I was

always interested in the science of pheromones and then somehow i stumbled onto this website. I used to think that

marketed pheromone products all just had placebo effects but then I saw the forums and figured this many people cant

be fooled. I ended up ordering AE/m (old scent) and a couple scent of eros gel packs hoping to see what would


I have what you could call a clint eastwood or lone wolf complex as I am a 230lb recreational

bodybuilder. On two occasions I have wore the pheromones. On one night I wore 4 drops of AE/m and 1/3 pack of SOE

gel with a cologne on top, and on the other i just wore 6 drops of AE/m with no cologne on top. I found that girls

would randomly approach me and engage in conversation comfortably and were not as weary of me. They were chatty,

open, flirty, etc. This happened a few times on both nights and is very out of the ordinary for me, usually I am

the one who has to do all the approaching.

Although it is too early to come to conclusions I beleive there is

something to these pheromones and am willing to experiment with them further and I will post any relevant and

interesting information I can come up with. I have to say I am glad i stumbled upon this site.