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  1. #1
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    Nov 2003
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    Default My 1st phero experience: Not snake-oil after all

    I was like 3 years ago. I got a date with this really hot girl, to be blunt about it. The date was 3

    weeks from when we made it (this girl was in high demand) so I\'m on the net and I get a pop-up for some

    \"attract women, etc.\" so I say what the hell and I click the link. It was a one-page website for pheromones, it

    gave some facts, etc. about pheromones, and an order section for IForgetWhatItsCalled for $29.95. So I order this

    stuff thinking if it\'s BS I only lost $30.

    Then comes the day of the the big date.

    I drive to an empty lot

    near the girl\'s house, put a bunch of this stuff on my chest (I was ODing SEVERELY without knowing it), start up

    the car and drive to her house to pick her up. I come to the door, ring the doorbell, Lauren shows up in her

    jammies (HAHA!) and says give her 10 minutes and she\'ll be ready. I had some flowers, her mother took them while

    gushing \"Aren\'t these NICE, etc. etc.\". So we go on the date, Lauren seems distant, like she doesn\'t want

    to be seen with me, we talk blah blah at the restaurant, at the movie she dissed a few comments I made about the

    movie, etc. I take her home, at the door she says \"It\'s not gonna work out, etc. blah blah\" so I leave and

    it sucks, etc. I get back home and I think things over and realize this girl was really COLD towards me, and up

    until then she was very friendly. Hmmm. Doesn\'t take too long for me to blame it all on the pheromones, and I

    ended up throwing them away.

    Skip to now. I have been buying from Bruce (Love Scent) for 2 years now, and I have

    learned much about ODing, etc. and have gotten my phero use down to a repeatable success. Just a few weeks ago I

    was thinking about that day so long ago when I went out with the best looking girl in school. I had long ago come

    to the conclusion that my first pheromones were snake oil, a ripoff. But as I recounted the events of that fateful

    night of my first pheromone use, I come upon a greyed sort of almost locked area of my memory, the more I recount,

    the more I realized that YES I was definitely REPELLING my target, Lauren, but also upon more vivid recollection I

    realize that I was getting SERIOUS hits and DIHL from her MOTHER! Her mother kept staring at me in a fascinated way

    and asking me all sorts of questions about myself and complimenting the way I looked, during that 15 minutes I

    waited for Lauren. Her mother IS extremely good looking (where do you think Lauren got the looks), and divorced,

    however, too many complications with that + the fact my morals tell me she\'s off limits for some reason


    So there you have it, what I thought was just a cheap perfume

    scent (which was not strong at all, and the reason WHY I ODed) turning Lauren off from me, was really the -none OD,

    and logically this turned on her mother very much and older women (she\'s like 40 now) are more turned on by ODs

    as the younger women are turned off by them. Very true I have found again and again in my pheromone



  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
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