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  1. #1
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    Default My first experiences with \"Pheromax\"

    My experience with Pheromax has been mixed. First I want to say, to this products benefit, that this stuff worked really well on my wife. I put one spray on my inner wrists and rubbed it on my neck for good measure with some after shave as a cover. My wife was hanging all over me and she was very sexually aroused (more than usual!). Since then every time I´ve worn it she still wants to cuddle and becomes aroused alot more often. The other thing is it makes us more laid back. But the downside is it makes us tired at times, and if we´re already tired it makes us wanna sleep! It´s actually good at helping us fall asleep sometimes lol.

    When I wear this stuff going out I have gotten mixed reactions. I have to say first off that I got NO hits, none! Kinda strange considering the affects it has on my wife. I was almost certain I would get atleast a couple of hits (not that anything would come of it, but I would have liked the attention). I am an average looking man with a nice build but NO game. I have noticed more looks coming my way. I would say I get looks of what seems like \"curiousity\" but nothing more. when I am talking to female colleagues I´ve noticed they chat more with me and are not in a hurry to leave (even if they have something important to do). I have also noticed that my kids (all girls) are very jumpy and even fight alot with eachother. When I wear the mones around them they seem less jumpy (even tired) and easier to control overall, so that´s another benefit. However, I think I will try out another product, maybe AE as I have heard alot of goods things about it being a good stand alone product. I am also curious about the rone as it is said to have less of the drawbacks of none. I have also heard it can even help the other mones to work better. I don´t know anything about that but I do know I have only read good things about rone as opposed to none. Even nol and A1 have had mixed reactions. I know it´s all about the mixture and that´s why I want to give AE a try unless someone else with more experience can recommend something better? I would greatly appreciate ya´lls feedback on this and I would also like to hear of experiences from other Pheromax users. Thanks


  2. #2
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    Default Re: My first experiences with \"Pheromax\"

    Hi Kevin,

    You\'ve gotten some good results with Pheromax. I\'ve used it several times and have had no results. You did get reactions outside of your family. The fact that women were hanging around you and didn\'t want to leave should tell you something. You got sexual reactions from your wife because you are sexually involved with her. It is unlikely that you will get the same from other women. It doesn\'t mean that they are not having sexual thoughts, it\'s because most women are not as obvious as men when it comes to sex. I\'d stick with the Pheromax, it seems to work very well for you. Unless you plan on cheating on your wife, who cares if other women react to it or not. I have used AE, it does work very well for me, however, it may not work for you, we all have different chemisty\'s, what works for me, may not work for you. With the Pheromax, you have a proven winner, why change to a new phero? [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smirk.gif[/img]


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    Default Re: My first experiences with \"Pheromax\"

    Thanks for your input Brian. You may be right with your assumption about my female colleages. It´s nice to know that I can actually have an influence on what someone is feeling without saying a word. It´s sort of impowering. I think you´re right though, I guess I am just being selfish, wanting more of a reaction. I should be greatful for what this product has done for me, I am seeing that now. I will stick with Pheromax. Thanks again


  4. #4
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    Default Re: My first experiences with \"Pheromax\"

    when pheromones are working, it is hard to not catch some womn having obvious reactions (perhaps just how quickly they turn their head when you come near them).

    What I am saying is that if they were working you would see things out of the abnormal that even someone with their head up their ass could recognize.

    if you are wearing every day your buildup could be ruining results. I hope you are scrubing hard and taking time off. One spray covers a wide area, making it even harder to clean.

  5. #5
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    Default Re: My first experiences with \"Pheromax\"

    Hey Darkness,
    I would say that the only extremely obvious reaction was the one my wife had the first time I tried the mones on her and maybe a couple of times after that. Other then that there´s been nothing out of the ordinary. It seems my colleages hang around me more at work (Of the female persuasion) but it wasn´t anything special. No big smiles, obvious staring, direct or indirect statements thrown my way, or anything like that. But it works extremely well on my wife (the one it was intented for) so I´m grateful and I´m not going to press my luck. I certainly can´t explain why it works so well on her but not on any others that I have encountered so far. I´m just happy it works at all. To be honest though, (had the mones worked on others besides my wife), I would have liked to make my friends jealous when they see that I was still a chick magnet after marriage, lol. Ok, let me stop now. My wife and I are humping like rabbits so it´s all good. [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif[/img] [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink.gif[/img]


    P.S. I read up extensively on mones (in this forum and on other sites) before making a purchase. So I am haven´t made any of the obvious mistakes such as build up or ODing. But thanks for keeping me on my toes.

  6. #6
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    Default Re: My first experiences with \"Pheromax\"

    Nice 1 sounds like your doing well with the new pheromax. I wouldent worry to much about the effects on others if your wife reacts this positivly to it. I\'ve read somwhere else that A1 is a good \'relationship\' mone also.
    From what I\'m reading about the new pheromax, I\'m thinking that it might just combine well with TE, TE providing the intense sexual attraction, and the pheromax providing that comfort auror and making women feel more relaxd. Soon as I get some cash together I\'l try this out.

  7. #7
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    Default Re: My first experiences with \"Pheromax\"

    What I can tell you from my experience is that Pheromax will definetly help break the ice. It certainly seems to relax ALL of the people I´ve been around (guys as well). It seems to loosen them up and even if they´re angry, it seems to calm them, (I´ve seen it first hand on 2 occasions) I think its the combination of nol and A1 in the product that is responsible for this but I´m not sure. I need to ask if you plan on using this in a relationship or to \"get girls\"? I think this would be great for someone looking to spice up the old relationship because it makes you both relax so there are less arguments and tensions seem to melt away.
    I don´t believe this product will be good for you if you plan to get girls (atleast not by itself). Using a little TE might be a good idea if it´s worked for you in the past. I do believe the scent draws women in closer to you without them even knowing it. They just seem to gravitate toward you.(this is all based on my experiences thus far with the use of this product in the field, your experiences may vary). As for the sexual arousal though, I am still skeptical. Since you´re going to use TE as the arousal spark you don´t have to worry about this but please hear me out. My wife is the only one who has been sexually aroused. I doubt it had such a dramatic affect on any others, and if it did, I am as blind as a bat, or they hid it extremely well. My personal belief is that it made my wife very comfortable, and I know my wife. When she is very relaxed (like say after having a few drinks) she is ready to jump my bones. But I believe it´s only because she was relaxed almost buzzed, (her words) that she became sexually aroused. I could be wrong, this is only my opinion. The only reaction with this product on women other then my wife is they unknowingly gravitate my way (if I stand around them for a few seconds) and they might even give a innocent look your way, that´s it! Ofcourse I am totally new to this but according to everything I´ve read, I am thinking if you add a little \"rone\" to the mix, you might have something. Only cause I´ve read that \"rone\" either makes the other mones work better or works like \"none\" without the drawbacks (or both). You´ve already got \"none\" 3mg, \"nol\" 2mg, and \"A1\" (doesn´t state how much is in the bottle, it just says now with a new ingredient, A1 or androdienon.. the feel good pheromone) Anyway, by adding a little \"rone\" I believe you have all the essential mones. Goodluck with whatever you plan on doing with this but remember, what works for one person doesn´t always work for the other. However, I do believe you´ll definitely get a reaction from this stuff! Oh, and one more thing. These mones are strong, watch how much ya use! I use 1 spray equally distributed on different parts of my upper body. and sometimes only a .5 spray. Well, good luck to ya!

    P.S. I do think you´ve got a good plan in place though by using the \"max\" as a \"break the ice\" mood setter and the TE to finish em off, lol [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink.gif[/img] Has TE worked for you in the past? I am torn between getting AE or TE. There´s been some really good things said about both but more people say that AE is a very good stand alone product as opposed to TE (according to everything I´ve read in this and other forums). Can I get your thoughts on this ? Thx

  8. #8
    Phero Enthusiast platinumfox's Avatar
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    Default Re: My first experiences with \"Pheromax\"

    I was interested in Pheromax it sounds perfect for me!

  9. #9
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    Default Re: My first experiences with \"Pheromax\"

    </font><blockquote><font class=\"small\">Quote:</font><hr />
    I certainly can´t explain why it works so well on her but not on any others that I have encountered so far.

    <hr /></blockquote><font class=\"post\">

    It\'s because your wife sees you differently than the women that you work with. You share a close and intimate life with your wife. The people you work with, are just that, people you work with. [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink.gif[/img]


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