It took me very little to have positive results with mones. I was only targeting one person, which made tunning a little easier. Finally my golden mix is 3 dabs AE, 2 APC and a spray of amouage gold.
While the results in situ couldn\'t be better I had always wondered about the lasting effects of mones; will the target think about me so possitively when I\'m not around.
This summer I\'ve been able to get what I think are some interesting results on the matter. This girl and I have only seen each other for some 6 days in the past month (we usually see each other just about every day) cus we\'ve been off on vacation at different times. She stopped in for a few days after a two week period, and confesed something quite startling to me. During those two weeks, she told me that she dreamed about me every single night. I\'ve known this girl for close to a year, and not once was I in one of her dreams. (I\'ve used pheros with her for about 3 months)
What factors could explain this? Well being apart most certainly played into it. When you see one another every day, it\'s not hard to imagine that the separation could possibly induce some dreams. But every night for two weeks? (BTW I know the girl isn\'t exagerrating when she says every night; she\'s very sparse in saying things that could seem like a completement and brutally honest).
Did the mones play an effect?
Well I can\'t say for sure, but I certainly think so.