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  1. #1
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    Default Newbie\'s first weekend!


    everyone, I just got my Pheromones last Thursday--SoE and P10. I thought I would try SoE the next morning at the

    gym for my workout. Generally I can\'t stand people who wear fragrances at the gym because they give me a headache

    if they are too strong. So I put just a little on--just enough of a dab to know I had it on. Then I went to work the

    machines as normal. Second machine--an upright press--sits right in front of a leg press machine. While I was doing

    a set a girl got into the leg machine and starts flitting her hair. I thought such has happened before but she seems

    to be doing it more than I\'ve been used to. Later, when I exited to the sports cafe for a coffee (I always do

    this mid-workout) the same girl came into the cafe area and hovered around a product display right in front of me

    and is fluffing her hair for about half a minute then she circled about and left. I just sat and thought \"this

    stuff works\". Also, a women past middle age (I\'m hovering around 39)in the gym cast glances in my direction.

    I became a little confused however when a male fitness trainer with his clients--a regular who would have known

    me by sight-- seemed to be talking at a lower level than normal in my area. Also, some other regular males seemed to

    shut up completely while I was working away. What\'s up with that.

    Next day, Saturday...I work at a hotel on

    weekends...I tried a little SoE--again just enough to know I could smell it but not enough to be anywhere near

    overpowering. My female coworkers were much more animated and two in particular were talking to me who were not in

    the habit of doing so. And generally that day they were staying around me more than normal.

    On Sunday, for my

    next shift, I put even less on. In a convenience store on the way to work while I was selecting a sandwich for

    lunch, the female clerk came up and began talking to me. But she would always exchange niceties at the counter

    previously. At work, the less amount seemed to be less effective--it was so subtle to me. After lunch I added a bit

    more and the previous days interactions were replayed again. However, I was a bit freaked out when one of the male

    staff, who I don\'t see very often, but who received a report from another male, made a homosexual gesture at me.

    I thought what is going on? and wondered about this stuff for the future.

    Sunday evening I went back to the gym,

    washing off the Soe and putting a touch of P10 on, way less than a drop. I kept having to check if I could recognize

    it--yes, it was there. But it appeared to have no noticeable effect. Probably not enough--but I was being very

    cautious because I had read of the strength of this product.

    All in all I\'m both interested and perplexed

    (particularly after the hotel guy\'s signal). Since I haven\'t normally worn colognes--only Davidoff cool water

    on special occasions-- I was left wondering if the S0E was really a masculine scent!

    Cheers, JJ

  2. #2
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: Newbie\'s first weekend!

    You can get

    both female & male reaction with SOE. Usually it makes the wearer and others upbeat and chit chatty. None for

    the most part will elicit more of a female sexual response. It is especially good to wear SOE at times out with guy

    friends or at work. At clubs you may get guys approach you strangely. Yet it is very effective to initiate a

    conversation with a female with SOE. She will more likely be interested in talking to you. Ifo you are interesting

    in trying a good all around product try Alter Ego.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Newbie\'s first weekend!

    jessejames, I\'m so glad that finally somebody other than me bought the P10.
    I\'m not sure about the results

    (if any) yet. The experiment that I tried out so far was to find out about the OD effect. Although I can usually

    smell better than many people I know, I cannot smell any P10 at all, so I went with the following test. One night, I

    put more than 3 or 4 drops of the P10 on, and just covered it up with a tiny bit of cologne. Less than an hour later

    a female friend (26 yrs) came to visit me, and I asked her if she liked the new smell. She loved it!! She is a very

    good friend of mine, so if the cologne (or me!) smelled like BO, she would have told me. The next day, I did exactly

    the same, maybe 4 or 5 (big) drops of P10, and I asked another female if she liked the smell. She stuck her nose in

    my neck (where I applied the P10) for many long seconds & said that she always wanted me to wear this cologne

    from now on because its very nice (no BO smell or anything like that). This last friend is lesbian (21 yrs), so she

    has no interest in being with me what so ever, and was just saying honestly what she thought.
    Hence, my first

    conclusion about P10. As so many people here always mention, I\'m sure there are negative effects for ODing, but I

    think for the P10, BO smell is not one of them!! This is certainly a plus point, as P10 users will have the added

    confidence, that even if they do OD, nobody will think they smell not fresh.
    I have yet to find out about P10

    results. The only think I noticed so far, was the first friend, whom I\'ve whom for years (& she has no sexual

    or relationship interests in me), she was asking me that night many questions about my girlfriend. She was asking me

    weird things like if my gf was pretty; what colours eyes she had, hair, age etc. That is very unusual for that girl

    to ask, but maybe it was coincidental.
    I\'m going out tomorrow after work with a female friend of mine for a

    drink. I will use a drop or two of P10, and will report the results. I don\'t have anything else (besides my

    cologne) to mix it with other than a couple of SOE gel packs, so I might try a bit of SOE gel on as

    jessejames, keep me (and others) informed of quantities/results of your P10.

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Newbie\'s first weekend!


    Bigdog, for the encouraging words. I hadn\'t expected the the male reactions, \'cause I hadn\'t included that

    in my new adventure horizon. Now I\'ll forge ahead!

    Is Alter Ego a scented pheromone or is it something you

    need to mask?

  5. #5
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    Default Re: Newbie\'s first weekend!

    Time to

    try: Today I tried a drop of P10 with a very slight dab of SOE (almost unnoticable) just to look for reactions while

    shopping. I couldn\'t smell it myself so I thought nothing\'s happening with this stuff. wrong!!! I was getting

    some hardware items in a shop, and I realized as I was comparing screw sizes that a blond girl had followed me to

    that section and was hanging around me. She was looking at me for a few moments--in fact I wonder if it wouldn\'t

    qualify as one of those Deer in the Headlights looks I read in the reference material. I turned into a deer in the

    headlight because I didn\'t expect such a hard hit in the hardware store. She then turned tail and fled and I

    grabbed my screws and realized that this stuff really works and I\'m going to have to make adjustments! Then I

    went into a drugstore and one of the female staff preened herself as I passed. I\'ve received some other ambiguous

    looks throughout the day: in a gourmet coffee shop, I sat down for a sandwich and there was a reaction from the girl

    at the table to my right. Then, a businessman sat down to my left, went to the counter, got coffee, came back, drank

    about 1/4 ofthe coffee and got up and left. He left his coffee and I thought \"maybe I smell\". Now I think I can

    recognize the natural scent and it isn\'t bad or overpowering, but it is there very suble. I think when I\'m on

    the prowl, I\'ll use enough SOE or another cologne with it.

  6. #6
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    Default Re: Newbie\'s first weekend!

    </font><blockquote><font class=\"small\">Quote:</font><hr />
    I became a little confused however when a male

    fitness trainer with his clients--a regular who would have known me by sight-- seemed to be talking at a lower level

    than normal in my area. Also, some other regular males seemed to shut up completely while I was working away.

    What\'s up with that.

    <hr /></blockquote><font class=\"post\">

    I get that reaction from time to time.

    Just submissive beta response is all. As for the gay guy giving you the eye; I get that too. But not when I ware

    mones. Just gay guys doing their thing. Fishing for new meat. When I lived in SF at age 18 to 20 I got it all the

    time. I know what it is like to be a hot chick getting hit on. I used to get my ass pinched all the time and a few

    full on ball grabs. One of my gay friends would tell me to take it as a compliment. I managed to get out of SF with

    a virgin ass. All my gay SF friends are dead! AIDS. Very sad. Very unnecessary!

  7. #7
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    Default Re: Newbie\'s first weekend!


    Sorry to hear about your friends who passed away because of AIDS. As you said, very sad and very unnecessary


    JesseJames: Encouraging results from a P10 drop!!. Today, I will try to use the atomizer. I will mix P10

    with the diluting alcohol that came with it (1:1) using the P10 dropper, and then apply 2 sprays from the atomizer

    that came with the kit.
    Will let you know the results....

  8. #8
    Banned User EXIT63's Avatar
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    Default Re: Newbie\'s first weekend!


    Alter Ego a scented pheromone or is it something you need to mask?.......

    It\'s actually 1 of the best

    smelling pheros Imo.

  9. #9
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    Default Re: Newbie\'s first weekend!

    EXIT, AE/m

    smells GREAT on its own. I would say it smells much like Hugo Boss, but with its own edge, and that\'s just the



  10. #10
    WorldEater Icarus's Avatar
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    Default Re: Newbie\'s first weekend!


    </font><blockquote><font class=\"small\">Quote:</font><hr />
    It\'s actually 1 of the best smelling

    pheros Imo.

    <hr /></blockquote><font class=\"post\">

    I think he knows! I\'m just playin\' with ya..


    I like the smell of AE, but it\'s a bit stronger than you

    think at anything more than 2-3 drops... nobody likes to be overpowered by a smell... but AE works so well!

    (everything in moderation)


  11. #11
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    Default Re: Newbie\'s first weekend!



    It appears these \'mones work extremely well for you and in limited amounts to boot! Now, why

    can\'t *I* get reactions like these? :/

  12. #12
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    Default Re: Newbie\'s first weekend!


    It\'s a mystery, I\'m almost ready to stop counting the hits! After a little more than a week I\'m more than

    convinced. This P10 is liquid magic, and the SoE is really a charmer.

    A couple of days ago, with little more

    than half a drop of P10 by itself, I snuck up behind a girl on the subway and stood behind her while pretending to

    read a book.
    She gets wind and wheels around sees me and looks a little confused, does the hair thing, looks at my

    reflection in the train window, fumbles with a book of her own... I\'m by no means playing Mr. Go-getter at this

    point, just experimenting with reactions.

    Last night, with half a drop of P10 in the gym, a regular female lets

    her hair down in front of me while I\'m on a calf machine--beautiful!

    Last night in an internet cafe, with

    about a drop and a half, a girl who is with her boyfriend at a computer across from me keeps glancing at me out of

    the corner of her eye and twisting her hair, while it appeared, she was reassuring her boyfriend over stuff on the

    net. I had a bit of SoE on with it. Later in the subway, a woman around 50 is going squirrely across from me while

    chatting with her companion, who seeing, and I guess smelling me, seems a little distant from her. Yes, it\'s true

    this stuff gets strong reactions from both males and females.

    Last week I was walking down the street in the

    evening after work. I must have been flaming SoE because I was getting reactions from everyone I was walking past. I

    rolled the roller on my neck--maybe equivalent to 2 or 3 drops--I don\'t know.

    I\'ve just ordered some of

    the Hayward essential oils to mix with the P10 for further experiments. Haw, haw, haw(sinister Dr.

    Jeckyll-type-guffaw)... I suppose I\'ll keep adjusting and taking notes for now...

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