out, and you can tell me what you think from your experince of \"dancing with


    First of all, I\'ve been dancing for about one year and had very few problems for the first 6

    months. What I mean by few problems, is that I got all kinds of hits, and many women seemed to love dancing with me,

    even though I obviously wasn\'t very good during my first few months. The interesting thing is that during that

    time period I was a \"heavy user\"; meaning, I would be loaded up with all kinds of things; -none, SOE, and more


    These days, things are quite different. My dancing/lead is far better than 6 months ago, and because

    of some problems I was having, such as women not wanting to dance with me, or women wanting to dance me, but not

    seeming comfortable doing so, or physically not being able to, I toned down my phero use. However, even though I

    have things toned down compared to in the past, and I am a far better lead, I have all kinds of weird problems that

    I never had in the past.

    Examples: -Some women just don\'t want to dance with me....

    -Some women really seem

    to want to dance with me, because they accept with a big smile, or even ask me to dance, but then when we go to

    dance they seem to feel uncomfortable and can\'t dance well, and don\'t smile at all. These women by the way,

    are women that I have known for a few months at least in many cases, from lessons.

    -The women who are a

    \"problem\" run the range from beginners, to those that are \"okay\", to ones that are fairly point

    being that I don\'t think it is something so simple as beginners being intimidated or nervous. In fact, the young

    beginners aren\'t usually the problem.

    My theories: One of my female friends suggested that if a women is

    really attracted to me, she may be too self-conscious and/or nervous and then become \"hopeless\" at dancing. I

    had not thought about it, but she says that is how it is for her. She says she absolutely does not want to dance

    with a man that she is really attracted to, because she \"cannot\" do it. In two or three of my \"problem\"

    cases, I have pretty good reason to believe that they are attracted to me.

    Another idea; my same friend says

    that I am really MALE, compared to the others around me. If this is her impression, I am supposing that she would

    get it from both my character and my added pheros(she doesn\'t know about them). Even though I have really toned

    down the -none, I have boosted my internal hormone levels(some supplementation, plus a lot of working out lately),

    which would increase my natural phero output. Maybe I put out a signal that is just too \"scary\", too

    \"sexual\", too alpha.....maybe some women get a message that I am a sexual predator, even though I am not

    \"doing\" anything to give that message, and I am not interested in them. I got this idea from someone one the

    forum who said that with a lot of -none women would sometimes think that he was hitting on them, even if he

    Or, maybe because they read me as being really alpha/dominant, they feel too much pressure to please me,

    or feel that I must be really critical of their mistakes(though I am certainly not). I get this idea, partly from

    what happens in lessons. One woman who doesn\'t want to dance me, is always asking me in lessons if what she is

    doing is okay, or whether her dancing is strange.

    Anyway, I think I\'ve gone on long enough. Hope you have some

    input for me.

  14. #14
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: Finally, some hits- and a major one

    One more thing, Friendly1, could you let me know what sort of application levels you are using of -none, etc for

    lessons. For me, I am down to using 2 drops of JB1, which is 30% NPA, which translates into only .6 of a drop of

    NPA. I also use A1, but I can\'t see that doing anything negative.

  15. #15
    Doctor of Scentology DrSmellThis's Avatar
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    Default Safe -none

    I used to have problems

    with negative social feedback (from both sexes, while wearing -none) all the time before WAGG, A1, and a product

    called V5.

    It helps to use -rone with -none, in terms of being able to project the positives of alpha (e.g.,

    protectiveness, fatherliness) without the negatives (dangerousness, threat). The other thing is to observe the rule,

    \"no -none without WAGG (best) or A1.\"

    For the sake of honesty, I should add that a company called Pherone

    makes a -none-free formula called V5 that has a definite WAGG-like effect, (good vibes out da wazoo) but is slightly

    more musky and probably has a more complicated formula. I use it with -none also. I don\'t know whether Bruce has

    considered carrying it, but I hope he has.

    I\'m a believer in \"buying insurance for your -none,\"

    at least for most men.

    Finally, using essential oils (sandalwood, vetiver, vanilla, amber, or patchouli) with

    none seems to help moderate the effect.

  16. #16
    Phero Guru
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    Default Re: Finally, some hits- and a major one

    I\'ll bet that the women who no longer want to dance with you are finding you attractive due to the mones but are

    perplexed as (don\'t mean to offend here) you aren\'t their \"type\" and it\'s confusing to them. Let\'s

    face it, you would be totallly confused too if you found yourself sexually attracted to a woman who wasn\'t your

    \"type\". Or, perhaps, are married and don\'t want to act on the attraction for the obvious reason. Even

    though you\'ve toned them down, they are still there. You might experiment with not using any at all and see what


  17. #17
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: Safe -none


    class=\"small\">Quote:</font><hr />
    I used to have problems with negative social feedback (from both sexes, while

    wearing -none) all the time before WAGG, A1, and a product called V5.

    It helps to use -rone with -none, in terms

    of being able to project the positives of alpha (e.g., protectiveness, fatherliness) without the negatives

    (dangerousness, threat). The other thing is to observe the rule, \"no -none without WAGG (best) or A1.\"


    the sake of honesty, I should add that a company called Pherone makes a -none-free formula called V5 that has a

    definite WAGG-like effect, (good vibes out da wazoo) but is slightly more musky and probably has a more complicated

    formula. I use it with -none also. I don\'t know whether Bruce has considered carrying it, but I hope he has.

    I\'m a believer in \"buying insurance for your -none,\" at least for most men.

    Finally, using essential

    oils (sandalwood, vetiver, vanilla, amber, or patchouli) with none seems to help moderate the effect.


    /></blockquote><font class=\"post\">

    Good advice, although I can say that I did make that rule for myself a

    long time ago. I never use -none without A1 and copulins actually. There is a HUGE difference! As I think I

    mentioned, I am only using 2 drops/dabs of JB1 these days, so that is actually less -none the the amount of A1 I am


  18. #18
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: Finally, some hits- and a major one

    </font><blockquote><font class=\"small\">Quote:</font><hr />
    I\'ll bet that the women who no longer want to

    dance with you are finding you attractive due to the mones but are perplexed as (don\'t mean to offend here) you

    aren\'t their \"type\" and it\'s confusing to them. Let\'s face it, you would be totallly confused too if

    you found yourself sexually attracted to a woman who wasn\'t your \"type\". Or, perhaps, are married and

    don\'t want to act on the attraction for the obvious reason. Even though you\'ve toned them down, they are

    still there. You might experiment with not using any at all and see what happens.

    <hr /></blockquote><font


    Interesting thought, I hadn\'t really thought of that one. I have trouble imagining being

    attracted to a woman that isn\'t my \"type\", since any woman I am attracted to is my \"type\".

    Actually, I don\'t know whether what you describe could happen

    anyway. People have talked about this on the forum before, like seriously, I don\'t believe any phero combination

    could make me feel attraction for some chick who grossed my out; and lots of them do. But whatever, it\'s all

    food for thought.

  19. #19
    Doctor of Scentology DrSmellThis's Avatar
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    Default Re: Safe -none

    Yes, Maxx, you are

    well known for you copulin experiments! Whatever happened to the famous \"magic pants\"??

    I recommend a

    1:1 -none/A1 ratio for those who can tolerate A1, and want to go that direction.

  20. #20
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: Safe -none


    class=\"small\">Quote:</font><hr />
    Yes, Maxx, you are well known for you copulin experiments! Whatever happened

    to the famous \"magic pants\"??

    <hr /></blockquote><font class=\"post\">

    Maybe my memory is bad, but I

    think that was another psycho, maybe EXIT??? I still use cops, but I had to tone them down because I go to dance

    lessons a lot. I can get away with a lot of cops on a normal day, and get amazing results, but dancing is a

    different story! I do salsa which takes pretty intense motor skills and I eventually figured out that certain women

    in particular were spinning out into walls and weird stuff like that probably from the EW.

  21. #21
    Banned User
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    Default Re: Safe -none


    class=\"small\">Quote:</font><hr />
    </font><blockquote><font class=\"small\">Quote:</font><hr />
    Yes, Maxx,

    you are well known for you copulin experiments! Whatever happened to the famous \"magic pants\"??


    /></blockquote><font class=\"post\">

    Maybe my memory is bad, but I think that was another psycho, maybe EXIT???

    <hr /></blockquote><font class=\"post\">

    Several peeps have had magical pants...the one you are referring

    to is Bassman.

  22. #22
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: Safe -none


    class=\"small\">Quote:</font><hr />
    </font><blockquote><font class=\"small\">Quote:</font><hr

    </font><blockquote><font class=\"small\">Quote:</font><hr />
    Yes, Maxx, you are well known for you copulin

    experiments! Whatever happened to the famous \"magic pants\"??

    <hr /></blockquote><font


    Maybe my memory is bad, but I think that was another psycho, maybe EXIT???


    /></blockquote><font class=\"post\">

    Several peeps have had magical pants...the one you are referring to is


    <hr /></blockquote><font class=\"post\">

    Yeah, now I remember. What the hell is a \"peep\"?


  23. #23
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    Default Re: Safe -none

    \"a\" people

  24. #24
    Sadhu bjf's Avatar
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    Default Cops

    EW and PCC are different types of cops,

    so all cops are not the same. Don\'t know if Jane Doe only produces type A, or if she produces type A,B,C,D and


    Some guys have gotten the \"I feel like I have known you forever\" from women they just met. Perhaps

    this is because the type of cops that the EW or PCC they are using contains is the same type that the woman

    produces, and the woman senses their cops on that man (therefore feeling like they have been intimate with them


    That said, has any man tried mixing EW and PCC cops to see results, consueqeuently giving yourself a

    greater chance to wear their type of cops?

  25. #25
    Phero Dude DZorro's Avatar
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    Default Re: Safe -none


    class=\"small\">Quote:</font><hr />
    </font><blockquote><font class=\"small\">Quote:</font><hr />
    I used to

    have problems with negative social feedback (from both sexes, while wearing -none) all the time before WAGG, A1, and

    a product called V5.

    It helps to use -rone with -none, in terms of being able to project the positives of alpha

    (e.g., protectiveness, fatherliness) without the negatives (dangerousness, threat). The other thing is to observe

    the rule, \"no -none without WAGG (best) or A1.\"

    For the sake of honesty, I should add that a company called

    Pherone makes a -none-free formula called V5 that has a definite WAGG-like effect, (good vibes out da wazoo) but is

    slightly more musky and probably has a more complicated formula. I use it with -none also. I don\'t know whether

    Bruce has considered carrying it, but I hope he has.

    I\'m a believer in \"buying insurance for your

    -none,\" at least for most men.

    Finally, using essential oils (sandalwood, vetiver, vanilla, amber, or

    patchouli) with none seems to help moderate the effect.

    <hr /></blockquote><font class=\"post\">


    advice, although I can say that I did make that rule for myself a long time ago. I never use -none without A1 and

    copulins actually. There is a HUGE difference! As I think I mentioned, I am only using 2 drops/dabs of JB1 these

    days, so that is actually less -none the the amount of A1 I am using.

    <hr /></blockquote><font


    Did it ever accur to you that by wearing copuline on you, the girls acts like they do now ??

    I mean they smelling cops must mean that your sleeping with other woman, so that\'s why some of them acts like

    that. It some of the copetition thing going on, it think it was Elana who said it in a post back, please do correct

    me if Ăm wrong !! that if she would smell copuline on a guy that she instantly loose interest. Besides isn\'t

    copuline a female product too ?? you should stick to men\'s product and see if that works first, before using any

    female products.


  26. #26
    Phero Guru
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    Default Re: Safe -none

    It\'s happened to me

    - women would catch a whiff of my APC and be instantly attracted but would then, after seeing me, be seemingly

    ashamed of themselves as I was not their \"ideal\"\'; they would look downward and away and who could blame them

    - it would be an inappropriate match (too young, married and not looking, etc.). And, I don\'t know if there are

    others, but I am the owner of the \"magic pants\" which came into being after a bottle of APC in my luggage broke

    in-flight and soaked one pair of my pants which became unwearable due to the overpowering scent and which I hung in

    my closet for many months till the scent disappeared but the mones were still there apparently. I had since gained

    weight and was not able to wear them but have now gotten back in shape so I may pull them out again and experiment

    some more - will publish the results after I do so. The first go-around was very very interesting.

  27. #27
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: Safe -none


    class=\"small\">Quote:</font><hr />
    </font><blockquote><font class=\"small\">Quote:</font><hr

    </font><blockquote><font class=\"small\">Quote:</font><hr />
    I used to have problems with negative social

    feedback (from both sexes, while wearing -none) all the time before WAGG, A1, and a product called V5.

    It helps

    to use -rone with -none, in terms of being able to project the positives of alpha (e.g., protectiveness,

    fatherliness) without the negatives (dangerousness, threat). The other thing is to observe the rule, \"no -none

    without WAGG (best) or A1.\"

    For the sake of honesty, I should add that a company called Pherone makes a

    -none-free formula called V5 that has a definite WAGG-like effect, (good vibes out da wazoo) but is slightly more

    musky and probably has a more complicated formula. I use it with -none also. I don\'t know whether Bruce has

    considered carrying it, but I hope he has.

    I\'m a believer in \"buying insurance for your -none,\" at

    least for most men.

    Finally, using essential oils (sandalwood, vetiver, vanilla, amber, or patchouli) with none

    seems to help moderate the effect.

    <hr /></blockquote><font class=\"post\">

    Good advice, although I can say

    that I did make that rule for myself a long time ago. I never use -none without A1 and copulins actually. There is a

    HUGE difference! As I think I mentioned, I am only using 2 drops/dabs of JB1 these days, so that is actually less

    -none the the amount of A1 I am using.

    <hr /></blockquote><font class=\"post\">

    Did it ever accur to

    you that by wearing copuline on you, the girls acts like they do now ?? I mean they smelling cops must mean that

    your sleeping with other woman, so that\'s why some of them acts like that. It some of the copetition thing going

    on, it think it was Elana who said it in a post back, please do correct me if Ăm wrong !! that if she would smell

    copuline on a guy that she instantly loose interest. Besides isn\'t copuline a female product too ?? you should

    stick to men\'s product and see if that works first, before using any female products.



    /></blockquote><font class=\"post\">

    Zorro, dude, I don\'t think you followed the whole thread. I was not

    complaining about women NOT being interested; that\'s not the problem. Sure, it\'s easy to understand that a

    woman might back off if she smells another woman on you. Smelling a woman on me is no reason not to want to dance

    with me. In a social dance scene, some people have boy/girlfriends or are married. It is also no reason to be very

    uncomfortable dancing with that person.

    -none or something else is probably the issue here, since women seemed

    intimidated, nervous, or afraid....even though I am down to less than a drop of NPA.

  28. #28
    Phero Pharaoh
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Rep Power

    Default Re: Safe -none

    </font><blockquote><font class=\"small\">Quote:</font><hr />
    It\'s happened to me - women would catch a whiff

    of my APC and be instantly attracted but would then, after seeing me, be seemingly ashamed of themselves as I was

    not their \"ideal\"\'; they would look downward and away and who could blame them - it would be an inappropriate

    match (too young, married and not looking, etc.).

    <hr /></blockquote><font class=\"post\">

    Looking down and

    away are usually signs of interest, not shame. Women don\'t think about \"inappropriate match\" after they

    agree to dance with you. You\'ve already passed their physical requirements test.

  29. #29
    Phero Dude
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    Rep Power

    Default Re: Safe -none


    class=\"small\">Quote:</font><hr />
    </font><blockquote><font class=\"small\">Quote:</font><hr />

    happened to me - women would catch a whiff of my APC and be instantly attracted but would then, after seeing me, be

    seemingly ashamed of themselves as I was not their \"ideal\"\'; they would look downward and away and who could

    blame them - it would be an inappropriate match (too young, married and not looking, etc.).


    /></blockquote><font class=\"post\">

    Looking down and away are usually signs of interest, not shame. Women

    don\'t think about \"inappropriate match\" after they agree to dance with you. You\'ve already passed their

    physical requirements test.

    <hr /></blockquote><font class=\"post\">

    LOL...this thread is turning into

    the blind leading the blind. The dude talking about the women being \"ashamed\" is not talking about dancing at


    As for my problems with the \"dance\" scene. I don\'t know whether some of you really understand \"the

    scene\". We are not talking about going out to a club and asking some stranger to dance. We are talking about a

    group of people who take dance lessons together and then dance afterwards. Basically, everyone dances with everyone,

    regardless of whether you \"like\" the person or not. It\'s pretty much rude to refuse someone, unless you have

    a really good reason; like they abuse you on the dance floor or try to molest you. I never refuse anyone; not even

    fat, unattractive women who reek and can\'t dance. I\'m probable the only guy in my lessons that gets refused;

    with the possible exception of a gross, middle-aged child molester. My dancing is okay, I am not exceedingly homely

    by any means, and my students and co-workers tell me I smell amazing, so.....thus, my question/plea for input from

    the \"serious\" dancers on the forum.

  30. #30
    Phero Guru
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    Rep Power

    Default Re: Safe -none

    I did order a body

    language book yesterday!!! Hope it gets here soon.

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