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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
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    Default I wanted to KILL...

    I decided to use up my Bare Essence so I started using it in place of my lavender \'nol. The makers claim it is only \'nol. I don\'t think so. There\'s got to be something else in it or maybe my \'time of month\' affected it. I was wearing my normal 3 drops PI/w and then the BE rolled on my chest and inner elbows, maybe 12\" total. I was on the third day of my period, next to last day. I started to feel a little shaky, kind of like I\'d had too much coffee, before I\'d even finished getting dressed.

    I have to give you some background info about this situation first, so you\'ll understand the anger. I work at a factory making auto parts. There\'s another line, group, that makes a SIMILAR product to the line I\'m on. They\'ve, management, been unable to get this group of people to do the job at the speed it needs to be done to get the work done in 8 hrs. So, we\'ve been having to help. How? We\'ve been having to work a bit faster so that we can get our line finished and then we leave our area, go to their area and do as much as we can until it\'s time to leave. There was a time gap of maybe 2-3 hours between each shift, so we never saw them or vice versa. Well, the \'powers on high\' decided we needed to go to 3 shifts, with a 30 minute overlap. There is now a 3rd shift group that is having to do like we do, only they\'re SUPPOSED to be helping us. So, that we can do even more to help the first bunch. Now, we\'ve been having to accept our boss\' word for it that these people are working as hard as they can, etc.

    So, on with the story, my group comes in and we\'re supposed to start work at 2 pm. The other group is on their line (next to ours), they are SUPPOSED to keep working until it is time to leave, 2:30 pm. Well, this happened 2 days in a row prior to this day, THEY DIDN\'T. THEY QUIT WORKING AT 2:00. I was already shaking, feeling twitchy etc. So, when I saw this, my heart started to pound (really really hard) and I know my blood-pressure had to have sky-rocketed because my temples began to throb. Anyways, their boss was standing at the table like this was normal behavior. Her boss, supervisor, comes up and I call him over and LOUDLY inform him that her line had stopped working and was this normal etc. He told me no, it wasn\'t normal. I told him \'WELL, IT IS TODAY\'. He said he\'d talk to their boss about it. My boss came by a few mins later so I told her about it, so they wouldn\'t be able to ambush her with the info that one of her \'kids\' had yelled at a supervisor. It gets better. About 5 mins after this, the supers\' boss comes up to say hello to us, how do we like our new hours etc. Well, guess what. Go on guess. My boss ducked behind a table, work on our line came to a dead halt and everybody\'s mouths were hanging open. Why, because I\'m yelling at THE BOSS, the big dog, not a little one. He\'s looking at me like I\'m crazy and I\'m telling him how many parts these morons could have gotten through their line \'if they\'d been working\'. When I got done, he told me \'you\'ve got a point and I\'ll see to it that it doesn\'t happen again\'. My boss had to take me outside for an early break, about 20 mins, so that I could callm down. It actually took about 4-5 hours before did. As the night went on I became less shaky, started to feel like myself again.

    If it was the pheros, it only affected me because everyone else, of my group, stayed in a good mood (I couldn\'t understand why).

    Anyways, this occured the night before last. Last night, we go into work and ... it was very \'chilly\', shall we say, in their area. No one was talking, they were all quietly WORKING. No one spoke to any of us, later found out that their boss & super. didn\'t even speak to our boss/super. My boss found out from her sis (who is a super in another bldg) that a major a&*-chewing too place that day. That line had been watched all day, by the \'Big Boss\' and someone involved in HIRING/FIRING!!! We\'re hoping something\'s going to be done. It gets a little old having to help people that aren\'t even trying to help themselves.

    So, how was your day?

  2. #2
    Banned User
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
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    Default Re: I wanted to KILL...

    Welcome to the DARK SIDE!!! The dread OD in its various manifestations! It\'s good that you now know the stuff doesn\'t work for you but too bad you had to find out the hard way. DUH! Do the people at work have you on a watch list now? They probably all put 911 on their speed dials. Hope not. I\'ve found that it\'s best to try new stuff out in environments that won\'t cause harm to life or limb. Sounds like you just found that out too. Back to the drawing board you go. Good Luck!


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