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  1. #1
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    Default Primal Instinct experiment....

    Ok, I am

    new to this pheromone thing and out of curiosity I purchases PI/m a few days ago. A little about me. I am a 25 yr

    old male and am good looking. I have never been good with talking to women but lately I am improving. I like to go

    out and I have a curious personality, which is why I am trying PI/m. I have done a bit of expirimenting and here

    are my results:

    The first day I wore 2 drops to work... put one drop on left wrist and rubbed both wrists

    together so it would be on both. Put another drop on my neck then applied cologne on both areas (Issey Miyake...

    good stuff).
    Two interesting things happened. One was I had a married girl at work ( who I think is cute) smell my

    wrist. I don\'t know if this is a sign or not but she soon started to giggle and became a lot more open with me.

    She then expressed interest in me and told me that she was on the outs with her husband. Meanwhile, they have only

    been married for a month. She insisted that we hang out and that she wanted to get to know me better. She is

    usually reserved but seemed a bit more outgoing.

    Next, I reaplied 2 more drops about 11 hours later to my neck

    and wrists and went out to see what it would do at a bar. When my friend and I walked past a table where 3 girls

    were sitting, like 10 seconds after we walked by, one of them turned around and started a very flirtatious

    conversation with me saying that I was cute, etc... Wierd huh? At this point I became confident and decided to ask

    a cute girl for her number who was standing at the bar. Keep in mind that I had talked to her for about 20

    seconds... she said yes. Now I did call her a few days later and she said that she was not interested in dating at

    the time but at least I got her number, right?

    The next day I put the same concoction on again and went to work,

    but nothing this time.

    Ok, now that I told you about that, I have some questions.... that I could not seem to

    find answers to on the search.

    First, since that night, I have been applying two drops, just like above, in the

    same places. I have not seen too much activity and since I am still sceptical, I am still going to play around a

    lot. Where are the best places to experiment? I work out a lot and think that the gym might be a good place. Do I

    have to get close to a female for them to smell this stuff ( I am using the unscented product), or can they smell it

    from a distance? Can I wear it without using cologne (I have worn cologne over it every time so far) and if so,

    will it be more effective if I don\'t wear the cologne?? I have not seen the DIHL yet but am very interested in

    seeing that. I know that the risk of OD is great with PI/m but can I contine to put more on until I see people

    acting wierd (from an OD)? Will I definately be able to tell if I OD and where are the best places to apply it so

    that females can get maximum exposure? Do I need to sweat for it to work or will it still work well when I am dry?

    I think that is it for now. I will continue to experiment with this stuff and will definately keep posting my

    results. This is really fun. I appreciate any and all information I can get.


  2. #2
    Phero Enthusiast nonscents's Avatar
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    Default Re: Primal Instinct experiment....


    Great introductory post! You had good results right off the bat. You are fortunate.

    Now for the bad

    news. There is huge variability in people\'s results with pheromones. Some can bathe in the stuff and get good

    results; others break out in hives. The harsh, bitter truth is, no matter what others tell you, you will have to

    find out on your own what works for you. You will have to be a scientist and tease out some general principles from

    your specific data points.

    Where others can help is in experimental design and in interpretation of the results.

    My initial response to the data you have presented, suggests that you are of the type that OD easily. 2 drops in

    the AM and then 2 more drops that night. The first day you had really good results. Try scrubbing really well and

    going without any \'mones for 5 days.

    Then use 1 drop every 3 days for two weeks. Examine your results.

    Increase to 2 drops every 3 days.

    Good luck. (Watch out for flirtatious newlyweds.)

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Primal Instinct experiment....

    hmmmm.... ok, I will try that. Why should I only put on 1 drop every 3 days? Wont it wear off after 12 hrs? And

    how about the other questions that I asked in the first post? I hate to be a pest but I plan on really experimenting

    with PI/m and sharing my results. Thanks a lot!

  4. #4
    Banned User
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    Default Re: Primal Instinct experiment....


    would start high (5-6 drops) and work down from there, but thats just me. Actually high doses of PI/m work for alot

    of people. I think you would only be getting a placebo affect from wearing 1 drop every 3 days, thats just


  5. #5
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    Default Re: Primal Instinct experiment....

    Don\'t be afraid of the \"OD.\" I have yet to see anyone run the opposite direction when I put on 10 drops of

    PI/m. Don\'t be persuaded into believing these products are magic potions.

    I\'d bet that girl at the

    bar would have been checking you out even had you not worn pheros that day -- she\'s attracted to your physical

    appearance. Where it would have made a difference is had you made a move on her, hung out with her that night, and

    maybe the -none would have made a difference in whether or not she invited you over to hop in bed with her or

    whether or not she continues thinking about you the next day.

    Your workplace experience is similar to what

    I\'ve been getting. One day, some of your female counterparts kinda get that look like, \"gee, he looks mighty

    fine today... why have I not noticed this before?\"

  6. #6
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: Primal Instinct experiment....

    </font><blockquote><font class=\"small\">Quote:</font><hr />
    Ok, I am new to this pheromone thing and out of

    curiosity I purchases PI/m a few days ago. A little about me. I am a 25 yr old male and am good looking. I have

    never been good with talking to women but lately I am improving. I like to go out and I have a curious personality,

    which is why I am trying PI/m. I have done a bit of expirimenting and here are my results:

    The first day I wore

    2 drops to work... put one drop on left wrist and rubbed both wrists together so it would be on both. Put another

    drop on my neck then applied cologne on both areas (Issey Miyake... good stuff).
    Two interesting things happened.

    One was I had a married girl at work ( who I think is cute) smell my wrist. I don\'t know if this is a sign or

    not but she soon started to giggle and became a lot more open with me. She then expressed interest in me and told

    me that she was on the outs with her husband. Meanwhile, they have only been married for a month. She insisted

    that we hang out and that she wanted to get to know me better. She is usually reserved but seemed a bit more


    Next, I reaplied 2 more drops about 11 hours later to my neck and wrists and went out to see what it

    would do at a bar. When my friend and I walked past a table where 3 girls were sitting, like 10 seconds after we

    walked by, one of them turned around and started a very flirtatious conversation with me saying that I was cute,

    etc... Wierd huh? At this point I became confident and decided to ask a cute girl for her number who was standing

    at the bar. Keep in mind that I had talked to her for about 20 seconds... she said yes. Now I did call her a few

    days later and she said that she was not interested in dating at the time but at least I got her number,


    The next day I put the same concoction on again and went to work, but nothing this time.

    Ok, now that I

    told you about that, I have some questions.... that I could not seem to find answers to on the search.


    since that night, I have been applying two drops, just like above, in the same places. I have not seen too much

    activity and since I am still sceptical, I am still going to play around a lot. Where are the best places to

    experiment? I work out a lot and think that the gym might be a good place. Do I have to get close to a female for

    them to smell this stuff ( I am using the unscented product), or can they smell it from a distance? Can I wear it

    without using cologne (I have worn cologne over it every time so far) and if so, will it be more effective if I

    don\'t wear the cologne?? I have not seen the DIHL yet but am very interested in seeing that. I know that the

    risk of OD is great with PI/m but can I contine to put more on until I see people acting wierd (from an OD)? Will I

    definately be able to tell if I OD and where are the best places to apply it so that females can get maximum

    exposure? Do I need to sweat for it to work or will it still work well when I am dry?

    I think that is it for

    now. I will continue to experiment with this stuff and will definately keep posting my results. This is really

    fun. I appreciate any and all information I can get.


    <hr /></blockquote><font


    Listen to \"nonscents\", not the others. You are ODing! Some people don\'t know what an OD

    is. They think people have to \"run away\" from them, or shake in their boots. That is the reason your first day

    worked well and now you are getting nothing. Products like PI are powerful. Using several drops daily is like trying

    to kill ants with a shotgun. After you shoot the ant you have no idea that it was overkill because you have no ant

    carcass to inspect for effects. That is why some of these people believe that are not ODing. They do not have a

    chance to observe subtle differences in people\'s behavior. These are things that you can pick up when you are

    playing around with much lower levels. At high levels you are just blowing most people\'s circuitry. Sure, the odd

    time you will get a great hit like some woman practically raping you, but for the most part high level application

    is not the way to go if you want to maximize your relations with people(women). High levels of -none do NOT lead to

    comfort for people, period.

  7. #7
    Phero Enthusiast nonscents's Avatar
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    Default Re: Primal Instinct experiment....

    Phantom and Biohazard,

    My interest is to gain knowledge. Gaining knowledge is aided by systematic research. The

    preliminary evidence suggested positive results with initial use and then null or negative results.


    preliminary hypothesis emerges from the following: initially the dosage emitted was low. Subsequent frequent usage

    led to a higher emitted dosage. There were positive effects at lower dosages and null or negative effects at higher

    dosages. Preliminary hypothesis is that for this subject lower dosages are more effective than higher


    The obvious strategy is to test results at various dosage levels. You could obviously start with using

    10 drops each time. I have had some success using 1.5 DROPPERSFUL (not drops) of AE/m, so I am not averse to using

    large doses. But in this case the evidence does suggest that large doses will not bring desired results.

    Nonetheless, I would have no violent objections if you decided to try 10 drops once every 3 days for 2 weeks, then 9

    drops once every 3 days for 2 weeks, then . . .

    You get the point, I hope. The idea is to systematically examine

    the different dosage levels.

    Over time, through the collective efforts of many on this board, we have come to

    the realization that for some users \'mones can build up with daily use. Showering with soap does not necessarily

    eliminate the presence of externally applied \'mones.

    So, you cannot assume, upon waking up in the morning and

    taking a soap-and-water shower, that you are starting with a clean slate (OK, a clean body). There is a high

    likelihood that there are significant levels of exogenous pheromones still present. If you do not take this into

    account, your research will be of little use. You will report 2 drops PI(m) but you may actually be wearing an

    effective dose that is much higher because of the buildup from prior days\' usage.

  8. #8
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    Default Re: Primal Instinct experiment....


    I think the preliminary results that I experienced on the first day were not enough to make any judgements on how,

    or if at all the product worked. I am kind of afraid of if I use 10 drops, that people will shun away from me. I

    am really into the dating scene right now so I have many opportunities to experiment with what doses work for me and

    how others react to OD\'ing etc...
    I am going out tonight to a club/bar that is small, so the scent will be out

    and about. I am going to apply 6 drops in the following places; 2 on neck, 1 behind each ear, 1 on the chin and 1

    split between both wrists. I then will apply my cologne over it.
    I have no idea what the results will be but we

    shall see. From doing research in the archives, I have seen a lot of feedback that indicates that people will

    become either extremely combative or on the other hand, very submissive. I will pay close attention to how others

    react when I get close to them at the bar, and on the dance floor. This will be a test phase for me. The only

    thing that I can do is to try several different techniques. Also, since I am putting on such a high dose, I will

    not put any more on until next week. We shall see and hopefully I/we can learn something from this. My only

    concern is that I will get embarrased if people don\'t want to be around me. Oh well, I guess it is par for the



  9. #9
    PheroWizard oscar's Avatar
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    Default Re: Primal Instinct experiment....


    Primal Instinct is extremely potent and foul smelling stuff particularly in large application

    amounts. If you take a look at the calculator you\'ll see that just one drop delivers a .025mg dose, and that

    alone is an OD for


    The conventional

    wisdom holds that an application of .02mg of Androstenone is the \"Optimum Dose\" and anything that goes very far

    beyond that puts the user in danger of ODing.

    Anyone who is using more than 2 drops of PI is probably

    incapable of smelling Androstenone or they would know how bad this much could make them smell. Additionally they

    must be depending on getting their hits from a very narrow margin of women who have both a diminished olfactory

    sense as well as an unusually high threshold of sensitivity to pheromones. You ARE likely to get attention applying

    large quantities, but over a wide spectrum of females, most of it won\'t be the kind of attention you are


    I feel that it\'s irresponsible to give rookies advice to use OD quantities. If those that posted

    this advice have found that this has somehow worked for them, fine, but they should point out that they are the

    extreme exceptions to the rule.

    ODing on purpose is a waste of your products, a waste of your time, and the

    worst thing is the probability that you are wasting opportunities with women who MIGHT react to a reasonable,

    regulation dose of pheros. But it\'s your stuff, it\'s your time, it\'s your money, and it\'s your life, so

    you decide. You can go for the childish attempts at getting attention, or you can try to get yourself some action.

    Tough call, huh? [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smirk.gif[/img]



  10. #10
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    Default Re: Primal Instinct experiment....


    Ok, take it easy. I am just trying to figure out what to do. I see no harm in experimenting for a little while so

    I can find what works for me. Like you said... those who have tried 6-10 drops of PI and have had it work, are

    exceptions to the rule. I am just trying to see if I am as well. If I am not, then I guess I have eliminated that

    from my experimenting. I don\'t think that is very childish.


  11. #11
    PheroWizard oscar's Avatar
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    Default Re: Primal Instinct experiment....


    If there was animosity in my post it was not directed at you, but rather at those who post the inane

    advice to use 10 drops of PI. I consider their posts to be similar to their phero applications in terms of being

    childish attempts at garnering attention.

    But if you think that these guys have the right answers, maybe we can

    get a whole new forum started and call it, \"The OD forum for guys who can\'t smell Androstenone, who have NO

    idea how bad they smell, who occasionally STUMBLE into a \"hit\" based on the \"Blind Squirrel\" theory, but are

    nonetheless willing to pass their misconceptions on to others.\"

    The only reason that I object SO strongly in

    principle to ODing is that I KNOW of the wonders of pheromones, and I cannot abide wasting them. If you think of

    every OD outing as a potentially missed BJ, you\'ll know where I\'m coming from. If you\'re wearing a

    legitimate dose and miss out on the BJ that\'s one thing. If you\'re ODing and miss it that\'s quite another.

    Was it your fault, or the fault of the OD? Of course it\'s really your fault either way, but at least you

    didn\'t spend extra money to go home alone if you avoided ODing.



  12. #12
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    Default Re: Primal Instinct experiment....


    understand where you are coming from. Here is my point. I have this new stuff (PI/m) and I am a newbee here. I am

    confused as to how I detect what works best for me without haveing an OD. Like you said, I don\'t want to waste

    the stuff and I certainly don\'t want to waste an opportunity with a woman... so I guess I just have to put on

    1-2 drops and go out to see what happens. I don\'t know if I believe that only 1 drop will be detectable... but

    what do I know? So where do you reccommend that I apply it for maximum exposure?

  13. #13
    Bad Motha Holmes's Avatar
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    Default Re: Primal Instinct experiment....


    Try behind the ears, on the neck, wrists...pulse points. And spread it out.

    Might want to reduce the

    size of your avatar, too. No surgery required!




  14. #14
    Sadhu bjf's Avatar
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    Default Re: Primal Instinct experiment....


    biggest and most difficult tempation for new users to resist is ODing. If you want something to be sweeter, you

    keep adding sugar. The logical conclusion then is, if you want to be sexier, you keep adding pheromones.

    However, there are diminishing returns with pheromones, and I would guess many of the concentatrions for

    most of the strong products are developed in order to deliver near the optimum dose in one spray, one drop, etc,

    depending on delivery method of the product.

    That said, hovering far beyond those numbers (though there are

    exceptions) can not only provide diminishing returns, but no returns at all.

    ODs on none will usually result

    in not bad reactions, but no reactions, because targets cannot detect that you are the source of the mones floating

    all around the room, even if those people are right in front of you. Sometimes, however, none ODs can make people

    not feel so swift.

    Don\'t feel bad about experimenting though, the massive applications are something most

    of us try because we can\'t help but want to find out about them for ourselves, even if we read that they don\'t

    make sense. Feel free to give it a whirl a couple of times (I certainly did). And crazy amounts have worked for

    people in the past.

    Still, the amount of people that can detect pheromone sources at the optimum doses is

    much larger then the occasional few who will pick up on your od. And beware, none ODs cab make you feel very pissed

    off and irratible. I can\'t use more than 2 drops of PI.

  15. #15
    Bodhi Satva CptKipling's Avatar
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    Default Re: Primal Instinct experiment....


    When I started using pheromones I could barely smell them, but over time I found I was more and more able

    to smell them.

    Just have some patients, I\'m sure you will get good hits again. As Holmes said, spread out the

    dose that you use, or rub it in to your skin.

    Just as others have said previously, using lighter doses allows

    you to notice subtle changes in attitude and nuances in behaviour.

    Good luck

    P.S. One thing that I feel is

    important to mention is to not be too affraid of OD, within your initial experiments it is a good idea to find your


  16. #16
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    Default Re: Primal Instinct experiment....


    for you input. The past few times out I have used 2 drops and have not gotten any results. Granted, I don\'t

    expect to get results everytime I go out but since I am still in this new stage I am really looking for alterations

    in behavior. I am going to cut back to one drop for the next couple of times that I go out and see what happens.

    As always, I will post my results.

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