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  1. #1
    Phero Pharaoh
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    Default Supplements that boost mental ability



    Remember an older posting of mine regarding my predicted performance on the ACT? Well, I was right - I

    earned the national average score of 20. While this will get me into some state universities (I have a shot at Texas

    A&M), I refuse to accept this score.

    I did some research about my inability to score high on tests like the

    SAT/ACT. To see if I actually knew the material tested, I took both tests untimed. I was shocked to find out that I

    scored in the 99th percentile on both untimed practice exams.

    Now, when I took the actual exams, I didn\'t come

    close to the 99th percentile at all. I realized that during a timed test I lack focus, concentration, memory,

    comprehension, and speed. To remedy my problems, I am considering the following herbal supplements:


    2. Ginkgo Biloba
    3. DHA (docosahexaenoic acid)
    4. Aceytl-L-carnatine
    5. DMAE


    I obtained the above list from webmd and was wondering if anyone has tried any of them?

    If so, do you think it could help treat my defects? Thanks. :-)


  2. #2
    Phero Enthusiast Sacogoo's Avatar
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    Default Re: Supplements that boost mental ability

    Your defect is that you probably get wound up like an eight day clock prior to exams and have too much sh_t running

    through your head which screws up your focus and concentration.

    Actually, a lot of people get really worked up

    and anxious prior to taking a test or other high pressure type of situations. In college, my recipe for maintaining

    my cool prior to mid-terms and finals was that I usually knocked back a couple of brewskis a little while before the

    tests. Mellowed me right out, and I did a lot better on the exams. (In my 681 English - Milton, I actually was

    completely inebriated but still managed to ace the final, which was funny because I never even bought the text for

    that class.)

    Since your a minor, and I would never recommend that a minor would do anything illegal such as

    consuming alcohol, I would suggest that you try meditation, or something to calm you down instead of jacking

    yourself up on all those herbal energy pills - which, I will tell you from experience, won\'t do a freaking thing

    in terms of helping you focus.

  3. #3
    Doctor of Scentology DrSmellThis's Avatar
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    Default Re: Supplements that boost mental ability

    If you have ADD or something similar it is worth trying
    1. Masquelier\'s OPC\'s (web search

    2. l-tyrosine
    3. bacopa (herb)
    4. b-vitamins
    5. EPA/DHA

    These are the best that I\'ve found, and

    I\'ve tried almost everything. 1 and 3 worked especially well for me. Of course you can also try prescription


  4. #4
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    Default Re: Supplements that boost mental ability


    In my opinion, the DMAE is your best bet. I have tried most of the things mentioned, and DMAE is the only

    one that has given me a noticable boost in energy and mental focus. I prefer the liquid form myself, a bottle of it

    was only 5 bucks on Dosage? As much as you need. I never had a

    problem with taking too much of it, and I go way beyond the recomended dosages. The non-liquid form seems to be

    harsher tho, so I stay away from that now.

    Another thing you may want to look into is a light/sound stimulation

    device like the Proteus that I\'ve

    mentioned in previous posts. My GPA went way up from using that alone, definitely worth the price tag.

    Good luck!

  5. #5
    Administrator Bruce's Avatar
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    Default Re: Supplements that boost mental ability

    Vinpocetine used to be a prescription \"smart drug\". Now you can buy it over the counter in health food stores

    I suppose. I know you can buy it online at I have been taking it for a while now. Not sure if

    it works or not. Well-known smart drugs that remain presciption only are
    There is

    a nasal spray called Desmopressin that is supposed to give you a brief boost in concentration that might be good

    right before an exam.

    The books on smart drugs generally reccommend taking the over the counter supplement

    choline whenever you take smart drugs. I don\'t know if it does any good when you aren\'t taking them.


  6. #6
    Phero Enthusiast nonscents's Avatar
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    Default Re: Supplements that boost mental ability

    FYI: I am planning on trying garum extract. The brand I will get is Allergy Research/ Nutricology and

    it\'s called Stabilium. There are other products out there as well.

    I haven\'t tried it yet.

  7. #7
    Pheromaniac Sexyredhead's Avatar
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    Default Re: Supplements that boost mental ability

    </font><blockquote><font class=\"small\">Quote:</font><hr />
    Hi all,

    Remember an older posting of

    mine regarding my predicted performance on the ACT? Well, I was right - I earned the national average score of 20.

    While this will get me into some state universities (I have a shot at Texas A&amp;M), I refuse to accept this


    I did some research about my inability to score high on tests like the SAT/ACT. To see if I actually knew

    the material tested, I took both tests untimed. I was shocked to find out that I scored in the 99th percentile on

    both untimed practice exams.

    Now, when I took the actual exams, I didn\'t come close to the 99th percentile at

    all. I realized that during a timed test I lack focus, concentration, memory, comprehension, and speed. To remedy my

    problems, I am considering the following herbal supplements:

    1. Huperzine-A
    2. Ginkgo Biloba
    3. DHA

    (docosahexaenoic acid)
    4. Aceytl-L-carnatine
    5. DMAE (2-dimethylaminoethanol)

    I obtained the above list from

    webmd and was wondering if anyone has tried any of them? If so, do you think it could help treat my defects? Thanks.



    <hr /></blockquote><font class=\"post\">

    Krish, have you thought about just

    practicing? Take all the sample tests while being timed. It\'s probalby just the idea that you have to hurry

    that\'s messing you up. I don\'t think any herb/pill/supplement will really help that. This is a problem that

    many people have, and I think what you really need to do is just practice taking this kind of test until you are

    better able to deal with the time factor. You know the stuff. It\'s the timed concept that\'s getting to you.

  8. #8
    Bad Motha Holmes's Avatar
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    Default Re: Supplements that boost mental ability

    I wonder what brain-enhancing formula Robin Williams is using in lieu of the hard stuff. Seriously, I\'ll have

    what he\'s having. [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/crazy.gif[/img]



  9. #9
    Phero Pharaoh
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    Default Re: Supplements that boost mental ability


    I put in TONS of study hours, and got a 20. There\'s just something wrong here. You are right

    about the time pressure - I worry myself to death and I can\'t focus or concentrate, so I start making careless

    errors and lose comprehension. It\'s a mental thing that I feel I don\'t have any control over. *sigh*


  10. #10
    Phero Pharaoh
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    Default Re: Supplements that boost mental ability

    Ok, well, I spent about $25 to get Ginkgo Biloba, DHA, and DMAE. Of the three, I found DMAE (pill form) to be the

    most effective. However, I find that Ginko, and especially DHA complement DMAE. I\'m thinking faster and smarter.

    I\'m able to focus and concentrate like never before. For example, I tested myself under some really tough

    conditions: I turned on the tv, radio, and stero at high volume while reading a sample ACT reading passage. None of

    the distractions were successful in defeating my comphrehension of the passage. I was stunned, and had the

    confidence to register for the next ACT test date. I\'m eager to see how much more I can grasp faster while I\'m

    brushing up for it. Thanks all. [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img]


  11. #11
    Bad Motha Holmes's Avatar
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    Default Re: Supplements that boost mental ability

    Krtel, exactly how much of each are you taking? And how often?


  12. #12
    Phero Pharaoh
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    Default Re: Supplements that boost mental ability


    take 2 DHA gel caps with each meal, 2 ginko caps 2 times/day, and 3 DMAE caps a day.


  13. #13
    Carpal Tunnel Whitehall's Avatar
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    Default A couple of recommendations

    Here\'s a

    couple that I\'ve found effective and with few side effects:

    vinpocetine - great stuff, better after lunch

    than a cup of coffee

    phosphatidyl serine - a longer term supplement - it takes a few days to work - but a

    solid perfomer. A bit expensive though - the oil-filled gelcaps seem the best.

    As to taking DMAE,

    I\'ve found that it is too uncomfortable for me to use it. I just get nervous and get the jitters.

  14. #14
    Bad Motha Holmes's Avatar
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    Default Re: A couple recommendations



    Whitehall, I second that Vinpocetine recommendation. I use it, too. Good atuff.


  15. #15
    Phero Pharaoh
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    Default Re: Supplements that boost mental ability

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